Apple removes YouTube app from iOS with beta 4 release of iOS 6 [u]



  • Reply 121 of 144


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    You think only 1 out of 100 posters on AppleInsider have used iOS 6? I'd say that even among iPhone users that percentage is likely higher and that on AI the number is much, much higher. I'm certainly using iOS 6 on all devices and I can say that in the ways that I want Maps to work the Google-free version is ultimately inferior. It wasn't until beta 3 that my iPad (3) Maps felt fast, smooth, and wasn't crashing much. As of beta 4 my iPhone 4 Maps is now decent — not good, but decent. I'm still missing Street View and still have no use for FlyOver.


    I haven't yet upgraded to Beta 4 and Maps is of hardly any use to me in India right now. However, I did a quick view of 1 Infinite Loop on the iOS 6 Maps on my 4S and the maximum zoom did provide a pretty detailed (though elevated) view of the street. I have never seen Street View in action, but as Dick Applebaum did say, what I saw with iOS 6 Maps did seem like a good approximation of Street View.


    Still, I must admit that Maps may be the one thing that will be deried to no end when iOS 6 and the new iPhone are released. I think Apple are aware of this and they really do not have a choice. If they want to keep Maps in-house, they need to use the iOS user-base to feed them the data for some time till it works well.

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  • Reply 122 of 144
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,391member


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    As long as the 'YouTube' app remains available for iOS this amount to little more than Apple trying to make some kind of anti-Googee statement while needlessly inconveniencing current iOS users who expect the app to be there when they upgrade/buy a new iOS device.


    I've yet to see a shred of truth from a single post you've made on this forum. You're pretty much proven utterly and completely wrong every single time, yet you keep coming back with another off the wall, contrived post pretending nothing happened. The only question is why you're so obsessed with posting chronically on a messageboard/fansite about a company you so clearly despise. In phones, tablets, computers, and software you have a million other options. There's websites/forums that cover every single thing on this planet. Yet you choose to spend your time trolling this one, which covers a company you don't care for. I can never imagine myself, or any sane person doing this. Is there a massive hole in your life you need to fill? Clearly. Literally EVERY single post of yours is either a vitriolic attack on the company/its products, or a sarcastic ones which assumes the worst. Ever single one of your 1400+ posts just happens to have a negative 'opinion'? Can you explain the psychology that compels you to do this? I'm honestly curious. I can't imagine how miserable I would need to be to spend so much time, accumulating thousands of posts on a forum dedicated to a company I hate, when I could be discussing things I like. Most people here generally like Apple. It's why they come to this site. Your posts all stem from your extreme dislike of Apple, and I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that a rational, sane human being would spend their time doing what you do. 

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  • Reply 123 of 144
    sensisensi Posts: 346member
    It is of course a good news to have Apple un-bundling from its OSes apps and libraries that it wasn't able -for one reason or another- to keep up-to-date, either for security reasons -like previous unpatched proprietary builds of java, flash- or here features: a standalone app is the way to go to speed up the security patching and the flow of updates.

    Now nothing prevent Apple and Google to have a partnership to pre-install the new standalone app.
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  • Reply 124 of 144
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member


    Originally Posted by Sevenfeet View Post


    Apple Maps is hardly hugely inferior.  It's not completely up to snuff yet but its enough for most applications.  And Bing still is not the search engine of choice.


    Apple is a publicly traded company that is widely watched.  It's not in their best interest for "crazy vendettas".  It is in their best to control their own destiny as much as possible.  There are many reasons why that was necessary with mapping.



    Looks pretty damning to me.


    Apple's satellite data is also apparently largely out of date, black and white, and low resolution.

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  • Reply 125 of 144

    This is due to a huge dispute between Apple and Google. The decision might have been taken by Apple to eradicate the Youtube application from Apple iPAD. Already Apple has removed the Google's map application and it acquired new Navigational companies to power the map results in 3D on its own. I guess we can expect lot more from Apple.

