Apple's redesigned iMacs will go on sale this Friday



  • Reply 21 of 121


    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    It's not about Christmas, It's about the refresh cycle. All they had to do was release a CPU/GPU update in the old chasis much earlier on this year. Then release the new system once production is up and running and wow everyone.


    Instead they had a large drop off in sales for desktop iMacs and two months of no sales full stop on iMacs. 


    I'm sorry, but if this is not a monumental cock up I don't know what is.

    Fair enough

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  • Reply 22 of 121
    allenbf wrote: »
    People whined about there being no iMacs.  Apple revealed a new design and said "Available November."  Now they're whining because it wasn't Nov 1, it's 4 whole weeks later!  This is unacceptable, Cook must be fired.

    Seriously, people?  What are we, toddlers?  My 5 year old has more patience than this.

    Consumers don't have patience. Not having iMacs available in the Apple store was a f*ck up. Period.
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  • Reply 23 of 121
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    enjourni wrote: »

    Sorry, but you're wrong. iMac sales are still a HUGE part of apple. Not as much as laptop sales I will give you, but way more then you think.

    Edit: OK, Mac sales in general are only about 10-15% of the company, and obviously iMacs are an even smaller piece. But at the size of apple, that's still multiple millions of dollars worth of product that is not getting sold.

    And if they end up losing billions because they had to divert resources for other Apple products so they can pushed out new iMac at a higher cost you would still think they made the right choice? I certainly don't. Bottom line is the iMac accounts for very little of Apple's profit and the cost for the device makes it less likely to be someone might instantly decide to buy if they see online or in a store.

    Let's also remember that Apple doesn't build most of the components in the device. What if a deal with a vendor fell through or the vendor ended up shipping them inferior components. Would you want Apple to use these inferior parts to meet a self imposed deadline (a deadline they have made, BTW) or would you rather they did it right?
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  • Reply 24 of 121

    Finally!!!! :D

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  • Reply 25 of 121
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    Good things come to those who wait. Just ask fans of Valve's video games. :)

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  • Reply 26 of 121


    Originally Posted by allenbf View Post

    People whined about there being no iMacs.  Apple revealed a new design and said "Available November."  Now they're whining because it wasn't Nov 1, it's 4 whole weeks later!  This is unacceptable, Cook must be fired.


    Seriously, people?  What are we, toddlers?  My 5 year old has more patience than this.


    Patience is not the problem. Sure there are people going to be upset because they want the new iMac and it's several months away. I personally think apple shouldn't even announce it if it's not ready to go shortly after (because sales of the existing product will dry up).


    But believe it or not, many people who don't read online have absolutely no idea that new iMac's are coming out... these are kind of people that wonder into an Apple store, see the cool iMac on the sales floor and decide to buy, only to find that apple has no iMac to sell them. Apple is throwing money out the window because they didn't make sure they had enough of the old iMac to cover them until the new one gets released.

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  • Reply 27 of 121
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Consumers don't have patience. Not having iMacs available in the Apple store was a f*ck up. Period.

    So Apple products were a **** up under Steve Jobs whenever they stopped selling an old products and had no new product yet to sell?

    I quite glad that Apple has done this with the iMac. They can't win can they? If they kept selling the old iMac until Friday then people complain about their iMac now being obsolete. They give you a release timeframe, cost, specs and stop the old model people complain that Apple doesn't know how to run a business.
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  • Reply 28 of 121
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    saarek wrote: »
    It's not about Christmas, It's about the refresh cycle. All they had to do was release a CPU/GPU update in the old chasis much earlier on this year. Then release the new system once production is up and running and wow everyone.

    Instead they had a large drop off in sales for desktop iMacs and two months of no sales full stop on iMacs. 

    I'm sorry, but if this is not a monumental cock up I don't know what is.

    And I bet you'll still complain with "what kind of update is this. They just changed the CPU speed." and if they made a whole new updated designed iMac you'll complain "they just screwed over the buyers of the last CPU update. They hate their customers. They should have made only this change and not the incremental change earlier. " you can't please everyone, especially the whiners.
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  • Reply 29 of 121


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    And if they end up losing billions because they had to divert resources for other Apple products so they can pushed out new iMac at a higher cost you would still think they made the right choice? I certainly don't. Bottom line is the iMac accounts for very little of Apple's profit and the cost for the device makes it less likely to be someone might instantly decide to buy if they see online or in a store.

    Let's also remember that Apple doesn't build most of the components in the device. What if a deal with a vendor fell through or the vendor ended up shipping them inferior components. Would you want Apple to use these inferior parts to meet a self imposed deadline (a deadline they have made, BTW) or would you rather they did it right?



    Obviously not, none of us here have any idea WHY this happened... something obviously fell through the cracks... a vendor deal or whatever. We will probably never know. I'm sure apple had a good reason, but whatever the reason was, in the short term it's costing them money. Coupled with the fact that I've never seen apple do this in over 4 years of watching product launches (apple has ALWAYS had enough product to hold them over, at least to within a month or so of the new product), does not make for a good sign.

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  • Reply 30 of 121
    solipsismx wrote: »
    So Apple products were a **** up under Steve Jobs whenever they stopped selling an old products and had no new product yet to sell?
    I quite glad that Apple has done this with the iMac. They can't win can they? If they kept selling the old iMac until Friday then people complain about their iMac now being obsolete. They give you a release timeframe, cost, specs and stop the old model people complain that Apple doesn't know how to run a business.

