Photos of alleged fully-assembled next-gen iPhone surface



  • Reply 261 of 318
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    Whilst I think the 4 & 4S designs are amazing, Apple should drop them and lean towards something more practical for everyday use.
    The first thing I thought when I unboxed my 4 was, wow what a beautiful phone, this will cost me a fortune if I drop it. How many iPhone 4 & 4S users now have that beautiful design hidden away in some cheap and nasty case? Far too fragile for everyday use.
    Time to move on.

    Actually the glass screen is real cheap to replace now. $30 off eBay. Usually less, even less than $10. The quality, though, of course, is another story.

    But that makes you wonder. How much does Apple pay for theirs?
  • Reply 262 of 318
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    amac604 wrote: »
    hellacool wrote: »
    If you are wondering, de-Nile is a river in Egypt.
    Dear Hellatool (or Hellafool, take your pick), the saying goes like this: "Denial is not a river in Egypt". It's a formerly funny, but now passé, way of implying that someone is in denial. What you say simply states a fact, that the Nile is a river in Egypt. It's about as relevant to your point as saying "The Seine is a river in France." or "The Bronx is a borough in New York." If you're trying to be clever, do your homework first.

    LOL! Bit like 'French Champagne'.

    OT: Google is contributing to copyright infringements by orientating users to illegal links through its auto complete function. link
  • Reply 263 of 318
    vadaniavadania Posts: 425member
    daharder wrote: »
    This 'alleged' new iPhone simply looks like a slightly elongated version of the now 2-year-old iPhone 4/4S with a few tweaks here and there - Which is hardly anyhting remotely ground-breaking/innovative and it's beginning to appear that there's a certain degree of complacency in the Apple design deparment lately.
    Time for Apple to start to 'Think Different' again.
    Anyway... It'll likely sell well enough (merely because it's an Apple product), but it's becoming pretty obvious that the once creative arm of Apple is (seemingly) coming up very short on interesting ideas as of late (to include iOS 6), while competitors are truly advancing the state of mobile device technology/design.
    Come on Cook, Ivy and Company... Surely there are still a few great (design) ideas left in you.

    Mr. DaHarder,

    I am only using "Mr." due to previous posts.

    I went to school with people who majored in marketing. That was pretty cool because the things that were apparently studied there were the biggest mistakes. From what I've been told, Coke has the biggest flub in this respect. Would you like to know why?

    Apparently a long time ago they decided to change Coke. They did a consumer study to people similar to those on this forum. (stretching, but close). Apparently they stopped making Coke and started making 'The New Coke'.

    Quess what? No one bought it. It was a failed product. The stock dropped beyond sickening and it just sat on the shelves after people had their first taste.

    Pepsi was in its glory!

    Apple has really isolated themselves in their phone and tablet venture because they continue to offer their previous existing product along side the new one. However, as I pointed out that's marketing 101. College level marketing. Apparently someone at Apple went to college. ...go figure.

    So when YOU decide they need to radically change the best selling piece of hardware in the world, maybe you should keep a college level "text book case" in mind.

    Now, for my own personal query, if you had something that "sold like hot cakes", how much would you change it? I've read your posts for a long time before I started posting. You seem sane... Imagine yourself selling the best product in the world and no one is even close... How would you radically change it?

    Don't think of it as what "you" per say wold buy. Everyone else is grabbing it as fast as you could make it. How much would you really change it?
  • Reply 264 of 318
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    philboogie wrote: »
    LOL! Bit like 'French Champagne'.
    OT: Google is contributing to copyright infringements by orientating users to illegal links through its auto complete function. link

    Big Surprise. Though the counterargument is that there is legitimate content on those sites.
  • Reply 265 of 318
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    vadania wrote: »
    You seem sane...

  • Reply 266 of 318
    xmikuxmiku Posts: 32member


    Originally Posted by sr2012 View Post

    Highly doubtful Apple will do a new iPad in 2nd half of 2012. As with Apple, new connections = new adaptors. No one will really care that the iPhone has a different port. If you use the iPhone charger on an iPad it takes ages to charge. As for syncing with a PC, I guess there will be one USB cable for iPhone 5 and one cable for ~everything else~.

    It's actually amazing that Apple kept the existing USB adaptor for such a long time.


    But there is a prospect the next iPad will have the same connector as the new iPhone. Would you buy an iPad with the deprecated connector or would you wait for the next iPad with new connector? I would wait.

  • Reply 267 of 318
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    xmiku wrote: »
    But there is a prospect the next iPad will have the same connector as the new iPhone. Would you buy an iPad with the deprecated connector or would you wait for the next iPad with new connector? I would wait.

    I think only certain people would wait. Remember even at the second the iPhone 5 is launched, you've still got iPhone 4S, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPods all with the deprecated connector. So people wanting to buy an iPad or iPod or iPhone 4S will just go ahead, I think.

