Apple's redesigned iMac is 5mm thin with edge-to-edge glass



  • Reply 121 of 189
    Where did the computer go?
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  • Reply 122 of 189
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    At 40% less volume I was afraid they'd lose the desktop-class Core processors but based on the speeds it looks like that isn't the case. I can't wait to see how they did it. That plug in the back means the PSU is internal so that's isn't it. Sure, the ODD is gone but that doesn't account for 40%.
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  • Reply 123 of 189
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member


    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    Very nice machine, but marketing pictures are little misrepresenting the true thickness.

    I actually believed that it was 5mm thick throughout the machine, since unable to watch the launch presentation. Little disappointed that it is not and other people will be, once they see the machine in-store.

    Maybe old fashioned and just like pure honesty.

    "We all get thicker in the middle as we age"


     - quote Fastflyer

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  • Reply 124 of 189
    UHHHHHH, no audio input is a deal-breaker. What the hell?
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  • Reply 125 of 189
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member


    Originally Posted by Stageron View Post

    Has anyone noticed that Apple is now using 5400 RPM drives. WTF! Really? This sucks.

    Yes, in the 21.5 model only.  Most likely because it is a 2.5 laptop drive because they made a DESKTOP machine so damn thin for no reason.  The 27 model is bigger and fatter, so they squeezed in a standard 3.5 7200 RPM drive.  Also, hop over to Apple's website and the 21.5 model does not have user upgradable RAM, only the 27" offers that.

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  • Reply 126 of 189
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member


    Originally Posted by BDBLACK View Post


    Probably not the only person, but for most of us a DVD drive is totally useless. Its so much easier to share video over the web and 4 gigs of optical storage is a joke by todays standards, not to mention the low durability of optical media in general.

    You are so full of BS.  You are so clueless that you don't even realize that the optical drive is dual layer, so you can store 8 GB of data on a DVD.  Low durability?  Where is your evidence to prove that?  I have CD-Rs and DVD-Rs that are over 10 years old and in perfect condition, just like the data stored on them.  Just because you drink the Apple Kool-Aid, doesn't mean everyone else in the world thinks the removal of an optical drive in a DESKTOP computer is a wise choice.  Apple has never been about clutter and external parts...but now they are because they want you to spend $1299 to $1999 and not even get an optical drive that is not considered obsolete.  You will look like a dork when someone has a music CD and you can't even rip it to iTunes because your $2,000 iMac didn't come with one.  Go buy Adobe's Creative Suite and try and install it on your new iMac...oh, you can't.  Apple removed the disc drive.  That's why my May 2011 iMac just became more valuable.  Oh, the SD card slot on the back of the iMac is another retarded move.  The side was the perfect location.

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  • Reply 127 of 189
    I cant wait.. will be ordering mine sometime in January.. cant wait!!!!
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  • Reply 128 of 189
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    IF you use (or need in this case) to use something like DIskWarrior, one must be able to boot from a DVD or another drive. So, if we need to use utilities, optical drives are kind of still needed.  Plus, some people like to make archival DVD/CD copies of audio/video/data and there are a LOT of people, like myself, that STILL buy CDs and transfer their music to HD for lossless audio rather than dl from iTunes like content suppliers.  Some of use can hear the difference between compressed and uncompressed audio.

    Very well said.  Unfortunately, the AppleInsider Fanbois can't comprehend that simple concept, nor can they comprehend product specs based on their questions.  Oh, since you mentioned DiskWarrior, the ONLY way you can update your copy of DiskWarrior is by creating a new boot DVD from the original DVD.  So I guess Apple will be selling many of their USB SuperDrives to the little fanbois that buy a new iMac, once they realize that an optical drive is still useful.


    I love how the new 21.5 model is now a crippled Mac with no user upgradable RAM slots and slow 5400 laptop drives.  Only the 27 model specifies 4 user upgradable RAM slots and 7,200 RPM drives.  When I look at my 2011 iMac, I only see the front, I don't see how thick it is, nor do I care how thin it is.  I am surprised they crammed a hard drive in there.  I thought they were going to cripple it with a 128/256 GB SSD, like the new MacBook Pro 13" Retina.

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  • Reply 129 of 189
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    If you are swapping cards out often I'd think you'd have an external USB card reader for that.


    SERIOUSLY?! What you just said is that a feature of the machine isn't really meant to be *used* very much, and if you're actually going to *use* it, then the feature isn't really of any use to you.


