Yeah, how stupid of people to want more for their money. Whats wrong with them?
No, you don’t get it at all.
The shiny logo is certainly worth all that extra money. Phones should be used primarily for jewelry and status, so it makes sense to have the shiniest logo.
And it will still lag.
Um...where? Where did you see lag in that video? It opened apps faster than the iPhone did.
The processor in the Oneplus is faster than the one in the Nexus. And the Nexus is already spanking the iPhone.
So long, battery!
Because the iPhone has the longest battery life right? Oh....wait a minute
The Oneplus will have a 3100mAh battery, comparable to the G2 and M8 and S5.
Annihilating in the sense that you can’t see the pixels anyway, and so therefore they’re completely and utterly useless and only serve to waste battery life and processing power, you mean?
It has a big battery to compensate, and maybe you can't see pixels on the Retina display...I can see them just fine. But if you are satisfied with less, good for you. I am sure the fact that the iPhone has a teeny tiny display helps.
Years of studies show that consumers consistently report Apple’s upgrade pricing is affordable.
LOL "It's ok to screw them over...people can afford it!"
No, but keep the fantasy alive, I guess.
It's right there in the video. You don't have to take my word for it.
Hi Jeff - do you understand the concept of an "average selling price"? A $300 phone does not really contribute to the plunging ASP of Android phones being $215 and falling.
The One+1 retails for $300, and has specs better than the best iPhone. How exactly are you people defining "Junk" phones? By Android standards, most iPhones are junk phones, since they are using 2 year old technology.
Retina-annihilating 1080p display
6 lens 13MP sony-sensor camera and 5MP front camera
"Junk" really boils down to "Unfit for purpose". Age doesn't come into it, unless that actually restricts or limits the product in a way that impairs its usefulness.
I think the phrase "Retina-annihilating" could more accurately be replaced with "needlessly over-specified". The point about the Retina display is that it is beyond the average person's detail resolving ability so still higher resolution is a waste of effort. If all you're interested in is bigger numbers then you will no doubt get really annoyed when manufacturer X comes out with a 2550p display and rains on your parade. Of course the fetishisation of raw numbers is an important draw for some purchasers, and bigger is always better ...
With a 6 lens, 13MP camera does it actually take better pictures? Or does this simply refer back to my previous point? Again, if numbers are the be-all and end-all then you should of course drop everything for the Nokia Lumia 1020 which has a 41MP camera which must mean that it takes pictures at least 3 times better than the phone you mentioned, no?
Yeah, how stupid of people to want more for their money. Whats wrong with them?
What’s wrong with them is they’re not getting more by paying for “higher” specs.
The shiny logo is certainly worth all that extra money. Phones should be used primarily for jewelry and status, so it makes sense to have the shiniest logo.
Thanks for the psychotic break. Take it to some other website, please.
It opened apps faster than the iPhone did.
The processor in the Oneplus is faster than the one in the Nexus. And the Nexus is already spanking the iPhone.
lol, sure thing. For both sentences.
Because the iPhone has the longest battery life right? Oh....wait a minute
Yes, we know you don’t have a clue what you’re arguing.
I can see them just fine.
Stop using your phone eight inches from your face, then. 20/10 vision can’t see them at normal use distance, so you’re either claiming you have sub-20/10 vision or you’re too close.
But if you are satisfied with less, good for you.
Seems you’re just fine with it. Enjoy your One+ 1!
I am sure the fact that the iPhone has a teeny tiny display helps.
Yes, you’re a troll. We get it.
LOL "It's ok to screw them over...people can afford it!"
You don’t seem to have a clue what the word ‘affordable’ means.
It's right there in the video. You don't have to take my word for it.
"Junk" really boils down to "Unfit for purpose". Age doesn't come into it, unless that actually restricts or limits the product in a way that impairs its usefulness.
So what objective criteria is the article using to define "junk"? It sounds to me like it comes down to opinion.
