Bill Gates: There is 'a strong possibility' Apple needs a Surface-like device



  • Reply 161 of 300
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member


    Originally Posted by bedouin View Post

    I bought an iPad as a gift for a friend yesterday. He wanted to get one of those keyboard/cover deals, but me and another friend told him, somewhat from experience, that he would quit using it in about a week.

    I think that's how it will be for most people. It eventually just becomes an annoyance, except in this case (no pun intended) you're stuck with it.

    So true, I have a bluetooth keyboard which I seldom use because once they are synced the virtual keyboard doesn't work.


    An iPad is mobile which I use all over the house and when I need to send an email I can't use the virtual keyboard imagine how annoying it is which I believe the Surface buyers will be facing.


    And Apple did the right thing use the virtual keyboard for light use and when one needs to write a novel get a bluetooth keyboard and how many of us are novel writers.

  • Reply 162 of 300
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member


    Originally Posted by BanExtremists View Post

    Real men already have built in equipment for having 'fun'.  Usually involves a partner.  They don't need to pay big money to a fruit named company to do so.

    Real men reminds me of Rock Hudson and they play with boys.

  • Reply 163 of 300
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    It's got to have every option that is fully configurable because somebody out there just might want that feature.

    True that:


    They keep on hanging on to the past. Yes yes, backward compatible and all that. I use their software at work, and have a lot of aaaahh moments.
  • Reply 164 of 300
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I welcome Microsoft to the tablet world, just as I welcomed them to the smartphone world.

    Though what they think anyone would want with a desktop OS on a multitouch device is anyone's guess. They don't seem to have learned from the last decade.

    They were in the smartphone world before Apple. I remember working on their smartphones. It was hell.

  • Reply 165 of 300
    stniukstniuk Posts: 90member
    Captain Picard standing on the bridge of the enterprise, a Romulan warbird has Just de-cloaked.
    "What's our status Riker?"
    Riker hands Picard a MS surface the keyboard flapping about underneath"
    Pickard takes the surface and goes to find a desk to set it on. He then tries to take out the flip stand which keeps on flipping back in.
    "Oh ffs" Pickard says and throws the machine on the floor."
    Worf walks over and steps on the machine, a grin on his face as we hear the thing shatter.
    Geordie hands Pickard another surface but this one is running a virus update and will be useless for at least twenty minutes.
    Data hands Pickard an iPad and says "here you are Captain, superior technology. "
    "Is it Alien?" Pickard asks.
    "No just better." replies Data.
  • Reply 166 of 300
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member


    Originally Posted by Sasparilla View Post

    Now all the words from Gates here aside, I think the WinPad stands a chance if Microsoft executes adequately (although with nothing but crashing prototypes that nobody got to play with in hand and two different versions of the WinPad at the starting gate its not looking good from a consumer confusion standpoint).  Seems like they could take share from the little part of the market that Android owns as they are in such a sad state on tablets.  There will be a group of dedicated windows users that will buy it as well (its a big market) and possibly have a WP phone to go with it.  


    It seems at this point Microsoft can finally see they and their share price will fade away over time if they don't get into the phone and tablet markets which is where the growth (future) is.  Like the game console market, they can spend years and years pouring money down a hole if they think they need to until they finally get it working enough (they made no money on Xbox and didn't start making money on the Xbox 360 for years but do now) - and they have no choice but to do this and pour money down this hole and the WP hole - for years - until they get it right enough (not for domination but for some marketshare) - the alternative is to watch the growth of their main revenue driver, PC's, tail off and eventually start shrinking.


    Apple has nothing to worry about here and I hope Microsoft can execute this...Google (android tablets) are the ones to be sweating this...


    I'll chip in though, that I still don't understand why Nokia, that had several great systems, among which a perfectly acceptable Linux alternative to Android, switched to the worst OS available at that time. I liked Nokia. I owned several of their phones and smartphones. They were durable, easy to operate... I expected them to provide what the iPhone has become.


    So, why? Why, Nokia?


    Moreover, since Microsoft basically sh**ed them with Windows 8, why can't they get all their remaining resources on one of their systems (Maemo, Symbian Touch... anything but M$), make it shiny, easy to use, easy to develop for, and use their amazing engineering to make something great and revolutionary?


    If they can't do that, they're going RIM (I mean, they'll die), in my humble opinion. Since I don't trust Samsung to innovate, nor HTC, nor Motorola, and that's most of the market in the Western world (China has several other makers, but I would not dare qualify them innovative or quality-minded)... either Nokia gets their act together, or Apple will just sit on the market for time-everlasting (or at least, for a long time...) and that's never good.


