Apple unveils redesigned iPhone 5 with 4-inch display, 4G LTE



  • Reply 321 of 392
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    Okay, that would just be cool. And not just for awesome phone-ness, but also because it would have created some of the most entertaining discussions I've ever seen on the internet. I can just imagine some of the conspiracy theories that would begin to come about with that. "Apple is programming them to buy more of their products!"

    Ahh! Even if they came out with true hologram displays, some twit would come on and say that Nintendo did it first with the 3DS.
  • Reply 322 of 392
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    hentaiboy wrote: »
    As an outright purchase Galaxy S3 is more compelling than an iPhone 5

    Galaxy S3 16GB + 64GB MicroSD card = AUD584
    iPhone 5 64GB = AUD999

    That's hardly a good reason. If you're looking at that one thing, then you aren't being serious about the phone.

    Besides, even Google has stated that the removable memory card isn't used by most people. It causes a lot of problems that Google is just now coming to grips with. There has been a big problem the way data and apps are handled that only now is being partly resolved. ICS doesn't fix the problem.

    The problem, quickly stated is that because it puts data and apps seperately on the card and internal memory, if you don't have the card, apps may not work. There could be problems with parts of the OS as well. Now, they're working on making this work properly. But it's not there yet.

    I'm not exactly accurate in this, because I'm stating it from my own internal memory.;).

    But this is one reason Apple, and some other companies haven't adopted this method.
  • Reply 323 of 392
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    hentaiboy wrote: »
    Value for money, bang for the buck, favorable cost-to-benefit ratio <insert favourite term>

    That's pretty simplistic if that's the only thing you're considering. Bang for the buck isn't decided just by the overall cost with a memory card or not.
  • Reply 324 of 392
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    desarc wrote: »

    how much does a fast 32G chip cost when you're buying them in quantities of 25 million+ ?

    It depends on the speed and reliability of the chips in question. You know that there are price levels to everything. In addition prices are a sliding value. They drop rapidly at first, but as more are purchased, the drop becomes marginal. Remember that there is a cost to manufacturer that remains the same, no matter how many are made.

    And if a company gets so many orders that they have to build another plant, then costs go up again until that plant is paid for.

    And a device costs about three times the cost of the parts. That's because the parts are only one portion of the total cost.

    I don't know Apple's prices any more than anyone outside of Apple and the companies they're buying from. Neither do companies like iFixit, and iSupply, though they pretend to.
  • Reply 325 of 392

    After all I've watched and read... This has been a pretty good day for consumers, Appe and AAPL shareholders...


    You're never going to satisfy the self-appointed  texperts -- so why even try?

  • Reply 326 of 392


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    LOL!  Without a doubt... Post Of The Year!


  • Reply 327 of 392

    It's already been decided:


    Pre ordering with Verizon on friday. Spoke with a rep and porting my number over friday afternoon. Port will take affect when I have the phone in my hand on the 21st. 

    I decided around 6pm today. lol!! 


    The Verizon rep also told me that they allow two SIM unlocks a year, so that's fine as well, and the new reports point out the Verizon & Sprint phones are the only ones that covers all networks world wide. 


    Now my only hang up is which color to get.....

  • Reply 328 of 392
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    The big question is when Apple can/will upgrade the iPad to A6 or A6X.

    As usual there are rumors that tell us all we need to know about Apple's plans!

    The major one now is that the current iPad will get the treatment the iPad2 got, with a 32 nm shrink of the A5x SoC. if that occurs, and Apple leaves the battery alone, which would be the simplest thing to do, then we will see drastically longer battery life.

    But some thought is that Apple will slash the battery somewhat, thin the case, make it lighter, and give that instead.

    There is even the thought that the IZGO display is finally ready, which would allow a less bright, less expensive, and less power guzzling backlight.

    But these are just rumors, of course.

    As for the next iPad, I do think that we'll see the A6x. Same CPU, newer more powerful GPU from the new Imagination 6000 family, I think it is, and a higher clock.

    If the new display doesn't turn up on the present model, and I don't think it will, as that would practically make it a new iPad, and leave less for the next model, then it WILL show up in the new one, assuming that Sharp, and others get it right, finally.

