Samsung to take on Apple's iPad mini with 8-inch Galaxy Note



  • Reply 21 of 105
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,099member
    In the long line of "let's throw some shit against the wall and hope something sticks" camp

    For those US employees that are working for this POS including those in that black monolith in Ridgefield Park NJ, I hope you wake up and decide to do something meaningful and impactful with your careers. At least Sony had some style in its hay-day

    I laugh that Samsung is being considered as a "Horse-man" of the technology scene. Given it does not even control its own software platform. And it never will

    Samsung is a pretender... One that over compensates with its large scale marketing budget

  • Reply 22 of 105


    Originally Posted by ifij775 View Post

    I have never once thought, "Wow, I could really use a stylus right now"


    I have thought MANY times I would use an iPad if it had a stylus.


    And I bet all those people carrying around a keyboard to use with their iPad might think the same thing.

  • Reply 23 of 105
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by BigMac2 View Post


    What the Galaxy Note's stylus can do and a third-party stylus for iPad can't?


    All the current styluses for the iPad are just acting like "fake fingers," with the exception of the new one that I mentioned from a third party with a third party API (can't remember the name just now).  In other words they aren't really styluses at all.  


    The Galaxy Note uses a "real" stylus that's pressure sensitive and works in concert with your fingers, not just as another finger.  Basically it works like a Wacom stylus.  

  • Reply 24 of 105
    Samsung development meetings:

    So what could copy this quarter? Anybody?

    Sony is coming out with a 46" TV, let's make one that is 47"


    iPad Mini seems to be selling well...

    What size was it?


    Let's make one at 8", and we will call it Galaxy Note 8!

  • Reply 25 of 105
    bigmac2bigmac2 Posts: 639member


    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    I laugh that Samsung is being considered as a "Horse-man" of the technology scene. Given it does not even control its own software platform. And it never will



    Because of you, I can't get off my mind about associating Gangnam Style and Samsung.

  • Reply 26 of 105
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by BigMac2 View Post


    I agree with you, having an "Official" HW and SW solution for a pressure sensitive digitalizer would be great.  But I still think Apple as follow the right path by not giving choice for developers of having mandatory touch input UI.  Too many Palms and PC Tablet applications has being wrongly created around a Pen driven UI, which is a pain in the a...


    I would agree with that.  I never thought of that angle actually.  Generally speaking "pen-computing" is a failure IMO and something to be discouraged.  


    I just want the iPad to work the same way as it works in real life with pen and paper.  I flip the pages with my fingers, but when I go to draw on it, I want to rest my hand on the paper and draw with an accurate stylus the same way everyone always has.  Right now you have to do some serious gymnastics to avoid touching the screen, hold the pen at an unnatural angle, and even then ... you have to constantly zoom in and out for the details because the pen is basically as accurate as a sausage. 


    Styluses to write or make marks with have been with us, and hardly changed at all, since neolithic days.  I'm not convinced that they are no longer needed or the fact that I can scribble a line with my finger on the iPad is a good replacement. 

  • Reply 27 of 105
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    jason98 wrote: »
    My local Costco sells some Samsung Tabs no one seems to be interested in. Funny thing is they are stacked against rows full of iDevice accessories, but not a trace of a single iDevice in store.
    Wonder whether I should just quit my membership as this situation starting to piss me off.
    I think Costco's business depends on getting bulk items at large discounts. With Apple struggling to meet demand for iDevices selling at full retail, it seems
    unlikely they could or would supply Costco. There also might be a problem with the differences in the return policies of the two companies. Don't drop your
    membership, adjust your expectation.
  • Reply 28 of 105
    bigmac2bigmac2 Posts: 639member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I just want the iPad to work the same way as it works in real life with pen and paper.  I flip the pages with my fingers, but when I go to draw on it, I want to rest my hand on the paper and draw with an accurate stylus the same way everyone always has.  Right now you have to do some serious gymnastics to avoid touching the screen, hold the pen at an unnatural angle, and even then ... you have to constantly zoom in and out for the details because the pen is basically as accurate as a sausage.


    Having sees some peoples creating breathtaking illustration with a iPad on Youtube and elsewhere, I think a glove solve most of the screen touching issue and the touch screen precision seams more than enough once you get use to it.  


    We are still at the infancy of tablets computing, I think new functions will come along with new expectation from tablets users but tablets devices still need to defines themselves first. Samsung got any clues with bringing an Office Pen oriented device with a films-video 16:9 oriented display.

  • Reply 29 of 105
    ptramptram Posts: 58member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    So we have thicker, larger and heavier tablet from Samsung with a less ideal aspect ratio (unless you only want to play YouTube videos)


    Actually, most YouTube videos I see are still 4:3. So, the 16:10 ratio is neither good for that.

  • Reply 30 of 105


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    i thought they had a 8" tablet or was that a 8.9" tablet--7, 8.9, 10? so confused.

    It seems Samsung are too. Someone posted this on TheVerge forums:


    • 2.80 Galaxy 5/Europa

    • 3.14 Galaxy Mini

    • 3.20 Galaxy 3/Apollo

    • 3.50 Galaxy Ace

    • 3.65 Galaxy Player 3.6

    • 4.00 Galaxy S, S III Mini, Player 4.0

    • 4.20 Galaxy Player 4.2

    • 4.27 Galaxy S II

    • 4.50 Galaxy S II Skyrocket, Infuse 4G

    • 4.52 Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch

    • 4.65 Galaxy S II HD LTE, Galaxy Nexus

    • 4.80 Galaxy S III

    • 5.00 Galaxy Player 5.0

    • 5.29 Galaxy Note

    • 5.55 Galaxy Note II

    • 5.80 Galaxy Player 5.8

    • 7.00 Galaxy Tab, Tab 7.0 Plus, Tab 2 7.0

    • 7.70 Galaxy Tab 7.7

    • 8.00 Galaxy Note 8.0?

