Google's Nexus 7 outsells Apple's iPad in Japan over holidays



  • Reply 61 of 155
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I'm struggling to understand why AI would report something like this when the data is clearly questionable. I can understand anti-Apple sites like c|net doing it as its good click bait for them. But AI shiould know better. image


    Clickbait.  Apple hater eyeballs generate the same income as apple fan eyeballs.

  • Reply 62 of 155
    kpomkpom Posts: 660member
    This is worrying, since it is looking Google's giveaway strategy threatens another of Apple's core markets. Google is the new Microsoft. They write the software and make all the money (albeit through ad revenue rather than the software itself) and let the OEMs worry about (and often fail) to make profits on razor thin margins.

    It sounds like the iPad mini came none too soon.
  • Reply 63 of 155
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member


    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    As I said just a post earlier, I believe Nexus to be superior to iPad Mini. It's my opinion, and you're not obliged to share it. However, please avoid insulting me with "financially handicaped" or that kind of car comparison. Mercedes/Audi is OK; Mercedes/Toyota is not OK.


    You prefer the Nexus be equivalent to the garage-queen Audi over the more dependable Toyota?  LOL.


    Mercedes/Toyota is applicable and certainly OK.  You may like the Nexus 7 more but in terms of build quality the iPad Mini is much nicer.


    What you're doing is claiming that the Toyota Avalon is in the same class as the Mercedes C Class (and Audis) because it has more horsepower and is cheaper while it still has leather seats and a wood trim.


    No, not so much.  I'd certainly rather have an Avalon than any of the much prettier and higher performing Audis since I prefer a more reliable ride after owning a couple A4s.  Nice car but I got awful tired of driving loaners.

  • Reply 64 of 155
    Survey on 2400 electronic stores?

    7 Apple retail stores in Japan included?

    How about Japan Apple online store?
  • Reply 65 of 155

    Wonder how many of them are regretting now. I know I am. 

  • Reply 66 of 155
    Is this another attempt to drive down AAPL before earnings? I have my earplugs in; keep talking...
  • Reply 67 of 155


    Originally Posted by pembroke View Post

    We have an iPad and an iPad mini and several Mini iPad Minis (aka iPod Touch). Oh, and two Apple laptops. So Apple are very pleased with us I'm sure. But my wife got a Nexus 7 recently simply because of the price difference in comparison to the iPad mini. She uses it primarily for eBooks, it's also somewhat easier to hold than the iPad mini. I also have an Engineer colleague who bought it primarily for viewing PDFs - again because of the price differential. He too has iPhones, iPod Touches, iPads and an iMac in the family.


    Similar story here, wife has an ipad which in my view & many of the tablet buying market was overpriced compared to what you can get now - in this case specifically from the Nexus 7.  I now own one of these, have done my own side by side comparisons with ipads & ipad mini's.  I'd really like to see someone actually come up with a reasonable argument as to why spend £ 330 over £ 160?  And please, lets ignore the tedious ecosystem nonsense; give some genuine reasons why an average user shouldn't go for the 'buy two nexus 7's for the price of one (ok, almost...) ipad mini' offer.


    for me, main priorities:


    Not spend too much money on a coffee table device

    Provide access to internet

    Provide access to any email accounts I choose to add on there

    Have access to a giant app store

    Have access to an app store that gives one chargeable app as an foc one every day - thanks Amazon

    Can be used as a book reader if I really want to

    Play whatever video files I throw at it

    Give me ability to do skype calls if I'm really desperate to do that rather than conventional calls


    To me, all of these tasks can be achieved by both (not sure on the video files bit on ipad as it goes).  So; what possible reasons would there have been to spend £ 330 rather than £ 160 for basic 16GB Nexus & £ 30 on a load of accessories - case, stand, stylus, OTP cable (so I can keep sons kiddy programs off it except when needed).  Obviously all the streaming services are available to handle that side too from sky go, catchuptv, iplayer etc..

  • Reply 68 of 155
    kpomkpom Posts: 660member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Oh and by the way, c|net is a steaming pile of garbage. Pretty much everything they write these days put click bait. Just last week there was an article about how Android was better than Apple in "every way". Now they've got another one from a freelance journalist (who writes Android how-to guides on the side) with the 6 reasons iPhone 6 will be a dud: iOS is stale, Samsung and Android are "rocking it", Apple is different under TC, young people don't think Apple is cool anymore, price matters, and finally, Apple doesn't have a "wow" factor. If that isn't pure click bait for the sole purpose of trolling I don't know what is.


    CNet's credibility has been deeply undermined by the whole "Best of CES" flap involving the Dish Hopper. It's pretty clear they have lost their editorial independence under CBS.

  • Reply 69 of 155
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Oh and by the way, c|net is a steaming pile of garbage. Pretty much everything they write these days put click bait. Just last week there was an article about how Android was better than Apple in "every way".


    Did you read the article? The author made it very clear that is was better in every way for his usage. I was about as unbiased a piece as you're ever going to get on a tech blog.

  • Reply 70 of 155
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    eksodos wrote: »
    It could just be called, you know, an opinion written by a freelance journalist. Opinion pieces are acceptable, even if they don't conform to your personal viewpoint of the world.

