Apple's Cook being pushed to innovate by board of directors, FOX report says



  • Reply 81 of 160
    Mac Pro.

    Now shut the hell up FOX.
  • Reply 82 of 160
    bcgersh wrote: »
    FYI Apple investors... this is the same guy that CLAIMED to be a Pulitzer Nominee in his bio and then had to drop the "nominee" part of his bio after being outed as being Full of Sh*t.

    Says he is a Wall Street correspondent. That says it all. Someone is just trying to push the stock down.
  • Reply 83 of 160
    nelsonxnelsonx Posts: 278member


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    What a bunch of moronic statements. "Pace of innovation"? As if you can "innovate" on a fucking schedule. As is the comparison of the "pace" compared to the time of Steve Jobs. The iPhone and iPad were years in the works.

    Arguably, the "pace" has done nothing but increase in the past couple years, with Apple's entire lineup being revamped, many products drastically. We're not gonna see anything as "holy shit" as the iPhone anytime soon, and besides a phone and a tablet, another mainstream form-factor does not really exist.

    Oh boy! I'm so glad you are not in charged with Humanity progress and innovation, otherwise we should all still be living in caves saying: "What more do you want? Don't you have fire? Don't you have... sticks? How could other weapons exists besides sticks and stones? We can do the stones a little bigger, the sticks a little sharper, but other than that there really isn't anything!!!"

  • Reply 84 of 160

    Can't innovate anymore my a**...


    Fox News is pulling this out of their a**...

  • Reply 85 of 160
    nelsonxnelsonx Posts: 278member


    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    I know it's probably too much to ask, but why can't a company sitting on $145 billion spend a bit more on R&D than say most other companies on the entire planet. All Apple needs to do is focus on just a couple of technologies. Apple is already working on processors which is great but it really needs to sink more money into battery technology because mobile devices depend so heavily on batteries.

    If Apple were to develop the tech for batteries that lasted just 15% longer than any other battery with similar charging properties for a particular size, it would almost be unbeatable as long as they could protect it with patents. It would be a very stealthy type of improvement and it would be useful in practically every product Apple makes. It would practically put Apple at the forefront of every mobile company around.

    Because they are stupid and greedy! Apparently Steve Jobs was the only guy with vision and balls. Everybody else at Apple are just yesmen without any vision or balls. With $145 billions you can do miraculous things if you have the balls to try it! But it's safer to just make things a little faster and a little thinner every year. What the hell, they didn't even have the courage to build a 5 inch screen for the iPhone! And that's not innovation, they already have the technology for this! Cowards!

  • Reply 86 of 160
    Apple did to consumer applications what Microsoft did to business ones. But in all honesty, when I walk into an Apple store these days, there's nothing left I want to buy...

    I have spent a small fortune over the years buying Apple gear, but there isn't really anything new for which I'd be willing to shell out more money.

    I love their products and would like to buy more, but there hasn't really been much lately worth buying.

    FYI - my latest purchase was the 27" iMac released in Jan 13 which I love. Also, I have no interest in the iWatch...

    I believe Apple's gear is top notch, but how much are people willing to pay for the small incremental gains? I think this is also the problem with the PC industry (along with Microsoft's inept ability to release new product launches).
  • Reply 87 of 160
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    [quote name="1randomreader" url="/t/158963/apples-cook-being-pushed-to-innovate-by-board-of-directors-fox-report-says/80#post_2376919"]Also, I have no interest in the iWatch…[/QUOTE]

    What is it? How can you possibly know you don't want it if you don't even know it exists, much less what it is?

    [QUOTE]…how much are people willing to pay for the small incremental gains?[/QUOTE]

    Everyone, as they have for the past two decades or so. Thing is, Apple's pushing for bigger updates than the people who even make the hardware they use. They've asked Intel for their own GPU to blow away everything from everyone else. An integrated chip that will make people wonder why they ever wanted a dedicated GPU.

    Not to say that Iris Pro isn't a leap itself from the 4000, but still. And never mind the new Mac Pro will blow away any other workstation on the market. Finally, I assume you're not talking about iDevices for the purposes of this argument, since every new model has tangible performance bumps.
  • Reply 88 of 160
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    sflocal wrote: »
    philboogie wrote: »
    I don't think the board would talk to anyone on Apple matters outside of board meetings.

