Rumor: Photos claim to show 'iPhone 5C' mute switch, volume and power buttons

in iPhone edited January 2014
A set of images hit the Web on Monday claiming to show the so-called "iPhone 5C's" physical control buttons in a number of different colors.

iPhone 5C Buttons
Supposed "iPhone 5C" physical buttons. | Source: Sonny Dickson

The photos, posted by Australian Apple blogger Sonny Dickson, appear to show pill-shaped physical buttons purportedly bound for a low-cost iPhone dubbed the "iPhone 5C."

Aside from the obvious color differences, the supposed parts carry a different design than those seen on the current iPhone 5. The volume buttons in particular are pill shaped, not round with etched with "+" and "-" symbols, and reflect a design consistent with older iPhones like the 3GS.

iPhone 5C Buttons

The purported parts line up with 3D renderings of the iPhone 5C supplied to AppleInsider in June. The renderings were based on blueprint images leaked earlier that month.

Earlier on Monday, another supposed parts leak showcased a set of iPhone 5S rear glass inserts, each having an oval-shaped cutout next to the camera hole, suggesting the next-gen handset will sport a dual-flash arrangement.


  • Reply 1 of 78
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member

    Did Apple hire designers from Fisher Price? :no:
  • Reply 2 of 78
    wurm5150wurm5150 Posts: 763member
    So the iPhone 5C is really going to look and feel cheap..
  • Reply 3 of 78
    A while back I remember reading about an Apple's patent that had pressure sensors on the frame of a device to get input

    And then saw some pictures of the iPhone 5C without the holes for buttons and thought that they might had perfected it to launch a buttonless phone.... Maybe next year.
  • Reply 4 of 78
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member

    The one element that helped the 3G/3GS look and feel expensive were the metal nobs and switches.

    If Apple puts plastic buttons on this phone it will devalue the brand. Then it's really gonna look like Tim Cook sold out and doesn't care about Steve's values.
  • Reply 5 of 78
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    blackbook wrote: »

    The one element that helped the 3G/3GS look and feel expensive were the metal nobs and switches.

    If Apple puts plastic buttons on this phone it will devalue the brand. Then it's really gonna look like Tim Cook sold out and doesn't care about Steve's values.

    Let's see if we can figure out who knows more about phone design and brand creation - some anonymous schmuck on AI or Apple, Inc - the most valuable public company on earth and the one who has created a staggering brand position for themselves and their products.

    Hmmm. Tough decision. :no:
  • Reply 7 of 78
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post


    The one element that helped the 3G/3GS look and feel expensive were the metal nobs and switches.

    If Apple puts plastic buttons on this phone it will devalue the brand. Then it's really gonna look like Tim Cook sold out and doesn't care about Steve's values.


    Naysayers are going to say that Cook sold out and doesn't care about Steve's values as soon as a mid-range/lower cost iPhone shows up no matter what it looks like.  Is it the direction Steve Jobs would have taken?  Probably not.  Jobs was against making a mini tablet as well but it's certainly been to Apple's benefit to sell them.  


    If Apple can get younger people inside of the iEcosystem by offering the iPhone 5C they will surely benefit.  Freshman at my local University are given iPads in order to accomplish this (Lord knows they're paying for it through their tuition bills) and offering a less expensive iPhone should be able to get more people in as well.

  • Reply 8 of 78
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The photos... appear to show pill-shaped physical buttons


    Tablet-shaped. Pills are something else entirely.

  • Reply 9 of 78
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    How about we wait to see the finished product before we start slagging it? We know absolutely nothing about this rumored phone. We don't know the price, we don't know how Apple is going to market it, where they're really going to push it. We don't even know that these leaked parts are accurate.
  • Reply 10 of 78
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Dunks View Post


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The photos... appear to show pill-shaped physical buttons


    Tablet-shaped. Pills are something else entirely.

    It is a difficult shape to describe concisely in text. "Rectellipse"

  • Reply 11 of 78
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    john.b wrote: »

    Did Apple hire designers from Fisher Price? :no:

    Maybe it's a ploy to get Sammy to design the GS5 that ugly.
  • Reply 12 of 78
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    wurm5150 wrote: »
    So the iPhone 5C is really going to look and feel cheap..

    Like or not they 1. Had to do a lower cost iPhone option that was also a new phone. And 2. Ensure it doesn't completely reduce the desire for the inevitable 5S.
  • Reply 13 of 78
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by John.B View Post


    Did Apple hire designers from Fisher Price? image



    It's a 'tweener' phone.

  • Reply 14 of 78
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    ireland wrote: »
    Like or not they 1. Had to do a lower cost iPhone option that was also a new phone. And 2. Ensure it doesn't completely reduce the desire for the inevitable 5S.

    This. Also we don't know who the audience is for this lower cost phone. Until we see the finished product and how Apple introduces it its hard to speculate. Also we're seeing a lot of different colors/shades with these leaks (we got powder blue buttons today which don't match the previous blue phone leaks) which makes me think they're either fake OR Apple has been testing out lots of different colors/shades and we have no idea what they settled on.



  • Reply 15 of 78
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    rogifan wrote: »
    This. Also we don't know who the audience is for this lower cost phone.

    Color blind people?
  • Reply 16 of 78
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member


    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Color blind people?


    The sky is always grey in their world.

  • Reply 17 of 78
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    jungmark wrote: »
    Color blind people?

    I've heard that these kind of colors are quite popular in China. Maybe they'd be a hit with kids. Or maybe this is Jony Ive's revenge for being asked to design a cheap plastic iPhone. :p
  • Reply 18 of 78
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    I think the colors are so intense that they are definitely on to something trendy. Total hit with the younger crowd in my opinion.


    There is always the white one if you are a conservative adult who just needs a cheap iPhone.

  • Reply 19 of 78
    feynmanfeynman Posts: 1,087member
    You know at first I was disgusted by these new iPhone colors but then it dawned on me.

    Think about what's going to be on them... iOS 7. Next think about the color scheme for iOS 7. The two go together perfectly!
  • Reply 20 of 78
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    mstone wrote: »
    I think the colors are so intense that they are definitely on to something trendy. Total hit with the younger crowd in my opinion.

    There is always the white one if you are a conservative adult who just needs a cheap iPhone.

    The people whining about the colors are the same people who whined about the original iMac. And we all know how that worked out.
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