An emotional Bill Gates pays homage to Steve Jobs while recounting final meeting

in General Discussion edited January 2014
As part of an interview with Charlie Rose that aired on CBS's "60 Minutes" on Sunday, a visibly shaken and humble Bill Gates detailed his final visit with Steve Jobs, in which the two discussed everything from family life to empowering the future of eduction through technology.

Gates' appearance on the television program was prompted by his charity work for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. But unaired footage from the interviews later posted online by CBS offers a rare glimpse into the final encounter between two fierce competitors, whose passion for technology and indifference for the status quo forever altered the landscape in which we operate.

Asked about that final meeting in Jobs' Palo Alto home in May of 2011, a teary-eyed Gates said the two discussed a wide variety of topics, from ?what we?d learned, families? anything.? The two practically "grew up together," Gates said, and despite their fierce competitive nature, shared respect for each others contributions.

"We were within a year of the same age, and we were kind of naively optimistic and built big companies," Gates said. "And every fantasy we had about creating products and learning new things-- we achieved all of it. And most of it as rivals. But we always retained a certain respect and communication, including even when he was sick."

Though Jobs' days were clearly numbered at the time of the meeting, Gates said the Apple co-founder was "not being melancholy, like ?Oh, I?ve been gypped.?? Instead, he talked of the future, and how the two of them, despite their vast accomplishments, had failed to materially improve education through technology.

"He showed me the boat he was working on," said Gates, "and talked about how he's looking forward to being on it, even though we both knew there was a good chance that wouldn't happen."When asked what traits Jobs had that he admired, Gates said: : "His sense of design, that everything had to fit a certain aesthetic. The fact that he, with as little engineering background as he had, it shows that design can lead you in a good direction. And so phenomenal products came out of it."

Jobs also "knew about brand" and had an "intuitive sense for marketing, which was amazing," Gates said, while also crediting Jobs and Co. with "putting the pieces" together on tablets that Microsoft simply could not.

During the final meeting between the pair, Jobs marveled over blueprints for his custom, 260-foot aluminum yacht, Venus, which was under development at the time.

"He showed me the boat he was working on," said Gates, "and talked about how he's looking forward to being on it, even though we both knew there was a good chance that wouldn't happen."


  • Reply 1 of 35
    chandra69chandra69 Posts: 638member

    Oh wow!  Kind of tears.

  • Reply 2 of 35
    danacamerondanacameron Posts: 337member

    What an amazing relationship!

  • Reply 3 of 35
    danielswdanielsw Posts: 906member

    I admire both of them for their respective humanity, and each for their respective genius and contributions to society.

  • Reply 4 of 35
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,953member

    I wonder if this, has anything to do with this......  NNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.

  • Reply 5 of 35
    Ah, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Classic frenemies.

    It%u2019s a complex relationship the Steve had a hard time to articulate in public. It reminds me of this video compilation of Steve Jobs best quotes about Microsoft. It's rock and roll! :
  • Reply 6 of 35
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member

    Let's make a story out of nothing. It turns out Bill Gates is human; somewhat.

  • Reply 7 of 35
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member


    Originally Posted by Chandra69 View Post

    Oh wow!  Kind of tears.


  • Reply 8 of 35
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member


    Originally Posted by DanaCameron View Post

    What an amazing relationship!



  • Reply 9 of 35
    What is "eduction"? Please spell-check your articles!

    On a lighter note, I think I found Waldo.
  • Reply 10 of 35
    chandra69chandra69 Posts: 638member


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post


    I just felt that way, brother! 

    Am I being too sensitive. ;)

  • Reply 11 of 35
    damn_its_hotdamn_its_hot Posts: 1,210member

    It seems so often that these kind of words of praise for someone you worked with or is a contemporary doesn't come until one of them passes. Such a shame they couldn't have shared more before Steve's passing. I am glad they got to talk before Steve passed though. Similar memories of two other geniuses who were at odds till right before one died (Lennon and McCartney) -- makes you wonder if possible collaborations would have reach the heights that people would have expected.


