IBM: iOS crushed Android in Christmas shopping with 5 times the sales

in iPad edited January 2014
Apple's iPhone and iPad represented the vast majority of U.S. online shopping and sales during Christmas, accounting for more than an 83 percent take of sales compared to Android.

Despite having minority market share in the U.S., Apple's iOS is being used to do the most mobile shopping and placing the most sales by a wide margin, according to IBM's Digital Analytics Benchmark Hub.

The has group tracked similar numbers since the holiday shopping season kicked off during Black Friday after Thanksgiving.

A series of regular reports by IBM's Digital Analytics Benchmark group, tracking a "digital analytics platform that tracks millions of transactions and analyzes terabytes of raw data from approximately 800 retail sites nationwide," have profiled mobile shoppers.

Online sales on Christmas Day were up 16.5 percent over last year. IBM stated that mobile devices accounted for 48 percent of all online traffic (a 28.3 percent year over year increase), while mobile sales were nearly 29 percent, an increase of over 40 percent compared to 2012.

The group noted that while smartphones drove 28.5 percent of all online traffic, leading the 18.1 percent traffic share tied to tablet devices, tablets drove 19.5 percent of all online sales, significantly larger than the 9.3 percent share of sales connected to smartphones.

Tablet users also placed higher average orders: $95.61 per order on average compared to the $85.11 average order placed via smartphone.

iOS crushes Android as shoppers' favorite platform

Breaking down those numbers by mobile platform, IBM reported that iOS devices accounted for more than 5 times the total sales of Android or over an 83 percent share of mobile-oriented sales (above), with 23 percent of all online sales occurring on an Apple mobile device versus just 4.6 percent on Android products.

IBM stated that iOS users also spent an average of twice as much more per order: an average sale of$93.94 versus an average order of just $48.10 on Android devices.

Apple's iOS devices also made up 32.6 percent of all overall mobile traffic, compared to just 14.8 percent for Android. Microsoft's Windows Phone, BlackBerry and other mobile platforms didn't represent enough activity to mention.

The leading share of online shopping grabbed by iOS users parallels the 84 percent share of tablets claimed by iPad in Chitika's web analytics, the leading share taken by iOS in app developer's revenue seen per download, and the over 80 percent usage stats reported among education and enterprise users.


  • Reply 1 of 148

    Android user are expecting everything must be free, and they are never going to spend any penny.

  • Reply 2 of 148
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    and 97% of those purchases made using iOS devices were used to purchase android/Samsung devices.

  • Reply 3 of 148
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    marsk wrote: »
    Android user are expecting everything must be free, and they are never going to spend any penny.

    I would think anyone that believes Androids are any good probably believe in Santa Clause too, so they'd expected them delivered down the chimney.
  • Reply 4 of 148
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Aah, so this is why AAPL was down today when the market was up.
  • Reply 5 of 148
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,104member
    Keep buying back the stock at a discount Mr. Cook. Keep buying
  • Reply 6 of 148
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    red oak wrote: »
    Keep buying back the stock at a discount Mr. Cook. Keep buying
    I guess this is another reason the stock was down today.
  • Reply 7 of 148

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Aah, so this is why AAPL was down today when the market was up.


    Stockholders who are mad they didn't get an iOS device for Christmas.

  • Reply 8 of 148

    Typical android users when it comes to spending their $$ ...


    Bunch of jealous, cheap, dumb and wanna-be geeks!


    PS. Bend over Eric Shmuck and take it like a man!

  • Reply 9 of 148

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple's iOS devices also made up 32.6 percent of all overall mobile traffic, compared to just 14.8 percent for Android. Microsoft's Windows Phone, BlackBerry and other mobile platforms didn't represent enough activity to mention.


    Something doesn't add up here. If iOS and Android made 50% of all module traffic, and Windows and BB didn't account for much, then which platform accounted for a staggering 50% ?

  • Reply 10 of 148

    Whatever you do, avoid talking about how many more androids were sold world-wide during that same period as opposed to iOS devices.  Any guesses, 5 to 1, 10 to 1?  It's only a matter of time.  When there are 100 androids to every 1 iOS device, then everyone will wonder why we used iPad's at all?  Just like we do with iPod's now.  Reading the tea leaves is as easy as going to some chinese web site and looking up what kind of phablets are out there.  Apple is so far behind it is almost funny.

