Android accounts for 92% of mobile malware, malicious apps increase 614%



  • Reply 21 of 81
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    alexkasper wrote: »
    This is one huge problem with running old OS software: as new exploits are discovered the systems become sitting ducks because patches are not available.

    With so many Android systems that haven't been updated in years, it will become exponentially worse as malware developers realize what a rich target and profitable base this represents.

    You mean "with so many Android systems that CAN'T be updated".
  • Reply 22 of 81


    Originally Posted by Richard Getz View Post

    Sounds like Windows all over again


    When asked way he robs banks, Pretty Boy Floyd replied, "That's where the money is...


    And exploiters go where the OS holes are...

  • Reply 23 of 81
    That's easy to fix. In the next update of Android, just ask users to give permission to an app that tries to send a text message.

    Oh wait! Most phones never get an Android update. Guess you are screwed then.
  • Reply 24 of 81

    These malware reports don't take into account a lot of things. First of all google has implemented multiple safeguards on android. One of them on the playstore is called bouncer which is a program able to detect malicious software. The second part is the steps that is required to install an app from an unknown source. Seriously it is a lot of stuff you have to do.


    1. Download the app




    2. Select the app which will direct you to the settings



    3. Enable unknown source from the settings where you get another warning


    4. last install the app. Where the app will tell you what permissions you are accepting on the phone.



  • Reply 25 of 81
    philgarphilgar Posts: 93member


    Originally Posted by BigMac2 View Post


    I understand developers complain about the iOS walled garden, but from a users standing point I see very little value for an open and uncontrolled platform. 

    There are tradeoffs made between iOS and Android, however the consensus on this forum seems to be that malware on android is a HUGE problem.  The truth is that a small number of android devices have malware, and most of them got it from third party stores.  A story saying that malware on android increased by X% isn't really news unless you know what the base number is.  If ONE virus came out that attacked unjailbroken iOS devices, the percentage increase in malware would likely be infinite... Even if only a single phone got infected.


    As for why someone would want an open and uncontrolled platform... I do.   I'm moving away from iOS because I'm sick of Apple's "our way or the highway" attitude. I don't have unlimited faith in apple, and I think that apple's primary reason for doing anything is to make more money for themselves.  I also don't appreciate the sentiment heard around here that Apple deserves money for every application that runs on iOS.  That iOS is the reason people are buying a device, and that all further purchases need to go through apple.   My phone is MY device, I should have the right to do what I want with it.   I should be able to rent a movie from an amazon application if I want to, and there should be no reason apple would get a percentage of the profits for my doing this.  A controlled platform can work okay when conflict of interests don't exist, but apple clearly has those.  They want to monetize my device forever, and want to lock me in to their hardware.  With Android, I can change to another manufacturer at a later date and use their hardware with my existing software.  Sure, I'd have to continue to use android, but honestly, after switching from iOS to android, the differences are relatively minor.   Unless you're a zealot about it, you can't really say one interface sucks and the other is far superior.  They do things slightly differently, and they both borrow from each other.  As far as ease of use goes, it's a tough call.  As long as the play store is preinstalled on the android phone, they're pretty equal.



  • Reply 26 of 81


    Originally Posted by kpluck View Post

    Stupidity accounts for 100% of malware installs.




    I agree, anyone installing the malware named Android would fall into that category.

  • Reply 27 of 81
    bigmac2bigmac2 Posts: 639member


    Originally Posted by TeaEarleGreyHot View Post

    Except that this time, the Apple platform is far more than 5% of the installed base.  For decades it has been insisted that the reason MacOS users were not experiencing viruses and malware was that the market share was too small to justify targeting by the crooks.  Well now that argument doesn't hold water, and still the Apple users are suffering less than the competitors.  Yet apparently spending far more on legitimate purchases. 


    I think the 5% installed base is a straw man argue.  DOS and Boot records virus plagues Microsoft platforms way before Windows takes over the MacOS platform.  Microsoft made their platform an easy target by multiplying uncontrolled runtimes environment, ever since Windows 95 most virus uses Microsoft alternate runtimes API like ActiveX and VBS Macros to spread across Microsoft softwares like Office and IE.  