    I don't think the board has any business knowing what's in the secret areas of products in Apple.  Imagine if they kept the board involved on what was coming when Eric Schmidt (the mole) was there.

    Well, at least one board member talks:

    "Members of the board are typically presented with new Apple products 6 to 18 months before they are revealed publicly, Levinson said. He added that if a product is shown to the board with enough time before launch, sometimes the opinions of board members are taken into account with the final product."
  • Reply 89 of 160
    maccherrymaccherry Posts: 924member
    Apple is the only tech company that can play it slow( that is release new swag yearly) and still whoop that a**!!!
    Besides the tech Apple has pretty much spells out the mode of operation of humans.
    * listening
    The iPad/ iPhone covers all that.
    Now, what Tim could do is recreate social. Apple is well poised to bring a new level of social to the people. IMHO
  • Reply 90 of 160
    tribalogicaltribalogical Posts: 1,182member


    Originally Posted by NelsonX View Post

    Because they are stupid and greedy! Apparently Steve Jobs was the only guy with vision and balls. Everybody else at Apple are just yesmen without any vision or balls. With $145 billions you can do miraculous things if you have the balls to try it! But it's safer to just make things a little faster and a little thinner every year. What the hell, they didn't even have the courage to build a 5 inch screen for the iPhone! And that's not innovation, they already have the technology for this! Cowards!


    OK let's summarize. 


    The world according to Nelson X:

    Apple is… "Stupid. Greedy. Has no vision. No balls. No courage. Cowardly." 


    And all that because they haven't built your idea of the "ultimate handset"? You think a 5" iPhone is ideal?


    31 million handsets that sold last quarter alone say otherwise. Based on every survey I've been able to find, the large-screen handset and "phablet" phenomena is more about media and PR hype than actual sales. Based on usage tracking reports, they still occupy the low single-digits in overall usage. So, why would Apple bother making one?


    And you know, even Samsung is releasing an S4 "mini". The 'smaller screen' version of it's flagship 5" phone. Because, you know, that one isn't selling as well as hoped or expected? So they're reverting to the smaller screen format in hopes of boosting sales.




    So how about we retire that tired "Apple needs a larger iPhone" meme? It's tired. It's wrong. It's stupid. Get it?

  • Reply 91 of 160
    epsicoepsico Posts: 39member

    Truth must be said, Apple hasn't been innovating a lot lately.  There hasn't been anything innovative since the iPad in 2010 yet, and no signs of anything new in the pipeline either.  An Apple TV console could be quite disruptive, yet for some reason it hasn't happened yet; the new iPod nano's value is completely lost on me, at least the old ones could be worn as watches; the new MacBook Pros have very little of Pro in them; the wars against Google are only harming their customers (to the point that I'm considering a switch back to a dumb phone and 2013 Nexus 7 as a PDA)...  That's the current Apple, nothing to be excited about.  A company of that size could afford some missteps every once in a while, but they'd rather fade away than ever admitting to being wrong and backtracking on their decisions.

  • Reply 92 of 160
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    epsico wrote: »
    Truth must be said, Apple hasn't been innovating a lot lately.

    There hasn't been anything innovative since the iPad in 2010 yet, and no signs of anything new in the pipeline either.

    A company of that size could afford some missteps every once in a while, but they'd rather fade away than ever admitting to being wrong and backtracking on their decisions.

    Don't forget: they're also very proud of the products that they didn't release.

    Still, thanks for posting. I'd send you a Google Gift Card, but alas:
  • Reply 93 of 160
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    It's too soon to say the innovation has stopped, but there has been a bit of a dry spell in terms of product releases. I think the later must be what the board is complaining about, not the former.


    And while (in terms of products) it might not hurt much to have a short dry spell, it does seem to be causing other companies/agencies to smell blood in the water (e.g, MS and Samsung suddenly unafraid to do anti-Apple ad campaigns, court judgments against them which don't seem objective, execs being dragged before congress), which is something Tim should not have let happen.

  • Reply 94 of 160
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    jonl wrote: »
    O'Reilly claimed to have won the Pulitzer. Turned out it was a Peabody. Seems like Fox gets all the Pulitzer wannabes.

    Not quite. I don't think even O'Reilly ever claimed to have won the Pulitzer. He claimed to have won the Peabody, but it was actually the Polk - and he didn't really win that either, since it was given after he left Inside Edition (see below).
    From this page:

    The Award is determined by one criterion – “Excellence.”

