BlackBerry sees quarterly loss of $84M on shipments of 2.7M BB10 phones



  • Reply 61 of 94
    They better hurry up and do something or they may have to add a few more "B's" to their name

    There was a young fellow named Beebe,
       Fell in love with a girl named Phoebe,
    Said he I must see, What the clerical fee, be
      before Phoebe be Phoebe Beebe.
  • Reply 62 of 94
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    I did not do much experimentation with iOS7 before it became available on the iPad (Old Eyes & Fat Fingers). I was not very impressed. Once I got it on the iPads, my opinion changed. It's hard to describe, but the UI gets even more out of the way than prior iOS releases -- there is less between you and your stuff and what you want to do. The brouhaha about the UI, the icons, the starkness of the apps -- fades, as you quickly gain command of the... the... the.., whatever you you want to do.


    iOS 7 is much, much more than a flatter interface -- it is a more up to date way to deal with the power and capabilities of today's devices -- and lays the groundwork for the next several years technology advances.



    Well, the flat interface concept is all about less UI and more functions. Maybe some people only see looks, but its all about functions. Looks like they made a decent job from you're comments.  It may lays the groundwork for more to come indeed, but unfortuanatly I am getting worried Apple can still really innovate. It sure looks like they are building the foundation of something, but they need to make something soon because inaction is hurting there image at the moment.



    Look at market perception ATM: Quote from CNBC fast money



    "let's talk about apple. it's still trading below 400 bucks. pete, you have called this a second half story for the last -- for six months. i have been talking about this being a second half story. tim cooing is going to have to come through allotted more than he did at the conference. they did not deliver. tim cook didn't wow anybody and obviously there were a few updates given out there. jon has some background stair a little bit on possibly what's going on with the phone. i think they still have to compete with samsung with the bigger model phone. i think that's important because people are watching videos. they're doing everything. these are computers, they're not just phones anymore. that's a mistake and they're late to the party. they might be too late. if it doesn't happen within the next few months -- here is how i look at apple. it was the company that was three steps ahead. now it's the fat dog with the short legs running to keep up and it's not making it -- you're right. they're months behind. you have google coming out with the watch. google working on tv. they're late to the party and it's all about trend and fad and technology"


    Apple should have seen the evolution of smartphone into small computers in 2011 and make 2 high end models for 2012. Instead it lock in into making the best possible 2007 concept of a smartphone and they are now behind.

  • Reply 63 of 94


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post


    Depends. If combined with game control APi's and an Apple TV that support games, then we have something. Otherwise all we will get is more games on the app stores. Well, with the combination of sizable flat interface, control api's and spritekit, we may get somewhere indeed.


    If Apple nail the portable game market is will be nice. But if Apple put up something that revamp both the portable and console game markets, now we have something great. And if Apple revamp the portable game market, the game console market and the TV market in one blow, now we have a true revolution.


    Will it be nice, great or a revolution?  The market is pricing the stock for the worst case scenario, which is an iphone 5s, a retina ipad mini and a new ipad 5. I think if Apple enter a significant new market like mobile games, console games or TV, then we get a rebound. Otherwise is more EPS declines, more unit sales declines and more market share lost.

    I'm not sure how you figure this. Apple is not losing market share or unit shares and EPS drops seemed to be more the massive ramp ups need to support the new iPhone 5, retina laptops and new iMac.

    You might be missing it, but Apple is already destroying the mobile game market and portable computer with a little thing called the iPhone.  Again, I think you are looking for a spec list and not an integration list. All of Apple's stuff that I saw on WWDC seemed pretty darned good and actually useful as opposed to say, Airtouch or "global panarama".

  • Reply 64 of 94
    Compared with Apple , u know how stupid it is to dump AAPL at this level .
  • Reply 65 of 94
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    I don't get the nastiness here about RIM. Who knows, Apple could be next if you listen to some analysts...and the Samdroids.

  • Reply 66 of 94
    tarfungotarfungo Posts: 92member


    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    I have yet to talk to friend with iOS 7 complaining about it's new capabilities. Quite the contrary. They love the performance and function. Style needs a lot of polish, but the engine got a major upgrade.

