Samsung Galaxy S III topped Apple's iPhone 4S in Q3 2012 sales



  • Reply 61 of 84
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Does this mean they are selling really well in Florida?!

    Couldn't help myself... sorry.

  • Reply 62 of 84


    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    So in your mind Samsung is simply producing phones and stock piling them?  Really?  That there is NO WAY they can be actually selling this many phones?  That they have a magic warehouse somewhere they ship the phones too. I love ignorance.

    It really would help if you could learn to process information a little better.


    In different markets, the extent of stockpiling will be different. Every company engages in some level of channel-stuffing. In high-growth markets, there is an even greater tendency for firms to do that, as we've seen time and time again, especially in the telecom industry.


    Samsung is getting a lot of play on it's market share numbers, and it is certainly possible that they are stockpiling in higher-end markets such as the US to feed the buzz. In other markets such as India and China (and where there's lower competition from Apple), it's quite possible they are not stockpiling, but producing great-looking numbers by selling low-end crap. If Samsung really wants to tell the truth, they have a simple option: report it, like Apple does. If they don't, I will simply assume, as an investor, that they have something to hide or they have nothing much to brag about. (They are able to get away with this because they are a Korean company and not bound by the same segment reporting requirements as in the US).


    I have no clue about actual facts, is what I am saying. Nor do you (unless you work for Samsung). The bottom line is they are keeping folks like you completely ignorant about their actual numbers and the motives for not revealing those numbers.


    I love ignorant people talking about ignorance of others.

  • Reply 63 of 84

    My god... how insecure must iPhone users be?. The first whiff of them not having the most popular phone and then all the conspiracy theories come out.

    Who gives a $h1t who is selling what... you should just be happy with the device you have regardless.

    I suppose you guys are still getting use to the fact that the iPhone is no longer the best handset out there and now this!

  • Reply 64 of 84


    Originally Posted by petrosy View Post

    My god... how insecure must iPhone users be?. The first whiff of them not having the most popular phone and then all the conspiracy theories come out.

    Who gives a $h1t who is selling what... you should just be happy with the device you have regardless.

    I suppose you guys are still getting use to the fact that the iPhone is no longer the best handset out there and now this!

    Someone was asking about the definition of a troll the other day...

  • Reply 65 of 84

    Originally Posted by petrosy View Post

    I suppose you guys are still getting use to the fact that the iPhone is no longer the best handset out there and now this!


    I think it's hilarious that people try to redefine the word 'best' to Apple's detriment.


    So 'best' no longer means "highest customer satisfaction", "highest quality", "fastest device", "most desirable UI", "largest and most successful ecosystem", or "greatest profits", while simultaneously STILl meaning "most crap crapped out".

  • Reply 66 of 84
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by leeeh2 View Post

    IMO, Apple should have made the iPad mini with a Phablet option (one more thing) and have it come out with a cool Bluetooth earpiece.  This would mean the iPad mini has a wifi, wifi + 4G data, and wifi + 4G data + voice.  Doing this would have better justified the iPad mini space better and would have been an easy way to test the Phablet market.  Everyone that loves the Phablet thinks that they can all still be bigger.  Once you are reserved to using a Bluetooth head set or a headphone, it just doesn't matter how big you get.  Add contract pricing and this would fit well in Apple's pricing strategy, as well.


    They could try a voice model but the mini is still pretty big to carry around.  I was thinking of 1280x720 (720p) phone that would be retina.  I am not sure if the screen would be big enough at that resolution (can anyone calculate the size?)

  • Reply 67 of 84

    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    I am not sure if the screen would be big enough at that resolution (can anyone calculate the size?)


    What size are we talkin'?

  • Reply 68 of 84
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    What size are we talkin'?


    What would be the screen size of a device that has a retina display (same pixels per inch) with a 1280x720 resolution.  The iPhone 5 as a resolution of 1136x640 at 326 pixels per inch.


    So what size would a 1280x720 screen be at  326 PPI?

    and while at it, what size would a 1920x1080 screen be at 326 PPI?


    Thats your daily pop quiz question :-)


    Ok, since the resolution difference is about 12.6% bigger, I think the screen would be 12.6% bigger, so 4 x 1.126 = 4.5" for the 720p device. But I am not sure I can just apply the % on the diagonal. Well 4.5" would be the screen size.


    I will just draw it and mesure it up.  The iPhone 5 is 3.5" x 2"   At 326 ppi we have 4" x 2.2" for the (1280/326)x(720/326) phone.  Ok going to draw that and mesure the diagonal.

  • Reply 69 of 84

    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    What would be the screen size of a device that has a retina display (same pixels per inch) with a 1280x720 resolution.  The iPhone 5 as a resolution of 1136x640 at 326 pixels per inch.


    So what size would a 1280x720 screen be at  326 PPI?

    and while at it, what size would a 1920x1080 screen be at 326 PPI?


    Oh, I see.


    1280x720 is 326 PPI at 4.5". 

    1280x720 at 4" is 367 PPI.

  • Reply 70 of 84
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Oh, I see.


    1280x720 is 326 PPI at 4.5". 

    1280x720 at 4" is 367 PPI.


    yep, and the 1080p phone would be 6.7"  at 326 PPI.


    So if Apple makes a phablet should it go for the 4.5" phone or the 6.7" phone?  :-)

  • Reply 71 of 84


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post


    yep, and the 1080p phone would be 6.7"  at 326 PPI.


