A wiser Siri snubs Google for Bing in Apple's upcoming iOS 7



  • Reply 41 of 66
    jmxxjmxx Posts: 2member
    I'm glad there's an option for a male voice.

    As for Bing, that is fine by me. It's a good search engine. Google has their own voice assistant in their Google app, so having Siri use Google is somewhat redundant anyway.
  • Reply 42 of 66
    vorsosvorsos Posts: 302member

    Novelty voices get old quick. Give me something professional with a hint of care, like GERTY (Kevin Spacey in Moon).


    TBell View Post

    I noticed tht the biggest weakness of Maps was not addressed. Namely, Apple's reliance on Yelp for POI data. Yelp is weak for non restaurant data, and it is slow to update. You normally get a response from Google within a day or two.

    Not to mention Yelp is running the review equivalent of a protection racket. They are worse than the Better Business Bureau...


    Darryn Lowe View Post

    I was trying out Dictation when it came to Mountain Lion and set it to British English because that's the dictionary I use (of course I don't speak with a British accent). I couldn't get it to type "bad", instead it typed "bed". I asked a colleague who does have a British accent how to do it and it goes something like this:

    bad = bed

    baad = bad

    I'd hate to see what I get when I want "bard".


    Y'know, since New Zealand's economy is now based on Tolkien/Jackson.


    tribalogical View Post

    I'm done with YouTube since the introduction of the force-fed ads (I especially hate the 5-second "skip this ad" imposition) on almost every video.

    At least we can skip ads. It's always jarring going from Youtube to the unskippable ads on Hulu or MTV subsidiary video sites (South Park, Daily Show, etc).

  • Reply 43 of 66
    6ryph3n6ryph3n Posts: 55member
    tbell wrote: »
    Bing is great, but the Xbox One is a disappointment. Unlike the PS4 it costs $100 more, is less powerful, decides whether you can play used games or not, requires your system to check in every 24 hours, and makes it a hassle to play games at a friend home. Sony got it right this time.

    Most of those complaints could also be applied to Apple's iOS... It's not just about the technical stuff, it's about the user experience. Features that the Xbox One has for becoming the center of your entertainment system will go a long way in that area
  • Reply 44 of 66

    When can we declare "thermonuclear war" on Google for the stolen parts of Android that Steve Jobs wanted?

  • Reply 45 of 66
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by steelraven View Post

    There's a reason why Google is the #1 search engine.. Bing sucks.


    Are these two sentences related in any way? Because one of them is false.

  • Reply 46 of 66
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member
    I hope this can be switched back to Google... Seriously, I do NOT want to use Microsoft's stuff.

    Apple, please. Really.
  • Reply 47 of 66
    Terrible news. I hate bing. It's apple maps all over again. And it's finally pushed me over the edge. Reluctantly my next phone/tablet will be a Samsung.
  • Reply 48 of 66
    kpluckkpluck Posts: 500member

    Of course the biggest news was Siri no longer being a beta version....haha, just kidding. It is still in beta. Guess Apple feels it still doesn't work quite right. image



  • Reply 49 of 66
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post

    I hope this can be switched back to Google... Seriously, I do NOT want to use Microsoft's stuff.

    Man, that's crazy.

    Originally Posted by walshmarcus View Post

    Terrible news. I hate bing. It's apple maps all over again. And it's finally pushed me over the edge. Reluctantly my next phone/tablet will be a Samsung.


    Oh, shut up you worthless troll.

  • Reply 50 of 66


    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    I use Bing on my Windows 8 tablet, Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet II, it's just okay. I still prefer Google overall though, especially when I need answers about a programming problem. I understand Apples position about Google, I'm hoping Apple will start their own search engine.

    Apple's personal vendetta against Google is impacting their customers.  While Bing is a decent search engine, it is not as good as Google and I thought Apple was all about providing the best experience for their users.  Last year's map debacle  is another example of Apple letting their emotions get in the way.  I have no problem with Apple moving away from one product to another but make sure it is at least as good as the other one before forcing it down everyone's throat. 


    I wonder how many business decisions are made with a clear head at Apple.  I wonder of a world where Google didn't make Apple go nuts and where would Apple be focusing their efforts?  Would they have created their own mapping service?  Would they have kicked youTube off their apps?  Would they have switched the default search engine?  Would they have allowed other browser technologies (instead of forcing everyone to use the safari engine) on their phone?  Questions, questions.

  • Reply 51 of 66
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by zippy2shoes View Post

    While Bing is a decent search engine, it is not as good as Google and I thought Apple was all about providing the best experience for their users.  Last year's map debacle…


    Now that you've proven you know squat, why not just step back for a while?


