Nokia, Motorola to unveil new phones at the 'worst time:' a week before Apple



  • Reply 41 of 95
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    The way the tech media is biased to big a** phones these days I don't think it's a 'worst time'.  If they come out with 4.5" phones And Apple does 4" the tech press will brand Apple's new phone a failure.  These days it seems nothing matters except how big the screen is.  Unless it's a tablet, then the screen size needs to be shrinking.  Because I guess people need 5" phones and 7" tablets.

    I notice this too. Like Josh from The Verge. His gadgets are an oversize phone and an undersize tablet. I really wonder about his taste.

  • Reply 42 of 95


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    FACT: Not every consumer wants, or even cares about the new(ish) iPhone.


    FACT: No one here cares, for a second, about your non-debate/discussion-contributing trollish comments.

  • Reply 43 of 95
    neilmneilm Posts: 989member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    The way the tech media is biased to big a** phones these days[...]


    Technically they're big face phones. ;-)

  • Reply 44 of 95

    Doesn't it make sense to let the consumers know the products that will be available to them before a pre-order of the new iPhone is available?  If a consumer is aware that another device is coming out, they may hold off on the pre-order and wait to check out the other device when it's released.


    I know this won't affect a large percentage of people, but this 920 announcement has me potentially holding off on an iPhone 5 pre-order.

  • Reply 45 of 95
    gordygordy Posts: 1,004member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    You're right that someone choosing something else doesn't make them one, but he is talking about Apple-haters.... of which, there's plenty crawling around.


    Exactly.  Rational people will make a rational choice, but I think the timing is squarely focused on people who do not like the iPhone, and now they have fodder for their flaimbait next week after the announcement.

  • Reply 46 of 95
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,576member
    The market is really speaking today, with Nokia down by more than 14% right now.

    It's really odd, but Microsoft is about even for the day. With the success tied up in the success of Nokia's product, you'd think that Microsoft's stock would be dropping a bit as well.

    Interesting how they seem to be insulated from this debacle.
  • Reply 47 of 95
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member


    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    The market is really speaking today, with Nokia down by more than 14% right now.

    It's really odd, but Microsoft is about even for the day. With the success tied up in the success of Nokia's product, you'd think that Microsoft's stock would be dropping a bit as well.

    Interesting how they seem to be insulated from this debacle.

    Windows 8 and MS Office.

  • Reply 48 of 95


    Originally Posted by daylove22 View Post

    its like when Apple announced a new laptop no one cares because no one is buying them 5% of the market 10 yrs ago and 5% today.


    Macs set the bar in the industry. 


    Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to play in the Apple ecosystem via a Mac. 


    Constraints: Price. No licensing to OEMs.





     8 years running:






    Apple tops in customer satisfaction for 8th year

    Once again, the company ranks first among PC makers, receiving a score of 87 out of 100 in the American Customer Satisfaction Index. HP follows in second place.


    by Don Reisinger   September 19, 2011 9:02 PM PDT 

    Macs reign supreme in ACSI's 2011 customer satisfaction study.


    For the eighth year in a row, Apple's Macs have satisfied more customers than any other vendor's PCs.

    The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), which analyzes consumer feelings toward consumer electronics and appliances, among many other products, said today that Apple's Macs received a score of 87 on the index's 100-point scale measuring customer satisfaction regarding computers. The company's satisfaction score is up 1 percentage point compared to last year's tally, and up 18 percentage points from its low in 1998. What's more, Apple's 87 is the highest mark the company has received since 1995.


    "In the eight years that Apple has led the PC industry in customer satisfaction, its stock price has increased by 2,300 percent," Claes Fornell, founder of the ACSI, said in a statement. "Apple's winning combination of innovation and product diversification--including spinning off technologies into entirely new directions--has kept the company consistently at the leading edge."


    The ACSI's scale is a comprehensive evaluation of customer satisfaction. According to the company, it conducts about 70,000 interviews with customers each year to determine how they feel on a host of variables, including "perceived quality," "customer expectations," and "perceived value." The company also looks at customer loyalty and complaints. The index, produced by ACSI, was founded at the University of Michigan's business school.











  • Reply 49 of 95
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,576member
    matrix07 wrote: »
    Windows 8 and MS Office.

    I understand that. But wp8 is also a stalking horse for Win 8 and Win 8 tablets. If there is such a lack of confidence that wp8 will sell, and that's got to be what the market is saying right now, then it must be regarded as an indictator of what they think about Win 8 as well.

    Remember that Win 8 has received poor reviews from just about everyone, other than a small handful of paid writers and bloggers, and a couple of people whose career is tied up in Microsoft's success.

    This should be giving the investment community the jitters. Well, maybe it's a delayed reaction.

    Ok, Nokia's doing much better right now, only down 11.7%.
  • Reply 50 of 95
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member


    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I understand that. But wp8 is also a stalking horse for Win 8 and Win 8 tablets. If there is such a lack of confidence that wp8 will sell, and that's got to be what the market is saying right now, then it must be regarded as an indictator of what they think about Win 8 as well.

    Remember that Win 8 has received poor reviews from just about everyone, other than a small handful of paid writers and bloggers, and a couple of people whose career is tied up in Microsoft's success.

    This should be giving the investment community the jitters. Well, maybe it's a delayed reaction.

