UK judge says Samsung tablet not 'cool' enough to be mistaken for iPad



  • Reply 21 of 128
    malaxmalax Posts: 1,598member


    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    Let's be realistic though.. How many do you think bought a Galaxy Tab and seriously thought they bought an Apple iPad?


    Plenty of consumers do think a tablet is a tablet is a tablet (and is therefore an iPad).  My mother in law assumed that the apps I've shown her on my iPad would work on her Kindle fire.  The confusion isn't helped by the hundreds of high-profile apps that do have iOS and Android versions of course.


    So, while consumers don't think there is an Apple-branded iPad in a Samsung Galaxy box, plenty do think that they are "buying an iPad" when they buy an Android tablet,

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  • Reply 22 of 128
    tooltalktooltalk Posts: 766member


    Originally Posted by Wurm5150 View Post

    Let's be realistic though.. How many do you think bought a Galaxy Tab and seriously thought they bought an Apple iPad?


    Well, according to Apple, Apple employees and MOFO lawyers are still quite confused.  So how much does Apple owe Samsung in legal fees?

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  • Reply 23 of 128
    stniukstniuk Posts: 90member
    wurm5150 wrote: »
    Apple needs to move on and stop wasting millions on legal fees and just go back to innovating and kicking the competition out of the open market by keep coming out with great products.

    Yep Samsung needs new stuff to copy.
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  • Reply 24 of 128
    jmgregory1jmgregory1 Posts: 474member

    If you've ever been a manufacturer of something where you outsourced production to a "competitor" or a company that sells to a competitor, you understand why Apple takes issue with Samsung and Google (in particular).  Even if Samsung didn't purposely copy Apple's designs (iPhone, iPad), the perception (on Apple's part) would be there that they did given the relationship.  


    I've been down this road in the past, as I was using the same manufacturer that one of my customer/competitors was using.  When we started selling a product that looked, for all intents and purposes, the same as my customer's product, it ended the relationship.  The company I worked for actually had the opportunity to redesign the packaging to change the outward appearance of the product, but declined to do so because of the added cost necessary to make the change.  I assume the same thing is and has happened with Samsung, Google, HTC, etc.


    I do wish that all the other manufacturers would push forward with some real innovation - and not just for innovation's sake, but to make better products.  It's the lack of this that is causing these suits to keep popping up.  Think back to the days of the basic cell phone.  They all did the same things, but design-wise there was a lot of differentiation between brands.  Companies were willing to try just about anything, making some bigger, smaller, thinner, wider, flip, brick, slider, etc.

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  • Reply 25 of 128

    Pure crap. The Ozlolin? Never heard of it and neither has the internet, apparently. The Knight Ridder? It was never built or sold so customers can't really confuse it with an iPad since it's not a real product. And the TC1000? Well it was silver, had a keyboard and looked nothing like the iPad or the Galaxy. Apple's claim here is that the Samsung Galaxy Tab was designed to look like an existing product in the same category in which it competes. They're not suing Sony, whose tablet looks very different from Apple's. They're not suing Amazon, whose Kindle Fire features a different for factor altogether. They're suing Samsung who shamelessly steals designs and doesn't even think twice about it. Hell, wasn't there a post a while back about how Samsung was using iOS icons in their Tab series advertising? I mean, who's kidding who here? Well the Brits historically have hated Apple and I'm sure that judge probably grew up in that culture of bias, maybe he had an Acorn growing up? Who knows?

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  • Reply 26 of 128
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,861member
    I agree with the Judge's part about it not being cool enough but just cause they do a shitty job of implementing the copy does not mean they did not steal the design. IMHO it is still enough to confuse the consumer -- hell their lawyers couldn't even identify which was Samsungs. If someone who is on the same team can't tell the difference is a consumer gonna take the time to look at the diffs -- I doubt it (not giving too much credit to lawyers in general here just that they are supposedly familiar with their product).

    I agree with you. The buying public at that end of the market wouldn't know an iPad from a door knob. Plus, listening in on sales staff at Best Buy they go out of their way to point out that Android tablets are exactly the same as iPads only better half the time! Comments like 'This is an iPad really just less expensive ..."
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  • Reply 27 of 128
    robogoborobogobo Posts: 378member

    So now the judges are asking their 15 year old children to help them with the verdict?

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  • Reply 28 of 128
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,861member
    wurm5150 wrote: »
    Let's be realistic though.. How many do you think bought a Galaxy Tab and seriously thought they bought an Apple iPad?

    Just stand in the tablet area in Best Buy for an hour or so to answer your own question. You hear older folks especially saying "I want to see an iPad' and iPad simply means a tablet to many and they are easily switch sold by what ever product the sales guy wants to sell them that day. Their personal preferences really show especially the Apple haters.
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  • Reply 29 of 128
    diplicationdiplication Posts: 609member


    Originally Posted by GalaxyTab View Post

    I'm :(

    Uh... no not really.  Sorry, we meant to tell you, but it was just so...awkward.

