Amazon taunts Apple's new iPads, advertises smaller Kindle Fire HDX as 'lighter than Air'



  • Reply 121 of 139
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member

    Originally Posted by pazuzu View Post

    Well it may not be lighter but it's hands down faster because its WIFI is better.

    Why the new iPad's weren't updated for WIFI is beyond comprehension.

    "hands down faster"?


    WiFi isn't exactly the key to a units overall performance. And even for communication that will depend on the base station also being upgraded and we all know legacy hardware is the boat anchor all over the place.

  • Reply 122 of 139

    The Kindle Fire HDX will sell to Amazon Prime members. It's a decent device if you like to watch movies and tv shows. It has no apps because it doesn't have Google play. Just like the other tablets out there it has decent hardware specs but the OS and the UI suck.

  • Reply 123 of 139
    iPad Mini .... Lighter than the HDX and way faster so not sure being slower has anything to do with weight .....

    Fire is a wanna be that will compete on price but never on quality and why should they when people are ok with paying and getting less .....

    Some just never experience what a real tablet or phone or computer is but they do know about bad experiences, funny thing is they rinse and repeat same process ..... Silly Rabbits!
  • Reply 124 of 139

    Originally Posted by ScottWilson View Post


    They manufactured the A7 for Apple. 

    There I corrected that for you.

  • Reply 125 of 139

    Originally Posted by Mechanic View Post


    There I corrected that for you.


      [man-yuh-fak-cher]  Show IPA noun, verb, man·u·fac·tured,man·u·fac·tur·ing.



    the making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, especially on a large scale: themanufacture of television sets.


    the making or producing of anything; generation: the manufacture of body cells.


    the thing or material manufactured; product: Plastic is an important manufacture.

    verb (used with object)


    to make or produce by hand or machinery, especially on a large scale.


    to work up (material) into form for use: to manufacture cotton.


    to invent fictitiously; fabricate; concoct: to manufacture an account of the incident.


    to produce in a mechanical way without inspiration or originality: to manufacture a daily quota of poetry.


    Thanks for the laugh.

  • Reply 126 of 139
    Originally Posted by gotApple View Post



    Haha, it's cheaper than these Retina iPads, that's for sure. It also have 2x the CPU cores A7 devices have, and 2x the RAM, and much more Megahertz. Gonna have fun with my cheap but fast and wonderful Kindle Fire HDX when it comes out, that's for sure. :)

    You really have no clue what your talking about do you?  Just because it has more cores does not mean its faster.  In fact the A7 handily hammers the exynos octa 8 core from samsung into the pavement.  You really need to read more before you post.


    Heres some light reading for your education:

  • Reply 127 of 139

    Originally Posted by Mechanic View Post


    You really have no clue what your talking about do you?  Just because it has more cores does not mean its faster.  In fact the A7 handily hammers the exynos octa 8 core from samsung into the pavement.  You really need to read more before you post.


    Heres some light reading for your education:


    At some things and on a very tiny display. As an SoC it still has some blind spots. The physics performance and triangle throughput aren't impressive. The A6 actually beats it at some very important things. We have yet to see how it's going to perform on the massive iPad screen. We also don't know if the bugs in the M7 that have messed up the gyroscope, compass, and level on the iPhone 5S have been fixed yet. We also don't know how the battery performance is going to be yet. Basically we don't know anything until it gets put in the hands of some unbiased reviewers. I like Consumer Reports myself. 

  • Reply 128 of 139

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    I have no idea why you post on this forum.  Thanks.  Its good to have clown entertainment once in a while.

    Here's the thing. I'm going to be calm and nice, and state facts. And you are going to be abusive. And we'll both know who the better person is. 

  • Reply 129 of 139

    Originally Posted by MsAppleGirl View Post

    iPad Mini .... Lighter than the HDX and way faster so not sure being slower has anything to do with weight .....

    Fire is a wanna be that will compete on price but never on quality and why should they when people are ok with paying and getting less .....

    Some just never experience what a real tablet or phone or computer is but they do know about bad experiences, funny thing is they rinse and repeat same process ..... Silly Rabbits!

    A good and bad experience is subjective even for those that made these products. Steve Jobs once said anything under a 10" tablet would be a bad experience. Now the iPad Mini is projected to outsell the iPad Air. He said such tablets would only be useful if they came with sandpaper to file down the human fingers.


    Also 3.5 inch screen was the perfect size for the iPhone. Now Apple users are already asking for a 5" iPhone.