    Maybe 2GB RAM? We're seeing that on a couple new Android models. They do need a lot more memory than iOS, because of the multitasking model they use.
  • Reply 329 of 392


    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    As usual there are rumors that tell us all we need to know about Apple's plans!

    The major one now is that the current iPad will get the treatment the iPad2 got, with a 32 nm shrink of the A5x SoC. if that occurs, and Apple leaves the battery alone, which would be the simplest thing to do, then we will see drastically longer battery life.

    But some thought is that Apple will slash the battery somewhat, thin the case, make it lighter, and give that instead.

    There is even the thought that the IZGO display is finally ready, which would allow a less bright, less expensive, and less power guzzling backlight.

    But these are just rumors, of course.

    As for the next iPad, I do think that we'll see the A6x. Same CPU, newer more powerful GPU from the new Imagination 6000 family, I think it is, and a higher clock.

    If the new display doesn't turn up on the present model, and I don't think it will, as that would practically make it a new iPad, and leave less for the next model, then it WILL show up in the new one, assuming that Sharp, and others get it right, finally.

    Maybe 2GB RAM? We're seeing that on a couple new Android models. They do need a lot more memory than iOS, because of the multitasking model they use.

    Only improvements iPad really needs as far as hardware, is thinner, lighter, more efficient. I don't think the Tablet market has the same crazy demands as the smartphone market.

  • Reply 330 of 392
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,598member
    blackbook wrote: »
    Only improvements iPad really needs as far as hardware, is thinner, lighter, more efficient. I don't think the Tablet market has the same crazy demands as the smartphone market.

    If anything, it's worse. I use a 3D modeling app. I would like more power for that. Same thing for video editing and photo editing. This is for serious work. Phone camera video is HD these days, so even this can use more horsepower.

    Games! You can never have enough cpu or gpu for games, especially with the retina display.

    Not a direct hardware upgrade, but WHERE ARE THE API's FOR WIRELESS CONTROLLERS?

    Ok, I got that out of my system!

    You know, if Apple did that, then consoles would just shrivel up and die. Already, the new iPad has better graphics than any of the current game consoles, though the current CPU constrains it. Next year, that won't be a problem, and the next iPad will actually be more powerful than the 360 and PS3.
  • Reply 331 of 392
    jason98 wrote:
    Any other example?

    I never stated those examples satisfied all criteria
  • Reply 332 of 392


    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    If anything, it's worse. I use a 3D modeling app. I would like more power for that. Same thing for video editing and photo editing. This is for serious work. Phone camera video is HD these days, so even this can use more horsepower.

    Games! You can never have enough cpu or gpu for games, especially with the retina display.

    Not a direct hardware upgrade, but WHERE ARE THE API's FOR WIRELESS CONTROLLERS?

    Ok, I got that out of my system!

    You know, if Apple did that, then consoles would just shrivel up and die. Already, the new iPad has better graphics than any of the current game consoles, though the current CPU constrains it. Next year, that won't be a problem, and the next iPad will actually be more powerful than the 360 and PS3.

    Most people just read and surf the web on iPad. Or use it for some productive work when they don't want to lug around a laptop.


    Yes more power would be good for games, and an HD camera would be a nice progression, but I think most people just want something lighter.


    If they can shave a considerable amount of weight off the iPad while making it more powerful and efficient they'll have a winner

  • Reply 333 of 392


    Originally Posted by melgross View Post


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    Only improvements iPad really needs as far as hardware, is thinner, lighter, more efficient. I don't think the Tablet market has the same crazy demands as the smartphone market.

    If anything, it's worse. I use a 3D modeling app. I would like more power for that. Same thing for video editing and photo editing. This is for serious work. Phone camera video is HD these days, so even this can use more horsepower.

    Games! You can never have enough cpu or gpu for games, especially with the retina display.

    Not a direct hardware upgrade, but WHERE ARE THE API's FOR WIRELESS CONTROLLERS?

    Ok, I got that out of my system!

    You know, if Apple did that, then consoles would just shrivel up and die. Already, the new iPad has better graphics than any of the current game consoles, though the current CPU constrains it. Next year, that won't be a problem, and the next iPad will actually be more powerful than the 360 and PS3.


