Nokia, Motorola to unveil new phones at the 'worst time:' a week before Apple



  • Reply 21 of 95
    All I know is the Lumia 920 is looking sexy as hell right now...I hope against all logic that Nokia hands these badboys out at 6pm when I go to the public event in NYC!!!
  • Reply 22 of 95


    Originally Posted by Zoolook View Post

    Just because someone chooses something over an iPhone, doesn't make them an "Apple hater". It's this kind of rhetoric that actually makes people hate Apple users,

    You're right that someone choosing something else doesn't make them one, but he is talking about Apple-haters.... of which, there's plenty crawling around.

  • Reply 23 of 95
    Exactly right. Moreover, that troll's comment (as usual) misses the obvious point of the article: there are eleven other calendar months....

    Pathetic little copycats.

    Nokia and Motorola's events were announced BEFORE the iPhone announcement was known.

    Are you suggesting they are psychic as well?
  • Reply 24 of 95


    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    All I know is the Lumia 920 is looking sexy as hell right now...

    I can't believe that I am agreeing with you, but the new phones do look quite beautiful.


    Too bad that their ecosystem sucks (? failure).

  • Reply 25 of 95


    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Nokia and Motorola's events were announced BEFORE the iPhone announcement was known.

    Are you suggesting they are psychic as well?

    No, just obvious business semi-intelligence.

  • Reply 26 of 95
    I can't believe that I am agreeing with you, but the new phones do look quite beautiful.

    Too bad that their ecosystem sucks (? failure).

    yea that's my biggest issue...I can't see myself buying one...but I'd love to own one.

    At this point there are only two ecosystems worth a damn as of 9/5/2012 and they are the only two I could see myself choosing between with my wallet.

    and sheesh the longer this liveblog goes on the more I want this phone lol.

    I have a big feeling Motorola is going to underwhelm so between now and next week I'm probably going to be longing for an iPhone 5 or a Lumia 920.
  • Reply 27 of 95


    Originally Posted by jblanchard View Post

    It's unlikely that either Nokia watchers (WP7/WP8) or Motorola Watchers (Android) would be affected by the Apple conference though.  The only people who might care are those who might be swayed FROM Apple, and if that's the case I doubt a new iPhone will change their minds that much.



    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    FACT: Not every consumer wants, or even cares about the new(ish) iPhone.


    The fact is Nokia and Motorola announces don't generally hit the mainstream media, so only tech enthusiast websites carry the news. Apple announces are splashed all over CNN, ABC, NBC, and Fox (in the USA). So even if someone is a WP7/8 or Android lover that doesn't pay any attention to Apple, they'll still see the free publicity from mainstream media sites and channels.

  • Reply 28 of 95

    Would it be better to introduce one's new phones after the iPhone5? If you want to capitalize on holiday buying season, you have no choice - either launch just before Apple's events or after. What's lesser of the two evils? It's silly to criticize because there is simply no other option.

  • Reply 29 of 95


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    FACT: Not every consumer wants, or even cares about the new(ish) iPhone.

    But most do. Sorry.

  • Reply 30 of 95


    Originally Posted by Wings View Post

    I see it all the time - people talk about Apple's marketing as if that's the thing driving its sales. When the ONLY thing they have said with regards to marketing the iPhone 5 is "It's almost here". 

    True. Apple isn't driving this prerelease hype - it's the rumor and speculation mill that has everyone talking.

  • Reply 31 of 95
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    FACT: Not every consumer wants, or even cares about the new(ish) iPhone.


    No, not everyone cares about the new Phone. But apparently some people compelled enough to obsessively spend their posting on a website dedicated to products they claim to not care for and despise. I feel pity for these kinds people, as I can't imagine a life so empty/angry/meaningless that joy is derived from this, instead of spending time posting about things they actually enjoy. 


    Good luck with that. 

  • Reply 32 of 95


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    I dont agree. they will get more media attention by doing it before than after.

    Because every news item about a new non-Apple phone release seems to automatically include a mention of the iPhone. It's similar to golf tournaments where Tiger Woods is playing. No matter how he's playing, there's an obligatory mention of him.

