Apple to offer 'iPhone 5S' in new gold color and 128GB storage option, insider says



  • Reply 81 of 84
    "Colorways" comes from the apparel industry, AFAIK. It's dumb. Really dumb. I had to do a double-take when I first heard it. No one should use it when describing consumer electronics, IMO.
    Gold ok if added choice, I would go for it really. The 128 gb model of it comes out apple should still limit 3 models, this year totally should just have 32,64,128 models at same prices as last year ($200-16>32 etc.) so it would not cause to many choices, or maybe 4 choices ok. 4 carriers, 3 colors, 3 flash storage N make it all limited choices. iPhone 128 flash hold well, these storage captivity selections are getting closer to laptops now.
  • Reply 82 of 84
    Gold ok if added choice, I would go for it really. The 128 gb model of it comes out apple should still limit 3 models, this year totally should just have 32,64,128 models at same prices as last year ($200-16>32 etc.) so it would not cause to many choices, or maybe 4 choices ok. 4 carriers, 3 colors, 3 flash storage N make it all limited choices. iPhone 128 flash hold well, these storage captivity selections are getting closer to laptops now.

    Yeah, it would kind of pointless to sync up a 128GB iPhone to a 128GB MacBook Air ;)
  • Reply 83 of 84
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Yeah, it would kind of pointless to sync up a 128GB iPhone to a 128GB MacBook Air image

    part of the reason is these cameras are taking higher res shots for photos and videos, apps, and music and all of that eats up flash storage fast.


    Some people are just storage hogs.  If that's their thing, then they are demanding more flash storage.


    I don't have a problem with them offering that much storage. I think by now, flash prices have come down, so maybe it's time for them to keep the same list prices, but double the amount of flash.

    I do think Apple needs to release a $400 phone with decent specs.  They also need to come out with a larger screen model, and update the existing 4inch model.


    Different colored cases?  Well, I guess.  I personally don't really care much about that as I do having other features.  But if the kids and families want more colors, then that's their thing.  They will only produce and sell the more popular colors.

  • Reply 84 of 84
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    OK, this is interesting. A report this morning says the 5C is actually replacing the current iPhone5 ("end of life 3rd quarter/13") with the 4S sticking around for awhile.

    EDIT: The report source appears to be Kuo from KGI.
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