Inside iOS 7: Apple's Weather app gets animated



  • Reply 41 of 70
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member


    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post


    i am not might be. But when the phone goes out and checks for mail or something like that it could refresh the weather at the same time.....just a thought.


    apps are sandboxed. they do not share information bus. using system-wide notifications for something like that could be a solution, still, as a user I see need of more information, like time of refresh or time from last refresh. perhaps even something more. Does all this info really fit into the icon?

  • Reply 42 of 70
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member


    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    I wish the actual app icon would display the current local temperature all of the time.


    Can be very misleading if you are out of connection or having any kind of problems on the other side. There could be an option that apps would refresh info only when phone is on wifi, but I find this very awkward  and again it can mislead the user.

  • Reply 43 of 70
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member

    I think this weather app is nice and beautiful and welcome addition. Except for the font thickness, of course, which I find irritating all over the place...


    however, I fail to comprehend the combination of "thick" and animated weather app and thin, flat, no-color calendar. Both most probably have esthetic of their own, but those esthetics share no common point except the font...

  • Reply 44 of 70
    tt92618tt92618 Posts: 444member


    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    Makes you wonder how much input Yahoo had into it.


    Considering that it is visually and stylistically very similar to Yahoo's weather app, I would say they had a lot of input into it, even if unintentionally.

  • Reply 45 of 70
    tt92618tt92618 Posts: 444member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Or are we just getting an influx of concern trolls - the ones who love apple an own every apple product under the sun but are ready to jump ship because of blah blah blah. image



    "Concern troll" is an irritating and condescending term used in the process of simply dismissing the views of others when you find them incompatible with your own.  It is a lazy intellectual shortcut that spares you the work of actually having to think about the points the other party is making.

  • Reply 46 of 70


    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    It's a great app. It's just a shame that the icon on the homescreen doesn't change too.


    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    That what I was thinking. Apple redesigned the entire UI of iOS 7. It would have been nice if they've added dynamic icons API. However, I don't blame them for not adding this now. The beta really shows that they were short on time.


    It's hilarious how we fall for the same delightful Cupertino misdirection of "under-promise, over-deliver" every time without fail!


    We've had 6 years from the first iOS (and possibly earlier with the iPod) to analyse how features are introduced and iterated from beta to major version and on to the next beta and so forth, and a lot of us posters still fail to notice how our expectations and gripes are ticked off and implemented one by one with the final releases.


    Just this week during the DoJ vs Apple eBook trial, an email from Steve Jobs to Eddie Cue quoting an AppleInsider (yay for AI!) comment was splashed over the inter webs, confirming that the attention to user gripes goes way up the levels in Apple to the very top. 


    A word is enough for the wise...













  • Reply 47 of 70


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    One of the most significant changes in iOS 7 is the iPhone's native Weather application, which has been redesigned with moving three-dimensional graphics that illustrate the current conditions.


    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post

    i've been an enthusiastic apple evangelist all my life, and am an apple shareholder. but i'm thinking that if one of the most significant things about ios 7 is a weather app with a moving graphic representing the current conditions then we're all in for a big letdown. either that or appleinsider doesn't really get what it means to provide an analysis.


    One of the most significant changes (:-) between the AI article as it was written and the way you quoted it , Pooch, is the fact that you left to the word "aesthetic" before "changes".


    Did you do this deliberately in order to enhance the point you are trying to make, which is rather disingenuous, or do you not understand the meaning of the word?


    The Weather app (and its original Yahoo standalone incarnation) are so clearly in line with the new clean and spartan aesthetic of iOS7 and current mobile apps/OS'es in general; this is the point being made here, nothing more. Also, if I were you, I'd beware of the classic Apple misdirection of "under-promise, over-deliver" that sets us up for an almighty endorphin surge when "the Rabbit gets pulled out of the hat" yet again.


    After all, not for nothing have you declared yourself "an enthusiastic apple evangelist and shareholder all my life".... watch out, dude... careful with that axe, Eugene :-)





















  • Reply 48 of 70


    Originally Posted by StephanJobs View Post

    I wish all the icons would show a little live data about the information inside, like a little window into the app.

    Just like the clock app actually will tell the time in iOS 7 ...all the apps should some helpful tidbit of information on the face of the app icon.

    Stocks could have your stock of choice with an up or down arrow.

    Mail could have an envelope with a number on it. (I know a badge does this buit why not inside the app icon?)



    Hey, when I read this comment of yours I had an "Edison Light Bulb"/Charlie Chaplin moment that would utterly enrage Sir Jon Ives - yes indeed, why can't Mail have an envelope with a stamp on it (serrated edges with embossed border & all, LoL) enclosing a number?


    Skeuomorphism or Death, I say, I say :-)





















  • Reply 49 of 70
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    drandel wrote: »
    I can't believe that Apple actually showcased this feature when WWDC time was at a premium.

    Probably because it wasn't at a premium.
    Sorry, but the weather app is the antithesis of what Apple seems to be doing with the rest of the iOS 7 user interface.