  • Reply 33 of 95

    I wonder how much this analyst was paid to state the obvious?*







    * I'm in the wrong career, obviously

  • Reply 34 of 95
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,388moderator
    "Ultimately, we believe Nokia, Motorola and HTC will regret launching important new smartphones at the same time as the world's most anticipated consumer electronics launch ever, the iPhone 5,"

    Any time an iPhone is available as an alternative is a bad time to launch anything that's not an iPhone. I'd say it's probably their only chance to get so much as a passing glance - like hanging out with a celebrity.
  • Reply 35 of 95

    Originally Posted by allenbf View Post

    * I'm in the wrong career, obviously


    Well, you've stated the obvious pretty well right here; maybe you're in the right one! image


    The logic behind the combination of those two sentences is deliciously twisted…

  • Reply 36 of 95


    Originally Posted by silverpraxis View Post



    The fact is Nokia and Motorola announces don't generally hit the mainstream media, so only tech enthusiast websites carry the news. Apple announces are splashed all over CNN, ABC, NBC, and Fox (in the USA). So even if someone is a WP7/8 or Android lover that doesn't pay any attention to Apple, they'll still see the free publicity from mainstream media sites and channels.

    its like when Apple announced a new laptop no one cares because no one is buying them 5% of the market 10 yrs ago and 5% today.

  • Reply 37 of 95
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,576member
    Gauging interest in the new wp8 and Nokia phones, specifically the 920, as an example.

    The event is on right now, with all the goodies being talked about. It can only be watched if you have Silverlight or Windows Media.

    Nokia started the day in the markets higher than yesterday, where it slid down. But shortly after the event started, the stock began rapidly slipping. As of a couple of minutes ago, real time, the stock was down about 11%.

    -11%, people!

    That shows a damning lack of confidence over these products. At worst, I expected the stock to move up by a couple of percent.
  • Reply 38 of 95

    Originally Posted by daylove22 View Post

    its like when Apple announced a new laptop no one cares because no one is buying them 5% of the market 10 yrs ago and 5% today.


    If you've nothing good to say about Apple, do you have any reason or right to be here?


    More importantly, if you've no truth to say at all… 

  • Reply 39 of 95


    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    FACT: Not every consumer wants, or even cares about the new(ish) iPhone.


    I know how you react when people disagree with you so I'll probably regret this BUT...


    You're technically correct.  My grandmother doesn't care about the iPhone, but I doubt very seriously that is the demographic you're referring to.  I have a coworker that doesn't care because he still uses a feature phone and refuses to pay for a data plan.  But neither of those people (or people like them) count.  Don't get me wrong.  I am not say my grandmother doesn't matter.  They're people and they matter, but my grandmother, my coworker, and people like them have opted out of the smart phone game for one reason or another.  It isn't that they don't care about the iPhone.  They just don't care about smart phones or data plans PERIOD.  It is their right and I don't criticize them for it.


    I believe everyone that owns a smart phone or plans to own one cares about the "new(ish)" iPhone.  For different reasons and motivations, but they ALL care.  You even care because you took time to post how much people don't care.


    Some people "care" because they seize the chance to point out what features were "ripped" out of Android.

    Some people "care" so they can point out how Apple is once again limiting freedom.  

    Some people care because they lap up anything Apple spits up and hang on every word they utter with anticipation and wonder.  

    Some people care because they generally like the features the iPhone has and don't need all the headaches that Android's "freedom" provides (this is me by the way- been there done that).

    Still others care because, like it or not, they realize Apple is a trend setter.  


    FACT:  Every time a new iPhone is announced the Android blogs I follow discusses it in the days leading up to it.  Some live blog the event.  And they ALL publish the details of the announcement and provide their perspective on it.


    When is the last time Apple Insider or any other Apple blog covered an Android phone in such detail? Or live blogged a Motorola event?


    Face it, the industry cares about the iPhone, but that "care" doesn't always mean everyone is positive about the new iPhone.  The care ranges from obsessive to interest to journalistic to disdain.

  • Reply 40 of 95
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member


    Originally Posted by daylove22 View Post

    its like when Apple announced a new laptop no one cares because no one is buying them 5% of the market 10 yrs ago and 5% today.

    Yeah, 'no one s buying them'..



    Oh and how old are you, 9? Your sig is beyond idiotic. 

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