Rumor: Fifth-gen iPad, second-gen iPad mini to debut in March



  • Reply 221 of 260
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Or put Restrictions into effect, disallowing Account Changes to iOS.
  • Reply 222 of 260
    rogifan wrote: »
    I don't know that there's anything wrong with it; Apple wants you to buy a device for each person.
    I think there is something wrong with it if it could be easily accomplished by software and not forcing people to spend hundreds of dollars on extra devices.

    I think Apple considers the iPad, especially the iPad Mini, to be appliance computers... To me that means that each person will have his own individual iPad -- and possibly a few extras for the kitchen, family room, guests, etc.

    In our household of 2 adults and 3 teenagers, we have 9 iPads. When the boys have friends over, they will often borrow an iPad to play multiplayer games -- most iPads are WIFi only.

    The individual iPads are used for group reading -- sometimes a guest will participate using one of the spare iPads.

    Each grandkid uses his individual iPad for homework preparation (Pages), research (Safari, Surfing), study (Spanish, Culinary, Art, History, Astronomy, etc. specialty apps), drill and practice... My youngest grandson learned to tell time (analog clock) with his iPad and brought his reading skill from below to above grade level.

    My granddaughter often uses the spares for sleepovers -- there are lots of "girl" apps -- and they use the cameras to capture video and make movies. Actually, it's quite amazing what you can do with a few iPhone and/or iPad cameras -- two camera shots, multicam, story boarding.

    When the grandkids drive up to Canada with their father, we load each iPad with 3-5 different movies, so 9-15 different movies total. Then, during the long drives, they watch and swap... Are we there, yet?

    Also, I believe that the iPad Mini will evolve to be, for many, an alternative to an iPhone -- with no contract cell voice, messaging and data. The young/active set will, likely have both a mini and an iPhone -- and grab whichever is most convenient for where they are going: hiking, iPhone; movies, iPad.

    If the three grandkids had to share a single iPad, it would be a less useful and rewarding experience -- and just another thing to fight over...

    Finally, especially with children, I believe that it is character building -- when each has the pride and responsibility to own and care for his "individual" appliance computer... It's a personal thing!
  • Reply 223 of 260
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    I mostly agree. I agree Apple needs to make sure that it's simple and practical. I oft seen comments that because some developers wrote a jailbreak hack/app to do some function that Apple should be able to add it too, but that is line of reasoning is predicated on a false notion that Apple hasn't done it because they haven't figured out how or don't think they could figure out how instead of for other objections.

    I think we are used to the left/right swipe in iOS that they could put the weather as a swipe of the clock in the lock screen. If not, they could put some subtle left/right arrows or those top/bottom bars as seen on the camera to indicate the action. If they do that then a 3rd (or more) swipe window could be added for stocks. The most complex the less likely I think it will be.

    I'm not a big fan of Notification Center. I use it so rarely so it's just filled with old notifications. Be nice to have some Fast Access Settings in there.

    As for deleting system apps that simply won't happen but I would like the option to disable the icon from showing up on the Home Screen but most important would be to change the default app to a 3rd-party option. I think this will come eventually as iOS evolves but I'm really not expecting it soon.

    Three other things 'I' would like are:
    • Setting a passcode lock for Settings
    • Having the hard shutdown of the device actual force a reboot so that a thief can't simply turn off the device to bypass Find My iPhone. The way to turn off the device would be the slider but that could be locked with the system passcode.
    • A non-intuitive, circular finger motion to change the brightness of the display quickly from the lock screen without the rigamarole of going through setting when entering a dark area with a bright iPhone or the difficultly trying to navigate to the proper settings when entering a bright area with a dimmed display. My solution is to do a circular sweep with a finger on the lock screen. Right for bright, left for dim.

    Those are some great ideas. One of the things I think is also important is not just fast access to settings but fast access to app relevant settings while you're in the app.

    Maybe if Apple added a tray either in notification center or as part of the multitasking manager for settings. And then had the tray bring up useful settings based on the app that you're in.

    Something like that would help. But I really like your idea of adding some touch gestures to adjust some settings.

    Another quick gripe. Why is the orientation lock hidden in the multitasking manager next to rarely used iTunes controls? These are the complexities Forstall tacked-on on top of the general OS that make no sense.
  • Reply 224 of 260

    Not necessarily so. When I had my 3Gs, it needed some warranty work done. I had about 2 months left on warranty. The 4 was already out. When I sent my phone to Cupertino, it was found to be unrepairable. They returned a new (not re-furbed) 3Gs to me, not a 4.

  • Reply 225 of 260
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I agree some of that is on the busy side. But it's just an idea of things Apple could do. Right now the lock screen doesn't do much of anything.

