Leaked schematics reveal what case makers expect Apple's low-cost iPhone & 'iPhone 5S' will look lik



  • Reply 41 of 120


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    This "lite" version is stupid. I think they will modify the 4 with lightning and perhaps not use glass and release that off contract when the 5S is released. There is no sense designing a cheap version of the flagship.

    There's demand for iPhone's in countries not able to afford the premier choice a la mode, so I think producing a viable version of it with 4ish to middle 4S specs is a good idea, considering the new 5S/6 will still be faster and better than the other iPhone... plus the plastic casing allows them to easily manufacture it because it's following a mold design instead of having to cut the aluminum, then use the diamond edge to cut the bezel on the edges reducing assembly and part costs.


    It may not be the phone you would want to buy right off the bat but remember that Tim Cook admires M.L.K. and Bobby Kennedy so he knows about oppression and wants to help those who want to purchase Apple Products easier, and it's not about it's design, but the costs taken to produce a phone for those who want it. And that's a good thing for the world.

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  • Reply 42 of 120
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member


    Originally Posted by darkdefender View Post

    It may not be the phone you would want to buy right off the bat but remember that Tim Cook admires M.L.K. and Bobby Kennedy so he knows about oppression and wants to help those who want to purchase Apple Products easier, and it's not about it's design, but the costs taken to produce a phone for those who want it. And that's a good thing for the world.

    ... what?


    They're making a low cost iPhone to fight oppression?

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  • Reply 43 of 120
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    This iPhone Lite design makes sense...I think this is real. As for its specs - I reckon mostly 4s internals with a composite body and iPhone 5 screen, Lightning connector and cameras.

    As for the body being slightly larger and thicker than the iPhone 5, it probably needs to be to retain adequate tensile strength as its made of plastic.
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  • Reply 44 of 120


    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    ... what?


    They're making a low cost iPhone to fight oppression?

    I ment suppression, whoops. haha. But used in the sentence I made, it's better to just say that Tim Cook is a good guy.

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  • Reply 45 of 120
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    I still have no idea...

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  • Reply 46 of 120
    If they keep the same amazing profit margin it simply will not matter.

    Sales are down so profits will go back sky high with this.
    The only problem is keeping perception of a more expensive model premium.
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  • Reply 47 of 120
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    evilution wrote: »
    Just because you don't doesn't mean we all don't. Emerging markets are low income countries who wouldn't normally need or be able to afford such a device.
    However, places such as India and China are starting to bloom economically so it's a good idea to get your foot in the door and get yourself known so they are more likely to upgrade to the full iPhone experience when they can.

    :no: You apparently have no idea either. I'm really getting tired of this completely uneducated thought process that imagines some poor farmers in India & China in desperate need of a plastic iPhone...because they can afford $299 US up front, with a $45 a month cost. Yeah...no. Sorry.
    There's demand for iPhone's in countries not able to afford the premier choice a la mode, so I think producing a viable version of it with 4ish to middle 4S specs is a good idea, considering the new 5S/6 will still be faster and better than the other iPhone... plus the plastic casing allows them to easily manufacture it because it's following a mold design instead of having to cut the aluminum, then use the diamond edge to cut the bezel on the edges reducing assembly and part costs.

    It may not be the phone you would want to buy right off the bat but remember that Tim Cook admires M.L.K. and Bobby Kennedy so he knows about oppression and wants to help those who want to purchase Apple Products easier, and it's not about it's design, but the costs taken to produce a phone for those who want it. And that's a good thing for the world.

    :rolleyes: Because...we wouldn't want to give the "oppressed" new features?

    People are struggling with this big time...if you don't think you're struggling, its because you think you have a handle on something, that you absolutely don't.

    There is no such thing as an iPhone that costs less than $500 retail, off contract. And the cheapest one at the moment (since the 3GS was eliminated) is the iPhone 4. Even the 3GS never got lower than $375 off contract.

    If you think $375 (or in fact anything above $99) up front is the answer to "low-cost" or "emerging markets"...you are delusional.
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  • Reply 48 of 120
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    If they keep the same amazing profit margin it simply will not matter. Sales are down so profits will go back sky high with this. The only problem is keeping perception of a more expensive model premium.

    LMAO. Who's sales are down, exactly? Link? LOL.
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  • Reply 49 of 120
    I don't see a point in an iPhone "Light/Lite" because if history is any indication, the iPhone 5 will take the place of the iPhone 4S and will go for $99 (with contract) and the iPhone 5S will be the flagship model starting at $299... The iPhone 5 has kicked ass thus far and for $99 it's a steal and will definitely serve the purpose for a low-cost solution.
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  • Reply 50 of 120
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member


    Originally Posted by aBeliefSystem View Post

    If they keep the same amazing profit margin it simply will not matter. Sales are down so profits will go back sky high with this. The only problem is keeping perception of a more expensive model premium.


    Wrong way round.  In  the last earnings call sales were up and it was profits that were (very slightly) down.  Most commenters attributed the lower profit margin to either the iPad mini, consumer preference for the iPhone 4/4S instead of the iPhone 5, or both.

