Apple posts new notice saying Samsung didn't copy iPad on UK website



  • Reply 61 of 188
    Well, because Apple did exactly what they were told to do, word for word, and they were made to type it again, identically, because the judge thinks he can do that.

    … Are you reading before posting?
    I'm not only reading, I'm marvelling at the awesome American intellect on this forum - especially yours. Anyone who says the Yanks are just a bunch of thick, stupid bunch of gum-chewing, brainless racists should spend a few minutes reading through this forum before they perpetuate such garbage. To think that anyone would consider Americans to be a treacherous, turncoat tribe of shits who forget who their international allies are, should read through some of the posts on here and be ashamed of themselves. To think we fought shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the best, against the World's worst, on so many occasions, only for those selfless efforts and struggles to be negated and spat upon by the likes of you and others on this and other forums, is disgustingly abhorrent to say the least. To spit and shit on people of the UK who have nothing to do with the actions for or against what is essentially just a company that makes things, is an absolutely diabolical act of cowardice and treachery. Get a life, get some perspective, and apologise to the people you have offended and alienated for the sake of a fukcing iPad.
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  • Reply 62 of 188
    tulkas wrote: »
    I'm not American"

    I can see you boasting about that.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 63 of 188
    I doubt it.
    Do you?
    Then that proves your inadequacy and your ability to understand even the basics of what is going on around you. Now, off you go, and see if you can count your fingers and thumbs.
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  • Reply 64 of 188


    Originally Posted by Custer View Post

    Do you?

    Then that proves your inadequacy and your ability to understand even the basics of what is going on around you. Now, off you go, and see if you can count your fingers and thumbs.

    I doubt that you have thumbs.

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  • Reply 65 of 188

    Conversely, the judge in the U.S. should force Samsung to place an ad saying Samsung did copy Apple.

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  • Reply 66 of 188
    Apple really messed up on this. They insulted the judge and now their notice has a large link surrounded by a red border on their home page. No, Apple was not smart this time.
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  • Reply 67 of 188
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member

    So this is the BIG, BIG news post for the entire weekend on Apple. This is it... 


    Apple really IS doomed.

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  • Reply 68 of 188

    Originally Posted by justbobf View Post

    Apple really messed up on this. They insulted the judge and now their notice has a large link surrounded by a red border on their home page. No, Apple was not smart this time.




    I see what you did there.

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  • Reply 69 of 188
    Stupid! nuff said !
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  • Reply 70 of 188
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    custer wrote: »
    I can see you boasting about that.
    Boasting? Nope, just clearing up your misconceptions and confusion. I hate the idea of people living in ignorance.
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  • Reply 71 of 188
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,392member

    Good for Apple. They're giving this assinine judgement as much respect as it deserves. 

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  • Reply 72 of 188
    lmgslmgs Posts: 63member
    There is no free speech in the UK...

    It is clear to anyone with a brain that Samsung did, and does copy Apple..

    Statements ordered by a judge, will not change that..
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  • Reply 73 of 188
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by de Villiers View Post


    In fact - you have got it wrong. The case was NOT about copying but infringement of a drawn design. Look carefully at the wording of the apology. The case was NOT about whether Samsung copied the iPad itself. Instead, Apple was claiming that Samsung had infringed a particular registered design. The court made clear that the iPad itself may not have been the same as the registered design.



    Apple didn't claim anything; remember it was Samsung that brought the case. Apple was simply defending it. 

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  • Reply 74 of 188
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by jcallows View Post

    Conversely, the judge in the U.S. should force Samsung to place an ad saying Samsung did copy Apple.


    I'd like to agree with you, but I really can't condone poor judgements spreading around the world, no matter who it applies to.


    Two wrongs do not make a right.

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  • Reply 75 of 188
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Assuming is was done intentionally to hide the notice I don't look at it as childish at all, nor really something unexpected. Florian Mueller has a different word to describe how another judge might be viewing them when things don't go Apple's way.


    Just my personal and completely unimportant opinion but I don't consider it a well thought out move by Apple considering the number of on-going actions they have in other courts and the likelihood of other judges in other courts being aware of how they're handling an unfavorable but not terribly important court decree. The more they drag this out the more Apple keeps it in the news, and the more attention they get. With that said I'm sure Apple has deep enough pockets that they don't need to be very concerned with some court now or later being irritated with them. They're too rich and powerful to be worried.


    I think it was very well thought out.


    The initial post, stating the judge's comments, is the one that folk can actually understand. 

    The second post is just a short legal paragraph that doesn't even mention the iPad.


    You're right; this was a relatively unimportant case as it didn't involve any design that Apple ships. To me, it looks like the judge was trying to make the case look bigger than it actually was. Most of the attention drawn to it were through his actions alone; a very poor show.

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  • Reply 76 of 188

    The new notice on a blank web page looks even more innocuous than the original notice.


    Can someone please explain to me how putting up this notice can possibly have any effect at all (other than showing that it could be ordered of course)


    Who is supposed to click on the link on the main page and how is it meant to affect their perception of anything?

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  • Reply 77 of 188
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member

    I understand that this is not a proper news site, but the headline could be a little more accurate.


    There is is no iPad shipping that looks like the design in question.

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  • Reply 78 of 188
    rayzrayz Posts: 814member


    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    The funniest part? Apple added javascript to their page that ensures, no matter what screen size or resolution you are using, the link and the text on the main page will be below the bottom of your display. You are forced to scroll if you want to see it. Genuis.



    At this point, I whole heartedly applaud Apple giving the UK courts the finger, high and proud. For anyone that thinks Apple is being childish, I say they are responding to the court in kind. The order was immature and unreasonable. The response has been ingeniously alike in that regard. I look forward to the courts response. What are they going to do? Order Apple to apologize?


    Blimey, you're right. You resize the window and you still can't see the notice ... image

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  • Reply 79 of 188
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    tulkas wrote: »
    The funniest part? Apple added javascript to their page that ensures, no matter what screen size or resolution you are using, the link and the text on the main page will be below the bottom of your display. You are forced to scroll if you want to see it. Genuis.

    At this point, I whole heartedly applaud Apple giving the UK courts the finger, high and proud. For anyone that thinks Apple is being childish, I say they are responding to the court in kind. The order was immature and unreasonable. The response has been ingeniously alike in that regard. I look forward to the courts response. What are they going to do? Order Apple to apologize?

    Did they add the JS just for the UK site because I can't see the bottom of the page on my Mac either.
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  • Reply 80 of 188
    cgjcgj Posts: 276member


    Originally Posted by LMGS View Post

    There is no free speech in the UK...

    Right, could you provide evidence to support that statement?


    The UK is a member of the EU, and is thus part of the European Court of Human Rights.



    Only exceptions are for threatening, abusive or insulting speech/behaviour (but that's to stop people going around and screaming racist or homophobic things to other people).

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