Samsung CEO says Galaxy S4 sales are fine, doesn't foresee patent truce with Apple



  • Reply 41 of 53
    Had seen and tried an HTC One and loved it. What really separates Samsung from other Android OEM is their huge marketing budget and big guts to gamble on taking a free ride on Apple's hype by making their phones look like an iPhone specially on places where they know they can get away with (during early samsung android devices) to get the attention of the market. I hope HTC and Nokia would produce more great products to have more choices for the consumers.

    edit: (during early samsung android devices)
  • Reply 42 of 53

    FWIW - this rivalry is a necessity. Neither Samsung nor Apple would really be motivated to improve, innovate, whatever without good solid threat from each other.

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  • Reply 43 of 53
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    likewater wrote: »
    <span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:18.1875px;">FWIW - this rivalry is a necessity. Neither Samsung nor Apple would really be motivated to improve, innovate, whatever without good solid threat from each other.</span>

    On the one hand, this makes sense. On the other hand, I'd say Apple can innovate without any competition. The competition itself, not so much.

    Oh, welcome to the forum.
  • Reply 44 of 53
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    likewater wrote: »
    <span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:18.1875px;">FWIW - this rivalry is a necessity. Neither Samsung nor Apple would really be motivated to improve, innovate, whatever without good solid threat from each other.</span>

    Total nonsense.

    Apple has built a culture of innovation. They strive to improve products even when there's no real external competition. To a large extent, they're competing against themselves. They want people to replace their phones as quickly as possible, so they want each generation to be better than the previous generation.
  • Reply 45 of 53
    nwoownwoow Posts: 1member
    Just want to know does anyone experiencing minor bugs after the latest firmware update that includes app transfer to sd card? Coz i'm experiencing some.

    1. A delay when locking screen
    2. A delay when unlocking screen
    3. A delay screen rotation
    4. A delay when controlling the volume buttons

    So far here they are. I updated my s4 thru wifi using it and not Kies. So overall the update made some of my feautures or transitions to become slower.

    So anyone? Hope samsung can fix and see this. I live in the Philippines btw.
  • Reply 46 of 53
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    nwoow wrote: »
    Just want to know does anyone experiencing minor bugs after the <a href="">latest</a> firmware update that includes app transfer to sd card? Coz i'm experiencing some.

    1. A delay when locking screen
    2. A delay when unlocking screen
    3. A delay screen rotation
    4. A delay when controlling the volume<a href=""> buttons</a>

    So far here they are. I updated my s4 thru wifi using it and not Kies. So overall the update made some of my feautures or transitions to become slower.

    So anyone? Hope samsung can fix and see this. I live in the Philippines btw.

    I think you'll also see a delay in Android if iOS is delayed ¡

    Seriously though, I don't think asking a support question for an Android/Samsung device will get you an answer on an Apple-centric site. But I may be in for a surprise.
  • Reply 47 of 53
    That's a lie Mr CEO.
    No same person in this world would want to own a phone twice the size of his palm.
  • Reply 48 of 53
    It's a sham son. I find it amazing that the courts would even entertain the argument that Apple copied anything from Samsung.
  • Reply 49 of 53
    nwoow wrote: »
    Just want to know does anyone experiencing minor bugs after the <a href="">latest</a> firmware update that includes app transfer to sd card? Coz i'm experiencing some.

    1. A delay when locking screen
    2. A delay when unlocking screen
    3. A delay screen rotation
    4. A delay when controlling the volume<a href=""> buttons</a>

    So far here they are. I updated my s4 thru wifi using it and not Kies. So overall the update made some of my feautures or transitions to become slower.

    So anyone? Hope samsung can fix and see this. I live in the Philippines btw.

    Throw it in the sea you muppet!
  • Reply 50 of 53
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member


    Originally Posted by likewater View Post

    FWIW - this rivalry is a necessity. Neither Samsung nor Apple would really be motivated to improve, innovate, whatever without good solid threat from each other.


    post #2


    "FWIW - this rivalry is a necessity. Neither Samsung nor Apple would really be motivated to improve, innovate, whatever without good solid threat from each other."


    Who the **** are you?

  • Reply 51 of 53
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Apple - We sold precisely X number of devices over the opening weekend of our new product. There's no guessing, there's nothing to hide. Apple just lays out the cold hard facts.


    Samsung and everybody else - Our sales are smooth. Our sales are fine. Trust us. We sold a shit load of devices, but there is nothing suspicious at all about us refusing to reveal any numbers. Scouts honor! I swear on my dead mother! And by the way, we are also proud to announce that 17 Billion Android devices have now been activated, and no, we are not going to provide any proof for that either.

    I wouldn't expect them to offer much real guidance outside of quarterly earnings reports anyway.


    Originally Posted by MrProphecy View Post

    It's a sham son. I find it amazing that the courts would even entertain the argument that Apple copied anything from Samsung.

    Hello Mr. Troll. The courts never suggested Apple copied anything. Samsung never even made such a claim.

  • Reply 52 of 53
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by hmm View Post

    Hello Mr. Troll. The courts never suggested Apple copied anything. Samsung never even made such a claim.


    Apart from trials involving Samsung FRAND patents.

  • Reply 53 of 53
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post


    Apart from trials involving Samsung FRAND patents.


    That is just a licensing issue between two companies. Samsung never used the copying PR. They merely claimed Apple was using technology that was obviously required but unlicensed.

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