Google's Nexus 7 outsells Apple's iPad in Japan over holidays



  • Reply 121 of 155
    ipenipen Posts: 410member


    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    44% unit share (perhaps). But $0 profit for ASUS or Google

    ASUS is another of Google pawns. Why on God are these OEMs doing these Nexus deals at cost? Google completely devalued the Android tablet space with this launch. ASUS and Samsung are either way too shortsighted or too F***** dumb to see what is happening


    Yes, $0 profit for ASUS or Google means good for the consumers!

  • Reply 122 of 155
    hentaiboyhentaiboy Posts: 1,252member


    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    1. Their hands are too small to hold the iPad with one hand anyway

    There's no need for racism on Appleinsider.

  • Reply 123 of 155
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    I can't read the entire thread right now, but in case no one mentioned it, here's the Best Discussion Ever on Apple-centric pathological "journalism" and bloggorhea([SIZE=2]TM[/SIZE]), via Gruber:

    Be sure to read the comments, especially you Apple haters.
  • Reply 124 of 155

    wow! the best thing you could do is to insult an entire country because they didn't  spend $325 for an ipad? 

  • Reply 125 of 155
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by Misa View Post

    As said time and time again, go look at any publicly published web statistics, the iOS devices are used 2 to 3 times as often as android devices. So where are all these Android devices?...



    I think I can help.  Today's tech reporting is awful.


    Most reporters were quoting a Chitika ad impressions report that said, "the overall Web traffic distribution between iOS and Android. iOS’s share has hovered around 65%, while Android largely has stayed around 35%,"


    However, as usual, nobody bothered to actually read that report.  They just put up typical clickbait headlines like, "IOS USERS BROWSE WEB TWICE AS MUCH AS ANDROID USERS".    Then everybody and their brother came up with explanations for what was considered very puzzling news.


    Okay, now besides the obvious irony that anyone would brag that iOS users saw twice as many ads (that's what the report is about, after all) as Android users, they also failed to read the fine print.


    Ready?  Here it is:  "While third-party and our own observations have pegged smartphone Web traffic share as a near-tie, Apple has a decided advantage in the tablet market, where its iPad is unquestionably the hottest seller in the sector.  This advantage is the largest contributing factor to Apple’s lead over Android."




    We also know from other web stat sites, that iPad users browse about double the amount of phone users (of any OS).   In other words, almost 2 / 3 of iOS browsing is done by people on an iPad. 


    The USA Android tablet count, on the other hand, includes a large group of Android based e-book readers, such as the Amazon Kindle Fire and B&N Nook.   In the USA, most  Android tablet users own one of those readers.   Actually quite a few Americans own BOTH iPads and Android based e-readers.   Which do you think they use for browsing?


    So, perhaps the easiest answer is also the correct one:   if we look at just smartphones, Android and iOS users are comparable.   If we look at tablets, iOS users overwhelm everyone else for web browsing, especially since most of the Android tablets being counted into the calculations are really Android based e-Readers.


    That's all.  No big mystery nor convoluted explanations necessary.   The iPad as a general use tablet simply outsells Android general use tablets.  




  • Reply 126 of 155
    kdarling wrote: »
    We also know from other web stat sites, that iPad users browse about double the amount of phone users (of any OS).   In other words, almost 2 / 3 of iOS browsing is done by people on an iPad. 
    The USA Android tablet count, on the other hand, includes a large group of Android based e-book readers, such as the Amazon Kindle Fire and B&N Nook.   In the USA, most  Android tablet users own one of those readers.   Actually quite a few Americans own BOTH iPads and Android based e-readers.   Which do you think they use for browsing?
    So, perhaps the easiest answer is also the correct one:   if we look at just smartphones, Android and iOS users are comparable.   If we look at tablets, iOS users overwhelm everyone else for web browsing, especially since most of the Android tablets being counted into the calculations are really Android based e-Readers.
    That's all.  No big mystery nor convoluted explanations necessary.   The iPad as a general use tablet simply outsells Android general use tablets.  

    That explains the web browsing side of things... thank you. But what's the deal with app purchases?

    "On a typical day in November 2012, the revenues in the Apple App Store exceeded $15M USD, while in Google Play the revenues are just below $3.5M USD in 20 of the largest countries in both app stores."

