Nintendo Game Cube vs. Microsoft X Box



  • Reply 21 of 107
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:

    <strong>Halo will be a good game, despite what M$ may have done to it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Halo was a huge disappointment when i played it at the &lt;a href=""&gt;XBox Odyssey Tour&lt;/a&gt; in Santa Monica. The movement takes some getting used to (the xbox controller does NOT make this any easier) and the gameplay is mediocre at best. I must admit the Halo World looks great - but it still feels like you're moving in slow motion when navigating the world. At least the story is interesting ...Maybe my expectations were too high...

    The Good:

    Environment graphics


    Enemy AI

    Single player story

    The Bad:

    Weapon selection

    Multiplayer - Nothing revolutionary at all.

    The Ugly:

    Control of player

    Control of vehicles (jeep especially)

    Ally AI - they seem lost half the time

    While the GameCube does not boast the superior hardware... most of their games have a very high 'fun factor' and stress gameplay. It felt good to leave the XBox event knowing their launch games suck
  • Reply 22 of 107
    I plan on buyingtwo XBoxes and two GameCubes in a profiteering experiment. I have a GameCube bundle preordered from Amazon.

    Apparently Nintendo has given the go ahead to retailers to sell GameCubes when they choose. I called all over but wasn't able to find a local store that was going to jump the Sunday launch date.

    The winner of the 2001 and 2002 console wars will continue to be Sony, though I'm a Nintendo fan. Nintendo will be a distan 2nd and Microsoft will be way behind them both.

    The barriers MS has to deal with? 1) Price. 2) Underdog status. 3) Rate of production.

    The things MS has going for them? 1) The warchest...limitless funding. 2) It plays DVDs and comes with a HDD...

    Whether that's worththe extra $100 is up to you. I prefer the exclusive Nintendo games, the exclusive Resdient Evil, titles from Rare, etc.
  • Reply 23 of 107
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Actually, I believe you have to buy a $40 remote control from Microsoft to watch DVDs on the X box.
  • Reply 24 of 107
    Both of those boxes suck. It's all about the PS2 baby!!
  • Reply 25 of 107
    I haven't used either, but I suspect that MS's thing will just steal marketshare from PC gaming machines. Maybe they think they can get more money that way.
  • Reply 26 of 107
    [quote]Originally posted by Mac The Fork:

    <strong>...MS's thing will just steal marketshare from PC gaming machines....</strong><hr></blockquote>

    In a perfect mac world... &lt;start cool dream effect here&gt;

    this would mean that PC game sales would drop and be so low that all game developers made games for BOTH platforms in order to pull any profit. all games are shipped on hybrid cd's. simultaneous release becomes a reality...

    &lt;rude disruption of dream effect here&gt;

  • Reply 27 of 107
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    If the multiplayer games are good for any of the consoles, then I would definitely expect some manufacturer's that make games exclusively for the PC to make them for the console. Luckily, though, the Game Cube uses a PPC, so if the game is on the Game Cube, it should be easily ported to the Mac, right?
  • Reply 28 of 107
    daverdaver Posts: 496member
    I'm not as vehemently anti-Microsoft as I was in my younger years, but neither I nor my PC-using roommates plan on getting an Xbox. We played around with one at the local EB ... what a disgusting controller! We're not very impressed with its launch games or ridiculous Canadian price, either.

    We plan to obtain a Gamecube in the near future.

    [drool] Rogue Leader ... [/drool]
  • Reply 29 of 107
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Did you see is advertising an early launch for the cube?

    Too bad its not true, though.
  • Reply 30 of 107
    daverdaver Posts: 496member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:

    <strong>Did you see is advertising an early launch for the cube?

    Too bad its not true, though. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Nintendo did give the thumbs-up to sell them whenever inventory arrives ...
  • Reply 31 of 107
    I think that the consoles are all equal enough right now that no one really has the edge.

    PS2 has DVD out of the box.

    XBox has most raw processing power.

    GameCube is cheapest.

    Playstation and Nintendo both have loyal developer support (Square, LucasArts to name two....) and Nintendo is known for making very high quality games in-house (Zenda^3 is gonna rock). XBox will get lots of big computer games. The only probably I can see with XBox developer-wise is that many computer games do not translate well into console games, esp. FPS's and RTS's, two of the biggest and most profitable genres.

    All the consoles have killer games. PS2 has FFX eventually, GC will have Zelda and Metroid^3 as well as Soul Calibre 2. XBox? I'm sure they'll have one eventually....

    I wish I had money.
  • Reply 32 of 107
    I was able to play Rogue Leader the other day and was amazed! I'm not much into any other games on that platform, though.