    So if Apple makes a phablet should it go for the 4.5" phone or the 6.7" phone?  :-)

    The real questions...


    Should it have a stylus and should it come in brown.

  • Reply 72 of 84
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    The real questions...


    Should it have a stylus and should it come in brown.


    lol, like I said almost anything would be better than a stylus.  I was thinking of discreet "spy style" bluetooth ear/micro.  I am saying this because at my work place we think the guy (IT geek) that walk around all day long with its bluetooth look pretty stupid. btw we are all IT where I work, its just that some fit the stereotype more than others.

  • Reply 73 of 84
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member


    Originally Posted by bigmike View Post

    Maybe Toyota outsold Nissan. Maybe Coke outsold Pepsi. Who gives a shit?


    Lots of fanboys....and some angry AAPL stockholders like me.

  • Reply 74 of 84
    sensisensi Posts: 346member
    chris_ca wrote: »
    Really? The first time in the long, long, long 8 month (at that time) history of that device?
    The launch and availability weren't global, e.g. it was only released at the end of june in North America.
  • Reply 75 of 84
    sensisensi Posts: 346member
    how long did they wait for Jelly Bean? And how many are still waiting?
    Well I know some people who are still waiting for say Siri over their perfectly capable iPhone 4 updated to iOS 6, i.e. the "restricted version"... If you are able to update iOS but are arbitrarily denied access -IMEI blocking for Siri- or left out of the new software features (turn-by-turn navigation, panorama, etc) you will have to wait ad vitam aeternam for such deliberate limitation to be reversed by Apple.
  • Reply 76 of 84

    Originally Posted by Sensi View Post

    Well I know some people who are still waiting for say Siri over their perfectly capable iPhone 4…


    Thing is, it isn't. So they'll wait forever.

    …arbitrarily denied access -IMEI blocking for Siri-


    Uh, what? Mind explaining how that works on the devices that don't have IMEIs?

  • Reply 77 of 84


    Originally Posted by ericblr View Post

    The Galaxy S3 is also very crash prone. I know several people with galaxy's and they are all having a random reboot issue. It's also all over the web. I like android as well as ios but the galaxy s3 to me is junk.


    sounds like my MacBook Pro Retina 15" I just bought (less than a month ago)..   Spent the first two weeks troubleshooting Wifi/Bluetooth prob (which, otw, is all over the web and Apple hasn't fixed), now it crashes every 3-4 days. 


    Well, I'm not running NASA's Mars Curiosity mission control center or anything, but I try to be brand neutral. To me MacBook Pro Retina is a junk. I guess nothing is perfect. image

  • Reply 78 of 84
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    You can't add models.This isn't a brand survey, it's a device survey. 


    This is only because one device ramped up and another was winding down for a new one. Next quarter all will return to normal. Nothing to really see here. Though I suppose it's good news to Samsung since there are 9000 Android phones.


    So should the quad core "international" S III be added to the dual core "4G" S III?


    Samsung reported 30 million "delivered" whatever the hell that means, maybe they figure it sounds more "smooth", than "shipped".

  • Reply 79 of 84
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    This device has a very impressive sales[/shipment rate.

    • May 29 — sold to 28 countries

    • June 20 — released in N. America

    • July 22 — 10 millionth unit sold/shipped

    • Sept 6 — 20 millionth unit sold/shipped

    • Nov 3 — 30 millionth unit sold/shipped

    Regardless of if you like this device, Android or Samsung these are impressive numbers. Even if you think they are all "fake" numbers because they are not reports from quarterly earnings on sales in the same way Apple releases numbers they have still sold nearly that many as it does not behoove Samsung to keep producing a product they can't move. Bottom line this device is a huge success.

    That said, it's only bested the iPhone 4S at the every end of its cycle, and just barely, but no other no competitor's phone has come close to the iPhone in years so it's something to be commended.

    The device sold well on its own merit, both in terms of suitable numbers to justify its development and show growth over prior models. That in itself is something that's relatively easy to establish without getting back to the endless debate.



    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    We may be entering a new era where Apple products are released when the technology is available in quantity to manufacture them... The iPad 4 may be an example of this.

    Phones are different (because of the carrier subsidy) but even that may be changing.

    I welcome the day that phone hardware costs aren't buried by high interest loans built into your monthly plan. It's possible that they'll adjust their release cycle, but this would probably burn out the people who upgrade every cycle. Apple would obviously have a lot more data on their own customer patterns, and this may represent a small fraction of their total sales.


    Originally Posted by tooltalk View Post


    sounds like my MacBook Pro Retina 15" I just bought (less than a month ago)..   Spent the first two weeks troubleshooting Wifi/Bluetooth prob (which, otw, is all over the web and Apple hasn't fixed), now it crashes every 3-4 days. 


    Well, I'm not running NASA's Mars Curiosity mission control center or anything, but I try to be brand neutral. To me MacBook Pro Retina is a junk. I guess nothing is perfect. image

    I may have to end in my own 2011 macbook pro. It's started to show a disturbing backlight bleed effect whenever it's running hot. I have to wonder if this is due to warping at high temperatures or something of that sort. Either way it's annoying and I'm going to try Apple + authorized repair centers to see who gives me the fastest repair time.

  • Reply 80 of 84
    KIA is selling a lot of cars too, I'll take the BMW
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