    I know you don't really believe that. Just blame the cold medicine and concede that a card slot on the back of the machine is a less-than-good idea.

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  • Reply 130 of 189
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member


    Originally Posted by BDBLACK View Post


    although iTunes offers higher bit-rates now, 

    AAC 256 is not a high bit rate.  Albums that I really like, I will use Apple Lossless.  Therefore, I rip the CD at the method I choose.  There are older, out of print CDs that are not available on iTunes, but still can be found through other sources, like eBay and Amazon used market.  Need a CD drive for that.  Adding clutter to your desk with external drives has never been Apple's mantra...but I guess it is now.  I am surprised Apple didn't make the hard drive external.  Apple made fun of corded and cluttered computers in 1998 with the original iMac...I guess they are moving towards that direction with the external drive requirements.


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  • Reply 131 of 189
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member


    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    UHHHHHH, no audio input is a deal-breaker. What the hell?

    I noticed that one too!  What a clusterfuck that is.  Apple's flagship desktop without audio input.  I guess Apple doesn't believe that anyone likes to record audio.  I am sure the fanbois will come up with a reason not to record audio, just like their BS reason for removing an optical drive.

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  • Reply 132 of 189
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    At 40% less volume I was afraid they'd lose the desktop-class Core processors but based on the speeds it looks like that isn't the case. I can't wait to see how they did it. That plug in the back means the PSU is internal so that's isn't it. Sure, the ODD is gone but that doesn't account for 40%.

    The new iMac is a fat-ass in the back. The alleged 5mm thinness is misleading.  Only the very edge of the iMac is 5mm, the rest of the back panel balloons out to support the components, such as a 3.5 HD in the 27" model and crippled laptop drive in the 21.5.  Apple's website intentionally doesn't show the rear of the machine from the side.  But when Schiller spun it around during the keynote, it is the same thickness as the previous models, they just tapered out the edge to 5mm.

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  • Reply 133 of 189
    v5vv5v Posts: 1,357member


    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    I noticed that one too!  What a clusterfuck that is.  Apple's flagship desktop without audio input.  I guess Apple doesn't believe that anyone likes to record audio.  I am sure the fanbois will come up with a reason not to record audio, just like their BS reason for removing an optical drive.


    Just use an external USB audio interface. And an external USB optical drive. And an external USB card reader.


    Can you believe how thin they got it? Well, at the edges anyway... like, y'know, wow. The millimeters saved on edge thickness will more than make up for all the desktop space I lose to make room for external peripherals. Who cares about hard drive speed when you get a machine that looks this good, right?

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  • Reply 134 of 189
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,392member


    Originally Posted by pinkunicorn View Post



    I'm drooling over this computer over my 5yr old black MacBook, but I'm slightly reluctant to buy. I feel like a retina & haswell model is just around the corner (April-July) window. Anyone else agree?


    Just buy. No way in hell there will be a Retina by April/July. I'd say a year at the EARLIEST, and possibly up to 2. Making those sizes of screens at retina class dpi is a massive challenge, not to mention getting the cost down to something reasonable. 


    Either way, the new iMac is a thing of fucking beauty. 

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  • Reply 135 of 189
    alexnalexn Posts: 119member
    This my first post here, and via an iPad 1 - for what that's worth ;).

    Regarding the thinness of the new iMac, it may be that the Apple engineers were working on the principle that the surface area/volume ratio would be higher with the smaller-volume casing. As an object decreases in volume the surface area/volume ratio increases. This would give more relative surface area with which to dissipate heat, and there would also be less air to trap said heat - air generally having a lower thermal coefficient than metals.

    Of course, I could be totally mistaken and the reduction in volume is not significant, but I thought I'd throw this one out there and see if anyone gets out the flame-thrower.

    Exciting news all round :).

    [Edited to remove typos]
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  • Reply 136 of 189
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,392member


    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    I noticed that one too!  What a clusterfuck that is.  Apple's flagship desktop without audio input.  I guess Apple doesn't believe that anyone likes to record audio.  I am sure the fanbois will come up with a reason not to record audio, just like their BS reason for removing an optical drive.


    So glad Apple ignores people like you who desperately cling to the past, and they have the guts to move forward. I mean, is the removal of the optical drive that much of a shock to you? If it was up to you we'd still have every legacy port in existence, because Apple only got rid of them for 'BS reasons'. The optical drive is ancient history on PCs. Get over it, or just buy a damn external drive. For the rest of us, good riddance. 