    I don't ever remember a time when there was nothing to sell after a new product was announced.

    ... and what the f*ck does Steve Job have to do with this. If he did this then he f*cked up as well.
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  • Reply 31 of 121

    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    Yes! So I guess the 27" will be on sale Dec.31, 2012! Hey, it's still December. And the new Mac Pros will be on sale Dec. 31st, 2013... Hey, it's still 2013! image



    December 21. Gotta beat the REAL deadline.

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    I don't ever remember a time when there was nothing to sell after a new product was announced.


    First iPhone. First iPad. Also first iPhone end of life, when there was a month before even the announcement of the iPhone 3G without product being sold. That's a little more like this situation.

    ... and what the f*ck does Steve Job have to do with this. If he did this then he f*cked up as well.


    Not really. It's bad, sure. We'd all prefer them not to announce stuff before it ships… ever! But there's nothing screwed up here.

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  • Reply 32 of 121
    December 21. Gotta beat the REAL deadline.

    First iPhone. First iPad. Also first iPhone end of life, when there was a month before even the announcement of the iPhone 3G without product being sold. That's a little more like this situation.

    Not really. It's bad, sure. We'd all prefer them not to announce stuff before it ships… ever! But there's nothing screwed up here.

    We're talking about Macs... a product that is a little harder to sell... wouldn't you agree.

    Or did you miss the part about a drop in Mac sales.
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  • Reply 33 of 121


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    So Apple products were a **** up under Steve Jobs whenever they stopped selling an old products and had no new product yet to sell?

    I quite glad that Apple has done this with the iMac. They can't win can they? If they kept selling the old iMac until Friday then people complain about their iMac now being obsolete. They give you a release timeframe, cost, specs and stop the old model people complain that Apple doesn't know how to run a business.



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  • Reply 34 of 121
    I've been waiting for quite a while for a new Mac. My major gripe with the new iMacs is that Apple seems to prefer form over function; I suspect that the ultra-thin case is the reason that Apple needed to use slower (and therefore cooler) 5400rpm drives instead of 7200rpm drives. Add a couple of millimeters to the case to improve cooling for friggin' sake if it'll mean better performance!

    There's a place for form over function, but not as much on a desktop computer.

    Also, why no wireless EXTENDED keyboard? Why!?

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  • Reply 35 of 121


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Consumers don't have patience. Not having iMacs available in the Apple store was a f*ck up. Period.


    Perhaps that was in your store.  I have 2 near me, I have been in either several times over the past 2 months, and saw people purchasing iMacs.

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  • Reply 36 of 121
    enjourni wrote: »
    Patience is not the problem. Sure there are people going to be upset because they want the new iMac and it's several months away. I personally think apple shouldn't even announce it if it's not ready to go shortly after (because sales of the existing product will dry up).

    But believe it or not, many people who don't read online have absolutely no idea that new iMac's are coming out... these are kind of people that wonder into an Apple store, see the cool iMac on the sales floor and decide to buy, only to find that apple has no iMac to sell them. Apple is throwing money out the window because they didn't make sure they had enough of the old iMac to cover them until the new one gets released.

    For crying out loud!!!! Apple is not throwing money out the window. If someone came into an apple store and was sold on an iMac, they aren't going to throw up their hands and go buy a PC just because they have to wait a few extra weeks. Typically when someone is sold on a Mac they're buying a Mac. The vast majority of people who have decided to purchase an iMac in the last month (I was in a store as recently as 3weeks ago that still had a few units in stock) will be purchasing these iMacs about to come out. Sure, there has been a dip in the iMac revenue stream, but the surge to follow will more than make up for that dip before things level back out by jan-feb. Last time I checked, Apple wasn't living paycheck to paycheck. I think they have more than ample funds in the bank to cover the slight dip.
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  • Reply 37 of 121
    allenbf wrote: »
    Perhaps that was in your store.  I have 2 near me, I have been in either several times over the past 2 months, and saw people purchasing iMacs.


    ... and, no offence intended, but anecdotal evidence doesn't quite cut it for me.
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  • Reply 38 of 121


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    That'll make a few folks happy!



    Yabba dabba doooooo!


    iMac, it's an iMac

    It is a really really nice machine

    Want one, gonna buy one

    It is a really really nice machine.


    Good enough?

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  • Reply 39 of 121

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    We're talking about Macs...


    You did say "product".

    …a product that is a little harder to sell… wouldn't you agree.


    Not really?

    Or did you miss the part about a drop in Mac sales.


    I don't really believe that's related, nor to the "difficulty" of getting them out the door.

    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Yabba dabba Boooom!


    iMac, it's an iMac

    It is a really really nice machine

    Want one, gonna buy one

    And I really like the glossy screen


    Changes in bold.

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  • Reply 40 of 121

    I find it remarkable that the online Apple Store won't sell you an Imac at the moment. Another thing that struck me as remarkable is I went into the Regents Street Apple Store in central London (which is a very big store) and right at the back corner they had just one Mac Mini and one Mac Pro on display. It just shows what a small minority people like me have become who still prefer to use desktop Macs over portable ones.


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