I think the phrase "Retina-annihilating" could more accurately be replaced with "needlessly over-specified".
Because getting more for your money is clearly an awful idea. You should get the minimum possible for your money.
The point about the Retina display is that it is beyond the average person's detail resolving ability so still higher resolution is a waste of effort.
So tell me, why was Retina needed at all then? Could people not read iPhones before the Retina display was introduced? Were pre-retina iPhones that awful?
If all you're interested in is bigger numbers then you will no doubt get really annoyed when manufacturer X comes out with a 2550p display and rains on your parade.
Why would I be annoyed by it? Progress is a good thing. Especially if it does not impact performance or cost. I would not be annoyed by it, I would applaud it.
Of course the fetishisation of raw numbers is an important draw for some purchasers the ppi claims of the Retina display? Or is it only fetishizaion when it is non-Apple products? Please clarify.
When the retina Display was first introduced, Apple was wetting themselves over it. It was spammed in every article. I smell a double standard.
"iOS 7 on iPhone 4 and 4S: What Features Will You Have?" -/
It's just hilarious to us to see desperate attempts like this article to try to dredge up Android stereotypes that have not been true for years.
So the S in ASP is for Selling.
Moto E would be noteworthy if it were selling, rather than just being promoted by the Verge. Motorola lost $700 million in the last six months, and its now being sold off to China (if U.S. regulators approve of Google's transfer of all of that IP to Lenovo). It is not the reason why Android ASPs have been around $215 over the last year, before the Moto E was even announced.
What benefit would a "720p screen" have offered iPhone 5s users? It would only introduce hardware fragmentation like Android, making it harder for developers to build apps that look right. You confuse a specs race with a real benefit. Samsung is talking about using 4K screens in handheld devices, not out of some practical benefit for users, but only because they make screens and are looking for a market for them.
Again, what tangible benefit comes from an oddball, high resolution number, particularly when you can't play modern games on Android? Screens that large and dense require sophisticated processing to drive all those pixels. Android phones, particularly those low end devices that make up the majority of Android sales lack high end processing. Even Samsung's best phones have processors that perform worse than Apple's A7. Even the Galaxy S4 is beaten by Apple's much older iPhone 5/5c, unless Samsung has turned on its benchmark cheats/show off mode, in which case the battery runs dead.
iOS 7 is not a feature pack running on top of Java/Linux. It's a real OS. When Apple delivers a new iOS version, it improves the entire system. That said, Apple's releases aren't always without flaws. But the difference is that Apple patches flaws as they are discovered, and rolls out the full OS to devices that are as much as 3 years old. Google doesn't fix flaws in Android, doesn't deliver updates to phones that are more than a year old, and primarily delivers patches via Google Play Services, which is just a marketing pack, not an OS upgrade.
As for your link purporting to suggest that iOS 7 doesn't really update older phones, its graphic is quite embarrassing for you:
There are only a couple hardware-based features that are not supported on older phones (4/4S was released in 2010/2011).
Compare trying to finagle KitKat to run on 2011 phones, where all sorts of serious things don't work, from the camera to WiFi.
Android is still the weird hybrid of hobbyist nerds who think they are paying a premium for the biggest stats and budget junk buyers who buy what their carrier tells them to sign up for that it was in 2009. And Samsung is killing every other Android vendor, with a clear plan in place to turn around and migrate its users to Tizen. So where do you imagine Android is going?
Moto E would be noteworthy if it were selling, rather than just being promoted by the Verge. Motorola lost $700 million in the last six months, and its now being sold off to China (if U.S. regulators approve of Google's transfer of all of that IP to Lenovo). It is not the reason why Android ASPs have been around $215 over the last year, before the Moto E was even announced.
The supposed lack of sales does not appear to be hurting Android marketshare. Why are people buying all these cheap phones if iPhones are so desirable? Are they not worth paying what Apple is asking for them perhaps?
What benefit would a "720p screen" have offered iPhone 5s users?