    Personally, I don't think the connector would affect my decision, though I have intensely followed the iPad launches by getting one within a few months of the 1, 2 and 3 (and was able to sell/ trade-in the 1 and 2).

    You know, it's just a slot. (That's what she said LOL)

    ...Also, don't forget the tons of 3rd party equipment and accessories, speakers, etc. that all use the old connection, Apple has to supply an adaptor for connecting existing 3rd party equipment, I reckon.
  • Reply 268 of 318
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    I've never seen a thread with so much idiocy, and with so many new members who have registered just to troll and make an assinine comment. The 4/4S design has become incredibly iconic, popular, and loved. I can spot an iPhone 4/4S from a mile away, compared to every other smartphone that looks like any generic plastic slab. I'm not shocked that Apple would decide to maintain aspects of this design, and simply modify the dimensions/thickness/finish from here. There's no point in reinventing the wheel, as the design is still incredibly classy, timeless, and most importantly iconic. A mature person can understand why Apple may not want to throw all this in the trash and start over with a completely new design that might have its own teething issues. This is a phone that will sell in almost every country in the world, to hundreds of millions of people. It's not some niche device that Apple can go crazy with and experiment with. It's not 2007 anymore, this is the most important product that Apple makes. Maintaining a certain degree of consistency with the ultra-popular previous model is not a crime, unless you're some 15 year old with ADD who just want some unfeasible, futuristic render they've seen poster online, as many on tech message boards seem to be.   


    Oh, and it's incredibly hilarious how the 'OMG THIS IS SO UGLY IT CANT BE REAL APPLE WOULD NEVER MAKE THE BACK LIKE THAT' mirror the comments on the lost iPhone4 perfectly- how 'ugly' it was because it had 'grooves' on the metallic band, and how never in a million years would apple make something so hideous. As it turns out, it was real, and it only became the most successful and iconic smartphone in history, and remained unchanged for 2 generations, selling hundreds of millions. SOme of you are so indignant, pretentious, and self-important, you never learn from history and recall how wrong you all were but instead spew the same comments with absolutely no humility, and end up looking like fools each time and proven wrong in epic fashion. 

  • Reply 269 of 318
    vadaniavadania Posts: 425member
    Out of curiosity, does AI's terms and conditions state anything about how old you need to be before you can join the forums?

    A simple search for anyone who puts an "i" in front of some word should immediately identify the 12 year olds, and thus result in termination of their accounts for being under age.

    That's social generalizing and you know it.

    Those posters could be 40 and you would never really know.
  • Reply 270 of 318
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    slurpy wrote: »
    Oh, and it's incredibly hilarious how the 'OMG THIS IS SO UGLY IT CANT BE REAL APPLE WOULD NEVER MAKE THE BACK LIKE THAT' mirror the comments on the lost iPhone4 perfectly- how 'ugly' it was because it had 'grooves' on the metallic band, and how never in a million years would apple make something so hideous. As it turns out, it was real, and it only became the most successful and iconic smartphone in history, and remained unchanged for 2 generations, selling hundreds of millions. SOme of you are so indignant, pretentious, and self-important, you never learn from history and recall how wrong you all were but instead spew the same comments with absolutely no humility, and end up looking like fools each time and proven wrong in epic fashion. 

    The back plate seems a bit off though, with the dual glass bands and big middle metal chunk. Who knows, it may grow on me, or it may not. I was crazy for the MacBook Pro Retina but returned it after a few days, didn't feel "it".

    But you know, at the end of the day, this is a forum where people with better things to do don't come here.
  • Reply 271 of 318
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    vadania wrote: »
    Those posters could be 40...

    And naked!
  • Reply 272 of 318
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    First off the retina MBP is a radical design. One comes to that conclusion summing up all the elements of the design. However let's be honest here, what do you really expect them to do with a design like the conventional MBP? The technology isn't here yet for a roll up MBP. The fact is the hardware that goes inside dictates to an extent the external design as does the intentional uses. That is a laptop implies a certain layout of the hardware baring any advancements in tech nology to change that.
    shaun, uk wrote: »
    The iMac design hasn't changed for the past 5 years.
    Yes it is a bit of a classic. However outward appearance isn't iMacs short comings these days, it is the rther pathetic internal structure that turns people off to the machine.
    The MBP hasn't changed for the past 4 years and hasn't changed that much for the past 11 years.
    Again what do you expect from a laptop? Further if I do go a MBP the next time I go Mac shopping I wouldn't want a dramatically changed machine for no reason. Not that the Retina machine isn't a dramatic change but at least the ergonomics are the same. This brings up human factors which for many actual users of the laptops is very important. MBPs are very nice compared to many machines when it comes to usability,the last thing Apple needs to do is throw that away in the name of design.
    The floppy, CD, retina display are internal changes. They're not design changes which is what I was talking about.
    Bull crap! A design is the sum of all of the elements a machine is composed of. In the case of laptops that means both internal and external components. This is even more screwed up on your part when you state that retina displays are internal changes. Think about that for a moment.
    Gone are the days when Apple had radical new designs every few years like the colour iMac, the Mac Cube, iMac Sunflower. Now it the same design year after year.

