Inside iOS 7: Apple's Weather app gets animated



  • Reply 61 of 70
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    You'd have to start making some for anyone to be able to judge that. You want to try again, bucko? Stick to the argument at hand or throw it in an aside. All I see is an HTC user pointing out that Apple wasn't first to do this, out of the blue, as though preempting something. Rogifan arrested the implication and provided fact. Then you decide to step in mention how we hear that a lot here when Apple is first to do something.


    It's as though this website is about Apple and its products or something. Who'd'a thunk.

    Now could you tell us again why you felt the need to point that out as though it was a correction to something? Particularly since there was nothing to correct? Rogifan did the correcting. A "that's right" would have been a much better reply. Heck, since nothing more than affirmation is needed, a 'thumbs-up' would have sufficed. And then at the end, "You hear a lot about Apple doing something first here." Maybe even a wink emoticon after that. No need to put "Aside:" like I do, because not everyone has pseudo-alzheimer's like I do. Not everyone has to write down something the second they think of it so they don't lose it. That's totally fine.

    But don't pretend you had an actual POINT to make here, and don't try to continue a "I guess you lose" thread beyond that. Sometimes it's just too pointless to waste time disclaiming the pathetic drivel. There are backlinks in every quote for a reason. People probably don't use them as much as they otherwise would since Huddler feels the need to reload the entire page to even jump to a backlink on the same page, but they're there for a reason: to follow the train of thought backward to its source. And anyone who does that can see you're riling up as much as the original post was. Rogifan's class B on that grease fire wasn't to your taste, so you decided to short circuit the oven. I had a class C on hand.

    That's enough metaphoring. :p

    Yes this is a Apple centric site yet you're almost always the first dumbass to mention Android/Samsung when the article is 100% pro Apple, and that's not riding up? You can spew all the hatred you want but then don't complain when you get hatred in return. If one can do it then all can do it. I see you're no longer a moderator so unless Jeff or Marvin take offense to one of my posts and ask me to stop I'll write what I damn please, and as far as me making a point your opinion means absolutely nothing to me since you're the king of nonsensical pointless posts.

    You should change your SN to Trollest Shill and let everyone know that when it comes to Apple you'll never have an impartial view.
  • Reply 62 of 70
    pooch wrote: »
    you should send a feedback request asking for a change to the notification system allowing you to specify where the center of the badge is relative to the icon, that should satisfy your requirement there, no?

    Usually when I post an idea like this or a wish, I have already sent it in to apple.

    Sometimes in post here to bounce back ideas and maybe get some people out there thinking and doing the same.

    The more requests the better.
  • Reply 63 of 70
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Those are called widgets.

    I know what widgets are, in fact I edited the "word" widgets out of my original post as to not start a "to widget or not to widget" debate I've seen on this website before.

    Don't really care what people like to call it or refer to it as, I just hope it happens someday.
  • Reply 64 of 70

    I did upgrade to ios 7 but the weather app there .... in geolocation is active, but I do not see the app ... can someone help me please?
  • Reply 65 of 70
    Originally Posted by Elena Lanni View Post
    I did upgrade to ios 7 but the weather app there .... in geolocation is active, but I do not see the app ... can someone help me please?


    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch?

  • Reply 66 of 70

    I did upgrade to ios 7 but the weather app there .... in geolocation is active, but I do not see the app ... can someone help me please?

    The iPad doesn't have the weather app.
  • Reply 67 of 70
    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    The iPad doesn't have the weather app.


    But weather DOES show up in Location Services, because Notification Center shows weather information.

  • Reply 68 of 70
    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">The iPad doesn't have the weather app.</span>

    But weather DOES show up in Location Services, because Notification Center shows weather information.

    Ah, ok, Notification Center. I don't use that.
  • Reply 69 of 70
    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post
    Ah, ok, Notification Center. I don't use that.


    Zero excuse not to have a proper (gorgeous) Weather app on the iPad. From day one and iPhone OS 3.2, zero excuse.

  • Reply 70 of 70
    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">Ah, ok, Notification Center. I don't use that.</span>

    Zero excuse not to have a proper (gorgeous) Weather app on the iPad. From day one and iPhone OS 3.2, zero excuse.

    Very true! They also left out the other usual suspects, like calc, compass (which finally has a level meter!), stock and voice memos.
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