What benefit did the Retina Display offer? I mean other than marketing.
On the one had you keep saying "omg specs don't matter lol"...and on the other hand Apple keeps adding specs to it's new phones. Why is it doing this if specs don't matter? Does Apple know something you guys don't?
You can't have it both ways. If specs don't matter, why does Apple keep increasing it's specs? Do the higher specs of the iPhone 5s mean that the iPhone 5 was not good enough?
iOS 7 is not a feature pack running on top of Java/Linux. It's a real OS.
...that actually does less than the "Feature Pack". That sounds like a sad OS.
When Apple delivers a new iOS version, it improves the entire system. long as you have the latest hardware. Otherwise expect slowdowns and stripped features.
But that is definitely not the same thing as fragmentation. That is TOTALLY different.
That said, Apple's releases aren't always without flaws. But the difference is that Apple patches flaws as they are discovered, and rolls out the full OS to devices that are as much as 3 years old.
...and the performance definitely shows the 3 year age. But that does not matter, because their version number is the same as everyone else's version number. It does not matter that the user experience is decreased.
Compare trying to finagle KitKat to run on 2011 phones
Kitkat runs awesomely on my HTC Rezound actually. Far better than stock. It did not slow it down, it sped it up. It did not remove features, it added them.
where all sorts of serious things don't work, from the camera to WiFi.
Everything works on my Rezound. Bluetooth, Camera, Wifi...everything.
Apple people seem horribly uninformed on the current state of Android. They talk as if it is still 2010. A lot has changed since then, and I don't just mean Apple's declining marketshare.
Android is still the weird hybrid of hobbyist nerds
When did "weird hobbyist nerds" become the majority of the market?
Google officially ended support at KitKat...though I have KitKat running on mine anyway. And, as with the Rezound, it has never run better.
Google itself makes updates available to any phone that wants them. Unlike Apple, Google does not try to blacklist phones from getting any update they want. Even KitKat on the Galaxy nexus was like that...Google does not provide an official update, but does not attempt to stop anyone from making KitKat ROMs if they want.
It is up to the vendors roll out the updates they want. If non-Nexus phones don't get updates, it is because that Vendor does not want to push them...not because Google is refusing to provide them.
How do more pixels on a screen impact performance? Is this honestly the question you are asking me?
If the phone has a longer battery life than the iPhone despite all the extra hardware...wahte exactly is being lost?
Dear heavens… Anyway, do you have battery use stats for the Three+ 17 anywhere?
Please try to keep up.
A screen with pixels smaller than the human eye can see is worthless. Please try to keep up.
Wasn't that the point of the retina Display?
No. Please educate yourself on a topic before talking about it.
I seem to have struck a nerve.
Only because it remains unfathomable that people think we believe they’re either 1. stupid enough to post on a website about a company they hate or 2. being serious about what they’re saying.
How do more pixels on a screen impact performance? Is this honestly the question you are asking me?
Yes. This is my serious face.
You seem to be implying that any display with more pixels will always use more power than any display with fewer pixels. Is that actually what you're claiming?
A screen with pixels smaller than the human eye can see is worthless. Please try to keep up.
Um...I can see pixels just fine on a Retina display. Do I have superhuman vision or something? Or is Apple lying about their Retina claims?
Only because it remains unfathomable that people think we believe they’re either 1. stupid enough to post on a website about a company they hate or 2. being serious about what they’re saying.
What makes you think I hate Apple?
You should relax and not let other people's opinions upset you so much. You're going to give yourself a heart attack. case my sarcasm was not clear, I find your implication that more pixels = more power needed to be hilarious. Apple themselves show this is a lie.
How exactly are you people defining "Junk" phones?
Apple people seem to confuse "cheap" with "bad" and they are not necessarily the same thing.
There were 230 million Android phones sold around the world last quarter. And many, MANY of them were, in fact, terrible phones.
There are some great Android phones with incredible performance and specs... no one can deny that.
