Apple's redesigned iMacs will go on sale this Friday



  • Reply 41 of 121


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Consumers don't have patience. Not having iMacs available in the Apple store was a f*ck up. Period.



    Then vote by not buying one.  Apple obviously was willing to take the risk of not having machines for sale for a couple of months. Some people will buy something else.  Some will get angry because they have nothing better to do with their lives.  Some will wait.


    I'm waiting for the 27" and couldn't be happier.

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  • Reply 42 of 121

    I've been waiting to update my 21.5 inch iMac ---- but I am very sorry that the RAM is NOT available to users for replacement.  I am eager to see what price Apple will place on the 8 versus 16 GB RAM offerings.  Historically Apple has been outrageous for RAM pricing.  16 GB seems like overkill, I know, but who know what I will be using 3 years from now.  My first Apple (II plus) had 16k of RAM ------ 

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  • Reply 43 of 121

    Then vote by not buying one.  Apple obviously was willing to take the risk of not having machines for sale for a couple of months. Some people will buy something else.  Some will get angry because they have nothing better to do with their lives.  Some will wait.

    I'm waiting for the 27" and couldn't be happier.

    ... and some will continue to say that Apple can do no wrong.
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  • Reply 44 of 121


    Originally Posted by dave2012 View Post

    I find it remarkable that the online Apple Store won't sell you an Imac at the moment. Another thing that struck me as remarkable is I went into the Regents Street Apple Store in central London (which is a very big store) and right at the back corner they had just one Mac Mini and one Mac Pro on display. It just shows what a small minority people like me have become who still prefer to use desktop Macs over portable ones.



    Since 80% of Mac sales are notebooks and Mac sales are 8-10% of total sales at Apple currently, you would be correct in claiming to be a minority :) I am too since I bought my first Mac (a MacMini) earlier this year.


    Apple is not losing billions (as some have suggested here) by not having iMacs to sell. And what they lose they will make up for when they do have one to sell. It's not the end of the world people. Or maybe it is. As everything hint of negative news seems to be now with Apple. The people who are daytrading the stock purely based on bad news/no news (which is mostly when AAPL recovers) is getting themselves rich quick.


    Me. I'm buying on the dips and getting rich a little slower :)

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  • Reply 45 of 121
    saarek wrote: »
    About damn time, this entire refresh has been a massive cock up. 

    Considering Tim is known for his supply management skills this is a big blemish on his record.

    How exactly so. He said November, not the beginning of November, not in time to be included in Black Friday. Just November. Friday is November
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  • Reply 46 of 121
    enjourni wrote: »
    . All all the history of apple product releases, I've never seen a time were you literally cannot buy a particular apple product because of a dead spot in the release chain.

    1st iPhone. Sold out in April/May at many stores. 3G didn't come out until June.

    And it might make more sense if you had access to the sales numbers. It is possible that year after year numbers have shown that the post Back to
    School to Holiday is a relative dead time for iMac sales. So why not use that period to sell out existing stock after telling folks something new is on the way so they don't come back and toss fits that they bought an iMac two months ago and now there is something better but they are past the return period etc.
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  • Reply 47 of 121
    enjourni wrote: »
    . But at the size of apple, that's still multiple millions of dollars worth of product that is not getting sold.

    So they will be sold now. It's not like you can go over to Best Buy and get an HP cause the Dells are sold out. Those that wanted an iMac either waited for these new ones or bought a discounted previous generation after the announcement.
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  • Reply 48 of 121
    haarhaar Posts: 563member

    Yabba dabba doooooo!

    iMac, it's an iMac
    It is a really really nice machine
    Want one, gonna buy one
    It is a really really nice machine.

    Good enough?

    AWESOME... but where are the other verses?... LOL
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  • Reply 49 of 121
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    charlituna wrote: »
    1st iPhone. Sold out in April/May at many stores. 3G didn't come out until June.
    And it might make more sense if you had access to the sales numbers. It is possible that year after year numbers have shown that the post Back to
    School to Holiday is a relative dead time for iMac sales. So why not use that period to sell out existing stock after telling folks something new is on the way so they don't come back and toss fits that they bought an iMac two months ago and now there is something better but they are past the return period etc.

