The internet was created by non-profits using shared open protocols. Then someone realized that the internet could be used to make money. The influx of capital created some wonderful new technologies, but increased the desire to keep secrets and not co-operarte with others. Technology islands are the natural result of competition.
Google is only successful when they are between users and their data. Having the world's most popular search engine allowed them to gather a lot of information and owning the entire browser (Chrome) allows them to get even more. However, Google realized a few years ago that their business model was not sustainable. Apple showed them a world in which people could find information without Googling for it or even using a browser at all. They had to change or fade into irrelevancy.
With Android Google is able to reinsert themselves between users and their data. They can offer users lots of choice: pick your phone hardware, pick your apps, pick your browser because no matter what choices you make, the operating system is always in between you and your data.
If you trust Google to sit between you and your data then it's a pretty happy place to be because Google gives its people a lot of free services in return.
If you don't trust Google to sit in such a position of power then you choose a different OS.
Fine, release your search algorithms so that everyone can have great searching.
Well everyone CAN have a great searching. Open up Safari, go to, search all day long for FREE. I don't think it costs Apple anything (correct me if I'm wrong).
The thing is that Apple wants to be an "island" in every possible way they can - to be honest, I don't mind - it's just a fact.
Well everyone CAN have a great searching. Open up Safari, go to, search all day long for FREE. I don't think it costs Apple anything (correct me if I'm wrong).
The thing is that Apple wants to be an "island" in every possible way they can - to be honest, I don't mind - it's just a fact.
No I disagree with that. Apple is fine partnering with other companies. They partnered Google. Everything was going great until Google stabbed them in the back. Now Apple might think twice. They've also learned that sometimes it makes more sense to control as much of the user experience as they can. They're not perfect and they make mistakes and error in judgement at times.
as if Apple had invented multi-touch, which they did not.
Apple invented multi-touch. Claims to the contrary are nothing but lies. The only way you can make such a claim is if you are completely ignorant of the history of touch technology, you're a liar, or you're just repeating what you've heard from other people.
I've challenged android zealots on this issue hundreds of times, and not once, has anyone ever been able to show prior art, or any evidence that Apple didn't invent the radical new touch technology that first appeared in the iPhone and is commonly called "multi-touch".
They do point to all manner of absurd devices, like the tablets in the movie 2001: A space odessy, and physical membrane "touch" pads from the 1970s, as "proof" that apple "didn't invent it".
All this does is prove that they are so ignorant of technology they don't even know what it is that Apple invented that they claim was existing before.
So, at this point, for you to say something like that, as if it were true, without clarifying or defending it, you just look like yet another android fan who can't be honest about the situation, and is going to relying on just mindlessly repeating a lie because you WANT it to be true.
This makes you a person of less than acceptable quality, in my book.
Or put another way, you are not allowed to tell a lie like that and be considered a decent human... you're nothing more than a liar. You should be embarassed but if you don't have the good sense to be embarassed, know that no person of any integirty will listen to anything you say afterwards.
Schmidt showed the iPhone prototype to his girlfriend at the time, while he was sitting on the Apple BoD. He claims he wasn't that interested in it personally.
That right there is a violation of apple's non-disclosure agreements, and really should be actionable. In fact, I think it might be a felony under california law, and it certainly counts as industrial espianage.
I don't care if he was "interested" or not (as that is a convenient lie)... he admits showing it to third parties, which violates his fudiciary duty to Apple.
Apple should sue him for all the compensation he was awarded during his time on the board.
Apple invented multi-touch. Claims to the contrary are nothing but lies. The only way you can make such a claim is if you are completely ignorant of the history of touch technology, you're a liar, or you're just repeating what you've heard from other people.
Apple invented multi-touch. Claims to the contrary are nothing but lies. The only way you can make such a claim is if you are completely ignorant of the history of touch technology, you're a liar, or you're just repeating what you've heard from other people.
I've challenged android zealots on this issue hundreds of times, and not once, has anyone ever been able to show prior art, or any evidence that Apple didn't invent the radical new touch technology that first appeared in the iPhone and is commonly called "multi-touch".
Who did you challenge to prove that Apple didn't invent multitouch? Zealots or carrots?
LOL... Of course Google wants their services to run on all platforms... Now that they have some competition, Larry complains... Google's free ride on the platforms of others is coming to an end...