But the majority of Android sales are NOT those phones.
How many times do "good value for money" phones like the Moto G or Nexus 5 get mentioned on tech forums? A lot. But how many of those make up the entirety of Android sales? Not many... they're barely a blip on the radar.
You're forgetting about all the phones from companies we've never heard of... phones that were specifically built to be cheap.
There were 230 million Android phones sold around the world last quarter. And many, MANY of them were, in fact, terrible phones.
There are some great Android phones with incredible performance and specs... no one can deny that.
But the majority of Android sales are NOT those phones.
How many times do "good value for money" phones like the Moto G or Nexus 5 get mentioned on tech forums? A lot. But how many of those make up the entirety of Android sales? Not many... they're barely a blip on the radar.
You're forgetting about all the phones from companies we've never heard of... phones that were specifically built to be cheap.
More often than not... they are bad.
And they sell in incredible volume.
That makes it even more remarkable that Apple has lost so much marketshare...why are people buying these terrible Android phones instead of iPhones? Especially if they are the same price?
People can buy an iPhone for under $150, even off why are the Android phones selling instead?
That makes it even more remarkable that Apple has lost so much marketshare...why are people buying these terrible Android phones instead of iPhones? Especially if they are the same price?
People can buy an iPhone for under $150, even off why are the Android phones selling instead?
Now go see how much an iPhone costs in China and India. iPhones are still rather expensive phones in those countries... even the older models.
The iPhone 4, for instance, costs over $300 in India.
In contrast... there are Android phones that retail for $50 dollars in China and India. And those two countries alone represent 2.5 billion people... many who don't have a lot of money.
Here some phones available in India for roughly $50:
And people wonder why "Android" sells in the volume it does.
Like I said... Android isn't only made up of the phones we always talk about... Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, etc. There are TONS of phones from companies we've never heard of that make up the majority of Android.
Now go see how much an iPhone costs in China and India. iPhones are still rather expensive phones in those countries... even the older models.
The iPhone 4, for instance, costs over $300 in India.
In contrast... there are Android phones that retail for $50 dollars in China and India. And those two countries alone represent 2.5 billion people... many who don't have a lot of money.
Here some phones available in India for roughly $50:
And people wonder why "Android" sells in the volume it does.
Like I said... Android isn't only made up of the phones we always talk about... Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, etc. There are TONS of phones from companies we've never heard of that make up the majority of Android.
And those phones tend to be cheap and bad.
Why is Apple overcharging so much in China and India?
We go back to my original point...people are not willing to pay what Apple is asking for these products. Thats why Android phones are selling more...people think they are worth what the vendor is asking for them. Those people do not think they are bad...if they did they would not be buying them.
You seem to be implying that any display with more pixels will always use more power than any display with fewer pixels. Is that actually what you're claiming?
Under the same technology, yeah, that’s exactly what I’m claiming. Not only to power the display but to output to it.
Um...I can see pixels just fine on a Retina display. Do I have superhuman vision or something? Or is Apple lying about their Retina claims?
Again, I already covered that.
What makes you think I hate Apple?
The lies, the trolling, you know… little things.
You should relax and not let other people's opinions upset you so much.
It’s not an opinion if it’s objectively wrong.
Originally Posted by JeffDenver
Why is Apple overcharging so much in China and India?
Because they’re not overcharging anything. You don’t comprehend anything you’re saying.
...people are not willing to pay what Apple is asking for these products.
I guess Apple has no sales, then.
Originally Posted by Tallest Skil
Phones that have to use their specs to be sold.
Yeah, how stupid of people to want more for their money. Whats wrong with them?
The shiny logo is certainly worth all that extra money. Phones should be used primarily for jewelry and status, so it makes sense to have the shiniest logo.
Um...where? Where did you see lag in that video? It opened apps faster than the iPhone did.
The processor in the Oneplus is faster than the one in the Nexus. And the Nexus is already spanking the iPhone.