    Right now you can't browse the web on a PC without being bombarded with fake download accelerator and search toolbar, even legit software like Java or flash comes with crapwares, how comes Microsoft has allowed custom toolbar in IE at the first place is beyond my understanding.

  • Reply 28 of 81


    Originally Posted by Boltsfan17 View Post

    I agree. This information would make for a great Apple commercial. 


    Starring Siri

  • Reply 29 of 81

    How terrible to be living in a walled garden. Sounds like we're missing out on all the fun.

  • Reply 30 of 81
    Oh, well, there goes another $50 off the AAPL stock price!!

    Android is dominating the malware market -- Apple is dooooomed! You mean the Samsung Galaxy S4 has a bigger screen and get help me get my money stolen!! I gotta trade in my iPhone and get me some of that!
  • Reply 31 of 81
    genovelle wrote: »
    You really don't know do you.  You can get it directly from the Google official store.  The stupid part is not knowing that any of their apps could be compromised and its up to outside sources to find out which doesn't help those who bought it in the months before it was determined if ever.

    Yeah, to which Android fans will respond with FUD about Apple's "non-transparent" App Store, eg, "how do we know that App Store apps are truly virus-free? Are we supposed to trust Apple?" A response that in no way, shape, or form abates the problem on the Android platform.
  • Reply 32 of 81
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    This is hilarious! image


    News like this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. A real feel good news story. image

  • Reply 33 of 81
    bigmac2bigmac2 Posts: 639member


    Originally Posted by philgar View Post

    As for why someone would want an open and uncontrolled platform... I do.   I'm moving away from iOS because I'm sick of Apple's "our way or the highway" attitude. I don't have unlimited faith in apple, and I think that apple's primary reason for doing anything is to make more money for themselves.  I also don't appreciate the sentiment heard around here that Apple deserves money for every application that runs on iOS.  That iOS is the reason people are buying a device, and that all further purchases need to go through apple.   My phone is MY device, I should have the right to do what I want with it.   I should be able to rent a movie from an amazon application if I want to, and there should be no reason apple would get a percentage of the profits for my doing this.  A controlled platform can work okay when conflict of interests don't exist, but apple clearly has those.  They want to monetize my device forever, and want to lock me in to their hardware.  With Android, I can change to another manufacturer at a later date and use their hardware with my existing software.  Sure, I'd have to continue to use android, but honestly, after switching from iOS to android, the differences are relatively minor.   Unless you're a zealot about it, you can't really say one interface sucks and the other is far superior.  They do things slightly differently, and they both borrow from each other.  As far as ease of use goes, it's a tough call.  As long as the play store is preinstalled on the android phone, they're pretty equal.




    Your complains about Apple is very cliché and very reminiscent of the old Windows/MacOSX debate. Many people stuck up their mind about how much Apple control their device.  Lets analyses your complains from a users perspective:


    1 - "I also don't appreciate the sentiment heard around here that Apple deserves money for every application that runs on iOS"


    Time to open your virgin eyes, As users, nobody complain about Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo getting their shares of money from game publisher for their consoles, no one complain about big movie studios and Records label from getting the lion share of others creation.  And BTW Amazon, Google and Microsoft already does the same, so I fail to see this complain as an Apple issues, the only thing Apple as done differently is to make this offer publicly to everyone who wants to publish an Apps and making a few indy instant millionaires in the process. 


    2-  "My phone is MY device, I should have the right to do what I want with it"


    Meaning what? Apple won't stop you jailbreaking you iPhone if you want.  I don't know what you are complaining about here.


    3- "With Android, I can change to another manufacturer at a later date and use their hardware with my existing software"


    Android got the issues of WinTel platforme, where nobody is in control of the final product.  Who is responsible for updates and support of your phone? the carrier, manufacturer or Google?  Where I complains to if i'm stuck with a 2 years old OS on my brand new Android devices?