    While admittedly not empirical data, I've been querying all of my daughter's finger popping, 20 something, iPhone owning hipster friends that she hangs out with and without exception they 'can't wait' to get iOS7 on their iPhones.   True, they may think something different when that actually happens, but I'm guessing all the doom and gloom purveyors predicting an iOS7 'fail' will soon learn that they are clutching their pocket protectors too tightly. 

  • Reply 67 of 94
    Why the anal ists didn’t know this loss ? Aren’t they pro in checking the inventory channel ?
  • Reply 68 of 94
    Will think blackberry can’t do well , neither will Apple ?

    U know , Mr market loves to bullshit on Apple , what says about Apple is something only stupid will trust .
  • Reply 69 of 94
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    herbapou wrote: »
    Well, the flat interface concept is all about less UI and more functions. Maybe some people only see looks, but its all about functions. Looks like they made a decent job from you're comments.  It may lays the groundwork for more to come indeed, but unfortuanatly I am getting worried Apple can still really innovate. It sure looks like they are building the foundation of something, but they need to make something soon because inaction is hurting there image at the moment.

    Look at market perception ATM: Quote from CNBC fast money.

    Apple should have seen the evolution of smartphone into small computers in 2011 and make 2 high end models for 2012. Instead it lock in into making the best possible 2007 concept of a smartphone and they are now behind.

    So you can copy-n-paste... but you forgot to read where it's coming from! I mean really, they state their one and only goal in their byline... so I'm not taking their rant seriously in the least.

    Your's either. Since you're closer physically, intellectually and strategically to those BB-Bums in Windsor, what ya say you stick to figuring out what you can do to help your countrymen. Because your understanding of Apple and what makes them tick and work, and them actually understanding what "skating to where the puck is going to be", leaves me skeptical if you know anything about... well... anything.
  • Reply 70 of 94
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    herbapou wrote: »

    Look at market perception ATM: Quote from CNBC fast money

    Apple should have seen the evolution of smartphone into small computers in 2011 and make 2 high end models for 2012. Instead it lock in into making the best possible 2007 concept of a smartphone and they are now behind.

    Yea, because analysts are always right. /s these are probably the same persons that said Apple missed the netbook revolution and derided the iPad as a big iPhone.

    The iPhone is a small computer. What does size have to do with it.

    What can the GS4 or HTC One do better than the iPhone? Nothing except contract malware.
  • Reply 71 of 94
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Blackberry is a total disaster, and if you check out the crackberry forum, as I have done in the past when I needed a few laughs, you'll quickly find out that many people who still support Blackberry, only do so because they're Canadian. How pathetic is that?image


    Those people are totally deluded and they continue to make excuses for Blackberry, even though they've failed on many of the things that they've promised to deliver.


    I've said this before, but Blackberry should quit the tech business and begin making maple syrup instead.

    Well, if you consider the fact that Justin Bieber is Canadian, it doesn't surprise me.    I just couldn't resist.

  • Reply 72 of 94
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Yea, because analysts are always right. /s these are probably the same persons that said Apple missed the netbook revolution and derided the iPad as a big iPhone.

    The iPhone is a small computer. What does size have to do with it.

    What can the GS4 or HTC One do better than the iPhone? Nothing except contract malware.

    You can root the OS and everything.   Plus, they have widgets.  Actually, the big thing they think Android is better is being able to modify the OS, transferring files back and forth to other devices, and a lot of the Android higher end models have built in MicroSD cards. 

  • Reply 73 of 94
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    drblank wrote: »
    You can root the OS and everything.   Plus, they have widgets.  Actually, the big thing they think Android is better is being able to modify the OS, transferring files back and forth to other devices, and a lot of the Android higher end models have built in MicroSD cards. 

    Because the everyday user is going to do any of that. I had a MicroSD card in my old phone. Never took it out. As for transferring files, throw it in Dropbox or airdrop.
  • Reply 74 of 94
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Because the everyday user is going to do any of that. I had a MicroSD card in my old phone. Never took it out. As for transferring files, throw it in Dropbox or airdrop.

    I know, but try to tell an Android user.  