    Most of these tablets hit the mark when it comes to hardware. They have good screens and a solid build, they fail because of the OS and UI.


    Someone that might be interested in a Kindle HDX may want a 16:9 ratio for content. If they want to mostly watch movies then the Kindle might be a better user experience because of the aspect ratio. Same goes for the Surface Pro for someone that needs or wants a full version of Office.


    It's all based on what someone wants or needs. However with 170 Million units sold it's fairly clear for most people the iPad hits the mark. Android devices fail because of fragmentation and Microsoft fails because Bill Gates stopped caring about the company years ago.

  • Reply 130 of 139
    Originally Posted by ScottWilson View Post

    Here's the thing. I'm going to be calm and nice, and state facts. And you are going to be abusive. And we'll both know who the better person is. 


    Him. Not you. Because he doesn’t whore himself to the highest bidder. Because he doesn’t troll Apple stories wherever they may be.


    Why you haven’t been banned yet is beyond me. I’d have done it as soon as I was informed of who you were from C|Net.


    Originally Posted by AtlApple View Post

    Steve Jobs once said anything under a 10" tablet would be a bad experience.


    He was right. It is.


    Also 3.5 inch screen was the perfect size for the iPhone. Now Apple users are already asking for a 5" iPhone.


    Not really Apple users. And people tend not to have a clue what they want.

  • Reply 131 of 139

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Him. Not you. Because he doesn’t whore himself to the highest bidder. Because he doesn’t troll Apple stories wherever they may be.


    Why you haven’t been banned yet is beyond me. I’d have done it as soon as I was informed of who you were from C|Net.

    Because this isn't insane hater world. This is a technical forum. I'm an Apple user. I'm not doing anything disruptive. I'm just blocking people that are rude to people like you, and participating in conversations. Now I'm blocking you. Bye bye. 

  • Reply 132 of 139
    Originally Posted by ScottWilson View Post

    I'm not doing anything disruptive.


    He’s right; you’re a riot. Now get off our website.

  • Reply 133 of 139
      [The Hitch-hiker's Guide To The Galaxy quote]

    Which book in the trilogy is this from? I read all 5 (granted, some more times than the others), but I don't recall this.

    Edit: Looks like you improvised there! Nice!!
  • Reply 134 of 139

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post




    Guys don't hate on Mr Scott Wilson (in fact don't hate on anyone who has the balls to reveal his real name).  Dude is great for laughs.

    In fact I think the guy is like a vampire.  He lives on hate.  He loves hate.  So don't give him hate.  Give him love. 


    You DA MAN Scott Wilson from small town Buffalo.

    Keep making posts, in fact make more!  We need more of your mind blowing posts!  Ever since you started posting here Apple has been making one great decision after the other.  Keeep it uuup!


    If by some amazing cosmic coincidence my presense has prompted Apple to continue to do awesome things like make the Mac Pro in the USA, then I will gladly continue to spread my message of love and tech here. 

  • Reply 135 of 139
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    If by some amazing cosmic coincidence my presense has prompted Apple to continue to do awesome things like make the Mac Pro in the USA, then I will gladly continue to spread my message of love and tech here. 
    That is funny!
  • Reply 136 of 139
    Originally Posted by BestKeptSecret View Post

    Which book in the trilogy is this from? I read all 5 (granted, some more times than the others), but I don't recall this.


    It’s book 5, roundabout the middle.


    My overall point was to just contrast Apple’s devices (styled after the first guide) and Amazon’s (the second). Apple’s devices are made to be explored and you always know how to get back from wherever you are. Amazon has explicitly put a “PANIC” button on their devices, so its users are going to be psychologically tailored to having a worse experience. They’ll feel different when using it than an iPad user his device, and most of them won’t know why.

  • Reply 137 of 139
    haarhaar Posts: 563member
    false advertising! [SIZE=3]Air is commonly known as the stuff you breath. it is a gas. the Kindle HDX is a solid thus it is heavier than air!...[/SIZE]
    they can not qualify their statement because then they would be using a trademark... and they would need permission, or they run the risk of mentioning the competition
  • Reply 138 of 139

    Originally Posted by haar View Post

    false advertising! Air is commonly known as the stuff you breath. it is a gas. the Kindle HDX is a solid thus it is heavier than air!...

    they can not qualify their statement because then they would be using a trademark... and they would need permission, or they run the risk of mentioning the competition


    Haha! :) But they are talking about Air (iPad, the product) with a capital letter, not "air"...

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