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  • Reply 137 of 189
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    welshdog wrote: »
    So are the top end versions of these new imac going to be adequate for FCP and FCP X?  I run a small post facility and we do fairly typical spot work.  No complex effects or rendering.  Just offline on Final Cut  and then online in Smoke.  With a AJA IO XT on Thunderbolt for video monitoring and a Pegasus (or similar) for a RAID this seems like a decent Mac Pro replacement for our type of work.  Of course with maxed out RAM and CPU speed.

    People in the video business or hobbyist shouldn't buy an all-in-one. Get a MP.
    jeffdm wrote: »
    I also question the wisdom of the SD card in the back. That makes it a bit awkward to use, either turn the entire machine around or grope around for the slot. I really liked the side edge slot.

    I agree. As a photographer needing to swap cards out frequently, this is not optimal. I would have rather it been on the bottom. 

    I sometimes pop it in the back of my MacMini. Works blindlessly easy. Can't see it, but you won't see it either if the slot is at the bottom.
    bdkennedy1 wrote: »
    Where did the computer go?

    Where did the power cable go?
    bdkennedy1 wrote: »
    UHHHHHH, no audio input is a deal-breaker. What the hell?

    Input it over USB. There are 4 ports, by default non in use.
    v5v wrote: »
    solipsismx wrote: »
    If you are swapping cards out often I'd think you'd have an external USB card reader for that.

    SERIOUSLY?! What you just said is that a feature of the machine isn't really meant to be *used* very much, and if you're actually going to *use* it, then the feature isn't really of any use to you.

    I know you don't really believe that. Just blame the cold medicine and concede that a card slot on the back of the machine is a less-than-good idea.

    Of course he is serious. And righteously so. If you make so many photo's that you'll be using SD Cards on a daily basis, get a reader. You probably have them lying around anyway.
    slurpy wrote: »
    So glad Apple ignores people like you who desperately cling to the past, and they have the guts to move forward. I mean, is the removal of the optical drive that much of a shock to you? If it was up to you we'd still have every legacy port in existence, because Apple only got rid of them for 'BS reasons'. The optical drive is ancient history on PCs. Get over it, or just buy a damn external drive. For the rest of us, good riddance. 

    Couldn't agree more!

    @elroth, please use the "multi" button
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  • Reply 138 of 189


    Originally Posted by v5v View Post


    Just use an external USB audio interface. And an external USB optical drive. And an external USB card reader.


    Can you believe how thin they got it? Well, at the edges anyway... like, y'know, wow. The millimeters saved on edge thickness will more than make up for all the desktop space I lose to make room for external peripherals. Who cares about hard drive speed when you get a machine that looks this good, right?


    Your suggestions are asking the person to shell out more cash for the priviledge of buying the new iMac which removes these features. Either you're being facetious are actually find the new heat transfer design foot print by the removal of the DVD a win.


    I don't care that they removed the DVD drive. I think the external add-on is fine, even if they want $79.


    To suggest external usb audio as no biggy is rather short-sighted. You're assuming the guy has that rig. How about Apple provide that adaptor of a typical input on one end and an USB 3 port adaptor on the other end?


    I'm not seeing one.

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  • Reply 139 of 189
    sirdirsirdir Posts: 199member
    OK I just learned that the 21.5" model won't have user upgradable RAM, while the 27" has 4 RAM Slots. Great.
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  • Reply 140 of 189
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member


    Originally Posted by v5v View Post


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    If you are swapping cards out often I'd think you'd have an external USB card reader for that.


    SERIOUSLY?! What you just said is that a feature of the machine isn't really meant to be *used* very much, and if you're actually going to *use* it, then the feature isn't really of any use to you.


    I know you don't really believe that. Just blame the cold medicine and concede that a card slot on the back of the machine is a less-than-good idea.


    I too thought it was somewhat comical.


    To paraphrase... "the SSD reader is in a good spot unless you actually need to use it"  image


    The location is obviously horrible from a useability standpoint. That fact isn't even arguable.


    However, a reasoned argument could be made that the loss of usability is acceptable because it allows a preferable form factor for the computer. While I disagree that it was the correct tradeoff, that is just an opinion based upon the relative value of SSD usability vs a cool looking computer. Personally, i'd rather have a usable SSD slot but others can reasonably prefer aesthetics instead.

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