Google announces 900 million Android activations, 48 billion app installs



  • Reply 41 of 81
    c4rlobc4rlob Posts: 277member
    Apple has the 50 Billion Apps Thank You message already on their homepage (behind the current carousel images).
  • Reply 42 of 81
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    I've got to agree with Google CEO Larry Page - Technology isn't a zero-sum game.


    There's enough room in the world for both Google and Apple. Both can be successful and fans of both can be happy. 


    There's no need to hate. image

  • Reply 43 of 81
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Exactly. And is this cumulative activations? So devices that are no longer being used are still counted?

    Yes which I think is idiotic. Is it device activations or unique users?
  • Reply 44 of 81
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Yes which I think is idiotic. Is it device activations or unique users?

    Activations. That is really the truly clear value we do know. It would be nice to know the number of users and installed base, too. I think it's clear the number of total unique users and installed base are much higher than iOS. That said, when you consider the customer loyalty (repeat customers) and percentage of devices still in use I think Apple would be the clear leader.
  • Reply 45 of 81
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Activations. That is really the truly clear value we do know. It would be nice to know the number of users and installed base, too. I think it's clear the number of total unique users and installed base are much higher than iOS. That said, when you consider the customer loyalty (repeat customers) and percentage of devices still in use I think Apple would be the clear leader.

    That's what I figured but seeing the sales reports of HTC, Motorola, LG, etc... who's selling the phones used to activate these accounts? Samsung has only really taken off in the last year or so.
  • Reply 46 of 81
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    The conference - I am watching it - is ridiculously good. Some is catch up with iOS, but most is taking over.


    Fact is Apple has been doing very little in iOS comparatively to Android. Which is not sustainable. iOS 6 added very little, except the useless to most Passbook, a flawed Maps which was a backward step, and one or two minor improvements to the phone app, and it removed some stuff. To most people who downloaded it, there was nothing, Just a regression. In fact its hard to know what the OS team was doing, I can only assume that there is big stuff coming in iOS7.


    And I also don't think that Apple employ enough people. 


    Added LTE among other things you wilfully ignore with your propaganda.

  • Reply 47 of 81
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    That's what I figured but seeing the sales reports of HTC, Motorola, LG, etc... who's selling the phones used to activate these accounts? Samsung has only really taken off in the last year or so.

    Those are just the big names. Amazon has countless brands of Android-based devices so I'd assume that Brazil, India, China, and most other countries have plenty of local brands that sell cheap Android-based phone running the older OS versions.
  • Reply 48 of 81
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by NexusPhan View Post


    Google is only talking about their own Play store. There are many many android app stores out there that require the phone user to override android's security feature that prevents installation of apps outside of the Google Play store. Those third party app stores are where all the malware live. Don't use third party app stores (mostly used in other countries anyway) and there is no malware problem.


    I'd imagine that the amount of malware in those third party foreign app stores in insane tho.


    So, like Samsung Hub?


    You'd better stop wasting time here and head to Samsung's forums so you can warn them about the "insane" amount of malware living in this "third party" application repository from a foreign country.

  • Reply 49 of 81
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Just like with all of Google's Android "activations" I think this new number falls inline with the others. Samsung isn't the only company selling Android-based devices in volume, they are just the only one really making any profit from it. That's because they are selling well marketed, well built, and popular higher-end Android-based devices. There appear to be plenty of cheap Android-based devices that don't get used much on the internet and that don't make any real profits for the companies making them. Android has effectively replaced Symbian as the new feature phone OS.


    A 16GB equipped phone with only 8GB of free user space is NOT well built.

  • Reply 50 of 81
    joelchujoelchu Posts: 80member
    From China mobile marketing research (been repost to death since Feb 2013)

    China sold 150 million phones last year.

    Apple has 6% market share account for 60% of profit.

    Samsung 20+% market share 30% of profit.