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  • Reply 126 of 144
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Some of the reporting on this is just ridiculous and incredibly reckless. The way it's being reported in someplaces would lead you to believe you'll no longer be able to access Youtube videos on your iPhone or iPad. When in fact Google said there will be a YouTube app for iOS, and you can easily go to the mobile site in Safari, bookmark it and add it to your home screen. I don't see what the big deal is other than the media wanting to create some juicy Apple/Google controversy where none exists.
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  • Reply 127 of 144


    I don't see what the big deal is other than the media wanting to create some juicy Apple/Google controversy where none exists.

    Poor one. Didn't hear about the law suits Apple filed against Google

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  • Reply 128 of 144
    rednivalrednival Posts: 331member

    Good grief.  Everyone needs to chill out.  Both the cult of Mac and the Android apologist are loosing your minds and arguing over nothing.


    The YouTube app is OPTIONAL on an Android device, so why is it required on an iPhone?  I think the answer is simple.  


    If you remember, when the iPhone launched in 2007, there was NO App Store.  Gee...and exactly 5 years have passed.  My guess is Apple and Google had a 5 year contract for Maps and YouTube that has now expired.  For maps, I believe Apple is convinced they generally have a better product to offer and are doing so.  For YouTube, requiring it is simply unnecessary.  The timing of all this is just too prefect to be a coincidence.  It is possible the contract could have been for less time and Apple simply sees this as the right time to move on, but either way, YouTube and Maps will simply become regular apps in the App Store, just like every other Google offering.  Google is regularly releasing and enhancing its iOS offerings so there's no doubt the apps will still be around.  


    Just because this is all so personal for you guys doesn't mean it is for Apple and Google.  These are two competitors.  Apple is suing the crap out of Samsung while, at the same time, Samsung makes parts for both the iPhone and iPad.  You cannot take things too personally in the business world.  I am convinced your desire to rip each other to shreds is far greater than any tensions between Google and Apple.  For them, it's business...and sometimes that gets ugly, but rarely personal.  Granted, for Steve Jobs, it was personal and he made it known.  Apple was his baby and its understandable.  You guys are just consumers of Apple or Google products and you act like you're as invested as Steve Jobs.  

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  • Reply 129 of 144
    rednivalrednival Posts: 331member


    Poor one. Didn't hear about the law suits Apple filed against Google


    Actually I think there is only lawsuit Apple has against Google having to do with some case in Germany.  Then they sued Motorolla Mobility which is now owned by Google, but that would have happened one way or another.


    In general Apple has attacked Android by going after the handset manufacturers.  They have taken few shots at Google directly in the courts.


    Besides, Apple is suing the heck out of Samsung, who makes parts for iPad and iPhone.  Lawsuits are just an unfortunate part of business.  Stock holders get real anxious when you're not willing to go to court to defend your turf, and Apple is counter suing in many instances because various companies are suing Apple over wireless patents they believe Apple has violated.  But you'll never see an Apple fan point that out. In their mind this is all about people stealing Apple's ideas and Apple defending what's rightfully there's, but that simply is not the reality.  Counter suing is a legal strategy.  Had Apple not been sued in the first place by the likes of Qualcomm and others, there is no way of knowing if they would have taken legal actions.  It is like a war.  Once someone takes the first shot, you fire back and defend yourself.  It gives you leverage and you can hopefully settle things without a trial.


    Usually the people that win are the lawyers...all the way to the bank.

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  • Reply 130 of 144
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member

    Rednival, you're replying to a spammer. Note the signature, which is the only reason he's here.

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  • Reply 131 of 144
    sensisensi Posts: 346member
    kotatsu wrote: »

    Looks pretty damning to me.

    Apple's satellite data is also apparently largely out of date, black and white, and low resolution.
    That comparison is maybe a bit dated by now, I read somewhere that they had just updated a lot of their map data over north/south Americas and Europe. Nonetheless we will have to wait and see.
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  • Reply 132 of 144
    debdeb Posts: 3member

    Good stuff. Never liked those embedded apps I couldn't deleted. Stocks, etc. also have to go, Apple. Pretty please?