Regardless, if they were planning to go from a "partner" to competing "head on" with Apple in the exact same space, Eric should have resigned from Apple's board long before he did. The fact that he hung around as long as he possibly could before resigning from the board speaks pretty loudly. He was gathering intel. Any way you slice it, the way that Google handled this is greasy and no way to treat your "partner". As I said, if Apple's CEO sat on their board all the while planning compete head on with them in search, it would be equally greasy. Come on! Google basically cloned iOS for crying out loud.
Except that they aren't competing head-on with Apple. Google uses services to expand their advertising revenues. Apple sells hardware, with the software side being a necessary evil in some cases, at least in my view. Other than both offering an OS the two business plans don't have much in common really.
How long are you going to pretend that Motorola Mobility, which sells mobile phones, is not a division of Google?
Say what you will, people, about GOOG and Apple. Fact is that both companies have people who are passionate about standards and open source. Both companies have made contributions toward standardization but also have fought it when it goes against their motives. To use a single brush to paint a company as evil on all fronts, in every debate and on every issue is just absurd.
I've been a touchscreen developer for decades. I have touchscreen computers all around the house as family info and Skype centers. Heck, my daughter grew up using touch computers from the time she was one year old (back in 2003).
From that experience I can say that multi-touch isn't that important. Making a touch-friendly UI is. That was key to the iPhone.
Or, as anyone who is a professional developer can vouch for, they simply had different schedules and priorities and funding.
Every now and then you come across a George Costanza moment: "Is anyone here a marine biologist?"
I myself have worked with touchscreens since 1985. I developed a macro language that would let an ordinary user create touch screen based multi media presentations. I also worked extensively with trying to understand gestures, but never pursued it because the hardware back then couldn't keep up. In 1986 iwon a national award for best use of technology for my implementation.
I have read your posts and I call BS. Sorry, but I'm not going to give you a pass on your "decades of touchscreen experience" claim.
Which systems have you developed for? What hardware? What software? How did you interface? Did you create your own drivers? What systems are you using in your house? Which system was your daughter using in 2003? Don't worry about having to dumb things down - I'm quite sure whatever you want to discuss I'll be intimately familiar with given my work as a developer since 1985.
LOL... Of course Google wants their services to run on all platforms... Now that they have some competition, Larry complains... Google's free ride on the platforms of others is coming to an end...
A most uninformed, unintelligent and almost unintelligible comment.
I think by now a lot of people agree that the Apple TV will be a real TV equipped with an OS. The funny thing is no so-called Apple competitors dare to make one equipped with Android OS. May be they still remember the embarassment in 2010 CES show. Many companies were displaying a version of tablet. Because most of them know tablet will be the next big thing. When Apple introduced iPad in late January all of them withdrew their tablets from the market. With this lesson, I think all the Apple competitors are just waiting for Apple TV first then began copying it as soon as it is introduced.
Personally, I'm not sure why they feel the need to make the entire TV. To me, it makes more sense just to make a really, really good device that controls the entire TV experience. Nearly all of the TVs have great pictures nowadays. They are really just a great display with a crappy UI. Furthermore, Many of the TV manufacturers are are all complaining that they're not making money. Why does Apple even want to enter that space?
If Apple do make the entire TV, I guess they'll have their reasons, and I'll find out what they are. At this point, I just don't get it.
Apple invented multi-touch. Claims to the contrary are nothing but lies. The only way you can make such a claim is if you are completely ignorant of the history of touch technology, you're a liar, or you're just repeating what you've heard from other people.
I've challenged android zealots on this issue hundreds of times, and not once, has anyone ever been able to show prior art, or any evidence that Apple didn't invent the radical new touch technology that first appeared in the iPhone and is commonly called "multi-touch".
They do point to all manner of absurd devices, like the tablets in the movie 2001: A space odessy, and physical membrane "touch" pads from the 1970s, as "proof" that apple "didn't invent it".
All this does is prove that they are so ignorant of technology they don't even know what it is that Apple invented that they claim was existing before.
So, at this point, for you to say something like that, as if it were true, without clarifying or defending it, you just look like yet another android fan who can't be honest about the situation, and is going to relying on just mindlessly repeating a lie because you WANT it to be true.
This makes you a person of less than acceptable quality, in my book.
Or put another way, you are not allowed to tell a lie like that and be considered a decent human... you're nothing more than a liar. You should be embarassed but if you don't have the good sense to be embarassed, know that no person of any integirty will listen to anything you say afterwards.
