Samsung to take on Apple's iPad mini with 8-inch Galaxy Note



  • Reply 41 of 105


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    All the current styluses for the iPad are just acting like "fake fingers," with the exception of the new one that I mentioned from a third party with a third party API (can't remember the name just now).  In other words they aren't really styluses at all.


    The Galaxy Note uses a "real" stylus that's pressure sensitive and works in concert with your fingers, not just as another finger.  Basically it works like a Wacom stylus.  

    1. The Pogo Connect is available now:

    2. The Jot Touch is due soon:



  • Reply 42 of 105


    Originally Posted by tzeshan View Post

    This is comparing apples to oranges. iPad mini is not a phone. Samsung Note series are smartphones. Note is being subsidized heavily by AT&T and Verizon. This is Samsung's marketing strategy.


    No, actually its not just smartphones. They have the galaxy Note 10.1 which can have cellular capabilities, but was first sold as a wifi tablet.

  • Reply 43 of 105
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    ifij775 wrote: »
    I have never once thought, "Wow, I could really use a stylus right now"

    Oh, I did.

    I received a cheap Android tablet as a prize and its screen was so insensitive that using it with your fingers was almost impossible, so you had to use the enclosed stylus. When the stylus was lost, I said "Wow, I could really use a stylus right now".

    Of course, I doubt if that's what Gazoobee had in mind.
  • Reply 44 of 105
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    This is great because it's more reason for Apple to compete by (finally!) adding stylus capability to the iPad lineup.



  • Reply 45 of 105

    "Samsung has already taken cues from Apple -- both in product design and marketing -- as it seeks to build a high-value brand for itself, one approaching that of its main rival."


    This should really read:  "Samsung has already copied from Apple -- both in product design and marketing -- as it seeks to build a low-value brand for itself, one stealing from that of its main rival."

  • Reply 46 of 105
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    quadra 610 wrote: »

    I think he might mean a digitizer by "adding stylus capability." I'd certainly like to see that added despite having no interest myself in using an iPad that way.
  • Reply 47 of 105
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Sony has a new Xperia Tablet Z coming to market that is thinner than the iPad mini. Still dislike the 16:9 aspect ratio but it looks nice. No word yet on if it will come to the US.,0,951583.story
  • Reply 48 of 105
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    This is great because it's more reason for Apple to compete by (finally!) adding stylus capability to the iPad lineup.

    Stylus capability has been there since the first iPhone. Just not the kind you want.
  • Reply 49 of 105
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    All the current styluses for the iPad are just acting like "fake fingers," with the exception of the new one that I mentioned from a third party with a third party API (can't remember the name just now).  In other words they aren't really styluses at all.  

    The Galaxy Note uses a "real" stylus that's pressure sensitive and works in concert with your fingers, not just as another finger.  Basically it works like a Wacom stylus.  

    I'm curious. How many folks using that Note with its 'real' stylus have gotten on the cover of the New Yorker.
  • Reply 50 of 105
    I guess a few more variations can't hurt, right? I mean, there has to be a huge difference between the Galaxy Note 10.1 and the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 to make and market both? You know, I think this opens the door for them to make a Galaxy Tab 2 8 (8.0??) now, since they appear to like to pair a Galaxy Note with a Galaxy Tab.

    Over the last 2 years:

    Galaxy Note 10.1
    Galaxy Note 8
    Nexus 10
    Galaxy Tab 2 10.1
    Galaxy Tab 2 7.0
    Galaxy Tab 10.1
    Galaxy Tab 8.9
    Galaxy Tab 7.7
    Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus
    Galaxy Tab

    I'm sure there are more/others i've missed. And these are just the Android tablets.
  • Reply 51 of 105
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member

    Originally Posted by Jonteponte View Post

    It seems Samsung are too. Someone posted this on TheVerge forums:


