Photos claim to show components bound for Apple's iPhone 5S and iPhone 6



  • Reply 41 of 77

    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    3. Visual voicemail is not supported natively, but there are plenty of third party apps that offer it for a couple of bucks.


    Do you think that will change now that they offer the iPhone legitimately?

  • Reply 42 of 77


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    You're wrong about most of your comments:

    1. There is no 2 GB monthly limit. It's unlimited data.!ut/p/b1/04_SjzQ0MzE2NzY2sTTXj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOJdDLx8jQMdPYyCPMxNDTwDPJyD3c39DEwcjfXD9aPASgxwAEcDqAJcZhiY41fg72ak7-eRn5uqnxvl5ZrmqKgIAMyNXe4!/?s=y

    There is a $30 per month plan that's limited to 30 MB per month, so if your needs are limited, you could save even more.

    2. It most certainly does support MMS - I use it all the time. Granted, some people find that they have to jump through hoops to set it up, but to save $1,000, it's worth it.

    3. Visual voicemail is not supported natively, but there are plenty of third party apps that offer it for a couple of bucks.

    The only thing you're correct about is that it doesn't support LTE at this time. That is the one limitation - and certainly not worth over $1,000 to me. I suspect that it will be added at some time in the future, anyway.


    With respect to data limits, you cannot be more wrong. 


    There is indeed a 2 GB monthly data limit. ST will throttle your service if you go over this monthly cap. You clearly don't know what you are talking about. If you don't believe me Google "2 GB monthly data limit straight talk" and you'll see countless sources.


    It does not support MMS. People have been able to get MMS working via jailbreaks and other methods using an iPhone 4 and 4S. To my knowledge this has not been worked out on the iPhone 5. The fact is that MMS is not officially supported. 


    Again, it does support Visual Voicemail. Yes there are workarounds. 


    I seriously doubt LTE is coming to ST anytime soon. 


    I'm not saying ST isn't a great service, but your original post wasn't truthful. 

  • Reply 43 of 77

    Originally Posted by blairh View Post

    I'm not saying ST isn't a great service, but your original post wasn't truthful. 


    Please stop. He has an iPhone on Straight Talk. He knows. It's just that simple.

    It does not support MMS. People have been able to get MMS working


    See, even you know it's wrong.

  • Reply 44 of 77


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Please stop. He has an iPhone on Straight Talk. He knows. It's just that simple.

    What are you talking about? Straight Talk has a 2 GB data limit otherwise you get throttled. Why are you telling me not correct someone? Are you serious right now???

  • Reply 45 of 77

    Originally Posted by blairh View Post

    What are you talking about? Straight Talk has a 2 GB data limit otherwise you get throttled. Why are you telling me not correct someone? Are you serious right now???


    Because if he says they don't, he would know, as he's actually using the device in question on the network in question.

  • Reply 46 of 77
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post


    Let's say I get a "free" iphone on AT&T. That's $90 per month for the plan I used, so $2160 over the 2 year contract period.


    Now, compare that to my StraightTalk plan - which actually provides better service (unlimited everything). $45 per month - or $1080 over 2 years.


    So your "free" iPhone costs me $1080.


    Minor quibble:  the guy on contract also got the phone included, so isn't the difference really  $1080 - price of phone ?



    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    Just because the other manufacturers can't figure out how to make a profit from sub-$500 smart phones doesn't mean Apple won't be able to.


    Other manufacturers are making a profit, just not the 50% that Apple does on their newest model.   For example, on the opposite end of the spectrum, sub $150 phones are making a comparatively low profit margin, under 15%.


    But manufacturers also sell a lot of $200 - $250 off-contract smartphones worldwide.  That's still low enough to attract a lot of buyers who want a really decent device, and thus is the price slot that analysts want Apple to target.  Whether they will or not, is the question, of course.   However, it sure seems like they could make a $299 retail phone and still make a decent  profit.


    We know, for example, that Apple was willing to get only about $130 above BOM for the iPad Mini.  So, can they make a low end $300 retail iPhone for $170 BOM?   I would think so.  Heck, that's what the iPhone 4 must be costing them by now.   So the bigger question is, can they make a $250 retail phone? Depends on what they're willing to leave out.



    If Apple makes a lower cost iPhone they are going to do it right without hurting their margins.

    I expect to see liquid metal in the iPhone 6. Not plastic. Actually I don't think we're going to see the 6 this year as this rumor says.