    Is that due to the iPad as well?

    Also take into consideration that Android has a ridiculous advantage in smartphone market share... 75% to Apple's 15%

    Shouldn't that sway app revenue in Android's favor?

    Or do Android smartphone users simply not purchase apps as much as iPhone users?

    EDIT: I think there are over 600,000,000 Android phones out in the world.

  • Reply 127 of 155
    asdasd wrote: »
    I am tired of these arguments. The installed base of iOS is about the same as Android, and a lot of old Android devices are not useful for apps. Hence the difference - however revenue on the Google Play is growing faster than revenue on the App Store, something which can only continue. Eventually if Apple is less than 20% of the market, it will have lower mindshare amongst devs, and your argument in the next year or so  will be "so what if it is 5% of the market and 5% of the downloads: it can still survive on 10% of the profits". 

    Don't get caught up in percentages... the market itself is expanding.

    And the more the market expands... there will be more cheap Android phones that don't run apps very well... and more people who use their Android phone like a simple featurephone.

    You're right... it's better to focus on actual number of devices/users. But even then... there will still be people who are using not-so-powerful phones who don't care about apps.
  • Reply 128 of 155
    ipenipen Posts: 410member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    .... So where exactly is Apple trending down?

    AAPL Stock... bought it on it's way down at $600, bad decision...  won't get another share unless it's $400

  • Reply 129 of 155


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    I can't read the entire thread right now, but in case no one mentioned it, here's the Best Discussion Ever on Apple-centric pathological "journalism" and bloggorhea(TM), via Gruber:

    Be sure to read the comments, especially you Apple haters.

    Came to the quote:

    "No one comes out and says this crap about Samsung, Google, Nokia, RIM, Microsoft or any other big name in technology. It’s all Apple, all the time."


    Is it worth reading further? Because right now the article is on "rant" on my value meter.

    Oh, and then this jewel:

    "How can a company with so few products be such a behemoth?"

    Answer: produce cheap, hype, hype, hype, sell expensive, repeat.

    But wait a minute - Behemoth? in what sense? ahaa, perceived value.

    All in all - laughable.

  • Reply 130 of 155
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    nathillien wrote: »

    Came to the quote:

    "No one comes out and says this crap about Samsung, Google, Nokia, RIM, Microsoft or any other big name in technology. It’s all Apple, all the time."


    Is it worth reading further? Because right now the article is on "rant" on my value meter.

    Oh, and then this jewel:

    "How can a company with so few products be such a behemoth?"

    Answer: produce cheap, hype, hype, hype, sell expensive, repeat.

    But wait a minute - Behemoth? in what sense? ahaa, perceived value.

    All in all - laughable.

    Hey, welcome back, don't think we didn't miss you. How's tricks over there? You still working for that Sammy outfit? Now there's a behemoth . . .
  • Reply 131 of 155


    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    Rolls-Royce is a german company making german cars. Of course, you'll tell me that Lamborghini is a german company too, but they still make Italian cars and that shows. That just to say, I hate the current Rolls-Royce lineup, it looks like some ugly sort of fat Mercedes cars.


    I however agree with your base reasoning, Apple should cater to their customers, which are the top of the consumer triangle, the "(comparatively) few with lots of money". I don't mean "bring the iPhone to 3000$ a piece", but "keep the production standards high".



    Which is why the Nexus is currently a better tablet than the iPad Mini, and why iPad Mini Retina will be a better tablet than iPad Mini and Nexus.

    Rolls-Royce is actually a British company making ultra-elite British luxury cars which is now owned by a German company, but anyway...


    There have been numerous comparisons between the iPad Mini and Nexus 7. They both have strength and weaknesses. For those who keep harping that the Nexus 7 is better or superior or whatever you want to call it, I'll quickly point out a few areas that make the Mini a better deal, even at a much higher price. Keep in mind, for many buyers, this is probably why the Mini does and will outsell every other small tablet...


    1) Screen real-estate: Nobody can argue that the Mini has more of it, and when it comes to small-ish tablets, you want all you can get.

    2) Weight: You get more usable screen real-estate with less weight. Who wouldn't want that?