Yeah right Larry... You know what hurts even more? That knife you stuck in Steve Jobs' back as you turned it slowly... Judas, ever so free to walk and talk as though he didn't do anything at all.
As much as I like Android now I still despise the Google top executives... Page, Schmidt... Disgusting.
When I get my big break I hope to not be like them. I plan to not be like them. I pray to be ~better~ than them somehow.
But I am a masochist!
The internet was created by non-profits using shared open protocols. Then someone realized that the internet could be used to make money. The influx of capital created some wonderful new technologies, but increased the desire to keep secrets and not co-operarte with others. Technology islands are the natural result of competition.
Google is only successful when they are between users and their data. Having the world's most popular search engine allowed them to gather a lot of information and owning the entire browser (Chrome) allows them to get even more. However, Google realized a few years ago that their business model was not sustainable. Apple showed them a world in which people could find information without Googling for it or even using a browser at all. They had to change or fade into irrelevancy.
With Android Google is able to reinsert themselves between users and their data. They can offer users lots of choice: pick your phone hardware, pick your apps, pick your browser because no matter what choices you make, the operating system is always in between you and your data.
If you trust Google to sit between you and your data then it's a pretty happy place to be because Google gives its people a lot of free services in return.
If you don't trust Google to sit in such a position of power then you choose a different OS.
Originally Posted by tzeshan
Apple has no legacy issues.
I would say that Apple now has multiple legacy sticking points that prevent it from changing screen sizes and UI too quickly.
Apple changed its behavior since Steve Jobs returned. Do you need me to elaborate?
Sure. I'd be happy to hear your thoughts on this topic.
Originally Posted by macxpress
Blatantly copying a mobile OS and offering it for free is bad for the company that originally created the OS too.
The notion that Android is a copy of iOS is beyond ridiculous. Aha, square icons with round corners - "oh Google, stop copying me"
Anyways, everything comes down to the point of definition of a copy.
Originally Posted by macxpress
Its just too god damn bad Android fanboys can't get an exact copy of iOS and claim its their own.
What would be the point of the exact copy? If someone wants iOS he can get it with Apple devices. Android users don't want iOS.
Originally Posted by Nathillien
The notion that Android is a copy of iOS is beyond ridiculous. Aha, square icons with round corners - "oh Google, stop copying me"
Anyways, everything comes down to the point of definition of a copy.
What would be the point of the exact copy? If someone wants iOS he can get it with Apple devices. Android users don't want iOS.
Most of them probably don't want Android either.
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
Fine, release your search algorithms so that everyone can have great searching.
Well everyone CAN have a great searching. Open up Safari, go to, search all day long for FREE. I don't think it costs Apple anything (correct me if I'm wrong).
The thing is that Apple wants to be an "island" in every possible way they can - to be honest, I don't mind - it's just a fact.
Originally Posted by Nathillien
Well everyone CAN have a great searching. Open up Safari, go to, search all day long for FREE. I don't think it costs Apple anything (correct me if I'm wrong).
The thing is that Apple wants to be an "island" in every possible way they can - to be honest, I don't mind - it's just a fact.
No I disagree with that. Apple is fine partnering with other companies. They partnered Google. Everything was going great until Google stabbed them in the back. Now Apple might think twice. They've also learned that sometimes it makes more sense to control as much of the user experience as they can. They're not perfect and they make mistakes and error in judgement at times.
Originally Posted by KDarling
as if Apple had invented multi-touch, which they did not.
Apple invented multi-touch. Claims to the contrary are nothing but lies. The only way you can make such a claim is if you are completely ignorant of the history of touch technology, you're a liar, or you're just repeating what you've heard from other people.
I've challenged android zealots on this issue hundreds of times, and not once, has anyone ever been able to show prior art, or any evidence that Apple didn't invent the radical new touch technology that first appeared in the iPhone and is commonly called "multi-touch".
They do point to all manner of absurd devices, like the tablets in the movie 2001: A space odessy, and physical membrane "touch" pads from the 1970s, as "proof" that apple "didn't invent it".
All this does is prove that they are so ignorant of technology they don't even know what it is that Apple invented that they claim was existing before.
So, at this point, for you to say something like that, as if it were true, without clarifying or defending it, you just look like yet another android fan who can't be honest about the situation, and is going to relying on just mindlessly repeating a lie because you WANT it to be true.