    Liquid Metal makes no sense for a cheap phone.  For one thing, it's not radio transparent like plastic.  For another, unless Apple has come up with a breakthrough, it's more costly.   The only reason to use it is to make pieces less susceptible to showing scratches, etc.


    The funny thing about Liquid Metal (tm) to me, is that its characteristics are really more like "plastic pewter".   In fact, a major selling point of it is that it can be molded like plastic.  But no one would get excited about a dull name like that !

  • Reply 47 of 77


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Because if he says they don't, he would know, as he's actually using the device in question on the network in question.

    Do you realize I'm right regarding this service? Do you realize that Straight Talk does indeed throttle after you reach 2 GB of data before a month's period? Do you realize you are insisting that he is right just because he has this service? So he's automatically right just because he uses Straight Talk? Is it really impossible that I may know more ST them him even though I'm not a customer? Are you kidding me right now????

  • Reply 48 of 77

    Originally Posted by blairh View Post

    Do you realize I'm right regarding this service? Do you realize that Straight Talk does indeed throttle after you reach 2 GB of data before a month's period? Do you realize you are insisting that he is right just because he has this service? So he's automatically right just because he uses Straight Talk? 


    Well, then we have two people using the same service receiving different results. I'd think you'd want to contact Straight Talk and find out why they're lying to you and not him, then.

    Is it really impossible that I may know more ST them him even though I'm not a customer?


    That's like asking if it's impossible to know exactly what Apple's doing before they tell the world.


    The answer is no, but it's insanely unlikely.

  • Reply 49 of 77
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post

    Liquid Metal makes no sense for a cheap phone.  For one thing, it's not radio transparent like plastic.  For another, unless Apple has come up with a breakthrough, it's more costly.   The only reason to use it is to make pieces less susceptible to showing scratches, etc.


    The funny thing about Liquid Metal (tm) to me, is that its characteristics are really more like "plastic pewter".   In fact, a major selling point of it is that it can be molded like plastic.  But no one would get excited about a name like that.

    Aluminum isn't radio transparent either which is why they used glass inserts top and bottom on the iPhone 5.


    Under the right conditions LM could be faster, less labor and safer due to no polishing required. I think it is a matter of cost more than anything else.

  • Reply 50 of 77


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Well, then we have two people using the same service receiving different results. I'd think you'd want to contact Straight Talk and find out why they're lying to you and not him, then.


    That's like asking if it's impossible to know exactly what Apple's doing before they tell the world.


    The answer is no, but it's insanely unlikely.

    It's insanely unlikely? My mind is blown. 


    Instead of dismissing what I'm saying why don't you take a minute to Google it for yourself. The fact is that Straight Talk will seriously throttle your data if you pass the 2 GB per month. This isn't something I came up with. It's not a rumor. It's a fact. And you can find this out for yourself with a simple search. 


    I find it utterly absurd that you side with someone for the simple reason that they are a ST customer. My mind is blown. Did you ever think that maybe I know a great deal about ST because I did my homework before deciding not to join? No, you didn't. Instead it's insanely unlikely that I'm right here. 


    My mind is blown by your behavior here. You're a mod? You side with people without even seeing for yourself who might be right? I can't believe how much faith you would put in someone just because they are a customer to service. That means absolutely nothing. And no, it isn't insanely unlikely that I'm wrong here. You wrongly choose to side with someone just because they are a paying customer to service, which means nothing with respect to how well they know their service terms. 


    I spent weeks researching and debating ST last summer. I even discussed this over at Howardforums which is the best forum with respect to American cell service. But no, that other guy is right because he has ST. 



  • Reply 51 of 77
    rs9rs9 Posts: 68member
    Folks am I the only one that finds these articles so ridiculous? What if I boldly say, Ford will be coming out with a new redesigned Ford Taurus. Here's the video component for the rear view camera.
  • Reply 52 of 77

    Originally Posted by blairh View Post

    The fact is that Straight Talk will seriously throttle your data if you pass the 2 GB per month. This isn't something I came up with. It's not a rumor. It's a fact.


    Then why isn't it true? Because, again, we have evidence of actual network use here, and we're told it's not true.

    I find it utterly absurd that you side with someone for the simple reason that they are a ST customer.


    I find it utterly absurd that you don't seem to comprehend the fact that THEY WOULD KNOW THESE THINGS.

    My mind is blown. Did you ever think that maybe I know a great deal about ST because I did my homework before deciding not to join?


    Forgive me if I'm not sold on the opinion of someone who doesn't actually know versus someone who has lived it.


