Nokia closes last Finnish plant amid sweeping job cuts



  • Reply 41 of 78

    I love how all these fanboys rejoice when an Apple competitor goes bankrupt. You won't be so happy when Apple has little to no competition and your precious new iPhone costs you $2000.

  • Reply 42 of 78
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Apfeltosh View Post

    I love how all these fanboys rejoice when an Apple competitor goes bankrupt. You won't be so happy when Apple has little to no competition and your precious new iPhone costs you $2000.


    Why do all you trolls think that's


    1. what Apple's doing?

    2. what we want?

  • Reply 43 of 78
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    bullhead wrote: »
    yes. the interface is beyond fugly. huge fisher price blocks on the interface, text scrolling to the right, missing tons of features iOS has, etc...  and the next and last version is not even backwards compatible.

    Sorry, I don't have a WP or an iOS device. Can you please list these "tons" of features that iOS has that WP is missing?
  • Reply 44 of 78
    bullheadbullhead Posts: 493member


    Originally Posted by daylove22 View Post

    better being a sheeple in the super stupid close system where you cannot personalize anything and have to deal with yesterday technology 


    Typical Windows drone response which makes no sense on multiple levels.  Are you recommending using the _technically inferior_ Windows Phone to not be a "sheeple"?  By your logic, you should use Palm OS to not be a "sheeple".  You know the failed Windows Phone only runs on single core processors, right? Not to mention it does not support high resolution displays?  I know you are simply regurgitating the nonsensical Microsoft talking points you were given to astro-turf but, come now.....

  • Reply 45 of 78
    bullheadbullhead Posts: 493member


    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Sorry, I don't have a WP or an iOS device. Can you please list these "tons" of features that iOS has that WP is missing?


    do you really need me to google it for you? Let me guess, you use the crappy Microsoft Bing and can not find it?

  • Reply 46 of 78
    softekysofteky Posts: 137member
    I guess this means they're Finnish-ed.

    Sorry, could not help it.
  • Reply 47 of 78
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    bullhead wrote: »
    do you really need me to google it for you? Let me guess, you use the crappy Microsoft Bing and can not find it?

    He tries to come off like he's actually curious but he's not. I'm fallen for that in the past. You can list pages of relevant differences but he won't read them, he'll just dismiss every one out of hand as being pointless, no matter how useful they are.
  • Reply 48 of 78


    Originally Posted by daylove22 View Post

    better being a sheeple in the super stupid close system where you cannot personalize anything and have to deal with yesterday technology 

    This is something I just don't get.  Are you stuck in middle school putting stickers on your trapper keeper?  You know what "personalizes" my iPhone?  The apps I choose to put on it.  I doubt anyone will have the exact same apps arranged exactly the way I have.  That's all I care about.  Wallpapers, icons, etc. is pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things (IMO).

  • Reply 49 of 78
    neweranewera Posts: 7member
    It wasn't the leaders fault, according to Obama.
  • Reply 50 of 78
    neweranewera Posts: 7member
    It was not the Leaders fault according to Obama!
  • Reply 51 of 78
    jnjnjnjnjnjn Posts: 588member
    [RIGHT][/RIGHT]Very sad to see another European firm killed off like this.
    U.S. companies tend to do that, they call it joined venture, takeover or support; I guess it's a good way to eliminate the competition.

  • Reply 52 of 78


    Originally Posted by JerrySwitched26 View Post



    It is sad.  They just can't compete at the high end, and that seems to be where a lot of the profit resides.


    Their decision to tie their high end to WinPhone 7 seems like a blunder at this point.  


    They are now trying to hang on long enough to see if they get any new life with Windows 8 on their phones.  Good luck with that.  I wouldn't count out Windows on phones yet, but it is getting increasingly difficult not to. It boggles the mind that Microsoft once had a huge cellphone business, and that they have squandered their former position.


    And  in the meantime, Nokia is going down for the count.

    Even Microsoft didn't turn to Nokia to build their craptastic Surface computers.

  • Reply 53 of 78
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by hentaiboy View Post

    Have you actually used WP OS? What exactly makes it "garbage"?


    The fact that 98% of the world's smartphone users couldn't be bothered using it.

  • Reply 54 of 78
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Sorry, I don't have a WP or an iOS device. Can you please list these "tons" of features that iOS has that WP is missing?


    Customers, mainly.

  • Reply 55 of 78


    Originally Posted by bullhead View Post


    what does Apple and Google have to do with Nokia buying into the failed Microsoft Windows Phone platform?  Elop is a trojan horse installed by Microsoft to kill Symbian with the fantasy everyone will use the garbage Windows Phone OS instead.  The sole blame for Nokias failure goes to signing their death certificate by partnering with Microsoft.

    Symbian killed itself through being terrible. It's pretty obvious your personal animus for Microsoft is clouding your judgment and ability to make a clear, fact-based argument.

  • Reply 56 of 78


    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post

    Whoever brought the intellectually-challenged Elop onboard should be in jail now...NOKIA is a goner.

    They were gone before Elop. Ever hear of OPK, or Jourma, or Anssi? They put the company in the toilet back in 2007...

  • Reply 57 of 78
    bullheadbullhead Posts: 493member


    Originally Posted by SirKneeland View Post

    Symbian killed itself through being terrible. It's pretty obvious your personal animus for Microsoft is clouding your judgment and ability to make a clear, fact-based argument.


    We know it is obvious your employer (Nokia) who hired you to work on the garbage Microsoft platform is clouding your judgement.  Windows Phone is a total failure today just as it was when Elop bought into it. While Symbian is no iOS, Nokia would have been _far_ better off working on Symbian, using Android, since at the time, it was actually selling (look at Samesung) and still is today.  So yes, Elop killed Nokia by signing a deal with a company which has a long history of backstabbing their "partners". 


    I know you are just spewing out all the Microsoft talking points given to you by your employer, but perhaps this site of reality based commentators is not for you?  PS: Have fun looking for a new job as Microosft/Elop killed your company.

  • Reply 58 of 78
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by bullhead View Post


    We know it is obvious your employer (Nokia) who hired you to work on the garbage Microsoft platform is clouding your judgement.  Windows Phone is a total failure today just as it was when Elop bought into it. While Symbian is no iOS, Nokia would have been _far_ better off working on Symbian, using Android, since at the time, it was actually selling (look at Samesung) and still is today.  So yes, Elop killed Nokia by signing a deal with a company which has a long history of backstabbing their "partners". 


    I know you are just spewing out all the Microsoft talking points given to you by your employer, but perhaps this site of reality based commentators is not for you?  PS: Have fun looking for a new job as Microosft/Elop killed your company.


    Symbian had pretty much reached the end of the road a few years ago, it just couldn't keep up with what consumers were being given with iOS and Android.


    Symbian was good in it's day, but then again so was DOS, by the time it was killed it had reached far beyond it's limitations mainly by bloating it with add-ons which pretty much rendered it useless.

  • Reply 59 of 78
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    bullhead wrote: »
    do you really need me to google it for you? Let me guess, you use the crappy Microsoft Bing and can not find it?

    So you would need to google it? Meaning you don't know, so why claim something you don't know?
  • Reply 60 of 78
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    He tries to come off like he's actually curious but he's not. I'm fallen for that in the past. You can list pages of relevant differences but he won't read them, he'll just dismiss every one out of hand as being pointless, no matter how useful they are.

    Excuse me? You seem to take a lot of interest in me when you claim I am irrelevant. Which is it? It they are claiming something, why can't they back it up with proof? To tell the truth I am very interested, I don't own either an iOS or WP device, I want to know these tons of features missing. What's the bet you can't list them either?
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