    Displaying notifications is something. I like the lock screen simple and it's nice that I can view Facebook notifications or text messages I may have missed all on the lock screen.

    What else would be needed? Weather would be nice if its added tastefully as SolipsmX's example, but widgets or anything else would be unnecessary for the lock screen.

    As far as the home screen. If Apple let you adjust the icon grid like on OS X that would be a nice upgrade so that every iPhone doesn't look the same.
  • Reply 226 of 260
    More on multi-user iPad...

    I wanted to determine the cost in storage for each user on an iPad -- to see if multi-user is even feasible.

    I don't have a jail-broken iPad, so the best way I could come up with is to determine the size of the never used "Guest User" on an IMac...

    It shows 10 MB -- so, let's assume 10 MB per user as a starting point.

    We can assume that apps are in a common Applications Folder as on the Mac -- and each user would have a sym-link to the shared apps he was authorized to use.

    Each user would need additional storage for things like app settings, preferences, histories, game attainments, logs, etc. of the shared apps.

    Likely, users would not want share Documents, Contacts, Schedules, Lists, Calendars, Texts, Photos, Music, Videos, Mail, Camera Rolls, Tweets, etc. -- and space requirements could add up quickly.

    Let's assume that each user would require at least 3 GB of private storage.

    So, it's likely doable for 2-3 users on a 32-64 GB iPad.

    Complicating things:

    Likely, more total apps (and storage) would be required to satisfy the needs of several users -- than for a single user.

    IDK, if the apps as currently packaged are shareable -- or assume that they are running in a single-user environment... This includes system apps

    I suspect that, at best, the apps would need to be recompiled... At worst reprogrammed.

    Where are the trade-offs between multiple, less-expensive, individual iPads vs a single, more-expensive, shared iPad?

    If the iPad Mini evolves to become a smartphone alternative -- I think the individual concept trumps the shared concept.

    Finally... Would you share [B][I]your[/I][/B] iPad?
  • Reply 227 of 260
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    pmz wrote: »
    Selling more devices is a much better idea. No one is forcing you to do anything.
    Selling more devices is a much better idea? Bullshit. And yes I know no one is forcing me to do anything. I just think it would be a nice option to have. I don't know what's so radical about it; Windows computers have it, other tablets offer it. I think it's a great idea for families.
  • Reply 228 of 260
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Any one have or use a Nexus 7? How does that device implement multiple user accounts?
  • Reply 229 of 260
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Selling more devices is a much better idea? Bullshit. And yes I know no one is forcing me to do anything. I just think it would be a nice option to have. I don't know what's so radical about it; Windows computers have it, other tablets offer it. I think it's a great idea for families.

    I think multi user accounts or even the option for having a guest user would be nice for the iPad.
  • Reply 230 of 260
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    More on multi-user iPad...

    I wanted to determine the cost in storage for each user on an iPad -- to see if multi-user is even feasible.

    I don't have a jail-broken iPad, so the best way I could come up with is to determine the size of the never used "Guest User" on an IMac...

    It shows 10 MB -- so, let's assume 10 MB per user as a starting point.
    Let's assume that each user would require at least 3 GB of private storage.
    So, it's likely doable 2-3 users on a 32-64 GB iPad.
    Where are the trade-offs between multiple, less-expensive, individual iPads vs a single, more-expensive, shared iPad?
    Finally... Would you share your iPad?

    First 3GB seems excessively high.

    Second, even assuming 3GB then you can support a few users on even a 16GB iPad.

    And that's ignoring iCloud space.

    Third, even assuming you HAD to upgrade to 32 GB price delta is a fraction of buying another iPad. $100 vs $300.

    Allowing family members to share an iPad will remain a common use case even with a mini. I let my kids use mine all the time. I share my iPad with other people's kids too.

    Even a "guest" mode would be useful.
  • Reply 231 of 260
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    blackbook wrote: »
    Displaying notifications is something. I like the lock screen simple and it's nice that I can view Facebook notifications or text messages I may have missed all on the lock screen.

    What else would be needed? Weather would be nice if its added tastefully as SolipsmX's example, but widgets or anything else would be unnecessary for the lock screen.

    As far as the home screen. If Apple let you adjust the icon grid like on OS X that would be a nice upgrade so that every iPhone doesn't look the same.
    I'd like weather and toggles for common used settings like wi-fi, Bluetooth, brightness, etc. I think there's a way to do it that's tasteful and not cluttered.
  • Reply 232 of 260
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    blackbook wrote: »
    I think multi user accounts or even the option for having a guest user would be nice for the iPad.
    Yep. My guess is Apple hasn't done it because they're obsessed with simplicity to the point of certain useful functions being left off with the thought it makes the device too complicated. But if they are doing it to try and force people into owning more than one device then I think that's crap.
  • Reply 233 of 260
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    rogifan wrote: »
    I'd like weather and toggles for common used settings like wi-fi, Bluetooth, brightness, etc. I think there's a way to do it that's tasteful and not cluttered.