    You can read all the books he wrote and all the books written by any of the men that followed him, but I think I'll directly talk to Buzz Aldrin if I want to know what it's like to walk on the effing moon.





    6. STRAIGHT TALK UNLIMITED TALK, TEXT AND MOBILE WEB ACCESS PLAN INTENDED USE: Straight Talk Unlimited Talk, Text and Mobile Web Access Plans may ONLY be used with a Straight Talk handset for the following purposes: (i) Person to Person Voice Calls (ii) Text and Picture Messaging (iii) Internet browsing through the Straight Talk Mobile Web Service and (iv) Authorized Content Downloads from the Straight Talk Mobile Web Store.


    Okay, so what's prohibited?

    Examples of prohibited uses include, without limitation, the following: (i) continuous mobile to mobile or mobile to landline voice calls; (ii) automated text or picture messaging to another mobile device or e-mail address; (iii) uploading, downloading or streaming of audio or video programming or games; (iv) server devices or host computer applications, including, but not limited to, Web camera posts or broadcasts, automatic data feeds, automated machine-to-machine connections or peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing; or (v) as a substitute or backup for private lines or dedicated data connections.


    Sounds about right. No VoIP, no MMS spamming (since spam is illegal anyway), no copying of broadcast video, no server creation, and no piracy.

    The Straight Talk Unlimited Talk, Text and Mobile Web Access Plan is for individual use only and not for resale. Unlimited voice services may not be used for any other purposes, including, but not limited to, conference calling


    See, except all phones allow this with one click. So they won't actually prevent this.

    Straight Talk reserves the right to limit or reduce data throughput speeds or the amount of data transferred, and to deny or terminate Service, without notice, to anyone Straight Talk believes is using the Straight Talk Unlimited Talk, Text and Mobile Web Access Plan in any manner prohibited above or whose usage, in Straight Talk’s sole discretion, adversely impacts the Carrier’s network or customer service levels.


    Here's what you're claiming. Now show me where it says "2GB" anywhere in there. In fact, they go on to outline situations in which this would happen.

    (1) appear likely to generate abnormally high call volumes or Mobile Web Access and data usage and/or abnormally long average call lengths or Mobile Web Access and data usage as compared to the usage of other Straight Talk customers; (2) may be harmful, disruptive, or interfere with the Carrier’s network or Straight Talk or the Carrier’s ability to provide service to other customers.


    Expressly forbidden data services are

    7. STRAIGHT TALK UNLIMITED PLANS CANNOT BE USED FOR: (1) access to the Internet, intranets, or other data networks except as the device’s native applications and capabilities permit, or (2) any applications that tether your device to a laptop or personal computer other than for the use of Wireless Sync.


    And there you go.

  • Reply 53 of 77
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member

    All you have to is Google "straight talk 2gb limit" to find a lot of info.


    Reportedly, what happens is this:



    "Based on user-reported experiences, Straight Talk won’t cut you off provided you keep your monthly usage to 2 GB or about 100 MB per day. Hit either of these and you might get a message about excessive use, along with the threat of service termination.


    "History shows that I use about 1 to 1.5 GB of mobile broadband a month on my phones (I use Wi-Fi a ton), so this works well for me. If you want truly unlimited data or use more than 2 GB per month on your phone, this isn’t the plan for you. Don’t even try it, would be my recommendation.


    "Note: I asked Straight Talk about the limit and was told that company is trying to “focus on trust and communication with customers.” It’s likely that TracFone has no way to throttle after any limits, since it doesn’t operate the networks. As a result, the company will warn folks for excessive use and potentially disrupt service if you don’t limit your usage."


    In other words, ST's contract with the carriers must cost them more after 2GB.   They can't throttle you, but they can harrass and/or cut you off.


    This is all off topic anyway.  Perhaps all the Straight Talk posts can be moved into their own thread?

  • Reply 54 of 77
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post

    Liquid Metal makes no sense for a cheap phone.  For one thing, it's not radio transparent like plastic.  For another, unless Apple has come up with a breakthrough, it's more costly.   The only reason to use it is to make pieces less susceptible to showing scratches, etc.


    The funny thing about Liquid Metal (tm) to me, is that its characteristics are really more like "plastic pewter".   In fact, a major selling point of it is that it can be molded like plastic.  But no one would get excited about a dull name like that !


    I agree LM makes no sense for a sub-$500 phone. I was talking about LM in reference to the iPhone 6 which I imagine will be the next flagship iPhone.


    I would love for Apple to use aluminum for the affordable iPhone, but if they use plastic I would hope it's tasteful, and not like the 3G/3GS.

