If you were to use a 20x magnifying glass you would certainly see pixels and if you used a microscope you would see the elements making up the physical aspects of the display itself!
Maybe...but I don't need to do that with the Retina Display. I can see pixels just fine.
Likewise, pre-Retina iPhones were plenty good enough for reading. So if "good enough" is your standard, there was no need for higher resolution displays anyway. You keep going back to the Apple Propaganda, but it is still completely arbitrary. Saying "326ppi is good enough" is no different from me saying "275ppi is good enough". It's all subjective.
But saying "326ppi is better than 275ppi" is NOT subjective. Higher is better. That is why Specs matter...you do not need to rely on opinion.
Apple surely have the money and the technical resources to design and incorporate a display with even higher pixel densities than they use at present, but they don't? Why not?
It would cost more money and they would rather pocket that money. So long as their user base will accept it, they will not upgrade.
That has been a running theme and is part of the Apple Cliche. People are not paying for capabilities, they are paying for an image. The logo is far more important than the display.
Every time Apple, or any company including Google, Samsung, HTC or whoever, make anything, they have to decide what to put in and what to leave out - I think even you can see the logic in that. Different companies have different priorities.
Apple's priority is to squeeze out every dime they can.
So is Samsungs of course...but the difference is that Samsung has competition on Andorid. Apple has no competition on iOS. They have no incentive to deliver anything but the bare minimum needed to keep people buying iPhones. Samsung has to worry about competitors on Android undercutting them.
And because of this competition, the customer wins. And Android users end up getting cheaper phones that do more.
...at an arbitrary distance. They CAN see pixels, if they hold it close enough. That is true of every other display out right now. There is nothing special about the Retina display...or at least nothing "more" special than any other display with the same or higher ppi.
1080p displays are far closer to "pixelless" than the retina Display is.
...because Apple decided that no one can possibly need more that 326ppi? LOL
The Retina Display is a special snowflake huh?
<span style="line-height:1.4em;">..and likewise, a 1080p display is an advance over the Retina </span>
display<span style="line-height:1.4em;"> for the same reason. </span>
Even Apple people agree with this. Thats why they prefer newer iPhones over older ones. Newer iPhones have better cameras, speed, and displays. And Shinier logos, which is the most important part.
No, I will look forward to upgrading. I can do that. I don't need to take out a mortgage every time I upgrade, because Android phones are not overpriced.
So...if Tim Cook believes specs don't matter, and that current specs are plenty to deliver a great experience...why do newer iPhones have better specs than older ones? You tell me.
Why did Apple upgrade to an 8MP camera at all? Why was 5MP not enough? Why does it need a better processor or more RAM?
1. The distance isn't arbitrary the vast majority of users hold the phone 12 inches away from their eyes if doing anything else than calling.
Smart people also don't get 1080p on a 30" tv because you can't tell the diff between 720 and 1080 at a normal viewing distance. It's pointless to get 1080p on a phone.
2. Better camera sensors are worth more than MP. No one can tell the diff between a 8x10 taken with an 8 MP or 12 MP camera, all else being equal. If fact, there have been many reviews that rate the 5S higher that those phone cams. Improving cams will always happen but after a certain point, MP are meaningless.
3. Apple improves the specs but doesn't list a tech spec sheet because it's meaningless for comparison since the components rely on everything else working smoothly. Would you buy a yugo and drop a 300 hp engine in it and say it's better than a 250 hp Mustang?
4. If you need another mortgage to buy an iPhone, you're just pathetic.
Until you hit the point where higher doesn’t matter or isn’t better, as we have with screens circa 2010 and clock speeds circa 2005.
People are not paying for capabilities, they are paying for an image. The logo is far more important than the display.
And this twisted insanity of yours is backed by what, exactly? Not specs, because Apple always releases the fastest device on the market. Not software, because they have the most capable devices out there.
Apple's priority is to squeeze out every dime they can.
That’s nice. Shut up and go away.
So is Samsungs of course...but the difference is that Samsung has competition on Andorid.
Samsung has competition… in the phones that make negative money. Uh… huh.
Apple has no competition on iOS. They have no incentive to deliver anything but the bare minimum needed to keep people buying iPhones. And because of this competition, the customer wins. And Android users end up getting cheaper phones that do more.
You’re completely psychotic.
Samsung has to worry about competitors on Android undercutting them.
NO. THEY DON’T. Because no one else selling Android devices makes any money.
1. The distance isn't arbitrary the vast majority of users hold the phone 12 inches away from their eyes if doing anything else than calling.
According to who?
