Apple adds Samsung's flagship Galaxy S III, Galaxy Note to amended 'Galaxy Nexus' complaint



  • Reply 181 of 369


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    I love how all these people have suddenly changed tack, now we are on to the good old  "iOS is stale" routine.


    Coming up next, screen size.

    well the ios is stale , and dont look like ios 6 is going to be anything of a major change , i know my son is beta testing it .

  • Reply 182 of 369


    Originally Posted by vitaminjayz View Post

    wow that samsung galaxy note 2 is huge . but nice looking close to the s3.



    Find one of the hands on videos that Samsung's released and prepare to be amazed. All the big bloggers got a few minutes with the Note 2 at the release and there's some vids of that but look for the one's Samsung has started releasing that go in depth. Simply amazing.

  • Reply 183 of 369


    Originally Posted by Dvoraak View Post

    Find one of the hands on videos that Samsung's released and prepare to be amazed. All the big bloggers got a few minutes with the Note 2 at the release and there's some vids of that but look for the one's Samsung has started releasing that go in depth. Simply amazing.

    yeah ive just read the spec ,wow




    2gb of ram and 1.6ghz  quad core .



    thats better than some laptops and net books .



  • Reply 184 of 369
    esoomesoom Posts: 155member


    Originally Posted by Dvoraak View Post

    I've loved iPhones since my first 3G. I've loved every new model even as I gradually grew tired of iOS. I jailbroke my 4S just to get some of the excitement back and that worked for a time. Honestly, I can only remember 4 additional functions since the 3G that have changed the way I use my iPhone: notifications, folders, search and Siri. Everything else that's changed in each new iteration of iOS has been relatively minor and hasn't really impacted the way I use it. My iPhone has simply been a reliable gadget that helps me accomplish more in my day.... dull.... but reliable.


    That's not good enough any more.


    Yesterday I watched a hands on video of the Samsung Note 2, and it








    Apple is about to have real problems if it doesn't shake up iOS. Given the same diet, day after day, everyone gets bored eventually.

    If Apple can only win suits in the US they aren't going to stop Samsung or any of the others. Minor adjustments to the manufacturer's OS tweaks will get them around any bans and the money doesn't really matter to ANY of the parties involved.

    I have a Note, and retired it after 3 months of use, it fits my pockets fine, but not my hands, I'm a size 7.5 glove, and my right hand thumb hurt so bad from using it I put it down and haven't looked back.  


    It's too big to use one handed, and too small to use with 2 hands.


    Dropped it multiple times too trying to reach for something in the top left or left side, the phone shifted in my hand and I dropped it.


    I'd rather use a 7+ inch tablet and a smaller size phone, currently using a S3 and Nexus 7, will be switching to an iP5 and iPad Mini when they're available.  

  • Reply 185 of 369


    Originally Posted by Andrey View Post

    He will disappoint you because you lost.


    Oh, so you found a proxy service located there? Samsung taught you how to cover your tracks.


    Or, maybe you are just bluffing.

  • Reply 186 of 369


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    I love how all these people have suddenly changed tack, now we are on to the good old  "iOS is stale" routine.


    Coming up next, screen size.


    Well, what do you expect from the flood of new posters pretending they are unaffiliated with Samsung, and "own many Apple product."


    It's disgusting to see the lows a company like Samsung will stoop to to defend their dishonorable behavior. Apparently, they know no other way but to lie, cheat and steal.

  • Reply 187 of 369


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    Well, what do you expect from the flood of new posters pretending they are unaffiliated with Samsung, and "own many Apple product."


    It's disgusting to see the lows a company like Samsung will stoop to to defend their dishonorable behavior. Apparently, they know no other way but to lie, cheat and steal.

    i have nothing to do with samsung in anyway , except i own a s3 and yes i own 3 apple products, can post pics later after my bbq.

  • Reply 188 of 369

    Sorta off-topic but still overall relevant, imo: LG had a tablet too called iPad ... 9 years ago.

  • Reply 189 of 369


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    Oh, so you found a proxy service located there? Samsung taught you how to cover your tracks.


    Or, maybe you are just bluffing.


    No, he is one of those undercover communists. I bet he develops "free" android apps in he's spare time.

  • Reply 190 of 369


    Originally Posted by Andrey View Post

    Naive Apple believes that everyone will trade modern devices for iphone. More apple spends time in court - more I believe that there will be nothing special and exciting in iphone5. SIII looks like iPhone? Just file motion in any court other then Californian and face reality.