    Personally I do think iOS is a bit stale. <span style="line-height:1.231;">I upgraded to a 4S from a 3GS and definitely questioned my decision afterwards. It's the same OS running a little faster on a better looking display.</span>
    <span style="line-height:1.231;">The camera is also very overrated. Sure it's a lot better than the 3GS, but it's still not something I'd want to use regularly for shooting photography.</span>
    <span style="line-height:1.231;">It's a great phone, but honestly I could have continued to have lived happily with the 3GS on a dirt cheap unsubsidized phone contract. </span>
    <span style="line-height:1.231;">I think that's a sad conclusion to draw on a phone released back in mid-2009.</span>
    It's click bait pure and simple. All you have to do is look at the comments section which is one trollish post after another. But I guess c|net has to feed their anti-Apple reader base.
  • Reply 71 of 155
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    richl wrote: »
    Did you read the article? The author made it very clear that is was better in every way for his usage. I was about as unbiased a piece as you're ever going to get on a tech blog.
    Yeah I read it. Of course "for his usage" was no where to be found in the title. And if we're going to talk about unbiased, where's the counter opinion from someone who likes iOS better? Now thatwould be unbiased reporting.
  • Reply 72 of 155
    peteopeteo Posts: 402member
    "Apple wrote:
    [" url="/t/155503/googles-nexus-7-outsells-apples-ipad-in-japan-over-holidays#post_2260181"]I'm assuming that the majority of iPads would be sold from Apple stores in Japan, am I wrong?

    Did that market research firm just walk into various Apple stores and say, excuse me, I'd like to speak with the manager, because I need to know exactly how many iPads you have sold over the holidays? And did the Apple store managers just gladly hand over that confidential information? :lol:

    Something about this story just doesn't jive.

    I'm not doubting that the no profit or very little profit Nexus 7 did sell a few units, since it is fairly cheap, and for certain people, price is the main motivating factor behind their purchasing decision, but I am questioning how the market research firm obtains their figures, especially the number of iPads sold.
    Theres no way this includes apple store sales and also they don't track online sale.
    On top of that this is from the nikkie, which is the one that had the false story of 50% iPhone 5 cuts Sunday night. They are just trying to get the stock down
  • Reply 73 of 155
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    kpom wrote: »
    CNet's credibility has been deeply undermined by the whole "Best of CES" flap involving the Dish Hopper. It's pretty clear they have lost their editorial independence under CBS.
    That's why I prefer sits like the Verge and ArsTechnica. A lot less bias in their reporting. And not nearly as much click bait. I'm sorry but in the span of a couple weeks c|net has two opinion pieces - one about Android being better than iOS "in every way" and one about 6 reasons iPhone 6 will be a dud - not to mention all the articles we get about silly surveys from questionable outfits predicting D&G for Apple. And we're still supposed to believe c|net is an unbiased tech site? :no:
  • Reply 74 of 155
    Is this the same company that was saying ACER tablet was outselling the iPad back in 2011?

    I have a feeling someone is good doing marketing to grab audience :)
  • Reply 75 of 155
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    I like the size and form factor of the Nexus 7 but its no where near as polished as the iPad.

    All of the apps my friends had on his are stretched phone apps that look pixelated and the touch response of the device was hit or miss.

    Lack of OS smoothness couples with the other issues make the iPad worth the extra cost to me, because you get what you pay for the with the Nexus 7.
  • Reply 76 of 155
    y2any2an Posts: 217member

    Well... it was really hard to buy an iPad mini in Tokyo before Christmas; it was tough even through Apple's website due to supply. I'll bet much of Apple's sales were online and I doubt that figures into the survey.

  • Reply 77 of 155
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member


    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    Who made more money?

    Which tablets are being used and generate more internet traffic?


    "... says one market research firm." AppleInsider has become one of the biggest click whores on the planet. Blazing headline declaring the iPad dead and buried by a cheaper copy followed by the money quote that this is according to ONE SURVEY, not actual sales numbers, just counting boxes. I'm just about done with this trashy web site and its click whore editors. You're no better than C|net or MacRumors. Highschool graduates calling themselves journalists starting a web site.

  • Reply 78 of 155
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    And Windows PCs outsell Macs.

    Yet Macs have utterly dominated in Consumer Satisfaction for nearly a decade. And they make Apple a boatload of money.

    Show me a purveyor of cheap Android feature phones that *doesn't* push a shit-ton of units.

    Consumer Satisfaction and margins per unit tell the real story.

  • Reply 79 of 155
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member


    Originally Posted by flyzone View Post

    Is this the same company that was saying ACER tablet was outselling the iPad back in 2011?

    I have a feeling someone is good doing marketing to grab audience image


    Good point. 

  • Reply 80 of 155


    Originally Posted by eksodos View Post


    I couldn't give a damn which company is making more profit. All I care about is there is a product on the market I want, and that product is being sold at a price I'm willing to pay. And I sure as hell don't care how other people are allegedly using the products I have chosen to purchase. It's how I use it that counts.


    Well said. Android and Apple fanboys love to argue about that stuff, but as long as it leads to products people like at prices they can afford, who cares about this pissing contest.

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