    But if that's in the lock screen anyone could adjust those settings? Not even android, to my knowledge, allows you to access settings from the lock screen. And personally it doesn't take much to unlock the phone.

    But I guess if they did add it I could just turn it off. Anyway I think it's more important they add settings to notifications center than the lock screen.
  • Reply 234 of 260
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Yep. My guess is Apple hasn't done it because they're obsessed with simplicity to the point of certain useful functions being left off with the thought it makes the device too complicated. But if they are doing it to try and force people into owning more than one device then I think that's crap.

    I don't think it has to do with complexity. It's done pretty simply and seamlessly on Mac.

    I would assume that if you turned your device completely off you would be asked to choose an account when you turn it back on and when you go to turn your device off your given the option to shut down or log out of account. Pretty simple.

    They may add the feature one day. I think it'd be especially useful in education.
  • Reply 235 of 260
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    nht wrote: »
    Heh...$250 more...since the Nexus 7 is $250 for 32GB and my pricing has it at $499. Apple could make the base model 32GB to offset this.  It would be worth it to me but I'm moderately price insensitive.

    Folks that are price sensitive would be looking at the difference between $199 and $249/$299.  Yah, Apple's worth that price premium.  $149 and $249/$299?  Apple is still worth the premium but it's a harder call.

    $99 vs $249/$299?  I think that as apps become more and more powerful, especially games, these tablets are going to be the netbooks of the tablet world.  Cheap but poor performing even though they are as powerful as 2-3 year old premium tablets.  

    The original Kindle Fire I can see hitting $99 by XMas 2013.  I'd rather get a Nexus 7 for $150 which is what they probably will be end of 2013.
    I guess I just think a retina iPad mini at $399 is a tough sell when you have others being very agrressive on price, Also considering retina iOS devices have never gone up in price. IPad 2 was the same price as iPad 1's original price, iPhone 4 was the same price as iPhone 3GS.
  • Reply 236 of 260
    More on sharing...

    What if you or someone wants to read in bed -- or watch a movie?

    I'm going to bed now... Who's in?

    Do you really wan't to schedule time and share a appliance computer?

    We all use our iPads as personal TVs for Netflix, Podcasts and our home AV collection (1,000 videos).

    The boy's iPads are 64 GB and are maxed out on apps -- the better games are 1-2 GB each.

    However, I do like the idea of a guest mode.
  • Reply 237 of 260

    Originally Posted by nht View Post

    First 3GB seems excessively high.


    Movies. Music. Apps. Sounds desperately low, if you ask me. Barebones, in fact.


    There will definitely be multi-user touchscreen devices from Apple. But I don't imagine they'll be the ones you carry around. 

    The minimum number of people required to carry the device will be the number able to have accounts on it. How's that? 

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    I'm going to bed now... Who's in?


    Whoa, not the '60s; this ain't my bag! image

  • Reply 238 of 260
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    The minimum number of people required to carry the device will be the number able to have accounts on it. How's that? 

    Whoa, not the '60s; this ain't my bag! :lol:

  • Reply 239 of 260
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    blackbook wrote: »
    But if that's in the lock screen anyone could adjust those settings? Not even android, to my knowledge, allows you to access settings from the lock screen. And personally it doesn't take much to unlock the phone.

    But I guess if they did add it I could just turn it off. Anyway I think it's more important they add settings to notifications center than the lock screen.
    I guess I got mixed up there - I was thinking toggles for common used settings in NC. But weather would be nice on the lock screen. Also some sort of notification that you've received messages would be nice. A friend of mine who upgraded to an iPhone has told me they really miss that feature. On their Android phone they didn't even have to turn it on to know if someone had sent them a text.

    Something else I'd love is a setting that would automatically turn Wi-Fi on and off based on my location. For instance when I'm at work I usually turn Wi-Fi off since we're not supposed to use company Wi-Fi for social media, streaming music/video. I set up a location-based reminder which works okay but having iOS do it for me would be cool. Of course I'm not sure how it would function if you manually went in and changed the setting, I know sometimes at home if I'm downloaded something I will turn off Wi-Fi because LTE is faster. But again if there was a way to implement I think it would be cool.
  • Reply 240 of 260
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    I'm going to bed now... Who's in?

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