    • 8.90 Galaxy Tab 8.9

    • 10.10 Galaxy Tab 10.1, Tab 2 10.1, Note 10.1


    ...  and of course the Nexus 10 aaaaand this (8.0). And this are only the Galaxy branded ones...


  • Reply 31 of 105


    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    I think Costco's business depends on getting bulk items at large discounts. With Apple struggling to meet demand for iDevices selling at full retail, it seems

    unlikely they could or would supply Costco. There also might be a problem with the differences in the return policies of the two companies. Don't drop your

    membership, adjust your expectation.

    Costco stopped selling iDevices back in 2010 because of that very reason. Apple couldn't supply them with enough product even though they could supply some of their competitors:

  • Reply 32 of 105
    My wife has the Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet and she hates it. Compared to my iPad her Note has lower resolution, slower wifi is made of plastic and the OS is jumpy as hell. Samsung can "copy" all they want, but the quality is still lacking. Samsung makes nice tv's and bluerays, but they are no where near to catching up to Apple on tablets or phones!
  • Reply 33 of 105

    Originally Posted by Jonteponte View Post

    • 2.80 Galaxy 5/Europa

    • 3.14 Galaxy Mini

    • 3.20 Galaxy 3/Apollo

    • 3.50 Galaxy Ace

    • 3.65 Galaxy Player 3.6

    • 4.00 Galaxy S, S III Mini, Player 4.0

    • 4.20 Galaxy Player 4.2

    • 4.27 Galaxy S II

    • 4.50 Galaxy S II Skyrocket, Infuse 4G

    • 4.52 Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch

    • 4.65 Galaxy S II HD LTE, Galaxy Nexus

    • 4.80 Galaxy S III

    • 5.00 Galaxy Player 5.0

    • 5.29 Galaxy Note

    • 5.55 Galaxy Note II

    • 5.80 Galaxy Player 5.8

    • 7.00 Galaxy Tab, Tab 7.0 Plus, Tab 2 7.0

    • 7.70 Galaxy Tab 7.7

    • 8.00 Galaxy Note 8.0?

    • 8.90 Galaxy Tab 8.9

    • 10.10 Galaxy Tab 10.1, Tab 2 10.1, Note 10.1


    ...  and of course the Nexus 10 aaaaand this (8.0). And this are only the Galaxy branded ones...


    This is psychotic. And people actually want Apple to become more like this? No.

  • Reply 34 of 105
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    This is comparing apples to oranges. iPad mini is not a phone. Samsung Note series are smartphones. Note is being subsidized heavily by AT&T and Verizon. This is Samsung's marketing strategy.
  • Reply 35 of 105
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,266member


    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    I think Costco's business depends on getting bulk items at large discounts. With Apple struggling to meet demand for iDevices selling at full retail, it seems

    unlikely they could or would supply Costco. There also might be a problem with the differences in the return policies of the two companies. Don't drop your

    membership, adjust your expectation.

    Originally Posted by Rothgarr View Post

    Costco stopped selling iDevices back in 2010 because of that very reason. Apple couldn't supply them with enough product even though they could supply some of their competitors:


    If you read the entire article you referenced, you'd see that the real reason was two-fold. 1) Costco wasn't allowed to sell Apple devices through the Costco online store, and 2) Costco wasn't allowed to discount Apple devices more than a few cents. Costco only sells items it can procure and sell for less than other stores. This is how Costco works. iPods can easily be found in bulk yet Costco won't sell them because of these two reasons. All those iDevice accessories aren't controlled by Apple, therefore, they can sell them for whatever they want to.

  • Reply 36 of 105
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Ok haters... Waiting for you to declare Samsung desperate for following Apple's lead.
    (Finger drum finger drum finger drum).
  • Reply 37 of 105
    archarch Posts: 66member


    Originally Posted by winstein2010 View Post

    Samsung development meetings:

    So what could copy this quarter? Anybody?

    Sony is coming out with a 46" TV, let's make one that is 47"


    iPad Mini seems to be selling well...

    What size was it?


    Let's make one at 8", and we will call it Galaxy Note 8!


    That's always been their style of working. Just that it is affecting apple now.

  • Reply 38 of 105

    where Apple goes, Samsung follows. And they wonder why Apple sues the s out of them. 

  • Reply 39 of 105
    gazoobee wrote: »
    This is great because it's more reason for Apple to compete by (finally!) adding stylus capability to the iPad lineup.

    I agree but only on behalf of my artistic better half. She can draw very well on the iPad with her finger but hates doing it that way.
  • Reply 40 of 105
    This is psychotic. And people actually want Apple to become more like this? No.

    Not exactly. No one is asking Apple to make 20 different screen sizes.

    I would just like one more screen size... something north of 4"

    Like I said in another thread... Apple's phones have a maximum of 4" while other flagship phones have a minimum of at least 4.3"

    There's got to be another sweet spot between 4" and 5.5"
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