Former Apple consultant: Apple's iPhone naming conventions send 'weak message'



  • Reply 201 of 203


    Originally Posted by Inkling View Post

    How silly! It's about what I'd expect from a 'brand consultant' focused on image and illusions. It's shallow, ill-informed people talking about the views of equally shallow, ill-informed people.



    You clearly have absolutely no idea what a brand consultant does. I'm afraid it is you that is looking 'shallow and ill-informed'.

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  • Reply 202 of 203
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    EDIT: Actually, never mind, this isn't an argument worth caring about. If you think Apple care about the takeup of naming conventions of their past products then bully for you, go crazy doing what you're doing. You're clearly wrong, but I can't do anything for you. Brand consultants can go ahead and care about building future brand recognition, but if you think that's an area where Apple has a problem then you've got a mighty case of the crazies.

    End of.
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  • Reply 203 of 203

    thanxxxxxxx for me

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