Rumor: Fifth-gen iPad, second-gen iPad mini to debut in March

in iPad edited January 2014
Apple's iPad lineup is now on a twice-a-year refresh cycle, according to a new rumor, which pegs both the full-size iPad and iPad mini as due for updates in March.

Brian White of Topeka Capital Markets said his checks with industry sources at this week's CES event in Las Vegas, Nev., indicated both the fifth-generation iPad and second-generation iPad mini will debut this March, just five months after the last update was announced.

White was told that the new "iPad 5" will be lighter and thinner than the fourth-generation model Apple released late last year. The updated model features a new A6X processor and Apple's smaller Lightning chip but maintained the same design as the third-generation iPad released last March.

As for the iPad mini, White said the second-generation device is expected to have the same form factor. A new model would likely just have upgraded components, such as a faster chip.


No mention was made of a potential high-resolution Retina display in a new iPad mini. One report from last month claimed Apple was focused on boosting the resolution of the next-generation iPad mini.

Though many industry insiders attend CES, Apple does not have an official presence at the annual event. White did not indicate the source of his information aside from unnamed "checks" at the show.

White also reported last week that Apple is expected to debut new iPhones this summer in more sizes and colors, expanding the lineup from the current black and white options. He expects the new iPhones to debut in the May-June timeframe, which would be earlier than the last two years.


  • Reply 1 of 260
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    I'm not sure of these rumours at all.

    Does it really make sense to bring out a new version of a product when the previous version still has six months left on the warranty? Customers with a defective product that has to be replaced will end up with the next generation of the product for free.

    Seems weird to me.
  • Reply 2 of 260
    kpomkpom Posts: 660member
    Perhaps we'll see the iPad Mini upgraded with an A6 processor in March, and then a Retina Display in October. I'm guessing the next 9.7" iPad gets thinner and lighter.
  • Reply 3 of 260
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    They won't boost screen res on the Mini just yet, buyers of the first one would be very unhappy about it. I think they'll wait until november.
  • Reply 4 of 260

    This just makes no sense.


  • Reply 5 of 260
    plagenplagen Posts: 151member


    Originally Posted by ClemyNX View Post

    They won't boost screen res on the Mini just yet, buyers of the first one would be very unhappy about it. I think they'll wait until november.

    Not sure. I, personally would be very happy about it. I will give my iPad Mini to my son, or sell it, or keep it in the car,  and will be a happy owner of a new one.

  • Reply 6 of 260

    I don't like this kind of 6-month cycles at all. Makes customers delay purchases and hurt resale values, which in turns cheapen the brand. Hope it's not happening. 

  • Reply 7 of 260
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    This just makes no sense.



    If Apple goes to faster release cycles, they get criticized for "obsoleting" products too quickly. If they only release once a year, they get criticized for going too long between updates. I don't see that they need to be slaves to the calendar. If they can release a new product with significant enhancements, they should do so when they are ready to do it.

  • Reply 8 of 260
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member

    I'm hoping this is true - I'm ready to pass my iPad 3 down to the kids and get the next iPad - but I'll wait to buy, even if it's November.  Was really hoping for the iPad 5 to follow the design of the mini, though.  Not the bezels but the thinner, lighter form.


    Incidentally, my bonus is in March.  Coincidence?  I don't think so...  ;-)

  • Reply 9 of 260
    mj1970mj1970 Posts: 9,002member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Does it really make sense to bring out a new version of a product when the previous version still has six months left on the warranty? Customers with a defective product that has to be replaced will end up with the next generation of the product for free.

    Seems weird to me.


    It's not weird if you've got competitors and if you have indications or a sense they could be gaining on you in some way. You keep pushing the envelope forward. The warranty on the previously sold models it irrelevant. Some of the people who bought those will be upset. Sure. There's always that. But the simple fact is those people got what they paid for. This is the hi-tech is ALWAYS moving forward.

  • Reply 10 of 260
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by drobforever View Post

    I don't like this kind of 6-month cycles at all. Makes customers delay purchases and hurt resale values, which in turns cheapen the brand. Hope it's not happening. 


    Customers delay purchases now, waiting for the next model. Resale value isn't Apple's concern, and it ought not be. None of these things lead to cheapening the brand as long as they maintain the quality of the brand. What would cheapen the brand is a "cheap" iPhone to sell in "developing markets".

  • Reply 11 of 260
    mj1970mj1970 Posts: 9,002member


    Originally Posted by KPOM View Post

    I'm guessing the next 9.7" iPad gets thinner and lighter.