  • Reply 11 of 148
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member
    This is simply because iOS devices are the only ones worth using for anything meaningful. Most Android devices on the market are pathetically cheap, antiquated and can hardly make a phone call. Mind you, not all... But most of the "market share".

    Go to an airport or a Panera Bread and look around. What tablet or phone are people actually using for work and play? How many people are using their phablets to take any decent pictures or video? They are toys at best and landfill rubbish at worst.

    But there ARE good Android devices. The trouble is they cost as much as Apple devices so what's the value proposition?
  • Reply 12 of 148
    No surprise here! iPhone has cornered itself as an elite product with snobbish value. So, any gift giving season the sales of Apple products will spike up because of this factor. But in the long run and on a day to day basis this niche product is no match to the ever expanding (and equalizing) juggernaut of Android.
  • Reply 13 of 148
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by marsk View Post


    Android user are expecting everything must be free, and they are never going to spend any penny.


    Well this seems to confirm other studies that indicate iOS users are better educated, have higher socio-economic status, more disposable income and the inclination to spend that income on quality products. Those customers are very valuable to any brand and Apple apparently has them locked in.

  • Reply 14 of 148
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    almondroca wrote: »
    Stockholders who are mad they didn't get an iOS device for Christmas.
    To me Apple is the exact opposite of Amazon when it comes to Wall Street thinking. With Amazon Wall Street keeps pushing the stock up thinking, just wait, the huge profits going to come. With Apple it's the exact opposite. They can have record sales and profits but Wall Street thinks it's all coming to an end soon. They always find some antidote or some metric to prove that Apple is doomed. Even if Apple ports a blowout quarter next month Wallstreet will find some reason to pooh-pooh the numbers and drive the stock down.
  • Reply 15 of 148

    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post



    Something doesn't add up here. If iOS and Android made 50% of all module traffic, and Windows and BB didn't account for much, then which platform accounted for a staggering 50% ?

    I'm guessing that it's a typo...that it accounted for 50% (or so) of all online traffic not just mobile traffic.

  • Reply 16 of 148
    Speaking of IBM, they have a market cap of $201 billion and they have more patents than anyone... Apple should initiate a hostile takeover. :D
  • Reply 17 of 148
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by Ravi View Post

    No surprise here! iPhone has cornered itself as an elite product with snobbish value. So, any gift giving season the sales of Apple products will spike up because of this factor. But in the long run and on a day to day basis this niche product is no match to the ever expanding (and equalizing) juggernaut of Android.


    Well, as the saying goes, there are more cockroaches than humans on this planet. Does that make cockroaches better? But your use of the words “elite” and “snobbish” outs you as to which demographic you belong to. Those buzz words also make your zero day troll a complete failure. You need to do much better than this if you want to get banned quickly. We’ve gotten used to the maggot trolls.

  • Reply 18 of 148
    ravi wrote: »
    No surprise here! iPhone has cornered itself as an elite product with snobbish value. So, any gift giving season the sales of Apple products will spike up because of this factor. But in the long run and on a day to day basis this niche product is no match to the ever expanding (and equalizing) juggernaut of Android.
    I guess someone doesn't like to read facts? Get out of here you Android douche...
  • Reply 19 of 148
    starxdstarxd Posts: 128member

     Apple's iPhone and iPad represented the vast majority of U.S. online shopping and sales during Christmas, accounting for more than an 83 percent take of sales compared to Android.

    Wow, this is pretty bad reporting.  iOS did not represent the vast majority of U.S. "online shopping."  The stats are related to MOBILE shopping.  



     Despite having minority market share in the U.S.

    Are you sure about this?  iPhone is about 42% of the smart phone market in the US, but iOS also includes iPod Touch and iPad.  When those are included, I would guess that iOS has a higher market share than Android.  

  • Reply 20 of 148
    lkrupp wrote: »
    Well, as the saying goes, there are more cockroaches than humans on this planet. Does that make cockroaches better? But your use of the words “elite” and “snobbish” outs you as to which demographic you belong to. Those buzz words also make your zero day troll a complete failure. You need to do much better than this if you want to get banned quickly. We’ve gotten used to the maggot trolls.
    Couldn't have put it better myself! They always show up when you least want them, and scurry away when you shine some light on them.
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