  • Reply 34 of 81
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member


    Originally Posted by GadgetCanadaV2 View Post

    How terrible to be living in a walled garden. Sounds like we're missing out on all the fun.


    Pssst, wanna Apple?


  • Reply 35 of 81
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    My Android friends sometimes look at some cool iOS-only app I'm using and go to find it for Android... and they "succeed," but it turns out to be malware that simply copies the name and icon of the iOS app! Then I see them scrambling to delete it.

    I could not put up with that. Not missing out on the great app, and certainly not having malware that masquerades as things I really want. I wouldn't trust my device.
  • Reply 36 of 81
    boriscletoboriscleto Posts: 159member


    Originally Posted by Macky the Macky View Post


    When asked way he robs banks, Pretty Boy Floyd replied, "That's where the money is...


    No, Willie Sutton said that...and that's just an urban legend. Sutton denied it in his autobiography. 





    Why did I rob banks? Because I enjoyed it. I loved it. I was more alive when I was inside a bank, robbing it, than at any other time in my life. I enjoyed everything about it so much that one or two weeks later I'd be out looking for the next job. But to me the money was the chips, that's all.

  • Reply 37 of 81
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member

    And android fanboys think Android tablets should be used in airplane cockpits for flight manuals, etc... right.

  • Reply 38 of 81
    mhiklmhikl Posts: 471member
    Android. Finally number one. Take that! Apple. :smokey:

    Not so good at figgers, am I, but seems these numbers are way gangbusters over the volleyed android ratio to Apple iPhone, IEtc sales. Like to the moon, Alice.

    DED must be dancing a jig today, though modestly out of the sight of all winery' eyes, the gentleman he is.

    And on to the next good news of an Apple a day.
  • Reply 39 of 81
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Doesn't matter. Didn't matter when Windows was overrun with malware, viruses, BSOD, etc. It still went on to completely dominate the desktop universe. It doesn't matter how much malware, adware, whatever-ware attacks Android. It will still go on to completely dominate the mobile universe. Bottom line? People simply don't care. They have accepted their devices being taken over as part of normal life. Ever read a post by a Windows-to-Mac convert on the Apple discussions forum? When anything goes wrong they immediately assume a virus caused it. To them it's normal to have to completely reformat and restore their machines every few months.

    We Apple fans can crow all we want about how secure or free of malware the platforms are. It simply doesn't matter to people and never will. Hosed devices are the norm, part of the price of using technology.
  • Reply 40 of 81
    misamisa Posts: 827member
    Of the malicious apps tracked by Juniper, three out of five emanated from either China or Russia.Most Android malware could be avoided if users were running the latest operating system, but Juniper's data says only 4 percent of users are.

    Or... simply not buying into the Android ecosystem in the first place.

    This is the primary reason I won't even look at the Android devices. That and three year contracts will still be in place here until December. In a two year window, I could reasonably expect a device to updated to the latest version, but three, fat chance. There are Android devices that are sold new and updates are discontinued immediately.

    My sister has gone through at least 3 mobile phones over the same amount of time I've opted not to purchase a smart phone, her new device is a Samsung Galaxy III (yes new in 2013.) I bought last bought a phone when the iPhone was new, but the device I bought beat all of the original iPhone's specifications (one of which was UMTS support.) I'll buy an iPhone when VoLTE is available on it, and not before. Prior to this I hung onto an EDGE device since it's introduction.

    Now the funny thing is, since mobile devices are billed by the byte or minute, malware on these devices are of an extremely high concern and expense to their users. There is almost no reason not to update the software, and if the hardware/carrier's are refusing to do this, maybe the government might have to force them to. eg The hardware vendor must maintain updates to all hardware sold new for 7 years and the carrier is required to push these updates within 30 days. This might force the hardware vendors to better engineer their devices or better yet, standardize on one or two hardware/software profiles that they can better support instead of making one variant of each device for every carrier in the world. If Microsoft can support an operating system for 6 years (plus an additional 5 for extended support) so can the Android vendors.
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