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  • Reply 30 of 128
    wurm5150wurm5150 Posts: 763member
    ochyming wrote: »

    Do have any idea how much R&D cost?

    Boggles the mind ignorant reactions regarding this brouhaha.

    If Samsung just Stop imitating Apple and deploys real innovative work, all humanity will benefit!
    Can you imagine if Microsoft did not copy Apple back then and developed a new UI how much interaction with computers would have been advanced today?

    Yes coz generic design like rectangle, curve corners, black bezel, etc cost millions and millions of R&D money.
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  • Reply 31 of 128
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member

    I said this would happen and got slated for it. No reasonable person would mistake the Galaxy Tab for an iPad.


    Apples' claims were simply too generic like "slightly rounded corners" - since when is that an original design feature.


    The AI report does not paint an accurate representation of the courts ruling. 9 to 5 Mac has a more detailed description of the Judges' reasons.

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  • Reply 32 of 128
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member


    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    I said this would happen and got slated for it. No reasonable person would mistake the Galaxy Tab for an iPad.


    Then Samsung's lawyers must be VERY unreasonable people. 


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  • Reply 33 of 128

    Judge: I'm sorry, Apple, Samsung's tablets do not infringe on your design patents. They are simply not cool enough to be mistaken as iPads.


    Samsung: Thank you judge, we appreci ... hey! Wait a minute ...

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  • Reply 34 of 128
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member


    Originally Posted by rollerborges View Post

    Judge: I'm sorry, Apple, Samsung's tablets do not infringe on your design patents. They are simply not cool enough to be mistaken as iPads.


    Samsung: Thank you judge, we appreci ... hey! Wait a minute ...




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  • Reply 35 of 128
    diplicationdiplication Posts: 609member


    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    I said this would happen and got slated for it. No reasonable person, except of course Samsung's own lawyers, would mistake the Galaxy Tab for an iPad.


    Apples' claims were simply too generic like "slightly rounded corners" - since when is that an original design feature.


    The AI report does not paint an accurate representation of the courts ruling. 9 to 5 Mac has a more detailed description of the Judges' reasons.

    Fixed, no charge.

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  • Reply 36 of 128
    ochymingochyming Posts: 474member


    Originally Posted by jmgregory1 View Post

    If you've ever been a manufacturer of something where you outsourced production to a "competitor" or a company that sells to a competitor, you understand why Apple takes issue with Samsung and Google (in particular).  Even if Samsung didn't purposely copy Apple's designs (iPhone, iPad), the perception (on Apple's part) would be there that they did given the relationship.  


    I've been down this road in the past, as I was using the same manufacturer that one of my customer/competitors was using.  When we started selling a product that looked, for all intents and purposes, the same as my customer's product, it ended the relationship.  The company I worked for actually had the opportunity to redesign the packaging to change the outward appearance of the product, but declined to do so because of the added cost necessary to make the change.  I assume the same thing is and has happened with Samsung, Google, HTC, etc.


    I do wish that all the other manufacturers would push forward with some real innovation - and not just for innovation's sake, but to make better products.  It's the lack of this that is causing these suits to keep popping up.  Think back to the days of the basic cell phone.  They all did the same things, but design-wise there was a lot of differentiation between brands.  Companies were willing to try just about anything, making some bigger, smaller, thinner, wider, flip, brick, slider, etc.



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  • Reply 37 of 128
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member


    Originally Posted by sleepy3 View Post

    The court found numerous Apple design features to lack originality, 


    But it's still the COOLEST.


    Given that, apparently, no one else's tablet is "cool", Apple's design must be original enough to distinguish it from the rest of the pack. 


    Therefore, if Apple's design is cool, it must also be original as well. 




    I think this qualifies me for those neato judge's robes in the UK.


    In any case, I think Judge Koh's ruling is way cooler:


    U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh found that Samsung did in fact infringe on Apple's design patents. She ruled that Samsung "does not have a right to compete unfairly by flooding the market with infringing products."

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  • Reply 38 of 128
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member


    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post


    Then Samsung's lawyers must be VERY unreasonable people. 


    It's not even so much the similarities between the Tab and the Ipad. The UK court did not feel the Apple design was original anyway, with dozens of examples of prior art presented and accepted by the court.

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  • Reply 39 of 128
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member


    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post


    Then Samsung's lawyers must be VERY unreasonable people. 




    Originally Posted by diplication View Post

    Fixed, no charge.


    The Samsung lawyers must be very stupid people then.

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  • Reply 40 of 128
    huntercrhuntercr Posts: 140member


    Originally Posted by boredumb View Post

    Really, its kinda hard to tell who won this one...


    Well put, boredumb. Very clever response. I LOLed. :)

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