    Well, at least one person besides me noticed. And guess what? Weather's one of the more beautiful apps available. Tells you a lot about how stupid it is to get rid of skeuomorphism, huh?
    ttong_atx wrote: »
    Maybe I am just one of those people who haven't seen the whole OS and am on my Jump to Conclusions mat.

    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Yet we constantly hear about anything that Apple did first.

    Because they do a lot of things first.

    Stop doing this. You know what you're doing.
    tt92618 wrote: »
    "Concern troll" is an irritating and condescending term used in the process of simply dismissing the views of others when you find them incompatible with your own.

    No, it's not. Thanks for coming to their rescue, though. We'll remember that.
  • Reply 50 of 70
    chrisdfchrisdf Posts: 29member
    A radar/map would be a great addition to the app. Until they have something like that, i will continue with Weather Channel.
  • Reply 51 of 70
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    poksi wrote: »
    I am not aware of any international law prohibiting icons to perform widget-like functions.

    Who said that they were prohibited to use?
  • Reply 52 of 70
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Because they do a lot of things first.

    Stop doing this. You know what you're doing.

    Of course I know what I'm doing. People should practice what they preach, if something is wrong it should be wrong 100% of the time not just when it's convenient or benefits you.
  • Reply 53 of 70
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    I think I've opened the standard weather app twice since I've had my iPhone. Yahoo's data is nothing compared to bureau of meteorology data. A % chance of rainfall is far less useful than a real time doppler rain intensity maps.
  • Reply 54 of 70
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Of course I know what I'm doing. People should practice what they preach, if something is wrong it should be wrong 100% of the time not just when it's convenient or benefits you.

    Except bringing it up when it wasn't even remotely close to being mentioned benefits no one.
  • Reply 55 of 70
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Except bringing it up when it wasn't even remotely close to being mentioned benefits no one.

    Happens all the time here. How many times are threads start by someone including yourself mentioning Android/Samsung/Google when the article made no mention of it? So if it's okay for you to bring up something irrelevant or not remotely close than it's ok for anyone to do it at anytime.
  • Reply 56 of 70
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Happens all the time here. How many times are threads start by someone including yourself mentioning Android/Samsung/Google when the article made no mention of it? So if it's okay for you to bring up something irrelevant or not remotely close than it's ok for anyone to do it at anytime.

    Now I see what others here mean when they say not to bother talking to you. You just don't have a flipping clue what a coherent argument is, do you?
  • Reply 57 of 70
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Now I see what others here mean when they say not to bother talking to you. You just don't have a flipping clue what a coherent argument is, do you?

    Much better than you do. I guess people don't like it when I make sense and leave them without a argument.
  • Reply 58 of 70
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Now I see what others here mean when they say not to bother talking to you. You just don't have a flipping clue what a coherent argument is, do you?

    Wow...that sounds like a personal attack...lets stick to the topics....

    I have had disagreements with dasanman69 in the past but they have always been civil. 

    But TS..... anyone that disagrees with you is told to shut up...go away.....or labeled a troll or paid shill of some sort. 

  • Reply 59 of 70
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member


    Originally Posted by poksi View Post


    apps are sandboxed. they do not share information bus. using system-wide notifications for something like that could be a solution, still, as a user I see need of more information, like time of refresh or time from last refresh. perhaps even something more. Does all this info really fit into the icon?

    Did not think about the sandboxing......great point. I still think it could be done without a big drain on the battery.....

  • Reply 60 of 70
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    I guess people don't like it when I make sense and leave them without a argument.

    You'd have to start making some for anyone to be able to judge that. You want to try again, bucko? Stick to the argument at hand or throw it in an aside. All I see is an HTC user pointing out that Apple wasn't first to do this, out of the blue, as though preempting something. Rogifan arrested the implication and provided fact. Then you decide to step in mention how we hear that a lot here when Apple is first to do something.


    It's as though this website is about Apple and its products or something. Who'd'a thunk.

    Now could you tell us again why you felt the need to point that out as though it was a correction to something? Particularly since there was nothing to correct? Rogifan did the correcting. A "that's right" would have been a much better reply. Heck, since nothing more than affirmation is needed, a 'thumbs-up' would have sufficed. And then at the end, "You hear a lot about Apple doing something first here." Maybe even a wink emoticon after that. No need to put "Aside:" like I do, because not everyone has pseudo-alzheimer's like I do. Not everyone has to write down something the second they think of it so they don't lose it. That's totally fine.

    But don't pretend you had an actual POINT to make here, and don't try to continue a "I guess you lose" thread beyond that. Sometimes it's just too pointless to waste time disclaiming the pathetic drivel. There are backlinks in every quote for a reason. People probably don't use them as much as they otherwise would since Huddler feels the need to reload the entire page to even jump to a backlink on the same page, but they're there for a reason: to follow the train of thought backward to its source. And anyone who does that can see you're riling up as much as the original post was. Rogifan's class B on that grease fire wasn't to your taste, so you decided to short circuit the oven. I had a class C on hand.

    That's enough metaphoring. :p
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