    Good points, but saarek, island hermit and enjourni will still be convined they should be running the company, knowing full well that Tim Cook could have brought new manufacturing and assembly capability on line in parallel with the old iMac lines to ensure there would be no interruption.

    After which Tim could simply dispose of the excess manufacturing capability, right guys?
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  • Reply 50 of 121
    Anyone know if the new iMacs can act like an stand alone monitor (video in) like the last generation?
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  • Reply 51 of 121
    saarek wrote: »
    It's not about Christmas, It's about the refresh cycle. All they had to do was release a CPU/GPU update in the old chasis much earlier on this year. Then release the new system once production is up and running and wow everyone.

    And then have folks bitching about how they did a baby update etc

    Folks need to get over this notion that refresh cycles are any kind of promise. They aren't. Apple isn't duty bound to stick to a schedule and they won't. If you don't like that, go buy something else that will fit your calendar
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  • Reply 52 of 121
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,593member


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Good points, but saarek, island hermit and enjourni will still be convined they should be running the company, knowing full well that Tim Cook could have brought new manufacturing and assembly capability on line in parallel with the old iMac lines to ensure there would be no interruption.

    After which Tim could simply dispose of the excess manufacturing capability, right guys?

    A: the refresh was seriously delayed, 19 months is ridiculous. B: Apple has many manufacturing partners, other companies have hundreds of different lines being produced all at once. I know it may seem magical to you but Apple's partners could have continued building the old chasis with refreshed components and started winding down once the new iMac was ready to go. This was sloppy, plain and simple.

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  • Reply 53 of 121
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,150member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    And if they end up losing billions because they had to divert resources for other Apple products so they can pushed out new iMac at a higher cost you would still think they made the right choice? I certainly don't. Bottom line is the iMac accounts for very little of Apple's profit and the cost for the device makes it less likely to be someone might instantly decide to buy if they see online or in a store.
    Let's also remember that Apple doesn't build most of the components in the device. What if a deal with a vendor fell through or the vendor ended up shipping them inferior components. Would you want Apple to use these inferior parts to meet a self imposed deadline (a deadline they have made, BTW) or would you rather they did it right?

    A noble attempt Solips, but nothing will will calm down the whiners and trolls b1tch!ng in this forum.

    Apple does a refresh - whiners cry that it's boring.

    Apple keeps selling old iMac until new one is ready - whiners cry "why buy when new one is right around the corner?"

    Apple sells new iMac before they are ready - whiners cry "See? Apple should never put out something not ready"

    Apple redesigns iMac so it's thinner, meaning lighter, meaning less shipping costs, meaning less fuel to transport, meaning less materials use to manufacture, meaning more green in the long run - and yet the whiners come yet again and cry... "But..but.. Why do I need thin and light on my desk??"

    Apple removes components prone to failure that the majority doesn't use. Whiners cry "But how can I burn a DVD so grandma can see pictures of the kids?"

    And of course the famous "I can't upgrade an iMac" cry-me-a-river story. Like they don't know how to use bathroom-shower suction cups and an extra five minutes to crack open an iMac, after preaching how technically inclined they are by building their own rigs at 1/3 the cost... *rolls eyes*

    Apple designs the iMac for the masses. Those 1% that Apple doesn't cater too either will never buy an iMac, whining simply to troll, or simply have that false-belief that Apple should design systems for them, not everyone else. Yeah, that'll be a real money-maker. /s

    I've cracked open my iMac simply out of curiosity. It's a no-brainer. Have never had the need to upgrade anything on it. What the crybabies here refuse to acknowledge is that by the time I'm (and most consumers in Apple's segment) ready to upgrade, tech will have advanced considerably so it's simply more cost-effective in the long run to buy a new machine.

    But no... Cry me something else kids.
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  • Reply 54 of 121
    enjourni wrote: »

    Obviously not, none of us here have any idea WHY this happened... something obviously fell through the cracks... a vendor deal or whatever.

    We have no idea why it happened but you can say obviously something went wrong. No you can't. Nor can you say that Apple is losing billions or even millions of dollars.

    Apple made this choice based on information they have that we don't and won't. Either get over it or get out. No one is forcing you to buy their stuff. So if you don't like what they do and when they do it, move on. It really is that simple
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  • Reply 55 of 121
    saarek wrote: »
    A: the refresh was seriously delayed, 19 months is ridiculous.