Because the iPhone has the longest battery life right? Oh....wait a minute
The Oneplus will have a 3100mAh battery, comparable to the G2 and M8 and S5.
It has a big battery to compensate, and maybe you can't see pixels on the Retina display...I can see them just fine. But if you are satisfied with less, good for you. I am sure the fact that the iPhone has a teeny tiny display helps.
LOL "It's ok to screw them over...people can afford it!"
It's right there in the video. You don't have to take my word for it.
Hi Jeff - do you understand the concept of an "average selling price"? A $300 phone does not really contribute to the plunging ASP of Android phones being $215 and falling.
Prices fall while performance increases.
"The Moto E is shockingly cheap and surprisingly good" -
No iPhone even has a 720p display yet. That is now considered low end on Android phones.
This cracks me up every time I see it...Apple users think because their upgrade says "iOS7" that they are really getting iOS7.
Only the newest phones will get that...older phones will get stripped down versions of the OS with missing features. And it usually runs slow anyway:
"ios 7 running slow want to go back" -
"iOS 7 on iPhone 4 Is “Unusable,” Customers Say" -
"iOS 7 on iPhone 4 and 4S: What Features Will You Have?" -
It's just hilarious to us to see desperate attempts like this article to try to dredge up Android stereotypes that have not been true for years.
The One+1 retails for $300, and has specs better than the best iPhone. How exactly are you people defining "Junk" phones? By Android standards, most iPhones are junk phones, since they are using 2 year old technology.
6 lens 13MP sony-sensor camera and 5MP front camera
"Junk" really boils down to "Unfit for purpose". Age doesn't come into it, unless that actually restricts or limits the product in a way that impairs its usefulness.
I think the phrase "Retina-annihilating" could more accurately be replaced with "needlessly over-specified". The point about the Retina display is that it is beyond the average person's detail resolving ability so still higher resolution is a waste of effort. If all you're interested in is bigger numbers then you will no doubt get really annoyed when manufacturer X comes out with a 2550p display and rains on your parade. Of course the fetishisation of raw numbers is an important draw for some purchasers, and bigger is always better ...
With a 6 lens, 13MP camera does it actually take better pictures? Or does this simply refer back to my previous point? Again, if numbers are the be-all and end-all then you should of course drop everything for the Nokia Lumia 1020 which has a 41MP camera which must mean that it takes pictures at least 3 times better than the phone you mentioned, no?
What’s wrong with them is they’re not getting more by paying for “higher” specs.
Thanks for the psychotic break. Take it to some other website, please.
It opened apps faster than the iPhone did.
lol, sure thing. For both sentences.
Yes, we know you don’t have a clue what you’re arguing.
Stop using your phone eight inches from your face, then. 20/10 vision can’t see them at normal use distance, so you’re either claiming you have sub-20/10 vision or you’re too close.
Seems you’re just fine with it. Enjoy your One+ 1!
Yes, you’re a troll. We get it.
You don’t seem to have a clue what the word ‘affordable’ means.
No. It isn’t.
"Junk" really boils down to "Unfit for purpose". Age doesn't come into it, unless that actually restricts or limits the product in a way that impairs its usefulness.
So what objective criteria is the article using to define "junk"? It sounds to me like it comes down to opinion.
Because getting more for your money is clearly an awful idea. You should get the minimum possible for your money.
So tell me, why was Retina needed at all then? Could people not read iPhones before the Retina display was introduced? Were pre-retina iPhones that awful?
Why would I be annoyed by it? Progress is a good thing. Especially if it does not impact performance or cost. I would not be annoyed by it, I would applaud it. the ppi claims of the Retina display? Or is it only fetishizaion when it is non-Apple products? Please clarify.
When the retina Display was first introduced, Apple was wetting themselves over it. It was spammed in every article. I smell a double standard.
What’s wrong with them is they’re not getting more by paying for “higher” specs.
According to who? If higher specs don't matter, what was the point of the Retina display?