    3) Battery life: (this could probably be #1) The iPad Mini has superior battery life. It's been proven time and time again.

    4) Cameras: The Mini has 2 of them, and they're both pretty decent. The Nexus only has front-facing.

    5) iPad apps: Nobody can argue the momentum iPad as generated in iPad-specific apps, and they're a far cry better than over-blown phone apps that you'll usually find for most Android tablets.


    For most buyers, pixel density won't be as important as usable screen size. I've owned each iPad up to the 3rd Generation 16GB cellular model. I bought a 16GB cellular model Mini after they came out, and found the screen to be quite acceptable. It isn't Retina quality, but I don't NEED it. After all, the Mini has the same resolution as the iPad 2, and I had no problems with that. So, when I found someone on Craigslist wanting to trade a new Mini 32GB cellular model for a full-size iPad, I happily traded him even-up. He was happy with 16GB vs. 32GB, since the pixel density is what he was after. He does a lot of reading on the iPad for work/classes, and the Retina display is what he was really after. I like the portability of the Mini better, so that works for me and my other half. The only complaint I've heard so far about the Mini was it's just smaller. Otherwise, no complaints. Admittedly, he uses the iPad more than I do, so that's the test. Plus, I plan to use the Mini with the TomTom app when taking a trip, which will be much nicer than using it on my iPhone, and it won't look hideous while doing so compared to a full-size iPad hanging on my dash (not that I've tried that).


    Back to the topic of this article: Obviously Apple stores weren't surveyed, especially since they don't sell the Nexus 7. As others have mentioned, online sales were most likely not factored in, either.


    Every time some no-name "statistics firm" comes out with numbers... well, do they even matter? I could start a poll on Facebook tomorrow and post numbers. The results of that poll don't mean squat. Apple isn't shy about posting SALES numbers, while the most we usually hear from OEMs are numbers of units SHIPPED. If they're sitting on a store shelf somewhere, that doesn't count. I'm not saying the Nexus doesn't sell. I'm sure it sells well, but when a no-name firm tries getting attention by posting uneven poll numbers, they should be swept under the rug where they belong.


    As always, time will tell when the real SALES numbers are finally released, provided Asus/Google actually post them for Japan. In the end, an article like this doesn't even deserve mention on ANY credible website. Are you listening, AppleInsider (and many others)? Stop feeding the trolls.  

  • Reply 132 of 155


    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post



    I think I can help.  Today's tech reporting is awful.


    Most reporters were quoting a Chitika ad impressions report that said, "the overall Web traffic distribution between iOS and Android. iOS’s share has hovered around 65%, while Android largely has stayed around 35%,"


    However, as usual, nobody bothered to actually read that report.  They just put up typical clickbait headlines like, "IOS USERS BROWSE WEB TWICE AS MUCH AS ANDROID USERS".    Then everybody and their brother came up with explanations for what was considered very puzzling news.


    Okay, now besides the obvious irony that anyone would brag that iOS users saw twice as many ads (that's what the report is about, after all) as Android users, they also failed to read the fine print.


    Ready?  Here it is:  "While third-party and our own observations have pegged smartphone Web traffic share as a near-tie, Apple has a decided advantage in the tablet market, where its iPad is unquestionably the hottest seller in the sector.  This advantage is the largest contributing factor to Apple’s lead over Android."




    We also know from other web stat sites, that iPad users browse about double the amount of phone users (of any OS).   In other words, almost 2 / 3 of iOS browsing is done by people on an iPad. 


    The USA Android tablet count, on the other hand, includes a large group of Android based e-book readers, such as the Amazon Kindle Fire and B&N Nook.   In the USA, most  Android tablet users own one of those readers.   Actually quite a few Americans own BOTH iPads and Android based e-readers.   Which do you think they use for browsing?


    So, perhaps the easiest answer is also the correct one:   if we look at just smartphones, Android and iOS users are comparable.   If we look at tablets, iOS users overwhelm everyone else for web browsing, especially since most of the Android tablets being counted into the calculations are really Android based e-Readers.


    That's all.  No big mystery nor convoluted explanations necessary.   The iPad as a general use tablet simply outsells Android general use tablets.