A smaller phone means you're more likely to hold it close, not less.
Apple improves the specs but doesn't list a tech spec sheet because it's meaningless for comparison since the components rely on everything else working smoothly.
LOL! They advertised the hell out of the Retina display. And um...
Apple improves the specs but doesn't list a tech spec sheet because it's meaningless for comparison since the components rely on everything else working smoothly. Would you buy a yugo and drop a 300 hp engine in it and say it's better than a 250 hp Mustang?
If the argument is "the current specs are good enough for a great experience" what is the point of increasing specs at all?
You can't have it both ways. You can't say "anything more would be overkill" and then say "we need more for a better experience". If you do, you are contradicting yourself.
If you need another mortgage to buy an iPhone, you're just pathetic.
Yes, everyone should be able to afford $800 for a phone, or they are pathetic. I totally agree. People who can't afford expensive phones are losers and that is a great way to judge people.
A smaller phone means you're more likely to hold it close, not less.
Wait, wait, wait, wait… you’re claiming people DO hold it closer than a foot?! I was JOKING before because that couldn’t possibly have been what you said.
You can't have it both ways. You can't say "anything more would be overkill" and then say "we need more for a better experience". If you do, you are contradicting yourself.
Yes, because nothing in technology has ever changed, ever.
You can't have it both ways. You can't say "anything more would be overkill" and then say "we need more for a better experience". If you do, you are contradicting yourself.
Yes, everyone should be able to afford $800 for a phone, or they are pathetic. I totally agree. People who can't afford expensive phones are losers and that is a great way to judge people.
Please make a UISwitch in mobile Safari to TURN OFF THE MOBILE WEB. If someone at Apple reads this, please do something about it! It is destroying the WEB UX without having it
Iphone - High end price, Low-end specs ==> Consumers got screwed
Android - Low end price, high-end specs ==> Consumers win
The only reason Iphone sells is because of "low" selling price due to distortion by phone contract. In countries where phones bought not on contract, iphone sales got slaughtered big time.
Why would anyone buy an Iphone at twice the price when an equivalent android from Lenovo, Huawei or Oppo put the iphone specs to shame.
Iphone - High end price, Low-end specs ==> Consumers got screwed
Android - Low end price, high-end specs ==> Consumers win
The only reason Iphone sells is because of "low" selling price due to distortion by phone contract. In countries where phones bought not on contract, iphone sales got slaughtered big time.
Why would anyone buy an Iphone at twice the price when an equivalent android from Lenovo, Huawei or Oppo put the iphone specs to shame.
Why don't you ask Samsung, they sell the most, their high end phones cost more than iPhones.
Why would anyone buy an Iphone at twice the price when an equivalent android from Lenovo, Huawei or Oppo put the iphone specs to shame.
Because iPhone buyers buy an iPhone for what it does, along with Apple's service and support. Product specs are an inevitable outcome of building a product, but the goal is to make the best product possible given the compromises required in making anything at all.
Looking at specs alone leads to assuming therefore that a Ford Focus is a better car than a Ferrari Dino because it has bigger back seats and twice as many doors and more luggage space. It leads to the assumption that a power amplifier with 200W per channel and 0.002% THD must be 'better' than one with 140W per channel and 0.005% THD. If all you want is specs then it's an easy decision but if you want the amplifier that sounds best then other factors come into play and require you to actually go to a shop where you can actually listen to them!
Some people like specs so much because you can just run down a list, choose in a vacuum and click "Buy". If, though, you actually want the best product for your requirements then clearly more work is needed. Most posters here have put in that extra work and find that, for us, Apple consistently strikes the best balance between functionality, quality and performance. You may come to a different conclusion which is fine because there are plenty of other manufacturers for you to choose from instead.