    I think the market seeing Nokia as a one-trick pony, like their life depend on the cellphone business. But for Microsoft there will be new PCs, new tablets. A cellphone is just one part and it's always doing badly so it had affected the stock price already. I guess..

  • Reply 51 of 95

    This article is very misleading. Any time is the 'worst time' to compete with the iPhone. But that doesn't mean companies should hold off from launching their products. Win 8 is coming next month, these companies have to announce the new phones now, or in the next couple weeks, which will be even worse after the iPhone announcement.

  • Reply 52 of 95
    mcrsmcrs Posts: 172member

    Nokia had just updated its website with Lumia 920 and most of its specs and features right here and its new video right here.

    With already 100K apps, I think ithas reached that critical mass, and WP8 will survive...


    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Nokia and Motorola's events were announced BEFORE the iPhone announcement was known.

    Are you suggesting they are psychic as well?

  • Reply 53 of 95
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,576member
    matrix07 wrote: »
    I think the market seeing Nokia as a one-trick pony, like their life depend on the cellphone business. But for Microsoft there will be new PCs, new tablets. A cellphone is just one part and it's always doing badly so it had affected the stock price already. I guess..

    The problem is that wp8 has been regarded as a far better OS than the old wp7, which was based on CE, just as Win Mobile was. Nokia's Lumia phones, at least the 800 and 900 were though of as great pieces of hardware, for what they were. The new phones should be giving Nokia some boost here. But to be received like this by the markets is bewildering.

    Maybe it will keep moving back up during the day, we'll see. But if not, this is a reall problem.

    This is also extremely important to Microsoft. This uses the same kernel as Win 8 RT. They should run the same apps. It's all tied together. If this isn't a success, it's considered that Microsoft is out of the phone business, effectively. They could also be out of the ARm tablet business, and drag on any possible sales of x86 tablets, then desktops, etc.

    So this does matter very much to Microsoft. Their whole future is dependent on this UI and the new underlying programming model. As all other phone ODM's have failed to sell Win Phone phones, including Samsung, Nokia is it for them.
  • Reply 54 of 95
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member


    Originally Posted by LuxoM3 View Post

    well from a competitive standpoint its a REALLY BOLD move...

    Think of it this way... You release a phone with 4" screen, 4g/LTE, 8mp camera, 32gb ram, AND wireless charging.

    Then Apple releases similar but no charging.

    If significant enough,consumers WILL question their purchase.

    Because a bulk of iphone users aren't Apple fans. Just consumers.




    Apple will implement 'wireless' charging when it's actually- you know- wireless. 


    I fail to see the major advantage to this 'wireless' charging that requires a brick as large as the phone to be contact, which just happens to be slower than normal charging, and which adds internal complexity and bulk to the phone. There's nothing wireless about it. Yeah it's a neat gimmick, but beyond saving maybe 2 seconds a day plugging/unplugging the phone, serve no other advantage. I don't see Aple implementing a solution like this, it's simply a half way point and really non-elegant. 

  • Reply 55 of 95
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,576member
    This article is very misleading. Any time is the 'worst time' to compete with the iPhone. But that doesn't mean companies should hold off from launching their products. Win 8 is coming next month, these companies have to announce the new phones now, or in the next couple weeks, which will be even worse after the iPhone announcement.

    Pretty much every article I'm reading, from financial sites, to business competing sites, are sayi g the same thing. That this is a very bad time to be introducing new phones. These companies don't have much choice though. They've got to introduce them before the holiday season begins. And it would be even worse just after Apple's even, as HTC is planning.

    So this may not be THE worst time, but it's almost the worst time. Close enough.
  • Reply 56 of 95
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,576member
    So far they seem to be recovering a bit, now just under 10% down.
  • Reply 57 of 95
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member


    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    The problem is that wp8 has been regarded as a far better OS than the old wp7, which was based on CE, just as Win Mobile was. Nokia's Lumia phones, at least the 800 and 900 were though of as great pieces of hardware, for what they were. The new phones should be giving Nokia some boost here. But to be received like this by the markets is bewildering.

    Maybe it will keep moving back up during the day, we'll see. But if not, this is a reall problem.

    This is also extremely important to Microsoft. This uses the same kernel as Win 8 RT. They should run the same apps. It's all tied together. If this isn't a success, it's considered that Microsoft is out of the phone business, effectively. They could also be out of the ARm tablet business, and drag on any possible sales of x86 tablets, then desktops, etc.

    So this does matter very much to Microsoft. Their whole future is dependent on this UI and the new underlying programming model. As all other phone ODM's have failed to sell Win Phone phones, including Samsung, Nokia is it for them.

    Yes, it's a bit bewildering. Like Nokia can do nothing right. But I personally don't think MS tablet strategy is linking deeply with the phone. Even when they demoed Windows RT they demoed Excel. That show they try to sell it to people who's familiar with Windows in general but want something like iPad, rather than people who want it to work with their phones.

  • Reply 58 of 95
    daharder wrote: »
    FACT: Not every consumer wants, or even cares about the new(ish) iPhone.

    FACT: anyone who truly doesn't want or even care about the new iPhone isn't going bother reading this article, let alone waste time reading posts about it.
  • Reply 59 of 95


    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post



     Apple sneezes, everyone grabs a Kleenex.


    You just made me spill my beer!



  • Reply 60 of 95
    But most do. Sorry.

    Well that's your interpretation of market share.
    In my book, 68% is still larger than 20-something %.
    So, no, most don't care. Sorry
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