    The rest HTC, Sony, LG, Nokia, BB didn't lose money and account for (combine 10%ish profit/market - I could be wrong, might be lower)

    Then this get interesting - the Chinese vendors account for the rest of sales but some are making -1% profit. Meaning they are selling them at lost. How long do you think this is going to last?

    OK to those troll keep saying a bigger iPhone , I will happily buy one if and when it comes out. But in the meantime, if you want a bigger phone then get an android. Is that too hard? Why bother us happy iOS users?

    BTW I collect iPhones, I am still trying to find the original first iPhone in good condition. I keep everyone I bought. My 3GS still working like it should with the latest iOS 6. Show me a 3+ years old smart phone that is not Apple and ... You know what I am going to say.

    To those who say "ego system need numbers" Apple has 500 million iOS devices in the wild , did anyone forget iPod? If that's not big enough ego system, I really don't know what is.

    BTW 800 million people in China has mobile phone - over 1 billion devices in use (I carry 3 phones when I am on business in China, 4 different numbers) many people I know (including myself) has Android and iPhone. Sadly, my Note II is a bit better than a Newton (at least it's not in a box sitting on a bookcase somewhere) and people (yes real people that use their phone for business, not kids crying for candy when they haven't even chew the shit in the mouth) always use iPhone instead.

    Goodnight and thanks for another wonderful freak show by a bunch of trolls.

    Yours truly.


    P.S. the only thing worth cheer from this year's google IO - it's Android studio. Oh well, better late for 5 years then never.
  • Reply 51 of 81
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Those are just the big names. Amazon has countless brands of Android-based devices so I'd assume that Brazil, India, China, and most other countries have plenty of local brands that sell cheap Android-based phone running the older OS versions.

    Does Amazon's forked version of Android count as activations? Everything is handled outside of Google's realm so how do they know?
  • Reply 52 of 81
    curtis hannahcurtis hannah Posts: 1,834member
    chandra69 wrote: »
    How many of them are uninstalled immediately after the first run? 47 billion? Roughly.

    A little bit exasperated.
    How many of them are real smartphone users ?
    Yes probably about 50% of multi year users have a relationship with google(freind discount, worker, etc.)
  • Reply 53 of 81
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    hill60 wrote: »
    A 16GB equipped phone with only 8GB of free user space is NOT well built.

    That's the SW add-ons from Samsung. Taking up that much space certainly points to not being well built code but their HW is well built. Not even close to iPhone quality but still pretty good for Android market to put it in the higher-end.

    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Does Amazon's forked version of Android count as activations? Everything is handled outside of Google's realm so how do they know?

    They don't. None of the forked versions count.
  • Reply 54 of 81
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    And is this cumulative activations? So devices that are no longer being used are still counted?


    Yes, it's the grand total.


    It's the same as when we see articles that report, "500 million iOS devices have been sold", even though half of the people who have upgraded stuck their old device in a drawer each time.


    Edit:  I see SoX has already answered about Amazon:

  • Reply 55 of 81
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    kdarling wrote: »
    Yes, it's the grand total.

    It's the same as when we see articles that report, "500 million iOS devices have been sold".

    Edit:  I see sX has already answered about Amazon.

    Thanks for the link.
  • Reply 56 of 81

    Schmidt must be really reaching to come up with his numbers. I suspect that much of those "activations" were not smart phones. Then when you do the math, you see that each and every phone must have 50 apps on it. THAT doesn't compute unless people download one crap app after another and dump them due to poor screen fit or poor play/usefulness. 


    The numbers don't add up.

  • Reply 57 of 81
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,573member
    Well we know they weren't tablets.
  • Reply 58 of 81

    In other words, Google is jumping up and down and yelling ME TOO ME TOO! LOOK AT ME!

  • Reply 59 of 81
    sambirasambira Posts: 90member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Google hype machine on steriods.  Stock will probably go up $30 today.

    Good call.  Sad when this can be predicted based on statements without waiting for the substance.

  • Reply 60 of 81
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member

    50 apps isn't that many.
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