    • 2.80 Galaxy 5/Europa

    • 3.14 Galaxy Mini

    • 3.20 Galaxy 3/Apollo

    • 3.50 Galaxy Ace

    • 3.65 Galaxy Player 3.6

    • 4.00 Galaxy S, S III Mini, Player 4.0

    • 4.20 Galaxy Player 4.2

    • 4.27 Galaxy S II

    • 4.50 Galaxy S II Skyrocket, Infuse 4G

    • 4.52 Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch

    • 4.65 Galaxy S II HD LTE, Galaxy Nexus

    • 4.80 Galaxy S III

    • 5.00 Galaxy Player 5.0

    • 5.29 Galaxy Note

    • 5.55 Galaxy Note II

    • 5.80 Galaxy Player 5.8

    • 7.00 Galaxy Tab, Tab 7.0 Plus, Tab 2 7.0

    • 7.70 Galaxy Tab 7.7

    • 8.00 Galaxy Note 8.0?

    • 8.90 Galaxy Tab 8.9

    • 10.10 Galaxy Tab 10.1, Tab 2 10.1, Note 10.1


    ...  and of course the Nexus 10 aaaaand this (8.0). And this are only the Galaxy branded ones...



    Reminds me of the Pro Hart carpet tvc's from years back, except the gunk thrown onto the carpet here doesn't coalesce into any discernible image. Just a mess.



    "Freedom to choose!" - laugh out loud.

  • Reply 52 of 105
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    charlituna wrote: »
    I'm curious. How many folks using that Note with its 'real' stylus have gotten on the cover of the New Yorker.

    It would be interesting to know how many Note users take advantage of the digitizer. It seems to have merit even if it will be a seldom-used option on the device.
  • Reply 53 of 105
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member


    Originally Posted by trd105 View Post


    No, actually its not just smartphones. They have the galaxy Note 10.1 which can have cellular capabilities, but was first sold as a wifi tablet.

    Do you know cellular capabilities is not the same as using a phone?  For your info iPad mini also have cellular capabilities but it can not be used as a phone.  I was saying Samsung Note/Note II are marketed as a smartphone and receive lots of subsidy from AT&T and Verizon. 

  • Reply 54 of 105
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member


    Originally Posted by Mechanic View Post

    "Samsung has already taken cues from Apple -- both in product design and marketing -- as it seeks to build a high-value brand for itself, one approaching that of its main rival."


    This should really read:  "Samsung has already copied from Apple -- both in product design and marketing -- as it seeks to build a low-value brand for itself, one stealing from that of its main rival."


    All too true.

  • Reply 55 of 105
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    Well most don't need it, but if you want to draw (I do obviously), it's essential.  
    All we can do now is fingerprint, which is fun, but not very productive.  
    If most (which is probably 95%) then don't include it! If you need one, buy one, and one that BEST fits your needs. It's that simple.
  • Reply 56 of 105
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member

    Originally Posted by Jonteponte View Post

    It seems Samsung are too. Someone posted this on TheVerge forums:

    • [*] 2.80 Galaxy 5/Europa

      [*] 3.14 Galaxy Mini

      [*] 3.20 Galaxy 3/Apollo

      [*] 3.50 Galaxy Ace

      [*] 3.65 Galaxy Player 3.6

      [*] 4.00 Galaxy S, S III Mini, Player 4.0

      [*] 4.20 Galaxy Player 4.2

      [*] 4.27 Galaxy S II

      [*] 4.50 Galaxy S II Skyrocket, Infuse 4G

      [*] 4.52 Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch

      [*] 4.65 Galaxy S II HD LTE, Galaxy Nexus

      [*] 4.80 Galaxy S III

      [*] 5.00 Galaxy Player 5.0

      [*] 5.29 Galaxy Note

      [*] 5.55 Galaxy Note II

      [*] 5.80 Galaxy Player 5.8

      [*] 7.00 Galaxy Tab, Tab 7.0 Plus, Tab 2 7.0

      [*] 7.70 Galaxy Tab 7.7

      [*] 8.00 Galaxy Note 8.0?