    That's what I'm hoping for. After playing with the mini and the regular iPad, the regular one feels like a brick. Shave a couple pounds off that thing and that's what I'll probably get.

  • Reply 12 of 260
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I have no idea of the reasoning here. They have chosen the A5 for the iPad mini. They could move to the A6 in March but to what end? What's the reason for such a simple change? The iPad (4) was a move to the smaller lithography and the Lightning connector. That made sense.

    Looking at the Tegra 4 slides I don't think Apple has anything to fear that would require upgrades every 6 months. Is it possible they could be moving their ASIC designs that quickly? Will Rogue 6 even be available in quantity by in the Spring?
  • Reply 13 of 260


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post


    If Apple goes to faster release cycles, they get criticized for "obsoleting" products too quickly. If they only release once a year, they get criticized for going too long between updates. I don't see that they need to be slaves to the calendar. If they can release a new product with significant enhancements, they should do so when they are ready to do it.

    I'm all for a quicker iPhone update... but not in the traditional sense. If Apple had three different screen sizes... 3.5, 4, and say 4.5, then update each once a year but at different times.


    ... but the iPad... really?! What is there about the iPad that could make such a significant difference at this time of year? There just doesn't seem to be anything gained imo.

  • Reply 14 of 260
    mj1970mj1970 Posts: 9,002member


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Customers delay purchases now, waiting for the next model. Resale value isn't Apple's concern, and it ought not be.


    That's exactly right. In fact it isn't the speed of the product refreshes that affects re-sale value anyway, it is the degree of improvement from one version to the next. As soon as the new one is out the older one is worth less to (at least) the degree to which the new one is an improvement. If anything, longer release cycles might make resale values worse, because another factor in re-sale is how long the previous owner has owned and used the device (e.g., how many miles it has on it.)

  • Reply 15 of 260
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Could be a White lie.
  • Reply 16 of 260
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member

    I'm all for a quicker iPhone update... but not in the traditional sense. If Apple had three different screen sizes... 3.5, 4, and say 4.5, then update each once a year but at different times.

    ... but the iPad... really?! What is there about the iPad that could make such a significant difference at this time of year? There just doesn't seem to be anything gained imo.

    If they follow their iPad mini pattern a larger iPhone-like* device would have a 4.904" display. That would allow them to use the 264 PPI display panels already utilized in the iPad (4) whilst maintaining the same resolution of the iPhone 5.

    * Uses the same iPhone and iPod Touch apps in the same way the iPad and iPad mini use the same apps.
  • Reply 17 of 260
    allenbfallenbf Posts: 993member


    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    I'm all for a quicker iPhone update... but not in the traditional sense. If Apple had three different screen sizes... 3.5, 4, and say 4.5, then update each once a year but at different times.


    ... but the iPad... really?! What is there about the iPad that could make such a significant difference at this time of year? There just doesn't seem to be anything gained imo.



    I agree that it doesn't make a lot of sense based on the rumor - I'd think there must be a redesign on the iPad along with retina on the Mini for there to be an upgrade this soon.  But wouldn't we be seeing leaks already, anyway?  Especially for a redesign.

  • Reply 18 of 260
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    allenbf wrote: »

    I agree that it doesn't make a lot of sense based on the rumor - I'd think there must be a redesign on the iPad along with retina on the Mini for there to be an upgrade this soon.  But wouldn't we be seeing leaks already, anyway?  Especially for a redesign.

    Being "this soon" is what makes me think that Retina won't be possible with the Mini. We only got Retina on the iPad less than a year ago. 2048x1536 is a crazy high resolution that we were all blown away by and yet 6 months later people are expecting that same resolution with a much higher pixel density in less than half the volume with a 10 hour battery but at a fraction of the cost? That seems crazy to me. Not until we get Rogue 6 does it even seem feasible.

    Then consider that Apple has chosen to use the A5 in the iPad mini just as they do with the iPod Touch. It's a chip that's a year behind Apple's flagship devices. Why start with that just to multiple upgrades in a short timeframe?
  • Reply 19 of 260
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member
    Apple is going to announce the products they are going to announce whenever they are going to announce them.
  • Reply 20 of 260


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    If they follow their iPad mini pattern a larger iPhone-like* device would have a 4.904" display. That would allow them to use the 264 PPI display panels already utilized in the iPad (4) whilst maintaining the same resolution of the iPhone 5.

    * Uses the same iPhone and iPod Touch apps in the same way the iPad and iPad mini use the same apps.


    A 4.904" device with the Ive touch sounds fine to me.

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