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  • Reply 51 of 120
    drewys808drewys808 Posts: 549member

    Cheap/plastic iPhone?...I don't like this at all, for Apple's profitability sake...cannibalization will take place, and pushing a segment they don't have to compete in.


    Instead, why not look at something more along these lines for phones?


    Low end: iPhone Nano (2.5" screen).  lowest cost phone with low cost data plans.  Durable but with no 3rd party iOS apps.

    Medium end: outdated iPhones (4 or 4s).  low cost phone with high cost data plan.

    High end: newest generation iPhone (5s).  high cost phone with high cost data plan.

    Large screen: newest phone with 4.5" screen. high cost phone with high cost data plan.  Possible stripped down just a bit to keep retail price down while maintaining profit margins.


    I admit there's no perfect line of phones, but the above seems to avoid unnecessary cannibalization but addresses the major/growing market segments.

    Apple should NOT compete in the cheaper, plastic, 3.5" screen market segment...give that one away to Android.  Apple already has a fairly cheap phone in that category, it's called a very good iPhone 4 or 4s.


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  • Reply 52 of 120
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    drewys808 wrote: »
    Low end: iPhone Nano (2.5" screen).  lowest cost phone with low cost data plans.  Durable but with no 3rd party iOS apps.

    What right does this device have to exist? What's the point? No apps? 2.5" screen? It's utterly useless.

    How about something simple?

    iPhone 5S: $199 on contract
    iPhone 5: $99 on contract
    iPhone 4S: $0 on contract
    iPhone 4S: $399 off contract, unlocked

    Sell the last one in India and China and then pop in the earplugs for the whiners who still demand something cheaper.
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  • Reply 53 of 120
    antkm1 wrote: »
    i'd say that's a pretty safe bet to make.  The iPhone and the Pro..although I doubt they'll call it iPhone Pro.

    "Apple doesn't care about Pro users." /s
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  • Reply 54 of 120
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    If they keep the same amazing profit margin it simply will not matter. Sales are down so profits will go back sky high with this. The only problem is keeping perception of a more expensive model premium.

    Profit Growth dropped. Profit did not and neither did sales.
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  • Reply 55 of 120
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    What right does this device have to exist? What's the point? No apps? 2.5" screen? It's utterly useless.

    If the iPhone is an iPod Touch with an added phone, this fictional device might be thought of as an iPod nano with a phone.  Smaller, has fixed apps, narrower focus, cheaper.


    There's still mileage in an easy to use phone with a great music player built in and not much else.  Whether it's Apple-scale mileage I don't know.  I doubt it actually.  But that doesn't mean it's an entirely stupid idea.

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  • Reply 56 of 120
    drewys808drewys808 Posts: 549member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    What right does this device have to exist? What's the point? No apps? 2.5" screen? It's utterly useless.

    How about something simple?

    iPhone 5S: $199 on contract

    iPhone 5: $99 on contract

    iPhone 4S: $0 on contract

    iPhone 4S: $399 off contract, unlocked

    Sell the last one in India and China and then pop in the earplugs for the whiners who still demand something cheaper.

    it's not utterly useless to:

    - parents looking to get their kids a mobile phone

    - tech savvy people who want add'l options for mobility that also have an iPad or Laptop.

    - all those who want a smaller phone device, more durable, less expensive...but still want infrequent use of email/text.


    Describe to me how a 2.5" device would be utterly useless to the audience above.


    It could be a flip device to minimize size (and protect the screen).


    You really should avoid using such demeaning words such as "utterly" and "useless".  If you do, then explain in detail why.


    Your lineup does not address what many in this forum are saying, which is that the older iPhones are still too expensive.

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  • Reply 57 of 120
    drewys808drewys808 Posts: 549member


    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post

    If the iPhone is an iPod Touch with an added phone, this fictional device might be thought of as an iPod nano with a phone.  Smaller, has fixed apps, narrower focus, cheaper.


    There's still mileage in an easy to use phone with a great music player built in and not much else.  Whether it's Apple-scale mileage I don't know.  I doubt it actually.  But that doesn't mean it's an entirely stupid idea.

    Tallest, take note...see how Crowley found some merit and said it's NOT, "...an entirely stupid idea."

    It's a much more effective way to carry on a valuable discussion. image

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  • Reply 58 of 120
    It is easy to do a 2" Nano watch phone.
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  • Reply 59 of 120
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    [quote name="drewys808" url="/t/158129/leaked-schematics-reveal-what-case-makers-expect-apples-low-cost-iphone-iphone-5s-will-look-like/40#post_2349108"]- parents looking to get their kids a mobile phone
    - tech savvy people who want add'l options for mobility that also have an iPad or Laptop.
    - all those who want a smaller phone device, more durable, less expensive...but still want infrequent use of email/text.[/QUOTE]

    That's not what the iPhone is.

    [QUOTE]It could be a flip device...[/QUOTE]

    Now you're just taking the mickey.

    [QUOTE]If you do, then explain in detail why.[/QUOTE]

    I did. No apps = DOA. Have you not noticed the entire mobile phone industry since 2008?
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  • Reply 60 of 120
    minicaptminicapt Posts: 219member

    I would suggest that these may show that Apple is trying to assist Google by producing a reference design for the Next Nexus.



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