This makes you a person of less than acceptable quality, in my book.
Or put another way, you are not allowed to tell a lie like that and be considered a decent human... you're nothing more than a liar. You should be embarassed but if you don't have the good sense to be embarassed, know that no person of any integirty will listen to anything you say afterwards.
Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton
Schmidt showed the iPhone prototype to his girlfriend at the time, while he was sitting on the Apple BoD. He claims he wasn't that interested in it personally.
That right there is a violation of apple's non-disclosure agreements, and really should be actionable. In fact, I think it might be a felony under california law, and it certainly counts as industrial espianage.
I don't care if he was "interested" or not (as that is a convenient lie)... he admits showing it to third parties, which violates his fudiciary duty to Apple.
Apple should sue him for all the compensation he was awarded during his time on the board.
Originally Posted by Jessi
Apple invented multi-touch. Claims to the contrary are nothing but lies. The only way you can make such a claim is if you are completely ignorant of the history of touch technology, you're a liar, or you're just repeating what you've heard from other people.
Read up on it a little.
Who did you challenge to prove that Apple didn't invent multitouch? Zealots or carrots?
How long are you going to pretend that Motorola Mobility, which sells mobile phones, is not a division of Google?
I myself have worked with touchscreens since 1985. I developed a macro language that would let an ordinary user create touch screen based multi media presentations. I also worked extensively with trying to understand gestures, but never pursued it because the hardware back then couldn't keep up. In 1986 iwon a national award for best use of technology for my implementation.
I have read your posts and I call BS. Sorry, but I'm not going to give you a pass on your "decades of touchscreen experience" claim.
Which systems have you developed for? What hardware? What software? How did you interface? Did you create your own drivers? What systems are you using in your house? Which system was your daughter using in 2003? Don't worry about having to dumb things down - I'm quite sure whatever you want to discuss I'll be intimately familiar with given my work as a developer since 1985.
A most uninformed, unintelligent and almost unintelligible comment.
Originally Posted by tzeshan
I think by now a lot of people agree that the Apple TV will be a real TV equipped with an OS. The funny thing is no so-called Apple competitors dare to make one equipped with Android OS. May be they still remember the embarassment in 2010 CES show. Many companies were displaying a version of tablet. Because most of them know tablet will be the next big thing. When Apple introduced iPad in late January all of them withdrew their tablets from the market. With this lesson, I think all the Apple competitors are just waiting for Apple TV first then began copying it as soon as it is introduced.
Personally, I'm not sure why they feel the need to make the entire TV. To me, it makes more sense just to make a really, really good device that controls the entire TV experience. Nearly all of the TVs have great pictures nowadays. They are really just a great display with a crappy UI. Furthermore, Many of the TV manufacturers are are all complaining that they're not making money. Why does Apple even want to enter that space?
If Apple do make the entire TV, I guess they'll have their reasons, and I'll find out what they are. At this point, I just don't get it.
Ever heard of Jeff Han
Originally Posted by Jessi
Apple invented multi-touch. Claims to the contrary are nothing but lies. The only way you can make such a claim is if you are completely ignorant of the history of touch technology, you're a liar, or you're just repeating what you've heard from other people.
I've challenged android zealots on this issue hundreds of times, and not once, has anyone ever been able to show prior art, or any evidence that Apple didn't invent the radical new touch technology that first appeared in the iPhone and is commonly called "multi-touch".
They do point to all manner of absurd devices, like the tablets in the movie 2001: A space odessy, and physical membrane "touch" pads from the 1970s, as "proof" that apple "didn't invent it".
All this does is prove that they are so ignorant of technology they don't even know what it is that Apple invented that they claim was existing before.
So, at this point, for you to say something like that, as if it were true, without clarifying or defending it, you just look like yet another android fan who can't be honest about the situation, and is going to relying on just mindlessly repeating a lie because you WANT it to be true.
This makes you a person of less than acceptable quality, in my book.
Or put another way, you are not allowed to tell a lie like that and be considered a decent human... you're nothing more than a liar. You should be embarassed but if you don't have the good sense to be embarassed, know that no person of any integirty will listen to anything you say afterwards.
As much as I like Android now I still despise the Google top executives... Page, Schmidt... Disgusting.
When I get my big break I hope to not be like them. I plan to not be like them. I pray to be ~better~ than them somehow.