      [*] 8.90 Galaxy Tab 8.9

      [*] 10.10 Galaxy Tab 10.1, Tab 2 10.1, Note 10.1

    ...  and of course the Nexus 10 aaaaand this (8.0). And this are only the Galaxy branded ones...

    Sammy is the master of the sh!tgun approach. Note it's not shotgun as the buckshot actually causes damage. Most of Sammy's products are just pure crap.

  • Reply 57 of 105
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by Jonteponte View Post

    It seems Samsung are too. Someone posted this on TheVerge forums:


    • 2.80 Galaxy 5/Europa

    • 3.14 Galaxy Mini

    • ... etc


    Of course, that's a list of devices over several years, not the display sizes available right now.


    Still, it shows how a resolution independent UI allows a wider choice in sizes and resolution with resorting to pixel doubling or unused black strips.

  • Reply 58 of 105
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    Now wait a second. This has the same resolution as the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in a smaller screen size meaning the picture should be better. So are the haters that complained about the iPad Mini resolution going to take back their complaints since the Mini has the same resolution as an iPad 2, but in a smaller screen as well?
    No. I stand by my complaint that the iPad mini resolution sucks (FOR ME). And I wouldn't buy this thing either if only for this reason.

    I love the mini form factor. I love how light it is. But I HATE the resolution. I have said time and again I don't think the 7" form factor is ideal for an iPad, and that is absolutely true for me. I have to zoom web pages constantly to read them, not a problem with the full iPad. Some links are entirely too small to accurately press with my fingers by default. Standard and smaller text is likewise entirely too small to be legible at this resolution, appearing quite jaggy. Much of the New York Times front page default layout is illegible to me. These are all problems with the mini, but not the iPad with Retina. And the thumb detection technology ain't all it's cracked up to be either. But that's me and how I use the iPad. In fact, I have an original iPad as well, and I have fewer of these problems with it than I do on the mini, despite having technically lower resolution because the display is larger.

    When the mini with Retina display comes out, I have no doubt I will love it. But I will still need to zoom on far more pages than not in order to read and select some links. And at the end of the day, a thinner, lighter full sized iPad will be much better for my needs.

    What other people need or accept is irrelevant to me. And I'm not the only person who feels this way about Retina display. As an entry level device it's terrific. But that's what it is, beyond the fact it may be more convenient for some over the full-sized iPad.
  • Reply 59 of 105
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Samsung development meetings:

    So what could copy this quarter? Anybody?

    Sony is coming out with a 46" TV, let's make one that is 47"


    iPad Mini seems to be selling well...

    What size was it?


    Let's make one at 8", and we will call it Galaxy Note 8!

    Mind you, Samsung released 7" Galaxy Tab back in 2010. One could argue that, in reducing size for iPad Mini, Apple actually followed mini tablets trend set by likes of Samsung, Amazon and B&N...
  • Reply 60 of 105
    SO let me get this straight.

    There are full sized 10" tablets and then the smaller 7" (or so) tablets for folks who want to minify.

    And then there is Samsung... who decides to have their "mini" tab be hardly any different in size than the full size version?


    Its like they are memory challenged.

    I can hear the Samsung headquarters during R&D:

    Samsung hardware Chief: "Our Tab is failing against the mighty iPad that it was knocked off from, but the iPad Mini has had criticism. Let's explore that vulnerability with our own 'Tab Mini!' It will compete head on with the iPad Mini, but be an inch BIGGER! mwahahahaha!"

    Voice of Reason: "excuse me sir, if I may humbly add a thought to this wonderfully thought out plan of domination... if we make the Tab Mini bigger than the iPad Mini, we may face comparison to the full size iPad and our own full size Tab instead. That may not be favorable..."

    Samsung Hardware Chief: ... You just don't understand why we do what we do.

    One has to wonder why Samsung feels the need to be blatantly stupid in their desire to compete with Apple. I guess anything goes, especially if you can get away with blatant IP theft and hardware/software design plagiarism...

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