    I don't see M$ winning in the smartphone market, Android is big but not very innovative... so I guess I'll be buying more iPhones.

  • Reply 167 of 300


    Originally Posted by agramonte View Post

    yeah would be nice to have a tablet for actual talented people


    iPad is for that group that everything they own other people made and everything that has ever inspired them other people have imagined - be nice to have a tablet for the rest of us.


    iOS has always been the dumbing down of Apple - the device for "joe" - who can produce little with their time - reason why it has so many silly video games 

    This will reel the sincere and offended fanboys in like chum to explain why you're wrong.  Nothing gets 'em worked up more than questioning their technical cred.  Well played, sir, well played.

  • Reply 168 of 300

    Sort of like the Zune

  • Reply 169 of 300

    I didn't see hi mention that it Apple needed to include CTRL/ALT?DEL in their next IOS 6.0

  • Reply 170 of 300
    lvidallvidal Posts: 158member
    I certainly think that keyboard selling point is the dumbest think I have ever seen, specially [I]that[/I] cover keyboard. How is that think supposed to stay in a lap? You can't use that if you don't have a table. Even if you have a lap plate to rest that thing you'll be stuck in its fixed angle. It's a total mess. If I would use a keyboard frecuently with my iPad I could use a Apple Wireless Keyboard with me that is small enough to carry on, or use that Logitech cover or any other option. There are a lot in the market.

    The Surface keyboard cover isn't a reason to buy, that's why I think Microsoft is doomed with that device, they don't have nothing to offer besides Office in that thing. The whole presentation was 70% the keyboard and 30% "look at this design". Nothing.
  • Reply 171 of 300
    elmsleyelmsley Posts: 120member

    Technically the apple TV already has the full fledged Mac OS on it, and yet it is not accessible because it does not make sense. 


    I seriously think that MS isn't trying to compete with the iPad, they're just trying not to be a netbook.  And if they can sell hardware to make a few extra bucks, why not.  If they were really thinking straight, they would have realized that the zune made absolutely no dent in the market as it was a crappier copycat.  If they can wipe out the netbook market, all the power to them.  As an IT person, I hate "fixing" some poor student's computer because I can't image what kind of garbage is on there.  If MS can make something more palatable for both the target consumer and technical support community, all the power to them. 

  • Reply 172 of 300

    As SJ said.  The hard keyboard is a thing of the past and no longer needed.

  • Reply 173 of 300

    Maybe MS should have included a stylus and a CTRL/ALT/DEL key to go along with the keyboard

  • Reply 174 of 300
    lvidallvidal Posts: 158member
    It does include a stylus, or a stylus will be available, as in the presentation they demoed that even there's a magnetic zone aside the Surface to attach the stylus :D
  • Reply 175 of 300
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    lvidal wrote: »
    I certainly think that keyboard selling point is the dumbest think I have ever seen, specially that cover keyboard. How is that think supposed to stay in a lap? You can't use that if you don't have a table. Even if you have a lap plate to rest that thing you'll be stuck in its fixed angle. It's a total mess. If I would use a keyboard frecuently with my iPad I could use a Apple Wireless Keyboard with me that is small enough to carry on, or use that Logitech cover or any other option. There are a lot in the market.
    The Surface keyboard cover isn't a reason to buy, that's why I think Microsoft is doomed with that device, they don't have nothing to offer besides Office in that thing. The whole presentation was 70% the keyboard and 30% "look at this design". Nothing.

    Why is it so hard for some people to realize that not everyone has the same needs. For a lot of people, a keyboard on a tablet makes a lot of sense - particularly when it's so easily removable.
  • Reply 176 of 300
    I think ms will have surface success if w8 phones win the hearts and minds and, they can back up their tablet/phone ecosystem with a cheap and easily accessible app store.
  • Reply 177 of 300
    igrouchoigroucho Posts: 63member

    "I still think the iPad is crippled not having a floppy" /BG.

  • Reply 178 of 300
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Someone needs to say it:

    Surface: that's two dumb-ass tablets!

    Dictated on my iPad
  • Reply 179 of 300
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    If wRT stands for "wart" -- what does w8 signify?
  • Reply 180 of 300
    rocketmanrocketman Posts: 22member

    It will be interesting to see how well the Surface operates and competes. If Windows 8 and all supported applications perform efficiently on the new device, it will probably be successful. However, this form factor more closely resembles a modified ultra book rather than a tablet. All that being said, A successful Surface will probably cannibalize PC laptop/desktop revenues, as well as a percentage of iOS and Android sales. Key factors such as availability, functionality, reliability, versatility, and price are what ultimately drive consumer preference. High marks will spur more competition and more innovation.

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