'iPhone Lite' on track for early Sept., but 'iPhone 5S' production more challenging



  • Reply 81 of 89
    libertyforalllibertyforall Posts: 1,418member

    Apple should just can the finger scanner -- nobody wants more biometrics big brother spying or information gathering on their devices, iCloud ramifications are bad enough already in light of government PRISM spying.  


    I NEVER used the finger scanner on the work Windows laptop I had -- simply a waste.  Give us Direct Connect walkie talkie functionality with a dedicated programmable button on the side instead -- something I would actually use!  

  • Reply 82 of 89
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Apple should just can the finger scanner

    See, we've already somehow taken for granted that they're working on one at all, when there's absolutely no reason to think that.
  • Reply 83 of 89


    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    Who cares what this analyst said or how accurate his predictions were in the past? Anyone that has followed Apple and can see logic knows this makes perfect sense. Apple will introduce a $449  iPhone in multiple colors that will probably sell for free or zero on contract. I am surprised people actually think this won't happen. 

    I said that about 2 years ago. Now that it's finally happening I want it to be in higher quality materials instead of plastic.

  • Reply 84 of 89
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,807member


    Originally Posted by darkdefender View Post

    I said that about 2 years ago. Now that it's finally happening I want it to be in higher quality materials instead of plastic.

    You weren't the only one. I knew that selling previous year model phones was only a temporary fix and once something like the Qualcomm front end came along which was the key missing piece of the puzzle that such a phone would emerge. 

  • Reply 85 of 89
    kdarlingkdarling Posts: 1,640member


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post



    It doesn't have to be up front.


    Fingerprint readers started appearing on phones and PDAs back before the turn of the century.


    They sometimes put the fingerprint sensor on the back of the device, so as to not take up precious frontal space.

  • Reply 86 of 89
    curtis hannahcurtis hannah Posts: 1,833member
    iPad mini update and reg iPad at same time.
    iPhone released, if second would be same time. Has anyone ever thought that any possible iPhone idea has came out but none do exsisting?
  • Reply 87 of 89
    shompashompa Posts: 343member
    Apple sells almost al its phones with carrier contracts. Some are subsidised some are not.
    The problem for Apple is that phone companies now have alternative to Apple. They can dump Apple and go for an all Android/Winphone lineup.
    The main reason for carriers to do that is to get control over the phone/homescreen and revenue sharing. All stuff that Apple won't give.

    If I understand things right carriers get a cut from every single Android app sold in the play store. Just that revenue stream will make carriers switch from Apple.

    The same day carriers stops with Apple its going to be real hard as a customer to pay 600-1000 dollar for a phone when I can get a "good enough" phone for a couple of hundred.

    Ipod Mini was a huge success for Apple. They priced it aggressive. I hope that Apple sells a iPhone light for 250-299dollars/199-249Euro contract free. Apple could put real pressure on the carriers if Apple started to buy capacity on carriers and having an Apple network. iOS7 brings "free" phone calls between Apple devices.
  • Reply 88 of 89
    joewildjoewild Posts: 1member

    may i know what is the difrence between iPhone Lite and iPhone 5s? and when is iPhone 5s is launching? is launching with ios7?

  • Reply 89 of 89
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    joewild wrote: »
    may i know what is the difrence between iPhone Lite and iPhone 5s? and when is iPhone 5s is launching? is launching with ios7?

    Maybe ask Tim Cook?

    This is all speculation.
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