...slower than a phone that is half the price.
But faster that the previous iPhone, which is all that matters right? That and a shinier logo.
I'm only providing actual evidence, thats all.
Affordable apparently means whatever Apple is able to gouge from it's customers.
Prices fall while performance increases.
"The Moto E is shockingly cheap and surprisingly good" -
No iPhone even has a 720p display yet. That is now considered low end on Android phones.
This cracks me up every time I see it...Apple users think because their upgrade says "iOS7" that they are really getting iOS7.
Only the newest phones will get that...older phones will get stripped down versions of the OS with missing features. And it usually runs slow anyway:
"ios 7 running slow want to go back" -
"iOS 7 on iPhone 4 Is “Unusable,” Customers Say" -
"iOS 7 on iPhone 4 and 4S: What Features Will You Have?" -/
It's just hilarious to us to see desperate attempts like this article to try to dredge up Android stereotypes that have not been true for years.
So the S in ASP is for Selling.
Moto E would be noteworthy if it were selling, rather than just being promoted by the Verge. Motorola lost $700 million in the last six months, and its now being sold off to China (if U.S. regulators approve of Google's transfer of all of that IP to Lenovo). It is not the reason why Android ASPs have been around $215 over the last year, before the Moto E was even announced.
What benefit would a "720p screen" have offered iPhone 5s users? It would only introduce hardware fragmentation like Android, making it harder for developers to build apps that look right. You confuse a specs race with a real benefit. Samsung is talking about using 4K screens in handheld devices, not out of some practical benefit for users, but only because they make screens and are looking for a market for them.
Again, what tangible benefit comes from an oddball, high resolution number, particularly when you can't play modern games on Android? Screens that large and dense require sophisticated processing to drive all those pixels. Android phones, particularly those low end devices that make up the majority of Android sales lack high end processing. Even Samsung's best phones have processors that perform worse than Apple's A7. Even the Galaxy S4 is beaten by Apple's much older iPhone 5/5c, unless Samsung has turned on its benchmark cheats/show off mode, in which case the battery runs dead.
iOS 7 is not a feature pack running on top of Java/Linux. It's a real OS. When Apple delivers a new iOS version, it improves the entire system. That said, Apple's releases aren't always without flaws. But the difference is that Apple patches flaws as they are discovered, and rolls out the full OS to devices that are as much as 3 years old. Google doesn't fix flaws in Android, doesn't deliver updates to phones that are more than a year old, and primarily delivers patches via Google Play Services, which is just a marketing pack, not an OS upgrade.
As for your link purporting to suggest that iOS 7 doesn't really update older phones, its graphic is quite embarrassing for you:
There are only a couple hardware-based features that are not supported on older phones (4/4S was released in 2010/2011).
Compare trying to finagle KitKat to run on 2011 phones, where all sorts of serious things don't work, from the camera to WiFi.
Android is still the weird hybrid of hobbyist nerds who think they are paying a premium for the biggest stats and budget junk buyers who buy what their carrier tells them to sign up for that it was in 2009. And Samsung is killing every other Android vendor, with a clear plan in place to turn around and migrate its users to Tizen. So where do you imagine Android is going?
Hint: Moto E isn't going anywhere.
Because getting more for your money is clearly an awful idea. You should get the minimum possible for your money.
Let’s see… what’s a good analogy to help you recognize the embarrassment we all feel for you already…
Because no one is dumb enough to buy your trolling anymore.
Especially if it does not impact performance or cost.
It explicitly impacts both performance and cost.
…like the ppi claims of the Retina display?
So you’re saying Apple is lying about the PPI? Any proof of that?
I smell a double standard.
I smell a troll.
Nice strawman. Shut up.
You are impossibly pathetic. Enjoy your worthless phone. After all, it has “more”, therefore it must be “better”.
But faster that the previous iPhone, which is all that matters right? That and a shinier logo.
Yep, reported now.
Evidence of absolutely nothing, neither replying nor rebutting the point being made.
