Apple's Cook being pushed to innovate by board of directors, FOX report says



  • Reply 101 of 160
    Breaking News: Fox Business News talking head speaks out of his ass on matters he neither understands or has insight into.

    Uhhhhhh....Hello, Fox? Yeah, I guess you slept through WWDC and the Mac Pro announcement.
  • Reply 102 of 160
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post


    My one concern is the iPhone product line.   I expect we will see that addressed very shortly.  I also have to believe they are investing heavily in a few great ideas which we'll  see over 2014   



    The iphone is of high concerns to me because of its major EPS impacts.


    iphone 5s:  I am fine with rumors about it, as long as there are other models. I dont expect that phone to do well based on rumored specs.

    iphone 5c:  I am fine regarding a sort of old iphone 5 specs at $500, but we also need a lower price point than this, $400 or even $300.

    Screen size:  We need a bigger screen size phone. They can even put it in a phatblet category and not even call it an iphone, I dont care if the they cant make enough of it at this time, they need to put it out there and see how it sells.



    Ipad 5:  I am fine with it based on rumors.

    Ipad mini retina : With the retina nexus 7 on sale right now they cant delay the retina mini.

    Old ipad mini : The old ipad mini price needs to drop in a major way, put it in plastic if you want but with those specs that thing is not worth more than $199. If they put an A6 in it, maybe $250.


    Apple TV:

    At the minimum, app store and gaming. Anything less is a joke.  Where the F is the freaking TV set? They need a TV "channels" solution, streaming packages or deals with cable, they need something, its being delay long enough.


    New product category:

    Last time was 2010, they need something by the end of 2014.

  • Reply 103 of 160
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    I've always bought Apple products because they are (were) super cool, but recently I've been getting ribbed by my Android phone owning mates who laugh at the infeasibly small screen on my iPhone 4..

    Also they keep saying "Apple innovation died the minute Steve Jobs did..", and that the iPhone 5 will basically be a software update, but probably cost about $699 for the privelege. (Oh and a fingerprint sensor, like, massive wow..)

    I think am gonna get a Samsung or HTC One, unless Apple pull something seriously cool out of the bag, I'm gonna jump ship.

    In fact, furk it, I've answered my own questions, Apple is old hat. Their adverts prove it, they just say ".. more people take photos on their iPhone.." jees where's the innovation in THAT?

    Ha. Where's the innovation with Sammy/HTC?
    herbapou wrote: »
    The iphone is of high concerns to me because of its major EPS impacts.

    iphone 5s:  I am fine with rumors about it, as long as there are other models. I dont expect that phone to do well based on rumored specs.
    iphone 5c:  I am fine regarding a sort of old iphone 5 specs at $500, but we also need a lower price point than this, $400 or even $300.
    Screen size:  We need a bigger screen size phone. They can even put it in a phatblet category and not even call it an iphone, I dont care if the they cant make enough of it at this time, they need to put it out there and see how it sells.

    Ipad 5:  I am fine with it based on rumors.
    Ipad mini retina : With the retina nexus 7 on sale right now they cant delay the retina mini.
    Old ipad mini : The old ipad mini price needs to drop in a major way, put it in plastic if you want but with those specs that thing is not worth more than $199. If they put an A6 in it, maybe $250.

    Apple TV:
    At the minimum, app store and gaming. Anything less is a joke.  Where the F is the freaking TV set? They need a TV "channels" solution, streaming packages or deals with cable, they need something, its being delay long enough.

    New product category:
    Last time was 2010, they need something by the end of 2014.

    I'm glad you're not running Apple.
  • Reply 104 of 160
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member

    Tim Cook is a great CEO but when was he ever an innovator in any Apple product's creation? Wasn't he always an expert on the production side? I mean like you can't teach an old dog new tricks. What's he gonna do- stand over Jonny Ive with a whip like he does with the Chinese assemblers? Yeah- like that's gonna work.

    SJ was a visionary. Big difference. 

  • Reply 105 of 160


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Ha. Where's the innovation with Sammy/HTC?



