Photos claim to show components bound for Apple's iPhone 5S and iPhone 6



  • Reply 61 of 77
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    kdarling wrote: »
    I know some people don't, but I always put a case on each device that I carry around, both for protection and to make it easier to grip.

    Heck, most people I know have some kind of protective case on their iPhone or iPad.   A<span style="font-size:13px;line-height:1.231;"> rubberized or hard shell or leather case is really common.</span>

    So, for me and a lot of people, the stock back material is rarely seen.

    Most people I see have cases too. This is the first year I haven't had a case that has the back coveted (although my cases were always slim). I, now, merely have a bumper and a media devil front and back wrap on my iPhone 5. I love it- can't believe I used to hide how gorgeous the iPhone is. Never again. :)
  • Reply 62 of 77
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,807member


    Originally Posted by blairh View Post

    It's insanely unlikely? My mind is blown. 


    Instead of dismissing what I'm saying why don't you take a minute to Google it for yourself. The fact is that Straight Talk will seriously throttle your data if you pass the 2 GB per month. This isn't something I came up with. It's not a rumor. It's a fact. And you can find this out for yourself with a simple search. 


    I find it utterly absurd that you side with someone for the simple reason that they are a ST customer. My mind is blown. Did you ever think that maybe I know a great deal about ST because I did my homework before deciding not to join? No, you didn't. Instead it's insanely unlikely that I'm right here. 


    My mind is blown by your behavior here. You're a mod? You side with people without even seeing for yourself who might be right? I can't believe how much faith you would put in someone just because they are a customer to service. That means absolutely nothing. And no, it isn't insanely unlikely that I'm wrong here. You wrongly choose to side with someone just because they are a paying customer to service, which means nothing with respect to how well they know their service terms. 


    I spent weeks researching and debating ST last summer. I even discussed this over at Howardforums which is the best forum with respect to American cell service. But no, that other guy is right because he has ST. 



    As the other poster mentioned you appear to be new around here. I will give the same advice, just ignore him. It might interest you to know that he doesn't even own an iPhone himself and possibly doesn't even have any cell phone service of any kind. At least that is what he said the last time when asked. For someone that doesn't even own an iPhone he sure is opinionated about every single facet of what Apple should or should not release. By his own logic a person that owns and uses that phone on a carrier is an expert that apparently cannot be disputed, so I wish he would take his own advice since he fails the test by not owning an iPhone. Just ignore him and a few other blowhards that like to quibble and argue ad nauseam about any issue you may differ. Luckily the reasonable outnumber the fanatics so it is possible to have interesting discussions from time to time.


    And by the way you were absolutely correct. A quick google search proved that along with my friend on Straight Talk that was throttled and received threats that his service would be cut off. Just being right will have to be reward enough in this case since this person to my knowledge never admits he is wrong under any circumstance.

  • Reply 63 of 77

    The new China-only phone will be called the ????????.

  • Reply 64 of 77
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    The new China-only phone will be called the ????????.


    Hahaha!    "Glorious Polycarbonate Phone"

  • Reply 65 of 77


    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post


    Hahaha!    "Glorious Polycarbonate Phone"



  • Reply 66 of 77

    Just want to thank several of you for your responses. It's amazing that someone could act as an admin on this site and behave in this manner. Usually the admins are the voice of reason, not absurdity. 

  • Reply 67 of 77
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,807member


    Originally Posted by blairh View Post

    Just want to thank several of you for your responses. It's amazing that someone could act as an admin on this site and behave in this manner. Usually the admins are the voice of reason, not absurdity. 

    You get what you pay for. image 


    As an unpaid and pretty thankless job you don't see a lot of people volunteering to remove spam messages all day long every day. For that we can be grateful to him at least. Too bad it comes together as a package deal along with all that anger and my way or the highway nonsense. 

  • Reply 68 of 77
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member

    There's no longer anything "nascent" about the market for larger-than-the-iPhone's-sized screens. Inferring otherwise (even if 4.8" phones are NOT "phablets") is to live in denial of what's all around us.

    Seeing all the phones at Best Buy together, the Note II is too big for my ways of carrying a phone around, but the iPhone screen seems very (and artificially) constrained compared to much of the competition - especially for a device I'll mostly be using with two hands (to type) or none (while watching content/listening to music) - making the purity of maintaining "one hand operation ergonomics" the overriding design decision faintly ridiculous for my tastes.  (NTM the height of the iP5 makes that impossible for many already, so a shibboleth in reality as well.)

    Apple's mastery of creating Reality Distortion Fields is boding to lock themselves inside of their own RDF.

    Also, more than "faintly" ridiculous is the notion that the world's (until this week) largest enterprise (by stock market value) cannot (and by the lights of many on these forums should not) produce more than one current model of phone, especially since it took them less than half the iPhone's lifetime to date to ship two form factors of iPads.

    And the above, plus stories like this one, have me on the fence:

    There are "walled gardens" that protect us from things we all need to be protected from (malware, mis-behaving apps that make our devices less-functional, etc.) and then there are blue-nosed prisons that "protect us from ourselves" (and horror of horrors, images of boobs!) which I have no desire to voluntarily lock myself inside of..  

