Nokia closes last Finnish plant amid sweeping job cuts



  • Reply 21 of 78

    The problem is everyone wants to blame the current guy when the seeds for Nokia's current struggles were sown in the mid-2000s.

  • Reply 22 of 78


    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post

    Whoever brought the intellectually-challenged Elop onboard should be in jail now...NOKIA is a goner.

    No, the people who ran the company in the mid-2000s are the ones who should be in jail.


    Since Nokia can't make iOS phones, and wouldn't have been able to compete against Samsung in the Android commodity war (see: HTC, Sony Ericsson, etc), that left building an ecosystem either in cooperation with MS as the lead OEM in Windows Phone, or competing AGAINST Microsoft (and Apple, and Google, and RIM) with their own platform.


    MeeGo *is* a fantastic OS, and the N9 is a fantastic phone (I'm using one right now)--except for apps. And Nokia just couldn't have done that on its own. (watch RIM to see for sure)

  • Reply 23 of 78
    k2directork2director Posts: 194member


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    So sad for the workers. Essentially they can thank big companies like Apple and Google for moving th majority of phone manufacturing jobs to 3rd world nations.


    The workers should also thank those dastardly consumers for preferring lower cost merchandise over higher cost merchandise. I notice some people complain about "jobs moving overseas" until they're actually in a store and suddenly decide they want the best deal possible for themselves. Hence the market always moving towards lower prices, and hence jobs moving overseas where labor is cheaper and unions weak or non-existent. 


    Personally, I call that progress. ;-)

  • Reply 24 of 78
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member

    And yet Foxconn announced that they would be hiring more people over the next two months to make up for the labor Nokia laid off.  Lets hear it for Foxconn. ppppppppppp.

  • Reply 25 of 78
    bullheadbullhead Posts: 493member


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    So sad for the workers. Essentially they can thank big companies like Apple and Google for moving th majority of phone manufacturing jobs to 3rd world nations.


    what does Apple and Google have to do with Nokia buying into the failed Microsoft Windows Phone platform?  Elop is a trojan horse installed by Microsoft to kill Symbian with the fantasy everyone will use the garbage Windows Phone OS instead.  The sole blame for Nokias failure goes to signing their death certificate by partnering with Microsoft.

  • Reply 26 of 78
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Nokia is dead. Nokia can't survive to end of year. Why to these folks lie? How do you close your last manufacturing plant, and then say you're cutting overhead. Overhead are the leaders of Nokia and their cronies. Their manufacturing plant is the only portion of their company that is NOT overhead.

    Not necessarily…. I remember when Apple closed their Fremont plant that they had opened about 10 years earlier as a state-of-the-art JIT manufacturing plant -- in Silicon Valley.

    It is sad, but we are now in a world economy. In order to be competitive most companies have shifted manufacturing overseas. Nokial will still have manufacturing -- it will just be outsourced to companies specializing in high-quality and very low costs.

    If they don't take the necessary decisions to remain competitive. -- Nokia will, likely, go out of business --- sacrificing thousands of engineering and administrative jobs in Finland and elsewhere. This current move may be the lesser of two evils!
  • Reply 27 of 78
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member


    Originally Posted by bullhead View Post


    Elop is a trojan horse installed by Microsoft to kill Symbian with the fantasy everyone will use the garbage Windows Phone OS instead.

    Have you actually used WP OS? What exactly makes it "garbage"?

  • Reply 28 of 78
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Not necessarily…. I remember when Apple closed their Fremont plant that they had opened about 10 years earlier as a state-of-the-art JIT manufacturing plant -- in Silicon Valley.
    It is sad, but we are now in a world economy. In order to be competitive most companies have shifted manufacturing overseas. Nokial will still have manufacturing -- it will just be outsourced to companies specializing in high-quality and very low costs.

    I don't think many realize just connected the world economy is. I think a notion of nationalism within a connected world makes people see the world poorly. Those that say they want those 1 million Foxconn jobs to be in the US simply don't know how bad off the US economy would have to be for that to an unfortunate reality. On a more local level it's like building in the heart of a city v a rural area. I bet one of Amazon's warehouses isn't in Manhattan.
  • Reply 29 of 78
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by k2director View Post

    Personally, I call that progress. ;-)

    Problem is long term Americans and Westerners in general will have less wealth to be able to buy these devices. Let's face it, the majority of people are currently working service jobs that have no benefits and low wages. These are the same people that have been the backbone of consumerism, but now they have far less purchasing power and are falling further into debt. 


    The newly mint Chinese workers are making pennies and won't be able to pick up the slack in purchasing and currently have no desire to. We live in a world that relies on consumers and consumers are becoming scarce. I don't call that progress.

  • Reply 30 of 78
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    I don't think many realize just connected the world economy is. I think a notion of nationalism within a connected world makes people see the world poorly. Those that say they want those 1 million Foxconn jobs to be in the US simply don't know how bad off the US economy would have to be for that to an unfortunate reality. On a more local level it's like building in the heart of a city v a rural area. I bet one of Amazon's warehouses isn't in Manhattan.