<div class="quote-container" data-huddler-embed="/t/160701/idc-data-shows-66-of-androids-81-smartphone-share-are-junk-phones-selling-for-215/120#post_2539474" data-huddler-embed-placeholder="false">Quote:<div class="quote-block">Originally Posted by <strong>zerobim08</strong> <a href="/t/160701/idc-data-shows-66-of-androids-81-smartphone-share-are-junk-phones-selling-for-215/120#post_2539474"><img alt="View Post" src="/img/forum/go_quote.gif" /></a><br /> <p><span style="line-height:1.4em">Why would anyone buy an Iphone at twice the price when an equivalent android from Lenovo, Huawei or Oppo put the iphone specs to shame.</span></p></div></div><p> </p><p>Because iPhone buyers buy an iPhone for what it does, along with Apple's service and support. Product specs are an inevitable outcome of building a product, but the goal is to make the best product possible given the compromises required in making anything at all.</p><p> </p><p>Looking at specs alone leads to assuming therefore that a Ford Focus is a better car than a Ferrari Dino because it has bigger back seats and twice as many doors and more luggage space. It leads to the assumption that a power amplifier with 200W per channel and 0.002% THD must be 'better' than one with 140W per channel and 0.005% THD. If all you want is specs then it's an easy decision but if you want the amplifier that sounds best then other factors come into play and require you to actually go to a shop where you can actually listen to them!</p><p> </p><p>Some people like specs so much because you can just run down a list, choose in a vacuum and click "Buy". If, though, you actually want the best product for your requirements then clearly more work is needed. Most posters here have put in that extra work and find that, for us, Apple consistently strikes the best balance between functionality, quality and performance. You may come to a different conclusion which is fine because there are plenty of other manufacturers for you to choose from instead.</p>
What you said may make sense if both iPhone and Android are around the same price.
But if android is half the price and comes with a better specs then it will take a lot of brain washing convincing to say iphone is a better deal.
What you said may make sense if both iPhone and Android are around the same price. But if android is half the price and comes with a better specs then it will take a lot of brain washing convincing to say iphone is a better deal.
Again, you don’t believe a word of this. You can’t.
I use a $100 phone from Fero so I guess I am part of the junk yard population. But it runs Android 7 and does all I would wish a phone to be. I owned an IPhone and don't think its value for money. Its more about prestige and a bit of patriotism. Calling my $100 phone "junk" is an insult. Its the same as calling my humble Toyota Corolla junk just because it costs 1/10th of the Jaguar.
If you were to use a 20x magnifying glass you would certainly see pixels and if you used a microscope you would see the elements making up the physical aspects of the display itself!
Maybe...but I don't need to do that with the Retina Display. I can see pixels just fine.
Likewise, pre-Retina iPhones were plenty good enough for reading. So if "good enough" is your standard, there was no need for higher resolution displays anyway. You keep going back to the Apple Propaganda, but it is still completely arbitrary. Saying "326ppi is good enough" is no different from me saying "275ppi is good enough". It's all subjective.
But saying "326ppi is better than 275ppi" is NOT subjective. Higher is better. That is why Specs matter...you do not need to rely on opinion.
It would cost more money and they would rather pocket that money. So long as their user base will accept it, they will not upgrade.
That has been a running theme and is part of the Apple Cliche. People are not paying for capabilities, they are paying for an image. The logo is far more important than the display.
Apple's priority is to squeeze out every dime they can.
So is Samsungs of course...but the difference is that Samsung has competition on Andorid. Apple has no competition on iOS. They have no incentive to deliver anything but the bare minimum needed to keep people buying iPhones. Samsung has to worry about competitors on Android undercutting them.
And because of this competition, the customer wins. And Android users end up getting cheaper phones that do more.
1. The distance isn't arbitrary the vast majority of users hold the phone 12 inches away from their eyes if doing anything else than calling.
Smart people also don't get 1080p on a 30" tv because you can't tell the diff between 720 and 1080 at a normal viewing distance. It's pointless to get 1080p on a phone.
2. Better camera sensors are worth more than MP. No one can tell the diff between a 8x10 taken with an 8 MP or 12 MP camera, all else being equal. If fact, there have been many reviews that rate the 5S higher that those phone cams. Improving cams will always happen but after a certain point, MP are meaningless.
3. Apple improves the specs but doesn't list a tech spec sheet because it's meaningless for comparison since the components rely on everything else working smoothly. Would you buy a yugo and drop a 300 hp engine in it and say it's better than a 250 hp Mustang?
4. If you need another mortgage to buy an iPhone, you're just pathetic.
5. I should have listened to my advice.
Higher is better.
Until you hit the point where higher doesn’t matter or isn’t better, as we have with screens circa 2010 and clock speeds circa 2005.
And this twisted insanity of yours is backed by what, exactly? Not specs, because Apple always releases the fastest device on the market. Not software, because they have the most capable devices out there.
That’s nice. Shut up and go away.
Samsung has competition… in the phones that make negative money. Uh… huh.
You’re completely psychotic.
NO. THEY DON’T. Because no one else selling Android devices makes any money.
1. The distance isn't arbitrary the vast majority of users hold the phone 12 inches away from their eyes if doing anything else than calling.
According to who?
A smaller phone means you're more likely to hold it close, not less.
LOL! They advertised the hell out of the Retina display. And um...
