Project "Glove" and "Lucida" in July



  • Reply 301 of 389
    - it's kreuzberg, anders...

    - i fell in love with the girl...

    - the lawn on the picture looks exactly like the lawn at infinite loop...
  • Reply 302 of 389
    nemnem Posts: 45member
    It seems very hard to hold on to... Imagine trying to grip that when it's wet during diving. It seems likely you'd slip, I say it's hard to believe that this is a final apple product.

    What's the connection between allen and the guy who posted this picture? Doesn't look like a piece of "art" as it was supposed to be. Is the picture just a hoax, inspired by the info from allen?
  • Reply 303 of 389
    - it's kreuzberg, anders...

    - i fell in love with the girl...

    - the lawn on the picture looks exactly like the lawn at infinite loop...
  • Reply 304 of 389
    gizwaldgizwald Posts: 39member
    Here's my anal analysis. If you think that the ramblings of a moron are worth anything, read on.

    On the "lens" area, I see a dark line in the surrounding grey plastic. Like the kind you would see in cheap, soft plastics. Not very appley. But, this may be a prototype.

    I don't see a vey big area for an LCD screen. Unless, it's on the side, which doesn make very much sense, ergonomically.

    Usually, "spy photo" photographers remove any evidence of the location that the photo was taken in. In this photo, you see that the image is outdoors, and you get a pretty good idea of who the photographer was with when the photo was taken. Seems a bit risky.

    If the photo was taken with the same device that is in the photo, it defenitely does not have a foveon X3 sensor, as was discussed on other threads. Too much color noise. I think Apple want to use this amazing new tech, if they could.

    I also want to see more of "lucida girl"

    Anyone agree/disagree?
  • Reply 305 of 389
    lucidalucida Posts: 104member
    <a href=""; target="_blank">girl</a>

    for Strangelove, Anders, Dennis the Phantom Menace et al

    The girl is in fact English...

    She works in Cambridge...

    She has tested more gadgets than any of us could dream about.
  • Reply 306 of 389
    havanashavanas Posts: 99member
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:

    Afaik MPEG4 was developed for low bandwidth (not as in 56k but as in difference between the medium and the information you want to send). By using that you limit yourself in a very early stage of production.<hr></blockquote>

    True... but does that look like a production camera to you? No, what this is a suped up PixelVision!!!! man I miss those things... shoot grainy b+w video onto a standard audio casette... edit in your tape deck.... dedicated real-time mpeg chips are a lot cheaper these days.... but yeah mpeg4 wouldn't make sense if you were gonna edit it later....

    according to some site, DV is 3.125 MB/sec which equals @11.250 GB/hour.... hmmm.... that would only be 53 minutes on an unformatted 10GB ipod drive...

    ...and where is the microphone jack?....

    my guess is that if this exists it is primarily a digital camera (not a dv cam) that may be able to also record short 15-30 second mp4 clips (with sound?)... and maybe a webcam to work in conjunction with QuicktimeBroadcaster...

    also when i open the icam jpeg in bbedit i saw headers with 'Photoshop 3.0' ...weird

    .... so unless apple has tiny 20GB drives(or an ipod raid ) in there... who knows.....

    EDIT - message got cut off last time............ ........... .......... .......... buffering just in case ....... ......

    [ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: havanas ]</p>
  • Reply 307 of 389
    jasonppjasonpp Posts: 308member
    All the newest digital cameras include unlimited video storage. The 15-90 second clips are for $100 Web cams now. If Apple comes out with that I'll be suprized, it's not forward looking or trend setting, it's a feauture popular 2 years ago.

    I'll buy a 1600x1200 image and 640x480 video capture hard drive based water proof 8 hour battery life "deck of cards sized" camera.
  • Reply 308 of 389
    jasonppjasonpp Posts: 308member
    She looks Polish.

    Germans have ugly sweaters. He he he.. just kidding my loud German friends...

    [ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: JasonPP ]</p>
  • Reply 309 of 389
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    Someone rehost the image...

  • Reply 310 of 389
    marcsirymarcsiry Posts: 27member
    In the first "iCam" pic, the entire image was blurry.

    The second "iCam" pic shows a sharper image of the girl, but the "iCam" remains blurry.

    One presumes Noahj has a clear image of the "iCam," but is obscuring the image of the "iCam" intentionally.

    Wonder why? <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
  • Reply 311 of 389
    bjnybjny Posts: 191member
    [quote]Originally posted by kormac77:

    <strong>How about this:

    this is came from one of the DV site,

    OK dv-meisters... There IS a proto-type camcorder floating around

    the Beta Test circuit... it is NOT by any of the majors like Pana, JVC

    or even Sony... it has little or NO moving parts... here's why. It has

    a 3 to 6 hour storage... it does not Need a battery, unless you call a

    watch battery a battery! So you do not need to charge it, it will

    charge in about an hour and last a day, charge in a day and seemingly

    last a week... really. It has no motors, no tape, no spinning disc or

    spinning anything... it is all solid state... a sort of... memory chip.

