Google's Nexus 7 tablets dying early due to defective hardware and software [u]



  • Reply 81 of 191
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member

    I've said countless times that you get what you pay for.  How many times have we've been lectured by Fandroid whiners with the tired line "My $199 tablet is superior in every way to an iPad at 1/2 the cost!"

    Well? Where are they?  As usual when they get their A$$ handed to them on a platter, they are nowhere to be found.

    Android tablets are landfill material and a waste of resources.  You buy cheap, don't complain when they barely last long enough for the next model.

    Fandroids are the ones being pwned.  They are just too ignorant to admit it.

  • Reply 82 of 191
    Mine is just under a year old and just won't boot. No matter how long I leave it plugged in to the charger it just appears dead. So I'll be making a warranty claim.

    All my iPads including some 3 years old still work perfectly. The only other tablet that has stopped working was a Kindle Fire HD which Amazon replaced for me.
  • Reply 83 of 191
    timbittimbit Posts: 331member
    jragosta wrote: »
    Plenty more. Just search for 'nexus 7 unresponsive'.

    That's a little unfair though as you can search "iPhone unresponsive" or iPad, iPod, etc and get similar results with forums and help sites for issues.

    Having said that, Apple products are far better than Android ones and Apple has great customer service so getting things fixed on a buggy or laggy iPod is much easier than on a nexus 7. And Apple products are made to last longer. We just upgrade because we want to! (Or they are no longer supported/upgrade able to the new iOS)
  • Reply 84 of 191
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member

    Nexus 7 stands here in front of my keyboard. Using it, because I am creating iPad version of one app which the company had first rolled out on Andriod. Notable points:


    - screen is going to sleep coincidentally, no rule of whatsoever, perhaps it is a software bug or setting, but I don't care really, it does work somehow on Galaxy Tab 2

    - speed vary greatly, response to touch as well

    - wifi can stop sporadically from few seconds to minute, there is not proxy or firewall or any other software installed

    - camera is unbelievable piece of crap, forget ever to scan any king of barcode or something similar

    - batteries drain out quite fast compared to iPad

    - the only thing that feels good is actually the casing, it is solid 


    In any case, I wouldn't use this by myself being payed to do so, therefore I find people buying this a different species...

  • Reply 85 of 191


    Originally Posted by PatchyThePirate View Post

    Addendum: The trolls' attempts to portray an equivalence in the reliability of the iPad vs the nexus are pretty funny.


    At least they're not denying it outright.



    Originally Posted by nyancat2 View Post

    In addition to the trim bug mentioned in the article in my experience with Android it has a lot to do with how much stuff is installed on the device. Android phones and tablets often have difficulty when you fill up the capacity near to the maximum with a lot of apps.


    Google does have it easy though. Android 4.2 JB was heavily infested with bugs and gave me all sorts of headaches when I moved up from 4.1 and I wasn't the only one. However nobody complained in the tech media and blogs about it even though the bugginess of 4.2 gave me so much more troubles than the supposed failure of Apple Maps ever did. 


    Google can do no wrong among the tech media. They give free candy to geeks and promise openness and gardens without walls to keep out the viruses and trojans. They even made a feature-length ad with Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. Wow, they're perfect.



    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    And as a small side note it is a breath of fresh air not to have to see the partial quote breakdowns and snippy comments of he who shall not be named.


    I wonder who that could be...? image

  • Reply 86 of 191
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member

    A month ago I dropped my iPad 2 on the restroom and it dived head straight to the granite floor. The case shattered and my heart stopped for a split second. I thought my iPad had gone but only the compass' dead. Everything else works just like they used to do.


    I understand that some people may not like Apple and that's fine but this case and my case just show that you get what you pay for indeed.

  • Reply 87 of 191


    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post


    I have an original iPad and it still runs fairly well, but it sure feels slow. Slower than I remember, but the fact is, I can't remember how slow it ran when I originally got it and there's nothing to compare it with. Instead what happened is I started comparing it to how fast stuff worked on my newer iPhones. And it really does seem like the iPad has gotten slower and slower with each new iPhone I've purchased.


    A more extreme example... When I got my Mac SE, it was the greatest computer I ever owned, not once did I ever notice any kind of lag. I boot that sucker up today and I can't believe I was able to get anything done on it!? It is ridiculously slow compared to today's computers, but it still runs exactly as it did then.


