Amazon taunts Apple's new iPads, advertises smaller Kindle Fire HDX as 'lighter than Air'



  • Reply 101 of 139

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    Kindle fire HDX is perfect for the lonely white male.  Just use the Mayday button to talk to a live person.  Be carefully of harrasement charges though. 


    Personally I'd get one of these for the sole purpose of using the Mayday button for laughs.  I'm betting we will be seeing a ton of MayDay joke calls on youtube soon

    I have one ready to go. Anyone want to loan me their Kindle fire HDX? 


    MayDay: "Hi there, what can I help you with?"

    Me: "I'm having this issue with a kindle book"

    MayDay: "What book? I don't see what you are trying to do"

    Me: "Oh, is this only one way video? You can't see what I am doing?"

    MayDay: "No, I can only see what is on your screen"

    Me: "Oh. So you can't see the kindle app on my iPad Air?"



  • Reply 102 of 139
    nelsonx wrote: »
    There must be a way to jailbreak it.

    Is that how Android users think?
  • Reply 103 of 139
    I don’t see the previous two accounts’ posts anymore. Marvin and melgross are doing a good job.

    As of now, prasad99777's post is still on this thread. Why?
  • Reply 104 of 139
    dsddsd Posts: 186member

    Originally Posted by shen View Post


    I believe you just insulted the Chevy Spark, which as cars go, is much better than your comparison to a Kindle implies.  Please take that back.

    How about comparing the Kindle to the Trabant. Now that was one light vehicle!

  • Reply 105 of 139
    malax wrote: »
    My question is do you get the same hottie every time you push the button (as the ads imply)?  I don't want to have to get to know a different attractive perky technician each time I call mayday.  But seriously I don't know how Amazon can offer that free live 24x7 (video) support.  Presumably you have to pay those folks more than the typical voice-in-India support person since they have to have more skills (and can't roll their eyes at stupid questions).

    I don't believe the marketing. For one thing, the phone support people don't look like the smiling actors you see in TV commercials playing phone support people. They probably look like everyone else: cornfed schlubs.
  • Reply 106 of 139

    A bit off the subject but I saw an ad last night for the new Kindle Fire and what caught my attention was the ridiculous "Mayday" button?  Really? Seems to me if you have to include a Mayday button on a tablet that it is difficult to use? Scratching head...

  • Reply 107 of 139
    Originally Posted by mistergsf View Post

    Really? Seems to me if you have to include a Mayday button on a tablet that it is difficult to use? Scratching head...


      The room, like every other room in this building now, was done out in some appallingly tasteful grey. There were a few charts and drawings on the wall. Most of them were meaningless to Ford, but then he came across something that was obviously a mock-up for a poster of some kind.

       There was a kind of bird-like logo on it, and a slogan which said 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Mk II: the single most astounding thing of any kind ever. Coming soon to a dimension near you.' No more information than that.

       Ford looked around again. Then his attention was gradually drawn to Colin, the absurdly over-happy security robot, who was cowering in a corner of the room gibbering with what seemed strangely like fear.

       Odd, thought Ford. He looked around to see what it was that Colin might have been reacting to. Then he saw something that he hadn't noticed before, Iying quietly on top of a work bench.

       It was circular and black and about the size of a small side plate. Its top and its bottom were smoothly convex so that it resembled a small lightweight throwing discus.

       Its surfaces seemed to be completely smooth, unbroken and featureless.

       It was doing nothing.

       Then Ford noticed that there was something written on it.

    Strange. There hadn't been anything written on it a moment ago and now suddenly there was. There just didn't seem to have been any observable transition between the two states.

       All it said, in small, alarming letters was a single word:


       A moment ago there hadn't been any marks or cracks in its surface. Now there were. They were growing.

       Panic, the Guide Mk II said. Ford began to do as he was told. 

  • Reply 108 of 139

    Originally Posted by mistergsf View Post


    A bit off the subject but I saw an ad last night for the new Kindle Fire and what caught my attention was the ridiculous "Mayday" button?  Really? Seems to me if you have to include a Mayday button on a tablet that it is difficult to use? Scratching head...


    The litmus test you should be using is "what would I be saying if Apple did this?". So imagine it. What if Apple put a button on the iPad that when you pushed it, you were immediately connected with a live person that would help you say, set up Garageband? That would be pretty "revolutionary" wouldn't it? Be wary of biased double-standards. 

  • Reply 109 of 139
    Originally Posted by ScottWilson View Post

    The litmus test you should be using is "what would I be saying if Apple did this?". So imagine it. What if Apple put a button on the iPad that when you pushed it, you were immediately connected with a live person that would help you say, set up Garageband? That would be pretty "revolutionary" wouldn't it? Be wary of biased double-standards. 


    No. No one would say that. Shut up and go away, you useless, pathetic wretch.

  • Reply 110 of 139
    The mini is the competitor, not the air? They both have high screen res. and larger than 7 inch screens(but smaller than 9), plus only $30 difference.
  • Reply 111 of 139
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    No. No one would say that. Shut up and go away, you useless, pathetic wretch.