    It's high def but it does have in addition to a single FireWire port

    a USB in and out pair of sockets, an S-video socket and a BNC socket.

    It comes without a lens. I was told 'C' mount types will eventually

    be fitted. It had a Fujinon lens but I was told there are also other

    options available such as Leica, Zeiss and even Century! Weighs

    only a few pounds. It was bronze chromatic finish BTW and it was

    said to only cost about $1400 with out the lens. Will come with

    the 'C' mount adapter.

    More this weekend...



    IT does have Firewire & Hidef.


    [ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: kormac77 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>

    DVNEWS June 2002
  • Reply 312 of 389
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    [quote]Originally posted by BJNY:


    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>

    DVNEWS June 2002</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yes, quite possibly the ugliest site ever.

    J :cool:
  • Reply 313 of 389
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by BJNY:


    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>

    DVNEWS June 2002</strong><hr></blockquote>

    This has to be the worst/best example of improper use of a great domain name EVER.
  • Reply 314 of 389
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jamie:


    Yes, quite possibly the ugliest site ever.

    J :cool: </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Finally! Something we can ALL agree on!

    Better link: <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

  • Reply 315 of 389
    low-filow-fi Posts: 357member
    [quote]Originally posted by Gizwald:

    <strong>Here's my anal analysis. If you think that the ramblings of a moron are worth anything, read on.

    I don't see a vey big area for an LCD screen. Unless, it's on the side, which doesn make very much sense, ergonomically.

    Usually, "spy photo" photographers remove any evidence of the location that the photo was taken in. In this photo, you see that the image is outdoors, and you get a pretty good idea of who the photographer was with when the photo was taken. Seems a bit risky.

    If the photo was taken with the same device that is in the photo, it defenitely does not have a foveon X3 sensor, as was discussed on other threads. Too much color noise. I think Apple want to use this amazing new tech, if they could.

    Anyone agree/disagree?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Valid points, but I would certainly lean towards the prototype angle. Things are in flux in a prototype, and I hardly think Apple would give out two prototypes to the same person/set of testers.

    Put it like this, i wouldn't be worried if i was the girl (with looks like that, who would? ). They are not going to go chasing her directly, but rather the person who originally leaked the pics and prototype. Ooops to that person...

    The DV cam/still cam that site mentions sounds awfully Apple-esque in execution. If we ignore the picture. I would tend to go with the prototype idea. Looking at some of Apple's other prototypes in the AppleDesign book, the design process will go down many different roads before finally settling down on the right form and design ethos. This was the case with the iMac 2. And it will also be the case with anything Apple might be working on at the moment in this field.

  • Reply 316 of 389
    wwworkwwwork Posts: 140member
    A hard drive in a dv camera would not be that useful. If you turn it around and said this said camera could store 300 GB of data on tiny removable rewritable $5.00 cartridges that would look pretty good wouldn't it?

    First you capture, then you edit. You don't want to capture all the crap you shoot.

    A hard drive in a still camera could be useful in the way the IBM microdrive is useful.
  • Reply 317 of 389
    philbotphilbot Posts: 240member
    <a href=""; target="_blank">iCam Pic (With Girl)</a>

    [ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: philbot ]</p>
  • Reply 318 of 389
    [quote]Originally posted by philbot:

    <strong><a href=""; target="_blank">iCam Pic (With Girl)</a>

    [ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: philbot ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yes, lets post a picture of the person testing the hardware so we can get them fired. Wow, and Kormac confirmed it so it must be true. Give me a break. This is just too much BS to handle. I must get some fresh air. The stench!
  • Reply 319 of 389
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Only if Apple sue her will we ever know who she really is so the end justifies the means

    Sorry. I just can´t take it serious. This spraypainted-oversize-Lego-trucktire has as much to do with anything from Apple as Jobs has with McD.

    And a special "Hello" goes out to Peter and Bill from Apples AI watch team. Thank you for proving that this is NOTHING by NOT pulling the pic from IAJ/Kormac´s Mac account. Have a nice summer in Jobs bunker.
  • Reply 320 of 389
    [quote]Originally posted by superd:

    <strong>I do however believe that Kormacs little tidbit, could lend a whole lot of credibility to the whole lucinda concept.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The site that Kormac got that "tidbit" from is notorious for having incorrect information. They are totally clueless. They make YourDailyMac look good.
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