  • Reply 69 of 77

    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    …making the purity of maintaining "one hand operation ergonomics" the overriding design decision faintly ridiculous for my tastes.


    Name a pre-Android phone that you couldn't use with one hand. Any phone at any time.

  • Reply 70 of 77
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Name a pre-Android phone that you couldn't use with one hand. Any phone at any time.


    What would be the point in that? They were entirely different kinds of devices used for much more limited purposes.

    However to answer your Q (I think - as perhaps you're referring to iPhones only, and not the phones of the pre-iPhone era, though there were those MS "smart" phones you had to use a stylus with, so there's one IN the iPhone timeline you certainly couldn't fully use one handed), I've always texted with two thumbs or forefingers, and have always held phones in one hand to dial with the other. 

    So the idea of dialing (let along TXTing) with the hand I'm using to the hold the phone seems (diff strokes for diff folks notwithstanding) clumsy to the max.... ..whether on a Blackberry, any dumb phone or even the first iPhone....



  • Reply 71 of 77
    I'm just wondering out of these 3 phones, which one should I wait for, because my contract is up in November from Verizon and I don't want to buy a phone that reminds me of my phone that I want to upgrade especially if its gonna be a cheaper flashy colorful plastic phone, or a phone that's almost the size or if it is the size of the iPad mini. Sorry Apple, but I am a man's man, and I will not go out like the trendy Japanese people do and carry a "man's bag." I am comfortable with my sexual identity but that's where I draw the line lol. I just want to have the latest newest phone with the best of everything.
  • Reply 72 of 77
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    blairh wrote: »
    With respect to data limits, you cannot be more wrong. 

    There is indeed a 2 GB monthly data limit. ST will throttle your service if you go over this monthly cap. You clearly don't know what you are talking about. If you don't believe me Google "2 GB monthly data limit straight talk" and you'll see countless sources.

    It does not support MMS. People have been able to get MMS working via jailbreaks and other methods using an iPhone 4 and 4S. To my knowledge this has not been worked out on the iPhone 5. The fact is that MMS is not officially supported. 

    Again, it does support Visual Voicemail. Yes there are workarounds. 

    I seriously doubt LTE is coming to ST anytime soon. 

    I'm not saying ST isn't a great service, but your original post wasn't truthful. 

    Look - I have Straight Talk on three phones and you're just plain wrong.

    1. Straight Talk's terms of service specifically state that it's unlimited. I've gone over 2 GB several times and not been cut off. I'm not going to rely on some rumormongers (who may work for AT&T for all I know) when my own experience and Straight Talks' public terms of service say that there's no cap.

    2. MMS - you're wrong again. I have iOS on an iPhone 4S on Straight Talk and did not have to jailbreak or any other method. As soon as I upgraded to iOS 6, it worked. No problems at all. As for 'not supported', when I was using iOS 5, they walked me through the process of getting it working. Why did they do that if they don't support it?

    Please stop spreading lies.
  • Reply 73 of 77
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Name a pre-Android phone that you couldn't use with one hand. Any phone at any time.


    ANY phone at ANY time? 


    Okay, I would say that the 1994 IBM Simon ... the world's first smartphone:.. wasn't very easy to use with one hand:




    Ditto for the Nokia Communicator series that was popular for years, dating back to 1996.  It had function keys far away beside the screen and at the top of the rather large keyboard, when the phone was opened up to type emails, etc.



    How about the 2004 Nokia 6829, a mutant with a secret two-handed keyboard that flipped out:


    I'm sure I can find more.  These were just laying around in my files on smartphone history.


    Also, with most of the smartphones with resistive touchscreens and no physical keyboard, you really needed two hands (one to hold, one with stylus) to enter text on the super tiny stock onscreen keyboard.



    Which brings up the main reason that many older smartphones (e.g. Windows Mobile, Palm Treo) were usable with one hand... it was because they included a cursor pad, which allowed choosing anything on the screen while barely moving your thumb.  


    For that matter, with the iPhone, multi-touch is really difficult with only one hand.  I hate zooming far in on an iOS device, and having no easy way to zoom back out.  Going in is easy, because you can double-tap.  Out is harder, because many apps don't support going back out again with just one finger :-)

  • Reply 74 of 77
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member

    Can't wait for months of these stories, with every photo of a blurry screw being reported on. AppleInsider should be above this crap, instead this has become like every other site cross-posting this trash. This may or not be a photo of a blurry internal component for a future Apple device. Who gives a shit either way? Nothing of use can be ascertained from the photo, it's simply hit-whoring. 

  • Reply 75 of 77

    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    What would be the point in that? They were entirely different kinds of devices used for much more limited purposes.


    Because while they're still called 'phones', it's a valid point.

    (I think - as perhaps you're referring to iPhones only, and not the phones of the pre-iPhone era…


    No, I meant any phone from any era at any time. That's probably why I said "any phone at any time".

    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post

    ANY phone at ANY time? 


    Each of those can be used with one hand. You see my point; even when their functionality extends beyond that of just being a phone, all of them can still be used with one hand! It's just not the case as of the most recent models. 

  • Reply 76 of 77
    Easily faked
  • Reply 77 of 77


    Originally Posted by Curtis Hannah View Post

    Easily faked


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