    Ha! Amazon warehouses will be in the Toolies -- New Jersey, to serve Manhattan. Amazon warehouses will be the equivalent of the truck farms that service the major metropolises...

    Did I just use "metro" in a sentence... With a positive connotation.
  • Reply 31 of 78
    blackbook wrote: »
    The newly mint Chinese workers are making pennies and won't be able to pick up the slack in purchasing and currently have no desire to. We live in a world that relies on consumers and consumers are becoming scarce. I don't call that progress.

    That's interesting. I thought that China was now the second largest market for Apple and growing rapidly. The data must be incorrect since it contradicts your narrative.
  • Reply 32 of 78
    daylove22daylove22 Posts: 215member


    Originally Posted by waldobushman View Post

    Nokia is dead. Nokia can't survive to end of year. Why to these folks lie? How do you close your last manufacturing plant, and then say you're cutting overhead. Overhead are the leaders of Nokia and their cronies. Their manufacturing plant is the only portion of their company that is NOT overhead.

    Nokia has 122,000 employees cutting 3700 is just overhead..

  • Reply 33 of 78
    daylove22daylove22 Posts: 215member


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    Problem is long term Americans and Westerners in general will have less wealth to be able to buy these devices. Let's face it, the majority of people are currently working service jobs that have no benefits and low wages. These are the same people that have been the backbone of consumerism, but now they have far less purchasing power and are falling further into debt. 


    The newly mint Chinese workers are making pennies and won't be able to pick up the slack in purchasing and currently have no desire to. We live in a world that relies on consumers and consumers are becoming scarce. I don't call that progress.

    Americans and Westerners Live beyond their means and their economies are due to collapse sooner or cannot always borrow..Asian countries live within their means and that's their strength

  • Reply 34 of 78
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by daylove22 View Post

    Americans and Westerners Live beyond their means… 


    Don't generalize or stereotype.

  • Reply 35 of 78
    bullheadbullhead Posts: 493member


    Originally Posted by hentaiboy View Post

    Have you actually used WP OS? What exactly makes it "garbage"?


    yes. the interface is beyond fugly. huge fisher price blocks on the interface, text scrolling to the right, missing tons of features iOS has, etc...  and the next and last version is not even backwards compatible. yet another brain dead move by the clueless idiots at the convicted monopolist Microsoft.   Lucky they can rely on their illegally obtained monopoly to piss away billions of shareholders money on the failed Windows Phone

  • Reply 36 of 78
    zozmanzozman Posts: 393member

    the phone market is so cut throat these days, RIM is on its way out too.

    They used to be able to coexist in the past, its sad that Nokia has fallen this hard, i used to buy Nokias back in the day.

    So many companies make it big but then rest on their laurels, Nokia & MS bigtime!. 

  • Reply 37 of 78
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member


    Originally Posted by hentaiboy View Post

    Have you actually used WP OS? What exactly makes it "garbage"?


    Not even mentioning the horrendous Metro UI (oops, I mentioned it), there is just no reason for consumers to choose such a a device with that OS over an Android device or an iPhone. 


    WP OS is the very definition of redundant. It offers the consumer nothing substantial at all over the competition. Unless we're talking about hardcore Windows fans, which is a colossal oxymoron to begin with. Which also explains Windows Phone's lousy market performance even after almost two years on the market. There is no way MS - in this current mobile market - can justify hanging on to what's supposed to be a major platform with tons of investment behind it, with consistent lower single-digit share, unless they're making a colossal, Apple-like profit. The very embarrassment alone will have MS management thinking about a - to put it diplomatically - "platform reset" in due course. 

  • Reply 38 of 78
    daylove22daylove22 Posts: 215member


    Originally Posted by bullhead View Post


    yes. the interface is beyond fugly. huge fisher price blocks on the interface, text scrolling to the right, missing tons of features iOS has, etc...  and the next and last version is not even backwards compatible. yet another brain dead move by the clueless idiots at the convicted monopolist Microsoft.   Lucky they can rely on their illegally obtained monopoly to piss away billions of shareholders money on the failed Windows Phone

    better being a sheeple in the super stupid close system where you cannot personalize anything and have to deal with yesterday technology 

  • Reply 39 of 78
    markbyrnmarkbyrn Posts: 662member
    Somehow I don't think the Ballmer 8 phone will save Nokia from the abyss.
  • Reply 40 of 78

    Sad and unfair for the employees and what it represents for Finland.


    Its a little humorous about the Nokia placement in the Trek movie.  Seems those things are often death warrants for the companies....I remember there was something called the Blade Runner effect where all or nearly all the real (at the time of the movie) companies that showed their names went bankrupt or nearly so during the next 10 years.  


    Anyone remember the heavy placement of Silicon Graphics in that Lost in Space movie (I think that was about the top of their existence) - down the tubes for them after that.

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