Shut up.
So the S in ASP is for Selling.
Moto E would be noteworthy if it were selling, rather than just being promoted by the Verge. Motorola lost $700 million in the last six months, and its now being sold off to China (if U.S. regulators approve of Google's transfer of all of that IP to Lenovo). It is not the reason why Android ASPs have been around $215 over the last year, before the Moto E was even announced.
The supposed lack of sales does not appear to be hurting Android marketshare. Why are people buying all these cheap phones if iPhones are so desirable? Are they not worth paying what Apple is asking for them perhaps?
What benefit did the Retina Display offer? I mean other than marketing.
On the one had you keep saying "omg specs don't matter lol"...and on the other hand Apple keeps adding specs to it's new phones. Why is it doing this if specs don't matter? Does Apple know something you guys don't?
You can't have it both ways. If specs don't matter, why does Apple keep increasing it's specs? Do the higher specs of the iPhone 5s mean that the iPhone 5 was not good enough?
...that actually does less than the "Feature Pack". That sounds like a sad OS. long as you have the latest hardware. Otherwise expect slowdowns and stripped features.
But that is definitely not the same thing as fragmentation. That is TOTALLY different.
...and the performance definitely shows the 3 year age. But that does not matter, because their version number is the same as everyone else's version number. It does not matter that the user experience is decreased.
Kitkat runs awesomely on my HTC Rezound actually. Far better than stock. It did not slow it down, it sped it up. It did not remove features, it added them.
Everything works on my Rezound. Bluetooth, Camera, Wifi...everything.
Apple people seem horribly uninformed on the current state of Android. They talk as if it is still 2010. A lot has changed since then, and I don't just mean Apple's declining marketshare.
When did "weird hobbyist nerds" become the majority of the market?
It explicitly impacts both performance and cost.
How is it impacting performance? If the phone has a longer battery life than the iPhone despite all the extra hardware...wahte exactly is being lost?
I would be if you completely ignored everything I wrote, yeah.
The original quote implied specs don't matter. I used the Retina Display as an example of Apple claiming specs matter. Please try to keep up.
Wasn't that the point of the retina Display?
I seem to have struck a nerve.
Android, doesn't deliver updates to phones that are more than a year old
Yeah, about that...
First released: November 2011
... Beginning from 11 July 2012, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean began rolling out to the GSM Galaxy Nexus
... The 4.2 update began rolling out on 13 November 2012
... Android 4.3 Jelly Bean was released for GSM models on 24 July 2013
Google officially ended support at KitKat...though I have KitKat running on mine anyway. And, as with the Rezound, it has never run better.
Google itself makes updates available to any phone that wants them. Unlike Apple, Google does not try to blacklist phones from getting any update they want. Even KitKat on the Galaxy nexus was like that...Google does not provide an official update, but does not attempt to stop anyone from making KitKat ROMs if they want.
It is up to the vendors roll out the updates they want. If non-Nexus phones don't get updates, it is because that Vendor does not want to push them...not because Google is refusing to provide them.
How do more pixels on a screen impact performance? Is this honestly the question you are asking me?
Dear heavens… Anyway, do you have battery use stats for the Three+ 17 anywhere?
A screen with pixels smaller than the human eye can see is worthless. Please try to keep up.
No. Please educate yourself on a topic before talking about it.
Only because it remains unfathomable that people think we believe they’re either 1. stupid enough to post on a website about a company they hate or 2. being serious about what they’re saying.
How do more pixels on a screen impact performance? Is this honestly the question you are asking me?
Yes. This is my serious face.
You seem to be implying that any display with more pixels will always use more power than any display with fewer pixels. Is that actually what you're claiming?
Um...I can see pixels just fine on a Retina display. Do I have superhuman vision or something? Or is Apple lying about their Retina claims?
Only because it remains unfathomable that people think we believe they’re either 1. stupid enough to post on a website about a company they hate or 2. being serious about what they’re saying.