  • Reply 75 of 94
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    In my experience, Android users fall into three categories:

    Anti-Apple Imbeciles
    • appalled at the "walled garden" proclaiming the open strategy of Google "winning" while disregarding the massive malware problem stating that the problem is "ID10T" users while the Anti-Apple Imbecile fails to acknowledge that limiting to Google Play isn't foolproof and locks the user into an ecosystem just like Apple
    • denounce Apple pricing strategy which clearly leads to market leading innovation
    • proclaim Apple is evil for using Chinese labor (not recognizing the vast majority of all electronics are finished in China)
    • tout "open source" while not recognizing that Apple is the first major technology company to use an open source strategy (same people are almost always Microsoft users)

    Do not know better and an Anti-Apple Imbecile has used their standard false arguments

    Do not know better and have listened to advertising and marketing including the commissioned sales person

    You said 3 categories yet you listed 4, proofread next time. I would also add a great many people that stopped waiting for the iPhone to appear on their carrier and went to Android and stood with Android, and are not part of the 'Anti-Apple Brigade'.
  • Reply 76 of 94
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    So you can copy-n-paste... but you forgot to read where it's coming from! I mean really, they state their one and only goal in their byline... so I'm not taking their rant seriously in the least.

    Your's either. Since you're closer physically, intellectually and strategically to those BB-Bums in Windsor, what ya say you stick to figuring out what you can do to help your countrymen. Because your understanding of Apple and what makes them tick and work, and them actually understanding what "skating to where the puck is going to be", leaves me skeptical if you know anything about... well... anything.


    Hey, I am not saying they will be right, they are often wrong. But sentiment is pretty low atm. That being said, I do believe Apple can turn this around, so I do have real money betting on this. But my confidence is not strong as it could be, giving the lastest product annoncement hiatus. But they could still have a great plan and iOS 7 is a key part of the new upcomming hardware, so they had to delay all hardware (upgrades/new) to fall.

  • Reply 77 of 94
    d4njvrzfd4njvrzf Posts: 797member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    What can the GS4 or HTC One do better than the iPhone? Nothing except contract malware.


    Third party programs can integrate more seamlessly into android because the intents system lets a program pass data to other programs while assuming nothing about the identities of the recipients. For all ``intents" and purposes android does not distinguish between first-party or third-party apps. Thus a user who prefers third-party apps over factory-supplied ones might feel more comfortable on android.


    Also, in android you can attach any file to an email directly from the compose screen, just like you would do on a mac or windows machine. To attach anything other than images on IOS requires a somewhat clumsier workflow.

  • Reply 78 of 94
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Because the everyday user is going to do any of that. I had a MicroSD card in my old phone. Never took it out.


    Right.   Not taking it out is the whole point these days.


    It's no longer about moving memory cards around, it's about being able to do an upgrade of your phone's memory for up to hundreds of dollars less than paying for it to come built-in.


    Most people buy their phone and then get a high capacity microSD card, stick it in, and that's that.  The only time they might take it out, is if they want to reuse the card on their next phone, to save even more money over the long term.


    I'm sure there's a lot of people who would love to be able to pop in another 64GB in their iPhone for less than $60.

  • Reply 79 of 94
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by dugbug View Post


    The new textkit and spritekit are massive and impressive undertakings.  These are not 'small' things.  Breakthroughs?  No, no antigravity boots or travelling in tubes.


    You could also mention the new physics engine, and a bunch of other things but "herbapou" still won't ever agree.  His posts might as well all have been written by "Debbie Downer."

  • Reply 80 of 94
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Comebacks are rarely instantaneous.


    Worse than that, comebacks almost never happen in the business world.  Apple is actually a very, very rare exception in that way. 


    Once blackberry shifted to servicing their existing users and not adding new users, they were already dead.  This was long before the BB10 came out.  You can see it plain as day in their sales charts.  Articles were written about it almost two years ago.  


    The only way to reverse such a trend is to come out with new products that drive a Huge waver of adoption and generate new customers.  It's arguable that even the BB10 sales (3 million units?) are similarly just maintenance for their existing faithful customers but even if some of them are new customers (let's say half), that is still a drop in the bucket.  It means that since about 2009 or so, Blackberry may have added a few million new users tops, while iPhone has added maybe 100 times that.  


    They are doomed now just as they were already doomed before the BB10 became available.  A great deal of the reason for finishing and selling it, is to make the hardware side of their business more attractive for a takeover or a sale.  Anyone with any business sense could see the writing on the wall for the company as a whole for a long time now. 

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