    Just because you don't like the timing doesn't make it delayed. Apple doesn't run on your opinions, especially given how uninformed they are.

    You talk like you can do better so how about you shut up and go do it. Go invent your own computer and OS and put it on sale globally etc.
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  • Reply 56 of 121
    bigphotos wrote: »
    I've been waiting to update my 21.5 inch iMac ---- but I am very sorry that the RAM is NOT available to users for replacement.  I am eager to see what price Apple will place on the 8 versus 16 GB RAM offerings.  Historically Apple has been outrageous for RAM pricing.  16 GB seems like overkill, I know, but who know what I will be using 3 years from now.  My first Apple (II plus) had 16k of RAM

    Get a Mac Pro; it is cheaper than an iMac, in your case.
    saarek wrote: »
    A: the refresh was seriously delayed, 19 months is ridiculous. B: Apple has many manufacturing partners, other companies have hundreds of different lines being produced all at once. I know it may seem magical to you but Apple's partners could have continued building the old chasis with refreshed components and started winding down once the new iMac was ready to go. This was sloppy, plain and simple.

    1. Why is a 19 month upgrade wait ridiculous? Because it's not up to your expectation? That would NOT be a good foundation for a company to decide on their time schedule.

    2. Competition is getting nowhere with those different lines being produced all at once. It takes Apple a single phone, refreshed only once a year, to take the lions share of profit.

    3. iMac with incremental upgrade components. If history is any indication, that is not what Apple is about. You do not seem to understand how they work. Why is that? Is your focus more on other companies, rather than Apple? And if so, why are you trying to explain to people here why Apple is doing some stuff wrong if this is not your field of expertise?

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  • Reply 57 of 121

    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Apple keeps selling old iMac until new one is ready - whiners cry "why buy when new one is right around the corner?"


    If I remember right, sales of the last G5 iMac actually increased in the 6 months between the announcement of the Intel transition and the release of the Core Duo iMac.


    But that was certainly a unique situation, caused by the paranoid.

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  • Reply 58 of 121
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member

    Yep.   I will have to resist another trip to the mall where the Apple store is.   I'm still frustrated with the iMac but this does look like a significantly improved model.   At least they didn't bone the machine like they did the Mini.


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    That'll make a few folks happy!

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  • Reply 59 of 121
    wizard69 wrote: »
    Yep.   I will have to resist another trip to the mall where the Apple store is.   I'm still frustrated with the iMac but this does look like a significantly improved model.   At least they didn't bone the machine like they did the Mini.

    Resistance is futile¡ Seriously, are you afraid on online order from will give you a later delivery?

    What did they do to the Mini? The slower 5400 HDD?
    edit: never mind: they only allow the Fusion Drive in the $799 model. Maybe it doesn't matter if you get the 16GB RAM model, although that is an additional $300. So, point taken.
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  • Reply 60 of 121
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member

    It is a very significant screw up and frankly I'm surprised that people see it any other way.    honestly for many companies this would have lead to failure or at the very least very hard times, the fact that Apple can weather this just goes to show how insignificant the Mac line has become. 


    Something should be done at Apple with respect to this failure, it might not be hurting Apple but I can't imagine independent retailers liking this at all.   As you pointed out this isn't a delay of a week or two in stock but rather months.   Maybe this is why some of the reorganization has been happening at Apple.


    Sadly the bigger problem is who do you can.   The whole release management system for Macs is screwed up and points to a cultural problem embedded very deeply in Apple management structure.   This whole fiasco appear to the be the result of a total lack of confidence in their ability to release a new Mini independent of the iMac.    It is a mental health problem Apple really needs to get over.


    Originally Posted by enjourni View Post.

    Bout time is right. I know an apple specialist store (ehem) who has been without iMacs for about 2-3 months because apple stopped selling the old in prep for the new.


    It's amazing to me how few people are talking about this. All all the history of apple product releases, I've never seen a time were you literally cannot buy a particular apple product because of a dead spot in the release chain.


    Image if apple suddenly decided to stop selling iPads for a few months? That's what's happened with the iMac.


    Somebody at apple should be getting fired over this.

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