Seems to be a lot of specs on that page.
If the argument is "the current specs are good enough for a great experience" what is the point of increasing specs at all?
You can't have it both ways. You can't say "anything more would be overkill" and then say "we need more for a better experience". If you do, you are contradicting yourself.
Yes, everyone should be able to afford $800 for a phone, or they are pathetic. I totally agree. People who can't afford expensive phones are losers and that is a great way to judge people.
A smaller phone means you're more likely to hold it close, not less.
Wait, wait, wait, wait… you’re claiming people DO hold it closer than a foot?! I was JOKING before because that couldn’t possibly have been what you said.
Yes, because nothing in technology has ever changed, ever.
1. http://prometheus.med.utah.edu/~bwjones/2010/06/apple-retina-display/
2. They do because anyone with a brain can see the diff between retina and non retina. So what's the speed of the processor and how much RAM?
3. I said at a certain point, anything more is overkill. The 5S and the 4S both have 8 MP cameras but the 5S has the better camera.
4. I didn't say everyone, I just referred to you.
anyone with a brain can see the diff between retina and non retina. So what's the speed of the processor and how much RAM?
Yeah, thats not subjective at all.
Why the upgrade to 8MP from 5MP...why was 5MP not good enough?
What exactly makes you think I can't afford an $800 phone?
Why the upgrade to 8MP from 5MP...why was 5MP not good enough?
I notice you refuse to answer the question you were asked yesterday about the Nokia phone.
Simple rational.
Iphone - High end price, Low-end specs ==> Consumers got screwed
Android - Low end price, high-end specs ==> Consumers win
The only reason Iphone sells is because of "low" selling price due to distortion by phone contract. In countries where phones bought not on contract, iphone sales got slaughtered big time.
Why would anyone buy an Iphone at twice the price when an equivalent android from Lenovo, Huawei or Oppo put the iphone specs to shame.
Simple rational.
Iphone - High end price, Low-end specs ==> Consumers got screwed
Android - Low end price, high-end specs ==> Consumers win
The only reason Iphone sells is because of "low" selling price due to distortion by phone contract. In countries where phones bought not on contract, iphone sales got slaughtered big time.
Why would anyone buy an Iphone at twice the price when an equivalent android from Lenovo, Huawei or Oppo put the iphone specs to shame.
Why don't you ask Samsung, they sell the most, their high end phones cost more than iPhones.
Iphone - High end price, Low-end specs ==> Consumers got screwed
Android - Low end price, high-end specs ==> Consumers win
You don’t believe this.
Why would anyone buy an Iphone at twice the price when an equivalent android from Lenovo, Huawei or Oppo put the iphone specs to shame.
Because iPhone buyers buy an iPhone for what it does, along with Apple's service and support. Product specs are an inevitable outcome of building a product, but the goal is to make the best product possible given the compromises required in making anything at all.
Looking at specs alone leads to assuming therefore that a Ford Focus is a better car than a Ferrari Dino because it has bigger back seats and twice as many doors and more luggage space. It leads to the assumption that a power amplifier with 200W per channel and 0.002% THD must be 'better' than one with 140W per channel and 0.005% THD. If all you want is specs then it's an easy decision but if you want the amplifier that sounds best then other factors come into play and require you to actually go to a shop where you can actually listen to them!
Some people like specs so much because you can just run down a list, choose in a vacuum and click "Buy". If, though, you actually want the best product for your requirements then clearly more work is needed. Most posters here have put in that extra work and find that, for us, Apple consistently strikes the best balance between functionality, quality and performance. You may come to a different conclusion which is fine because there are plenty of other manufacturers for you to choose from instead.
What you said may make sense if both iPhone and Android are around the same price.
But if android is half the price and comes with a better specs then it will take a lot of brain washing convincing to say iphone is a better deal.
What you said may make sense if both iPhone and Android are around the same price.
But if android is half the price and comes with a better specs then it will take a lot of brain washing convincing to say iphone is a better deal.
Sorry mate, there are no better specs than that, it's unmatched no matter how much you wanna whine about cheap underpowered junk.
Half the price, half the quality. In addition to iOS having a better ecosystem and is guaranteed to have its OS upgraded.
Again, you don’t believe a word of this. You can’t.
What if someone is interested in other types of "specs" including customer service, the App Store, accessory support, etc?
You keep saying that iPhones are more expensive than Android phones. That's one area.
But you fail to realize some of the things Apple offers that other companies simply cannot match.
You're right... there are some Android phones with amazing hardware specs at incredible prices. But they're lacking in other areas.