    The iPhone always "still looked like iPhone." But that's the point. That's the key. Apple's mastered the art of marrying software to hardware. A proven device will remain much the same throughout several cycles. With Apple's current iPhone development strategy, they've captured over 30% of the US market - ALL UNDER THE SAME ROOF, with at most, 2-3 devices. 


    No on else can claim that. 


    Yes, the iPhone's design and iOS are just *that* good. And that's not even mentioning the Apple ecosystem. 

  • Reply 191 of 369


    Originally Posted by Zc456 View Post

    Sorta off-topic but still overall relevant, imo: LG had a tablet too called iPad ... 9 years ago.


    Which was as worthless as the rest. So did others, not just LG, and under different names and brands. They made good doorstops. 


    The industry blockheads (especially in the pre-iPhone days) thought all you needed was a laptop base, with a built-in screen and a bad resistive touch interface, with more or less the same OS shoved into it. Too funny. 

  • Reply 192 of 369
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,906member

    I gotta believe that Apple has two goals in litigating the patent infringers.  The first is to punish them and receive damages.  The other is to establish Apple as a company you don't want to steal from, thus avoiding litigation in the future while suppressing IP theft.  This process could go on for some time, but it should eventually work as long as they keep winning.

  • Reply 193 of 369
    How about: 15-36-24?

    Honey Boo Boo, when she grows up.
  • Reply 194 of 369


    Originally Posted by vitaminjayz View Post

    i have nothing to do with samsung in anyway , except i own a s3 and yes i own 3 apple products, can post pics later after my bbq.


    And yet, you assumed that was directed at you? Interesting.


    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

  • Reply 195 of 369


    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    I gotta believe that Apple has two goals in litigating the patent infringers.  The first is to punish them and receive damages.  The other is to establish Apple as a company you don't want to steal from, thus avoiding litigation in the future while suppressing IP theft.  This process could go on for some time, but it should eventually work as long as they keep winning.



    This is exactly right. This is at the heart of the matter. 

  • Reply 196 of 369


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    I love how all these people have suddenly changed tack, now we are on to the good old  "iOS is stale" routine.


    Coming up next, screen size.

    So nobody who's ever used an Apple product could ever go looking elsewhere for satisfaction huh? Anybody who's been around the Yahoo technology stories for awhile will recognize my ugly dog avatar and know that I've been an Apple defender for a long time now. The iPhone has the best performance bar none and I don't expect the new Note to perform as flawlessly as my 4S. I also don't expect it to bore me.


    *edit* LOL just realized my avatar isn't showing. Oh well. I've got the only ugly dog around. Ugly enough to be memorable :)

  • Reply 197 of 369
    You must have missed the review of the Nexus 7 where this very site claimed that, "<span style="background-color:rgb(242,242,242);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:21px;">While previous versions of Android and older Android hardware had a noticeable lag in user interface responsiveness, the Nexus 7 feels akin to what iPhone and iPad users are already accustomed to."</span>

    Yeah, like I posted earlier, DED would've found more to criticize. :lol:
  • Reply 198 of 369
    andreyandrey Posts: 108member
    quadra 610 wrote: »

    Yes, the iPhone's design and iOS are just *that* good. And that's not even mentioning the Apple ecosystem. 

    Well, I had Windows Mobile phone when iPhone came out and I was deeply impressed. While it also was rectangle with round corners it didn't have damn stylus and apps were 99c while apps for windows mobile were as expensive as for PC. User friendly UI etc. But years later it's still the same. My old Touch is still alive; impressive battery life. But UI isn't much different from latest iPhone or my ipad3 and this is primary source of frustration for me. I lol'd at first Android device I saw with sliding KB and look how fancy are latest One X and S3. Self isolation is Apple's tradition and that's why we live in Windows dominated world. They build their own software and hardware and compete pretty much against rest of the world. Remember Voodoo video cards? They where #1 and riva128 was nothing but raw attempt to compete.
  • Reply 199 of 369
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    the touchwiz feels nothing like the ios.

    It sure looks like it though.
  • Reply 200 of 369
    andreyandrey Posts: 108member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    It sure looks like it though.

    Touchwiz is as clumsy as any Samsung UI I ever saw. They should learn from HTC sense. At least no lawsuit danger.
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