    They seem good phones with a decent (i.e. not too small/big for most people) sized screens ('m not on about these silly 5/6" onesout now). Time was when I whapped my iPhone out and would have looks of admiration from people. Now when I whap it out in front of say even an old HTC Sensation with it's full length screen mine looks very, well, inadequate. Like it's lost its sheen.


    I had a play on my friends HTC and one thing that was impressive was his had 'Widgets', not just an icon, but, like an icon that is running and doing something. He said Android has had widgets for about 3 years, so why have we not? Time we started stealing other manufacturers ideas if we can't invent our own. :l


    Just sayin'.

  • Reply 106 of 160
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member


    Originally Posted by 1randomreader View Post

    Apple did to consumer applications what Microsoft did to business ones. But in all honesty, when I walk into an Apple store these days, there's nothing left I want to buy...

    I have spent a small fortune over the years buying Apple gear, but there isn't really anything new for which I'd be willing to shell out more money.

    I love their products and would like to buy more, but there hasn't really been much lately worth buying.

    FYI - my latest purchase was the 27" iMac released in Jan 13 which I love. Also, I have no interest in the iWatch...

    I believe Apple's gear is top notch, but how much are people willing to pay for the small incremental gains? I think this is also the problem with the PC industry (along with Microsoft's inept ability to release new product launches).

    Put out a durable Apple eink reader and I'd buy it in a snap. And yes I own an iPad, iPad mini, and a eink Kindle.

  • Reply 107 of 160
    pazuzu wrote: »
    Tim Cook is a great CEO but when was he ever an innovator in any Apple product's creation? Wasn't he always an expert on the production side? I mean like you can't teach an old dog new tricks. What's he gonna do- stand over Jonny Ive with a whip like he does with the Chinese assemblers? Yeah- like that's gonna work.
    SJ was a visionary. Big difference. 

    Did you wake up this morning and go, 'duh, I think I'll post something totally stupid today'?
  • Reply 108 of 160


    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    Apple is the only tech company that can play it slow( that is release new swag yearly) and still whoop that a**!!!



    Incorrect, that should be written in past tense. If you could sum up Apples releases and their collective reception by words/sounds, it would perhaps look something like this:


    iPhone: WOOOO!

    iPhone2: WAAAAHH!

    iPhone3: WOOOOOW!

    iPhone4: Hmmm..

    iPhone5: OK this is beyond a joke.


    Point is "Us loyal customers" have been happy to pay through the nose for what we perceived was the very latest in innovation, because we'd have a shiny box in our pockets with a silver fruit on it. Apple got wise to that but by their own greed, and by the law of diminishing return each 'upgrade' was actually not that much different than the previous incarnation.


    I for one have finally cottoned on to this so unless iPhone5 is some absolutely colossally insane, tour de force of a phone with groundbreaking and lifestyle changing new features, I'll be spending my money elsewhere. Either W8 or Android, I'm sick of paying for the perceived greatness of the Apple brand, when the brand itself is starting to become very lacklustre.


    PS I predict the iPhone5 will be little more than a slightly tweaked iPhone4 with updated Siri and a fingerprint reader. If so they can stick it right up their unimaginative pompous corporate backsides. Wide end first.

  • Reply 109 of 160
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Did you wake up this morning and go, 'duh, I think I'll post something totally stupid today'?

    Like you just did and do everyday except in a cranky snarky way?


  • Reply 110 of 160
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Did you wake up this morning and go, 'duh, I think I'll post something totally stupid today'?

    Same could be said about this post below:
    Incorrect, that should be written in past tense. If you could sum up Apples releases and their collective reception by words/sounds, it would perhaps look something like this:

    iPhone: WOOOO!
    iPhone2: WAAAAHH!
    iPhone3: WOOOOOW!
    iPhone4: Hmmm..
    iPhone5: OK this is beyond a joke.

    Point is "Us loyal customers" have been happy to pay through the nose for what we perceived was the very latest in innovation, because we'd have a shiny box in our pockets with a silver fruit on it. Apple got wise to that but by their own greed, and by the law of diminishing return each 'upgrade' was actually not that much different than the previous incarnation.