    With Halo and the slew of sports titles coming out for the xBox, I don't see how it would lose in the states.
  • Reply 33 of 107
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by Enigma:


    Halo was a huge disappointment when i played it at the &lt;a href=""&gt;XBox Odyssey Tour&lt;/a&gt; in Santa Monica. The movement takes some getting used to (the xbox controller does NOT make this any easier) and the gameplay is mediocre at best. I must admit the Halo World looks great - but it still feels like you're moving in slow motion when navigating the world. At least the story is interesting ...Maybe my expectations were too high...

    The Good:

    Environment graphics


    Enemy AI

    Single player story

    The Bad:

    Weapon selection

    Multiplayer - Nothing revolutionary at all.

    The Ugly:

    Control of player

    Control of vehicles (jeep especially)

    Ally AI - they seem lost half the time

    While the GameCube does not boast the superior hardware... most of their games have a very high 'fun factor' and stress gameplay. It felt good to leave the XBox event knowing their launch games suck </strong><hr></blockquote>

    No, I've played Halo too and absolutely I agree with you. I went in there with low expectations for the game, and left unimpressed. There's too much hype about the graphics and not enough focus on making it playable. Considering how gamers usually fight over every single little fps, lots of people will be disappointed.
  • Reply 34 of 107
    [quote]Originally posted by Solishu:


    All the consoles have killer games. PS2 has FFX eventually, GC will have Zelda and Metroid^3 as well as Soul Calibre 2. XBox? I'm sure they'll have one eventually....


    Have you seen DOA3 for XBox? Drool... Fuzion Frenzy looks to be fun and had great feedback during play testing. XBox is going to get some killer games from Sega now too, and Square will release future Final Fantasy games on mulitple platforms (I think this will include Xbox). Yum yum, now if only i had money
  • Reply 35 of 107
    I'm extremly unimpressed with the Game Cube games.

    Luigi's Mansion?

    That Monkey In A Bubble Game?

    The others previewed on Extended Play?

    Sorry, but there really doesn't seem to be much "WOW" factor in any of them. And it seems to me that Nintendo is just milking its old properties one time too many and there really doesn't seem to be much that is remotely revolutionary. Call it Nintendo 64 2.0.


    [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: DoctorGonzo ]</p>
  • Reply 36 of 107
    Square is unlikely to support XBox.First, they want to make amends with Nintendo badly, and Nintendo isn't exactly happy with them. Nintendo will only let Square develop for GameCube on its terms. That means completely ignoring XBox and scaling back on PS2 projects.

    Sure, DoctorGonzo, Luigi's Mansion isn't all that, and nor is Super Monkey Ball for many. Chu-Chu Rocket wasn't exactly the best looking game either. And what about Bomberman and other puzzle games?

    You are ignoring Resident Evil, SoulCalibur 2, Eternal Darkness, Rogue Leader, Phantasy Star Online, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Pikmin, Batman Vengeance, etc.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    They both have solid line-ups, but not compared to:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    It's like measuring down the XBox because Antz Racing is going to suck...

    [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: gnuami ]</p>
  • Reply 37 of 107
    I'd have to say that both Luigi's Mansion and Super Monkey Ball, while perhaps unimpressive visually (which I don't think is true, but I could see how someone else might think it is), are revolutionary in gameplay value. And that, after all, is what it comes down to. If you haven't played either yet, get thee to a Toys R Us or a Buy Me Toys or whatever and try them out. Amazingly fun. You can have all the accelerated graphics processors in the world running 4 billion fps, but a game that is not fun will still not be fun. It'll be pretty, but not enjoyable. Take the lure of Shigeru Miyamoto (that spelling may be way off) early games (Legend of Zelda, Mario 1, etc.). The graphics eat it by today's standards, but I still play them all the time because the gameplay is soo good and they are still so much fun.

    The X-Box has some good games coming out for it, but the poorly designed controller I think ruins the experience.
  • Reply 38 of 107
    jutusjutus Posts: 272member
    Anyone know if a Gran Turismo-ish game is in the pipeline for GameCube?

    Or is it stuck with kart racing...
  • Reply 39 of 107
    gordygordy Posts: 1,004member
    I always buy Nintendo consoles when they come out, and end up giving them away. So, I'll buy the GameCube, then I'll remember that I'm not a gamer, and give it to one of my nephews for Christmas.

    I wholeheartedly agree with the notion that Nintendo is the Apple of game consoles, because they handle both hardware and software.
  • Reply 40 of 107
    I want to buy a Gamecube cause games like Rouge Leader and Monkey Ball and, even though its not exclusive Tony Hawk 3!!! I am a bit of a Nintendo fanboy though.

    The X Box does have some cool games though and I think I heard somewhere that Sega's new arcade hardware is going to be based on the X Box which would give them many class games. I don't know why Sega's supporting MS soooo much though. It would have been sooo much cooler if they supported Nintendo much more strongly.

    Anyway, I'm gonna get a Gamecube first then later a PS2 cause it does have many decent games which can be easily pirated and is cheap (£199)!
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