    And cut out the lies.

  • Reply 52 of 66
    I hope I get to choose which engine to use. Google is the best search technology out there and to bring this petty bullshit into my life is annoying.
  • Reply 53 of 66
    jazzgurujazzguru Posts: 6,435member

    I tried Bing out here and there since its debut and each time I wasn't impressed. However, I decided to give it another try and have been using it as my go-to search engine for about a week now.


    I must say, it's improved pretty drastically since the last time I tried it and I haven't yet felt the need to get a second opinion from Google on search results.

  • Reply 54 of 66
    After seeing a few different Siri vs Google Voice Search "face offs", and noting that in most of them, Siri seemed to always take longer or return 'weaker' results, I wondered if Google wasn't intentionally deprecating Siri-driven search requests. It would always make Google/Android look better if they slightly delayed or 'dumbed down' the results returned to Siri-driven searches. "See how much more efficient Android is?" one could posit%u2026

    Perhaps this is part of why Apple is relying less on them. They are intentionally trying to make Apple tech look the lesser?

    It may make sense for Apple to launch their own search engine one day. It's not like they don't have the resources to pull that off.

    In order for Siri to query Google, you had to specifically say so. Its speed is only related to Apple's server side processing capacity.
  • Reply 55 of 66
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by Blitz1 View Post

    Well, it seems you'll also have ads with iTunes Radio


    That's an interesting point. However, if you subscribe to iTunes Match, you won't have ads. So there is a workaround...


    I have no problem with that arrangement actually (subscribing to content), but only if I'm getting a great value beyond just losing the ads. Since you get a bunch of other benefits with Match (mostly unrelated to the radio feature), it isn't a bad deal anyway.


    A couple of other examples:


    I paid for a month of Hulu Plus not realizing the paid subscription only "unlocked" extra content without removing any of the ads. What a scam. That one month is all they'll ever get out of me.


    I pay for Netflix streaming, and enjoy that it has a decent amount of content and is ad free. I also pay for XM/Sirius in my car, also ad free (although a couple of sports channels I never listen to have ads sometimes, apparently).


    Vimeo is free AND ad-free. They have a paid "premium" service, similar to the Soundcloud model, but it's the people posting and creating, not the ones watching that need (and therefore pay for) the premium service.


    It'll be interesting to see how these services and models evolve. For now, I'm sticking with my ad free 'channels'. I'm so tired of being fed junk ads all the time...

  • Reply 56 of 66
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by walshmarcus View Post

    Terrible news. I hate bing. It's apple maps all over again. And it's finally pushed me over the edge. Reluctantly my next phone/tablet will be a Samsung.


    Yeah right. Samsung troll alert?


    Hate Bing do you? Here's a solution: Set your default to Yahoo, or Google. Woah. Too easy for ya?


    So, now what are you going to do? Fall off the edge anyway? Psh!

  • Reply 57 of 66
    richard getzrichard getz Posts: 1,142member


    Originally Posted by Patrick Byars View Post

    I wish tSIRI's voice had more options... I kinda like the old SIRI voice but I really wish SIRI could sound like Homer Simpson (Yogi Bear as second choice). Too human sounding is creepy!


    Really? Homer Simpson on an iPhone? Go back to your Windows phone. 

  • Reply 58 of 66
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by wakefinance View Post

    In order for Siri to query Google, you had to specifically say so. Its speed is only related to Apple's server side processing capacity.


    Aside from being able to choose the 'default search engine' I have no idea how it otherwise behaves in the background. I assumed Siri used the same default you set in Safari. Not true?


    I know they've tied in somehow with Wolfram Alpha (a great app in its own right), and probably tap multiple sources, depending on the query. But like I said, I haven't got a deep understanding of how Siri actually works. Only that when compared to Google voice search, it is being called "slower" in some quarters (although personally, I tend to prefer the results Siri gives, which to me is worth waiting the few extra milliseconds for).

  • Reply 59 of 66

    Google Search and Yahoo and other searches and services will be on IOS 7 as APPS and you can choose as your preference but Bing is no slouch, I won't use Google. I find so many less targeted ads when I search with Bing than with Google. I really like that. 

  • Reply 60 of 66
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,386member
    justdl bt wrote: »
    I won't use Google. I find so many less targeted ads when I search with Bing than with Google. I really like that. 

    Personally I'd chalk that up to Microsoft having fewer advertisers to work with. . . for now. If they had their druthers there would be a whole lot more. Give'em some time.
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