  • Reply 55 of 77
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    blackbook wrote: »
    I like this idea.

    Unibody polycarbonate akin to the MacBook would keep the iPhone thin as well, and not bulbous like the 3G/3GS.
    Sorry not seeing plastic. We didn't get a plastic unibody iPad mini, why would we get a plastic lower priced phone? If we even get a lower priced phone. Cook was pretty clear on the investor call that Apple won't go after revenue for revenue's sake.
  • Reply 56 of 77


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Then why isn't it true? Because, again, we have evidence of actual network use here, and we're told it's not true.


    I find it utterly absurd that you don't seem to comprehend the fact that THEY WOULD KNOW THESE THINGS.


    Forgive me if I'm not sold on the opinion of someone who doesn't actually know versus someone who has lived it.


    You can read all the books he wrote and all the books written by any of the men that followed him, but I think I'll directly talk to Buzz Aldrin if I want to know what it's like to walk on the effing moon.





    Okay, so what's prohibited?


    Sounds about right. No VoIP, no MMS spamming (since spam is illegal anyway), no copying of broadcast video, no server creation, and no piracy.


    See, except all phones allow this with one click. So they won't actually prevent this.


    Here's what you're claiming. Now show me where it says "2GB" anywhere in there. In fact, they go on to outline situations in which this would happen.


    Expressly forbidden data services are


    And there you go.


    This is my final post on this site. You are a joke of a mod. 


    ST does not address the throttling in their T.O.S. You have proven nothing. 


    The web is filled with forums where ST customers talk of their service being throttled at 2 GB. If that isn't enough, hopefully Consumer Reports is enough of a trustworthy source for you. 


    And with that, I'm gone. What a joke of a community. The idea that you would side with one person just because they are a current customer is so ridiculous. 

  • Reply 57 of 77

    Originally Posted by blairh View Post

    ST does not address the throttling in their T.O.S. You have proven nothing.  


    "Hey, jragosta, you're a Straight Talk customer, and you use data, do they throttle the data?"

    "No, they don't throttle the data."


    Yep. Proven nothing.


    If it's not in the TOS, they can't legally do it.

    If that isn't enough, hopefully Consumer Reports is enough of a trustworthy source for you.


    No, they're not in the slightest. That's funny, though, that you'd top your argument off with them.

  • Reply 58 of 77
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    I would love for Apple to use aluminum for the affordable iPhone, but if they use plastic I would hope it's tasteful, and not like the 3G/3GS.


    I know some people don't, but I always put a case on each device that I carry around, both for protection and to make it easier to grip.


    Heck, most people I know have some kind of protective case on their iPhone or iPad.   A rubberized or hard shell or leather case is really common.


    So, for me and a lot of people, the stock back material is rarely seen.

  • Reply 59 of 77
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Sorry not seeing plastic. We didn't get a plastic unibody iPad mini, why would we get a plastic lower priced phone? If we even get a lower priced phone. Cook was pretty clear on the investor call that Apple won't go after revenue for revenue's sake.


    I've said before I'd prefer aluminum over plastic for a cheaper iPhone, but Gazoobee's idea for a unibody polycarbonate frame made in the same way as the iPhone 5's aluminum chassis would be a good solution also. Anything is better than the bulbous 3GS look or Galaxy S look.

  • Reply 60 of 77
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    There doesn't seem to be much problem with selling the iPad 2 alongside the iPad.
    I mean, you open up the thread saying they should drop naming conventions, but then use that distinction when it benefits your point? Comical.

    blairh wrote: »
    Blairh- you're new here. Tallest and jrag are the two biggest blowhards on the forum. You'll learn to eventually read what they say and laugh at it, roll your eyes, or occasionally point out their hypocrisy and comment- like I just did above. But they still won't admit it, but everyone else sees and knows them for what they are- not to be taken seriously. You'll learn- and you'll have good discussions with others that are educational or entertaining.

    Case and point- TS said the following:
    Because if he says they don't, he would know, as he's actually using the device in question on the network in question.

    He says that because you own a device or use a service, you automatically have more knowledge than someone who doesn't. Yet he will mention how dumb the iPad mini is and how great the new iPhone is- even though he hasn't ever owned either or used it for more than mere minutes (if that). Yet his opinion will reign supreme. Again- these comments like he says are not only ludicrous, but they're hilarious. So take those two for what they are- whatever you deem that to be.

    And for the record- jrag never said he went over on the 2gb limit (before throttle). Tallest just went off and pretended he did. Also comical.
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