    Nice to see a guy mellow and when he has his philanthropic hat on he can apparently do some good -- and it does matter now if he continues to copy other work (in this area) since in a lot of cases thats all that needs to be done to preserve a bunch of young lives. I hope he can do something good with his bucks (technology in education). I would think that one of the things that he could do is make universal Intenet access a reality for educators and students alike universal.


    IMHO getting everyone connected and sharing just available resources would be an incredible goal to achieve. The trick is keeping the politics out of it and even the brands. I don't know how you get passed that but someone with Gate's kind of $$ should be able to work something out. Once that infrastructure is in place and people are allowed to use it it could truly be a big first step in moving to peace.


    I did enjoy the excerpt. Quite nice.

  • Reply 12 of 35
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member

    Really wish Gates hadn't killed Steve.  It was so mean of him!!

  • Reply 13 of 35
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Kind of interesting, the part when Gates admits Microsoft was working on tablets for years but it was Apple who put the right pieces together and created a new paradigm. Juxtapose that against his recent comments about iPad users being "frustrated" and "needing" Windows tablets to do anything useful. To me it looks like cognitive  dissonance on a grand scale. 


    I sometimes wonder about the possibilities if Jobs and Gates had collaborated. The design, aesthetic, and marketing genius fueled by the business and management genius. But then again the two approaches were so alien to each other it could never have worked, I suppose.

  • Reply 14 of 35
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member
    Both brilliant in their own way and both terribly flawed in their own way. But both are types who only come along once in a generation, if that.

    But I also think that CBS News is making too much of a big deal of Gates' "emotional moment", which was so brief that you had to stop the frame to see it.
  • Reply 15 of 35
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member


    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    Really wish Gates hadn't killed Steve.  It was so mean of him!!


    Congratulations on your very good taste and emotional maturity.

  • Reply 16 of 35
    ireland wrote: »
    Let's make a story out of nothing. It turns out Bill Gates is human; somewhat.

    The emotion chip was working that day.
  • Reply 17 of 35
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    The small minds here can say what they will, but Bill Gates 2 is simply one of the most visionary, passionate, thoughtful, articulate -- across any field or discipline -- leaders of our time. He is deeply well-read and knowledgable about global health and energy issues.


    He will probably move the needle on those two mega-issues of our time more than anyone else -- including governments and multilateral organizations  -- will.


    More power to him.

  • Reply 18 of 35
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    Kind of interesting, the part when Gates admits Microsoft was working on tablets for years but it was Apple who put the right pieces together and created a new paradigm. Juxtapose that against his recent comments about iPad users being "frustrated" and "needing" Windows tablets to do anything useful. To me it looks like cognitive  dissonance on a grand scale. 
    Not really, many people on these forums don't recognize what marketing is. The reality that part of running a company is selling what you have when you have it. It is no different than Jobs selling the iPad and the comments about sharpening ones fingers to use smaller devices. You sell what you have at the moment even if another device is in R&D that is physically smaller, like the competition you are dissing. It is so fundamental to running a business that it is surprising that people don't get it. Especially considering that in the case of the iPad Apple already had much smaller Touch based devices in the market.
    I sometimes wonder about the possibilities if Jobs and Gates had collaborated. The design, aesthetic, and marketing genius fueled by the business and management genius. But then again the two approaches were so alien to each other it could never have worked, I suppose.

    You sound like they where involved in some sort of mortal combat! I hardly think that is the case and this clips rather enforce it. Apple and MicroSoft for the longest time where focused on two entirely different industries. In a nutshell MS was about business computing and Apple wasn't. In the end each business had to be driven in the direction to best serve their customers as they imagined their customers. It is only in the last couple of years that they have really had any commonality in their customer base.
  • Reply 19 of 35
    I would love to sit down to dinner with Jobs, Gates, Warren Buffett, and Dean Kamen.
  • Reply 20 of 35
    macapfelmacapfel Posts: 575member

    I admire Apple and I admired Steve Jobs, but I have the same respect for Bill Gates than I have for Apple and had for Steve Jobs.

    But it is funny to hear Bill Gates practically saying that he wants iPads and MacBooks in every school. Don't believe it? Listen for yourself at 8.10 minutes at:


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