    Don't forget the dirt-cheap discount store (Big Lots, Kohl's, and many others) Android tablets that are easily had for under $100. I played around with a couple of them after Christmas, and I don't think I'd honestly advise anyone to buy one, no matter how cheap they are. But they count. They're fine for kids, but that's about it. Just make sure you teach your kids how to kill apps and free up resources. Those cheap things get painfully slow if you don't. Oh, and apps are through Amazon, not Google Play... 

  • Reply 133 of 155


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Your analogy is ridiculous. Apple iPhones use the same electricity as everyone else. They use the same mobile networks. Just how is low market share supposed to hurt them?

    Yes, and Apple iPhones run the same applications as Windows Phones and Android. Proof: Angry Birds runs just right on all three systems.



  • Reply 134 of 155


    Originally Posted by ipen View Post

    AAPL Stock... bought it on it's way down at $600, bad decision...  won't get another share unless it's $400

    If I was so lucky as to see "analysts" drive the price down to 400, oh, I would buy. Hell, yes.

  • Reply 135 of 155
    kpomkpom Posts: 660member

    According to this article (of course, buried in the last sentence), only 3.6 million tablets were sold in Japan in all of 2012. Perhaps it isn't a very representative market at all.


  • Reply 136 of 155


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Hey, welcome back, don't think we didn't miss you.

    LOL. I didn't know I have followers here ;)

  • Reply 137 of 155
    andreyandrey Posts: 108member

    Who cares? Fanboys are offended, but who really cares.

  • Reply 138 of 155
    since economy has been worst, people got lesson to learn something. they want high quality but cheaper device. google nexus 7 makes people satisfied in that way. if apple will continue to keep their high price, high quality strategy, they will lose in the end. people don't want to spend their hard cash for apple anymore. plus, iOS UI, devices by apple are not impressed anymore. they've been older and older. people don't feel impressive. I think that apple still has some kind of confidence by itself. but it won't be last. in my opinion, apple is done after Steve Jobs. Tim Cook can't make apple flying anymore.
  • Reply 139 of 155
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    archurban wrote: »
    since economy has been worst, people got lesson to learn something. they want high quality but cheaper device. google nexus 7 makes people satisfied in that way. if apple will continue to keep their high price, high quality strategy, they will lose in the end. people don't want to spend their hard cash for apple anymore. plus, iOS UI, devices by apple are not impressed anymore. they've been older and older. people don't feel impressive. I think that apple still has some kind of confidence by itself. but it won't be last. in my opinion, apple is done after Steve Jobs. Tim Cook can't make apple flying anymore.

    The US economy tanked in 2008 and barely came back in 2010. All Apple has done is have record setting qtrs during the recession.
  • Reply 140 of 155
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by archurban View Post

    since economy has been worst, people got lesson to learn something. they want high quality but cheaper device. google nexus 7 makes people satisfied in that way. if apple will continue to keep their high price, high quality strategy, they will lose in the end. people don't want to spend their hard cash for apple anymore. plus, iOS UI, devices by apple are not impressed anymore. they've been older and older. people don't feel impressive. I think that apple still has some kind of confidence by itself. but it won't be last. in my opinion, apple is done after Steve Jobs. Tim Cook can't make apple flying anymore.


    I know its a matter of opinion, but I've used the Nexus 7 a number of times and the more I use it the more inconsistencies I find with it. It can be very buggy with regular use and the OS UI looks like every other Android I've seen. I don't know why that seems "fresher" to some people here.


    Its not much different from iOS especially since you have to still open their app launcher (which looks just like iOS's home screen) to find the apps you're looking for.


    Not much "new" going on and it's a far cry from the iPad Mini experience. To put it plainly to people that don't get it, the Nexus 7 utilizes an oversized bloated phone OS, the iPad Mini utilizes a miniaturized compete tablet OS. That sums up the difference of the experience between the 2. On the iPad Mini you can enjoy rich full sized Tablet grade apps that look great on the smaller screen. On the Nexus 7 you experience Android phone apps stretched to 7 inches. Completely different experience and I think consumers will see that.


    The Nexus 7 and iPad Mini are barely in the same league, and you truthfully get what you pay for.

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