    The Mini has never gone through rapid design changes, nor has the iMac for that matter. The original iMac was around for a very long time before the sun flower. It should be noted that a technology advance was required to effectively replace the original iMac, that technology being LCDs.
  • Reply 273 of 318
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    shaun, uk wrote: »
    Since when? I thought Apple was omnipotent without influence from outside designs. In harmony with itself and faithful to one infinite design ethos. Simple, elegant and boring.

    As for Porsche - the only people I know who drive them are fat, middle-aged business men who think it makes them look younger and more attractive when actually it just makes them look like a prick.

    That is just men in the UK. Here in the USA men in Porsches cause wet panties to form across the country. A Porsche is a ticket to a roll in the hay.
  • Reply 274 of 318
    xmikuxmiku Posts: 32member


    Originally Posted by sr2012 View Post

    I think only certain people would wait. Remember even at the second the iPhone 5 is launched, you've still got iPhone 4S, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPods all with the deprecated connector. So people wanting to buy an iPad or iPod or iPhone 4S will just go ahead, I think.

    Personally, I don't think the connector would affect my decision, though I have intensely followed the iPad launches by getting one within a few months of the 1, 2 and 3 (and was able to sell/ trade-in the 1 and 2).

    You know, it's just a slot. (That's what she said LOL)

    ...Also, don't forget the tons of 3rd party equipment and accessories, speakers, etc. that all use the old connection, Apple has to supply an adaptor for connecting existing 3rd party equipment, I reckon.


    In my case it is kind of a wishful thinking. I recently realized I want an iPad. So I'm hoping they will release the next iPad soon, because I don't want to buy a device with deprecated connector. I wouldn't feel good about it.

  • Reply 275 of 318
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    wizard69 wrote: »
    That is just men in the UK. Here in the USA men in Porsches cause wet panties to form across the country. A Porsche is a ticket to a roll in the hay.

    Personally, from a wee kid I've always been a Lamborghini man. That engine roar. Nothing like it in the world. Forget Porsches and Ferraris. Even seeing a Lambo tear up the track in GT300/GT500 races, man seeing that in person was epic.

    However once I get my Tesla S I'll be wetting the right kind of panties.
    xmiku wrote: »
    In my case it is kind of a wishful thinking. I recently realized I want an iPad. So I'm hoping they will release the next iPad soon, because I don't want to buy a device with deprecated connector. I wouldn't feel good about it.

    No worries. Buy only what you feel good about.
  • Reply 276 of 318
    vadaniavadania Posts: 425member
    Redundant post. My bad!
  • Reply 277 of 318
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    sr2012 wrote: »
    Big Surprise. Though the counterargument is that there is legitimate content on those sites.

    Just like on MegaUpload, which the Feds closed. That was wrong, but I'm not American, who perhaps have a different opinion on that?
  • Reply 278 of 318
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member
    hellacool wrote: »
    The beginning of the end is never evident until the end is near and everyone asks, "what happened?". I'll tell you, innovation died with Steve Jobs and if the iPhone 5 does look like this than that will be a true statement. This phone is ho-hum at best. Zero innovation. You can and cut and paste so long. You can only buy up so much tech and call it your own. There statements may not mean anything today but a few years from now they will. If you are wondering, de-Nile is a river in Egypt.

    Can't help but noticing that anything post SJ is not good enough, time to move on SJ period is finished it is now post SJ.

    Design is just a sum but not the whole which is more important for the iPhone especially the features and the upgradability of its OS.

    As one commenter had said how often you you see a reign of the MacBook pro or even the air, they look the same year after year.

    We buy the iPhone because of what it can do and the ecosystem that surrounds it.

    And if you like a new look every six with a new contract you can by all means buy an android phone which refrverse every six month.
  • Reply 279 of 318
    adamcadamc Posts: 583member
    hellacool wrote: »
    Agreed, iSheep buy anything with Apple's name on it and Apple knows it. If this phone proves true, it proves Apple knows its customers. Why innovate, they buy anything.

    Ah, the design is not innovation, innovation mainly involves features.

    Do android phones innovate because of the design or the features they have?

    Keeping the same design has its advantages, it does go out of style and need not worry about being taken for something else.

    I buy the iPhone for its features and the ecosystem and the best part its OS is upgradable.
  • Reply 280 of 318
    vadaniavadania Posts: 425member
    adamc wrote: »
    Ah, the design is not innovation, innovation mainly involves features.
    Do android phones innovate because of the design or the features they have?
    Keeping the same design has its advantages, it does go out of style and need not worry about being taken for something else.
    I buy the iPhone for its features and the ecosystem and the best part its OS is upgradable.

    I'm not so sure you know what innovation is. I'm not harping on you, but bland, blank statement posts do deserve that question.

    Yes innovation involves features... Lots and lots of features.
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