    What 3S app -- Blender?


    I think we are about 2 years away (CPU/GPU/RAM/SSD) from being able to run FCP X on an iPad -- though I believe FCP X was designed for touch.


    Lotsa' missing APIs.

  • Reply 334 of 392
    melgross wrote: »
    No. Some of the newest phones are a bit faster, but not by a huge amount. The one thing that kept the 4S in the race was the GPU, which even now, is much better than the ones on competing platforms. With Apple's OpenCL (submitted to, and accepted by the standards group on such things, and available in many places now) leveraging that really powerful GPU, the 4S has remained near the top of the charts of speed in most every area.
    If this SoC is as powerful as Apple was saying, the 5 should be a fair amount faster. But I would love to know what the GPU is.
    Yeah, I realize that. I was responding to to the challenge of what the iPhone 5 has that Androids do not have, and according to Apple the new iPhone is about twice as fast as its predecessor. I can't see why people are instantly overlooking this this fact and are not impressed by the new standard Apple has provided in the new iPhone. You know if it was only a 20 % or 30% increase in performance I could understand their disappointment with the iPhone 5. But 100%, what are these people smoking?
  • Reply 335 of 392
    hill60 wrote:
    The Galaxy S II released in February last year was the GSM model ...

    Yes, I stand corrected. An LTE-enabled smartphone with dual-band WiFi was release to market more than ten (10) months before the iPhone 5.
  • Reply 336 of 392
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    I plan to buy an iPhone 5 as soon as it becomes aailable. I will also ask AT&T to unlock my old iPhone so I can use it in Central America on a local sim. I don't relish the idea of carrying two phones but I need both a stateside number and a local number when traveling abroad. In the past I have just used a feature phone for the local sim.

  • Reply 337 of 392

    Been a iPhone user ever since the 3G version, had the 3GS, 4 and still have the 4S. Was looking forward to making the jump to the 5 but thats not going to happen anytime soon. I love everything about the new phone except its screen size. Longer screen doesn't do it for me. These days with the amount of things we can do on a smartphone and the time spent on it, a wider and larger screen makes sense and easier on the eyes. Still an Apple fan though and still think they design and build the best consumer tech on this planet. Nobody else connects hardware and software like Apple does. I am going to make the jump to the Galaxy Note 2 when its available, not sure how long it will last though... 

  • Reply 338 of 392
    aiaaia Posts: 181member


    Originally Posted by jhende7 View Post

    Wow. You have no idea what your talking about. The main camera has been improved for better low-light photography while becoming thinner. 


    The camera improvements remain to be seen. The way I read it is that they've "improved" the noise reduction. I downloaded the sample photos from Apple's site, and even these photos taken during bright lighting conditions show signs of noise reduction. Don't get me wrong - I'd be perfectly happy having the iP4S/5 as a P&S replacement, I'm just saying not to expect big improvements without a significant sensor change.


    Along the same lines, some folks are complaining about the camera resolution (8MP) staying the same - I'm actually relieved that they didn't touch this. Short of doing something along the lines of what Nokia did with their PureView, there's really no point in having more MP in a phone given the current technology.

  • Reply 339 of 392
    aiaaia Posts: 181member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I'm probably in the minority but I love the new iPhone design. Looks very classy, very well built. And IMO looks 1000% better than the leaks that came out. The leaks obviously didn't have the fit and finish of the finalized product. I'm seeing a lot of disappointment on the Apple blogs, but I think that's because unfortunately a lot of this stuff leaked so when it came to the keynote nothing really was new.

    Anyway I wish I was due for an upgrade because I'd snap one of these up in a heartbeat!


    I agree that it looks really nice. I'm actually having trouble deciding between the white and black versions - the white with the aluminum back looks stunning, while the black looks very "masculine". I think white has the edge for me, but I would need to see them both in person. One "solution" would be to get one of each - for the wife and myself. I see what you did there Apple!

  • Reply 340 of 392
    aiaaia Posts: 181member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    3. Same price as the unlocked 16GB 4S from its launch until today.


    Apple's online store is showing $549 as the price of the unlocked 4S 16GB:



    Has the price already been reduced? I thought the unlocked price was originally higher than this?

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