    My original iPad running iOS5 is way slower than my 5th gen iPod touch running iOS6. But the iPad is a lot quicker than the iPod 2 running iOS4 that my latest iPod replaced.


    Things don't quite run "exactly as they did then". When I bought my iPad it ran iOS3 and was quick. Then iOS4 came out taking advantage of the newer and faster hardware so my iPad slowed a bit. Then iOS5 was released to take advantage of the increased speed of the latest Apple hardware - remember how things like drop shadows on the home screen wouldn't work on devices like my iPod 2nd gen that weren't up to the job? iOS5 really slowed down my iPad and now of course my 5th gen iPod touch running iOS6 now runs circles round my iPad.


    Your latest iPhone running iOS6 will get a bit slower when iOS7 is released which naturally will be optimised for the new faster hardware that Apple will introduce at the same time. Your shiny speedy current latest iPhone will start feeling slow and ponderous by the time you install iOS8. Oops. Time to update to the latest speedy iPhone ...


    If you think how much computer power the latest iPhone (let alone Macintosh) sports now compared to the original Macintosh with its 128K RAM and B&W screen you would expect absolutely screaming speeds from even the original iPhone. However, what I have is an iPad which can sometimes take as long to load up an app as the original Mac would yet I doubt very much that the Macintosh was anywhere near powerful enough to even run iOS1! In fact, iOS 1 is way to big to even FIT on an original Macintosh!


    Interestingly though, John Siracusa said - thought at which point release I can't remember - that OS X ran faster with each release when running on the same hardware. That is no longer possible to test as early versions for PPC wouldn't run on today's hardware but I can't help feeling that if it did it may no longer be the case.

  • Reply 88 of 191

    This is a law of the Universe; "fast, cheap and good -- pick any two."


    Google should have known better.

  • Reply 89 of 191
    stniukstniuk Posts: 90member
    You get the impression that these companies Asus, acer et al are really just trying to make a fast buck. Once the sale is made it's move on, very little support in terms of updates and hardware support. If you want cheap good support is one of the first things you loose.
  • Reply 90 of 191
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by KDarling View Post

    Very misleading thread title, and from that and the details in the article, it's easy to tell that the author is technically ignorant about Flash.


    It has nothing to do with "cheap memory".  Heck, Apple uses the least expensive type for their iOS devices as well.


    Daywalker gave the best comment:  apparently there was a bug in some software versions where the Flash Trim command was not given when files were deleted.  Without that command, the Flash controller would not know which memory blocks it could do reclamation on ahead of time.


    What would be nice, though, is if Google came out with either a fixit program or offered a replacement tablet.


    Hey, in 2011 I paid $250 for an ex-demo 2010 iPad.


    Still works just as well as the day I brought it home, in fact after one of the iOS updates Safari definitely became snappier.

  • Reply 91 of 191
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Scientists should conduct a study of the minds of cheapskates and figure out what leads these people to constantly make bad decisions and poor choices. Many serial killers have abnormal brains. What makes a Fandroid's brain tick, and are there any abnormalities present there also?


    These cheapskates think that they're saving a buck, but their scrooge like behavior actually ends up costing them a whole lot more in the long run.


    If I were a financially challenged individual, the last thing that I would buy is any kind of Android tablet. I'd rather wait a bit, save up some money, and get an awesome iPad, which I know will last me many years and will function great the whole time.

    I also don't think that any Android tablet purchaser has a right to complain really, because you basically got what you paid for. 


    Oh geesh, that was the snobbiest, most negative post I have read in a long time. Yes, yes anything with a Apple on the back is superior, I get it. I have owned 5 Android tablets, everyone of them an absolute pleasure to use. Xoom, Asus Transformer, Asus Transformer Infinity, Xoom II and Samsung Galaxy 7.7. Oh and a Nook but I don't think that counts. I still have the Xoom II, it's basically indestructible, water resistant, fantastic build, actually if you check eBay the used ones are still going for the same price as the new. I don't buy Android tablets because their the cheapest, quite the contrary I buy the best I can at the time. I like premium products like the next person but because the OS is Android that doesn't make me ill in the head. iOS is a closed platform, your forced to use a system that is dictated by Apple. I don't have a problem with that as the app selection makes up for it. I am a uber geek, the Android OS gives me the freedom to do what I want. The FX file-manager is an invaluable tool, I can connect to every server at my work, home, Internet provider and cloud in one app, moving files and editing have never been easier. I have a LAMP server, Perl, Python, BASH, having a mini development server is extremely useful. I can connect a HD to it and create a NAS server. I can go on all day about the neat little things I can do and why I use Android but that will never change your mind because your a tech bigot.