    I for one have finally cottoned on to this so unless iPhone5 is some absolutely colossally insane, tour de force of a phone with groundbreaking and lifestyle changing new features, I'll be spending my money elsewhere. Either W8 or Android, I'm sick of paying for the perceived greatness of the Apple brand, when the brand itself is starting to become very lacklustre.

    PS I predict the iPhone5 will be little more than a slightly tweaked iPhone4 with updated Siri and a fingerprint reader. If so they can stick it right up their unimaginative pompous corporate backsides. Wide end first.

    Pst. The 5 is already out.
    They seem good phones with a decent (i.e. not too small/big for most people) sized screens ('m not on about these silly 5/6" onesout now). Time was when I whapped my iPhone out and would have looks of admiration from people. Now when I whap it out in front of say even an old HTC Sensation with it's full length screen mine looks very, well, inadequate. Like it's lost its sheen.

    I had a play on my friends HTC and one thing that was impressive was his had 'Widgets', not just an icon, but, like an icon that is running and doing something. He said Android has had widgets for about 3 years, so why have we not? Time we started stealing other manufacturers ideas if we can't invent our own. :l

    Just sayin'.

    Is this the new "d1ck measuring" tactic?
  • Reply 111 of 160


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Is this the new "d1ck measuring" tactic?


    Yes. you stand around in a circle, hands into trousers, then pop it out.


    Now I hate facebook as much as the next man, but one cannot but admire the sales figures of Android phones over Apple in these graphs.


  • Reply 112 of 160
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Now I hate facebook as much as the next man, but one cannot but admire the sales figures of Android phones over Apple in these graphs.

    That's sales, right? Not revenue. Yeah, thought so.
  • Reply 113 of 160
    bobbycbobbyc Posts: 11member
    I call shenanigans.
  • Reply 114 of 160
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    philboogie wrote: »
    That's sales, right? Not revenue. Yeah, thought so.

    Sales IS the same thing as revenue. I'm guessing you are confused between revenue and profit.

    Once again, simplified:

    Revenue (or sales) - money that your company receives for a good or service

    COGS (cost of goods sold) - direct manufacturing cost. That is, the variable cost of producing a product. Typically, includes raw materials and direct labor plus any overhead costs that would go away if the product were not manufactured.

    Gross margin - Revenue minus COGS. This is the amount the company has left to pay overheads and profit.

    Overhead costs - fixed costs that are there regardless of sales volume. For example, if you own a building, that building is a fixed cost since you have to pay the mortgage whether you sell anything or not. Sales and marketing costs are typically overheads (although commissions can sometimes be included in COGS). Research costs are overheads.

    Operating income - Gross margin minus overhead costs. This is what most people refer to when they say 'profit'.

    Other income or expense - income or expenses which don't fall into any of the above categories. For example Apple's interest income would fall here.

    Net income - Operating income plus other income or minus other expense.
  • Reply 115 of 160
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,896moderator


    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    If Apple were to develop the tech for batteries that lasted just 15% longer than any other battery with similar charging properties for a particular size, it would almost be unbeatable as long as they could protect it with patents. It would be a very stealthy type of improvement and it would be useful in practically every product Apple makes. It would practically put Apple at the forefront of every mobile company around.


    I think we'll see some real improvements with both Mavericks and iOS 7 in terms of battery conservation.  That's an area where Apple is innovating and can have an impact as big as developing a new battery technology.  Of course, it's more difficult to protect such software innovations, but still, Apple can get out ahead.  I also think that Apple must be doing as you suggest; working directly on battery technology.  Such advances could have benefits beyond just making Apple's iDevices more competitive.  Apple could license such technology into other fields (automotive comes to mind if the resultant technology could be applied).

  • Reply 116 of 160
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member

    I don't get why everyone bashes Fox News. They aren't the only news organization reporting this about Apple. ? 