    I have a word to add: " . . . useless, pathetic, hired wretch."
  • Reply 112 of 139
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member
    sog35 wrote: »
    of course.  Its made of cheap ass plastic.  You know plastic is lighter than metal?  But look how ugly the large ass bezel is on the fire. Barf.

    If a fat thumb sits on it- what difference does it make?
    It's not like an iPhone where you grip the edge.
  • Reply 113 of 139
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    I have a word to add: " . . . useless, pathetic, hired wretch."


    Hmm. Do we know that? That’d be good to know.

  • Reply 114 of 139
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member
    Well it may not be lighter but it's hands down faster because its WIFI is better.
    Why the new iPad's weren't updated for WIFI is beyond comprehension.
  • Reply 115 of 139
    akqiesakqies Posts: 768member
    drblank wrote: »
    Of course it's lighter than the iPad Air. It's only a 32 bit processor and a smaller screen.

    And for a smaller screen and lessor processor, the weight difference isn't that big. Oops.

    Amazon, go pick better battles.

    And what about the performance and battery life that both affect usability in different ways? I have to wonder if maybe making it more powerful and using a larger battery would have been a better move for the KindlE Fire HDX? The weight to display area, or weight to performance and battery life ratio should be used to see if Amazon actually out-engineered Apple.
  • Reply 116 of 139
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    shen wrote: »
    I believe you just insulted the Chevy Spark, which as cars go, is much better than your comparison to a Kindle implies.  Please take that back.

    LOL. I was trying to say 'Apples and Oranges'... being the lighter of two items that are so different is not germane. I am sure the Chevy Spark is a fine little car.
  • Reply 117 of 139

    Originally Posted by ScottWilson View Post



    The litmus test you should be using is "what would I be saying if Apple did this?". So imagine it. What if Apple put a button on the iPad that when you pushed it, you were immediately connected with a live person that would help you say, set up Garageband? That would be pretty "revolutionary" wouldn't it? Be wary of biased double-standards. 

    Hmmm.  Sounds to me you are accusing me of having "biased double-standards" and you know nothing about me.  Be wary of how it comes across.


    Anyway, to answer your questions, no, I wouldn't describe it as revolutionary at all.  I would go as far as to say it was a bit "gimmicky". I not saying it isn't helpful.  Just asking why?


    If Apple did this? My honest opinion is it would be a waste of resources. Based on my experiences as the "IT Guy" for my family and friends, Apple users tend to use the resources at hand, i.e. Apple video tutorials and help files, support forums, and I can't tell you how often I just head over to YouTube and find what I need.  My mom is 83 years old and we recently recently got her an iPhone and iPad.  After a few hours of training her on the basics, she learned a lot of things on her own.  How? By Googling it. The only difficulties she had was typing and trusting the keyboard auto-corrects.


    Lastly, if it was truly "revolutionary", why didn't we see it on Macs or PCs? It would have been more appropriate.  I guess I just see tablets as simplified computing.

  • Reply 118 of 139

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



      The room, like every other room in this building now, was done out in some appallingly tasteful grey. There were a few charts and drawings on the wall. Most of them were meaningless to Ford, but then he came across something that was obviously a mock-up for a poster of some kind.

       There was a kind of bird-like logo on it, and a slogan which said 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Mk II: the single most astounding thing of any kind ever. Coming soon to a dimension near you.' No more information than that.

       Ford looked around again. Then his attention was gradually drawn to Colin, the absurdly over-happy security robot, who was cowering in a corner of the room gibbering with what seemed strangely like fear.

       Odd, thought Ford. He looked around to see what it was that Colin might have been reacting to. Then he saw something that he hadn't noticed before, Iying quietly on top of a work bench.

       It was circular and black and about the size of a small side plate. Its top and its bottom were smoothly convex so that it resembled a small lightweight throwing discus.

       Its surfaces seemed to be completely smooth, unbroken and featureless.

       It was doing nothing.

       Then Ford noticed that there was something written on it.

    Strange. There hadn't been anything written on it a moment ago and now suddenly there was. There just didn't seem to have been any observable transition between the two states.

       All it said, in small, alarming letters was a single word:


       A moment ago there hadn't been any marks or cracks in its surface. Now there were. They were growing.

       Panic, the Guide Mk II said. Ford began to do as he was told. 

    Uhhhhh ooookaaaaay. ????

  • Reply 119 of 139
    Originally Posted by mistergsf View Post

    Uhhhhh ooookaaaaay. ????


    Intimating a point about the Hitchhiker’s Guide. The original Guide has “Don’t Panic” in “large, friendly letters on its cover”. A device that tells its users not to panic when they have trouble is going to be FAR better received than one that does.


    Amazon’s travesty, with a literal “Mayday” button is more akin to the 2nd Guide, which explicitly tells its users to panic.


    Anyone using an Amazon device, at the first sign of trouble (read: laziness), will panic and hit that button.

  • Reply 120 of 139
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    Originally Posted by gotApple View Post



    If you go and look how bad A7 performs in e.g. physics calculations versus that quad-core Snapdragon, you'll see the light of truth... I remember the times when Atari Jaguar came out and it was the first 64bit games console out there. Too bad others were miles ahead even with 32 bits...

    Physics calculations?


    yes but for those actually out of grade school… not that alluring.

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