    I don't mean to single you out but you have 655 posts all screaming about how much Android sucks, we get it already. Calling the people using it idiots though is not very nice. Believe me I fully understand the negatives and positives of every gadget I own, Android has enough positives where it's very useful to me.

  • Reply 92 of 191
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post


    Hey, in 2011 I paid $250 for an ex-demo 2010 iPad.


    Still works just as well as the day I brought it home, in fact after one of the iOS updates Safari definitely became snappier.


    Hey, I bought a refurb about the same time for my daughter.   It's been through a lot of drops, and I love its battery life.


    However, Safari and other apps like YouTube quite often crash back to the homescreen nowadays.


    Probably time to try a hard reset.

  • Reply 93 of 191
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    relic wrote: »
    I am a uber geek, the Android OS gives me the freedom to do what I want. The FX file-manager is an invaluable tool, I can connect to every server at my work, home, Internet provider and cloud in one app, moving files and editing have never been easier. I have a LAMP server, Perl, Python, BASH, having a mini development server is extremely useful. I can connect a HD to it and create a NAS server. I can go on all day about the neat little things I can do and why I use Android but that will never change your mind because your a tech bigot.

    When I read that a funny thought occurred. I know some uber geeks and their personal tablets are always iPad. In fact, the most accomplished one doesn't even want to touch Android. How is that? Is there something wrong with them? Or with you?
    And I almost never heard they referred to themselves as uber geeks despite being ones. Hmm....
  • Reply 94 of 191
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member


    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    When I read that a funny thought occurred. I know some uber geeks and their personal tablets are always iPad. In fact, the most accomplished one doesn't even want to touch Android. How is that? Is there something wrong with them? Or with you?

    And I almost never heard they referred to themselves as uber geeks despite being ones. Hmm....

    There is nothing wrong with either of us, it's all about preferences. I just happen to have a iPad, Xoom II and a ThinkPad Tablet II, I use and like all three of them. I don't see the need for a militant hatred for anything, especially a OS. I used the term uber geek as in, "I'm really, really into technology" not as in, "I'm the best at all things technological", I am accomplished though. It's nice to see you have friends though.

  • Reply 95 of 191
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    timbit wrote: »
    Having said that, Apple products are far better than Android ones and Apple has great customer service so getting things fixed on a buggy or laggy iPod is much easier than on a nexus 7. And Apple products are made to last longer. We just upgrade because we want to! (Or they are no longer supported/upgrade able to the new iOS)

    Android users wish they could upgrade to the new OSs. But not only were they not designed to handle the upgrades, but they likely wouldn't even make it through Apple's usual 3-4 year "free" upgrade cycle. Only iOS 4 on the 3G seemed to work slower (although it was over 2 years old too). Outside of that, every iteration actually performs better.

    Apple is amazing, and people can make fun of "it just works"- but because stories like this are a dime a dozen- it's simply true!
  • Reply 96 of 191
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    relic wrote: »
    It's nice to see you have friends though.

    Does that imply something? You are beginning to go into the danger zone.

    Btw, I don't hate the OS but my moral backbone won't allow me to support a certain company more than I'm needed to.
  • Reply 97 of 191
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    This is a law of the Universe; "<span style="color:rgb(24,24,24);font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:18px;">fast, cheap and good -- pick any two."</span>

    Women, it appears, don't fall within the boundaries of the universe's laws.

    At least, not this particular universe.
  • Reply 98 of 191


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    Women, it appears, don't fall within the boundaries of the universe's laws.

    At least, not this particular universe.


    Try interacting with some non-inflatable ones sometime.

  • Reply 99 of 191
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by stike vomit View Post

    Try interacting with some non-inflatable ones sometime.




    This did, and still is, giving me a good laugh.


    Even an out loud one.


    It is, however, a reminder to the rest of us to be more respectful of our mothers than Mr Vomit just was.

  • Reply 100 of 191


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post




    This did, and still is, giving me a good laugh.


    Even an out loud one.


    It is, however, a reminder to the rest of us to be more respectful of our mothers than Mr Vomit just was.


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