  • Reply 117 of 160
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,896moderator


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    In the Anglo-American system of governance, that is not an option. (The CEO reports to the Board -- they are his boss). All your thinking and due diligence on the person have to be done before you put someone on the Board.

    That said, I can't say that SJ did a particularly good job on the Board front: a bunch of mediocrities, at best.


    Actually, Apple required Eric Schmitt to recuse himself from board meetings where the iPhone was discussed, so there are certainly options.

  • Reply 118 of 160
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Not quite. I don't think even O'Reilly ever claimed to have won the Pulitzer. He claimed to have won the Peabody, but it was actually the Polk - and he didn't really win that either, since it was given after he left Inside Edition (see below).

    There's much more to the O'Reilly Peabody story:

    In short:

    Or, for the humorous version:

    In fact, as of 2009, NO ONE at Fox News had ever won a Peabody:

    A search of the Peabody site ( shows that O'Reilly still has not won one, nor has Fox News (although the Onion won one for a parody of Fox News).

    In short, don't believe anything you hear on Fox News.


    That's not entirely correct. Chris Wallace has won the Peabody. He's won basically every broadcast news award. 

  • Reply 119 of 160
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    epsico wrote: »
    Truth must be said, Apple hasn't been innovating a lot lately.

    Hey, you said something earlier about saying the truth, I thought. We're still waiting for you to do that. Or did you just mean it generically? Like "the truth must be said, but good luck getting me to be intelligent enough to do it"?
    There hasn't been anything innovative since the iPad in 2010 yet, and no signs of anything new in the pipeline either.

    Just shut up and go away. You people disgust me.
    …recently I've been getting ribbed by my Android phone owning mates who laugh at the unfeasibly small screen on my iPhone 4.

    If they're that stupid, why are they your mates?
    Also they keep saying "Apple innovation died the minute Steve Jobs did..",

    They sound like disgusting, heartless pigs, and they're idiots to boot. Why do you care what they think?
    and that the iPhone 5 will basically be a software update

    Yep, they're idiots. That one is already out.
    In fact, furk it, I've answered my own questions, Apple is old hat. Their adverts prove it, they just say ".. more people take photos on their iPhone.." jees where's the innovation in THAT?

    Oh, never mind. Keep hanging out with them. You'll fit right in.
    pazuzu wrote: »
    Tim Cook is a great CEO but when was he ever an innovator in any Apple product's creation?

    No. Your question is: Why does he need to be?
    …with a whip like he does with the Chinese assemblers?

    Apologize for lying. Now.
  • Reply 120 of 160
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,896moderator


    Originally Posted by mrrodriguez View Post

    So does everyone believe that Apple is still innovating?


    Apparently not everyone.  But what people think or believe about what goes on inside one of the world's most secretive companies is not likely to be close to reality.


    Why would Apple, known for innovation, suddenly decide to stop researching and innovating?  I can imagine a company without the means to pull the string would stop, but Apple has more financial resources than it needs, with which it can hire whatever human resources are necessary or desired (and evidence indicates they are doing exactly this).  I can imagine a company would stop because it sees no benefits from further innovation.  This is clearly not the case; there are innumerable directions in which computing and communication technology can advance.  


    What is in people's minds?  That there has been three whole years since Apple's last major new market-creating product?  


    How many years ago did Samsung create any market-creating product?  


    Do people believe that Microsoft's xBox, a product that extended competition in the already well established game console market, was an innovation comparable to the iPad?  I'd argue it wasn't, and if not, how long has it been since Microsoft created a new market?  


    Toshiba?  Sony?  LG?  Lenovo?


    Where are the ground-breakers to compare with Apple, to suggest that Apple is falling short of some other, greater standard bearer?    


    Google?  Okay, search.  That was ground-breaking.  But how long ago was that, and Google still nets 90%+ of it's revenue/profit from that segment.  Google Glass?  Sorry, it's still a niche.  If it ever goes mainstream, then Google will get the credit, but that's years away, so add those years to the years already passed since Search and Google will still have no record to match Apple's pace.



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