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  • Reply 133 of 144
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    deb wrote: »
    Good stuff. Never liked those embedded apps I couldn't deleted. Stocks, etc. also have to go, Apple. Pretty please?

    It's not the inclusion I care about it's the lack of a Settings option to hide hem from my home screens. Sticking them in a folder on my last screen works but it's not ideal.
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  • Reply 134 of 144
    ewanewan Posts: 36member

    Great news, I've actually never liked Apple's YouTube app and wish I could delete it. A shortcut from the home screen to Youtube works much better because YouTube's mobile version is actually much more functional.

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  • Reply 135 of 144


    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post

    ¿Cómo se dice en español "fat chance"


    Modismo... casi nulas posibilidades o que no se va a dar.

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  • Reply 136 of 144

    The iPhone steadily rose to become the dominant platform for Flickr photos. Who's to say that that can't happen with video clips? Why no discussion of Apple coming out with their own video sharing service? It would instantly be better than youtube for many reasons, the top 3 ones I can think of off the top of my head: 1) no more super-obnoxious ads, 2) better user experience/UI, and 3) I'm guessing It'd have an improved (or absent) comment system. I'm really hoping Apple surprises us with something like this in September.

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  • Reply 137 of 144
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    The iPhone steadily rose to become the dominant platform for Flickr photos. Who's to say that that can't happen with video clips? Why no discussion of Apple coming out with their own video sharing service? It would instantly be better than youtube for many reasons, the top 3 ones I can think of off the top of my head: 1) no more super-obnoxious ads, 2) better user experience/UI, and 3) I'm guessing It'd have an improved (or absent) comment system. I'm really hoping Apple surprises us with something like this in September.

    Maybe they'll do that, but remember that Flickr isn't owned by Apple either. I think the fact that people haven't been talking about Apple creating their own service is good tell that Apple isn't being anti-Google with this move.
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  • Reply 138 of 144
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    Love the smashed YouTube icon on this AppleInsider article. YouTube is so full of rubbish nowadays. *Puts on hipster glasses* ... I'm moving to Vimeo.
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  • Reply 139 of 144
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Maybe they'll do that, but remember that Flickr isn't owned by Apple either. I think the fact that people haven't been talking about Apple creating their own service is good tell that Apple isn't being anti-Google with this move.

    Yeah Apple isn't being anti-Google, it's being anti-sh*t.
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  • Reply 140 of 144
    waverunnrwaverunnr Posts: 120member

    Here, here!  That was perfect.  I'm emailing you a beer.  :)


    After being here awhile, I'm starting to learn that they simply can't help themselves...  

    Many of them are AAPL investors blinded by the kind of elitist greed that's ruining the country...    like the Repubs who believe guns and tax breaks for the 1% and telling people who can marry and who can't is OK and rational behavior. 

    I've had just about every Apple product since the //c and as much as I love the products, I can't stand the culture.  The only person that likes a zealot is other zealots, and that's only when you're lucky enough to be on the same side.




    Originally Posted by tt92618 View Post


    You know, your response reminds me why I rarely post anything at AppleInsider.


    Some of you mega-posters here have developed the remarkable trait of reverse-trolling.  That's when the most common form of expression is in fact the sort that would, in saner parts of the universe, be seen as basic trolling.  Yet here, it is considered state of the art logic.  Congratulations - all around a remarkable, though not exactly noteworthy, achievement.


    Just to set the record straight I am A) a developer, B) a strong Apple supporter who happens to own a sizeable array of Apple products, and C) NOT a major supporter of Google products or of Google itself, in many respects.


    The problem with you cultish types is that you immediately brand anyone who disagrees with you as some sort of ignoramous.  But the bottom line is this: none of you would last two days at Apple, which is by and large a place where they have no need or desire for blindly babbling morons who are incapable of rational discussion.

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