What makes you think I hate Apple?
You should relax and not let other people's opinions upset you so much. You're going to give yourself a heart attack. case my sarcasm was not clear, I find your implication that more pixels = more power needed to be hilarious. Apple themselves show this is a lie.
Apple iPhone 3gs display power - 0.81watts - Source:
Apple iPhone 4 display power - 0.42 watts - Source:
The iPhone added more pixels, yet uses less power. I can show many similar examples with Android devices.
There were 230 million Android phones sold around the world last quarter. And many, MANY of them were, in fact, terrible phones.
There are some great Android phones with incredible performance and specs... no one can deny that.
But the majority of Android sales are NOT those phones.
How many times do "good value for money" phones like the Moto G or Nexus 5 get mentioned on tech forums? A lot. But how many of those make up the entirety of Android sales? Not many... they're barely a blip on the radar.
You're forgetting about all the phones from companies we've never heard of... phones that were specifically built to be cheap.
More often than not... they are bad.
And they sell in incredible volume.
There were 230 million Android phones sold around the world last quarter. And many, MANY of them were, in fact, terrible phones.
There are some great Android phones with incredible performance and specs... no one can deny that.
But the majority of Android sales are NOT those phones.
How many times do "good value for money" phones like the Moto G or Nexus 5 get mentioned on tech forums? A lot. But how many of those make up the entirety of Android sales? Not many... they're barely a blip on the radar.
You're forgetting about all the phones from companies we've never heard of... phones that were specifically built to be cheap.
More often than not... they are bad.
And they sell in incredible volume.
That makes it even more remarkable that Apple has lost so much marketshare...why are people buying these terrible Android phones instead of iPhones? Especially if they are the same price?
People can buy an iPhone for under $150, even off why are the Android phones selling instead?
Now go see how much an iPhone costs in China and India. iPhones are still rather expensive phones in those countries... even the older models.
The iPhone 4, for instance, costs over $300 in India.
In contrast... there are Android phones that retail for $50 dollars in China and India. And those two countries alone represent 2.5 billion people... many who don't have a lot of money.
Here some phones available in India for roughly $50:
And people wonder why "Android" sells in the volume it does.
Like I said... Android isn't only made up of the phones we always talk about... Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, etc. There are TONS of phones from companies we've never heard of that make up the majority of Android.
And those phones tend to be cheap and bad.
Now go see how much an iPhone costs in China and India. iPhones are still rather expensive phones in those countries... even the older models.
The iPhone 4, for instance, costs over $300 in India.
In contrast... there are Android phones that retail for $50 dollars in China and India. And those two countries alone represent 2.5 billion people... many who don't have a lot of money.
Here some phones available in India for roughly $50:
And people wonder why "Android" sells in the volume it does.
Like I said... Android isn't only made up of the phones we always talk about... Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, etc. There are TONS of phones from companies we've never heard of that make up the majority of Android.
And those phones tend to be cheap and bad.
Why is Apple overcharging so much in China and India?
We go back to my original point...people are not willing to pay what Apple is asking for these products. Thats why Android phones are selling more...people think they are worth what the vendor is asking for them. Those people do not think they are bad...if they did they would not be buying them.
Under the same technology, yeah, that’s exactly what I’m claiming. Not only to power the display but to output to it.
Again, I already covered that.
The lies, the trolling, you know… little things.
It’s not an opinion if it’s objectively wrong.
Because they’re not overcharging anything. You don’t comprehend anything you’re saying.
I guess Apple has no sales, then.
Under the same technology, yeah, that’s exactly what I’m claiming. Not only to power the display but to output to it.
Oh good, so we agree that more pixels alone does not necessarily mean the display eats more power. I was worried there for a minute.
So far I have not seen any objective evidence from you. Just opinions and speculation. I have actually provided sources for my own claims.
You honestly believe the iPhone 4 costs anywhere near $300 to make?
They will always have some sales. But they won't be the majority.