    <p style="margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-left:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;">And you say Bill O'Reilly actually won a Peabody award?</p>

    Mr. Peabody was probably rolling over in his grave the day that happened. 

    There's much more to the O'Reilly Peabody story:

    In short:
    Bill O'Reilly has a checkered history with the Peabody Awards. For years, he claimed that his work on Inside Edition garnered two Peabodys, until he was outed by nemesis Al Franken as having confused the Polk Awards (won after O'Reilly was no longer with Inside Edition) with the more prestigious Peabodys.

    Or, for the humorous version:

    In fact, as of 2009, NO ONE at Fox News had ever won a Peabody:

    A search of the Peabody site ( shows that O'Reilly still has not won one, nor has Fox News (although the Onion won one for a parody of Fox News).

    In short, don't believe anything you hear on Fox News.
  • Reply 95 of 160
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    nelsonx wrote: »
    Because they are stupid and greedy! Apparently Steve Jobs was the only guy with vision and balls. Everybody else at Apple are just yesmen without any vision or balls. With $145 billions you can do miraculous things if you have the balls to try it! But it's safer to just make things a little faster and a little thinner every year. What the hell, they didn't even have the courage to build a 5 inch screen for the iPhone! And that's not innovation, they already have the technology for this! Cowards!

    I needed this laugh.

    ascii wrote: »
    It's too soon to say the innovation has stopped, but there has been a bit of a dry spell in terms of product releases. I think the later must be what the board is complaining about, not the former.

    Is one year a dry spell or a scheduled release cycle?
  • Reply 96 of 160
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    jungmark wrote: »

    Is one year a dry spell or a scheduled release cycle?
    I hope in 2014 product releases are spaced out more and if not Apple does a better job of controlling the narrative.
  • Reply 97 of 160
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    ascii wrote: »
    It's too soon to say the innovation has stopped, but there has been a bit of a dry spell in terms of product releases. I think the later must be what the board is complaining about, not the former.

    And while (in terms of products) it might not hurt much to have a short dry spell, it does seem to be causing other companies/agencies to smell blood in the water (e.g, MS and Samsung suddenly unafraid to do anti-Apple ad campaigns, court judgments against them which don't seem objective, execs being dragged before congress), which is something Tim should not have let happen.

    What do you suggest that Tim should have done to prevent being called to testify before Congress?

    As for the court decisions, most of the significant ones against Apple have been overturned on appeal. The eBooks one will almost certainly be overturned on appeal when it gets in front of the court. In any event, how do you suggest that Tim could have prevented courts ruling against them, anyway?
  • Reply 98 of 160
    I've always bought Apple products because they are (were) super cool, but recently I've been getting ribbed by my Android phone owning mates who laugh at the infeasibly small screen on my iPhone 4..

    Also they keep saying "Apple innovation died the minute Steve Jobs did..", and that the iPhone 5 will basically be a software update, but probably cost about $699 for the privelege. (Oh and a fingerprint sensor, like, massive wow..)

    I think am gonna get a Samsung or HTC One, unless Apple pull something seriously cool out of the bag, I'm gonna jump ship.

    In fact, furk it, I've answered my own questions, Apple is old hat. Their adverts prove it, they just say ".. more people take photos on their iPhone.." jees where's the innovation in THAT?
  • Reply 99 of 160
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    I've always bought Apple products because they are (were) super cool, but recently I've been getting ribbed by my Android phone owning mates who laugh at the infeasibly small screen on my iPhone 4..

    Also they keep saying "Apple innovation died the minute Steve Jobs did..", and that the iPhone 5 will basically be a software update, but probably cost about $699 for the privelege. (Oh and a fingerprint sensor, like, massive wow..)

    I think am gonna get a Samsung or HTC One, unless Apple pull something seriously cool out of the bag, I'm gonna jump ship.

    In fact, furk it, I've answered my own questions, Apple is old hat. Their adverts prove it, they just say ".. more people take photos on their iPhone.." jees where's the innovation in THAT?

    Hmm...why do I call BS on this...
  • Reply 100 of 160
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,104member

    Here is the list of significant launches under Cook's leadership.  I find it very impressive


    My one concern is the iPhone product line.   I expect we will see that addressed very shortly.  I also have to believe they are investing heavily in a few great ideas which we'll  see over 2014   






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