Ah, sorry; forgot I don’t have it quoted anymore. “The only thing more insecure than Android devices is the userbase,” or something of that nature.
The phrasing of your 'Holy crap' comment insinuated that this was the only aspect of what I'm trying to say but that's neither here nor there at this point. The things I've stated are valid in terms of device size to screen size in general compared to the competition, lower and non-standard screen resolutions, and the size to cost ratio compared to the competition as well.
Lastly what does the Android user base or the insecurity of their OS have to do with design, shape, and screen resolutions?
4.7" is just a diagonal measurement. The vertical could be shorter and horizontal longer and vice/versa... Apple has already shown that they aren't afraid to make an awkward odd, nonstandard choice when it comes to physical dimensions and it looks like that is what they are doing again... Making the phone longer and not really wider which honestly doesn't do much in the way of actually improving user experience and somewhat limits the benefits of having a larger display to begin with. Thing's won't be 'bigger' in a sense and only content that will benefit from it is scrolling content like a book or webpages because it's less to scroll but the images and things you actually look at won't gain any size of significance. Essentially if the rumors are true and this is the phone, they are giving us all the drawbacks of a bigger phone without the 25% of the benefits. So essentially the Apple haters who produced this meme were dead on:
Like I said, On a 16:9 AR. If you do 21: 9, the next likely AR
4.7" is 10.97cm × 4.7cm
5.5" is 12.84cm × 5.5cm
Since there is an minimal and maximal width of a phone for comfortable use. Both are very unlikely.
That was one point of the several other things that I've brought up yes. That was not the entirety of the 'argument' as you put it, no.
Nor did I claim it was the entirety.
Ah, sorry; forgot I don’t have it quoted anymore. “The only thing more insecure than Android devices is the userbase,” or something of that nature.
Nor did I claim it was the entirety.
Ah, sorry; forgot I don’t have it quoted anymore. “The only thing more insecure than Android devices is the userbase,” or something of that nature.
The phrasing of your 'Holy crap' comment insinuated that this was the only aspect of what I'm trying to say but that's neither here nor there at this point. The things I've stated are valid in terms of device size to screen size in general compared to the competition, lower and non-standard screen resolutions, and the size to cost ratio compared to the competition as well.
Lastly what does the Android user base or the insecurity of their OS have to do with design, shape, and screen resolutions?
4.7" is just a diagonal measurement. The vertical could be shorter and horizontal longer and vice/versa... Apple has already shown that they aren't afraid to make an awkward odd, nonstandard choice when it comes to physical dimensions and it looks like that is what they are doing again... Making the phone longer and not really wider which honestly doesn't do much in the way of actually improving user experience and somewhat limits the benefits of having a larger display to begin with. Thing's won't be 'bigger' in a sense and only content that will benefit from it is scrolling content like a book or webpages because it's less to scroll but the images and things you actually look at won't gain any size of significance. Essentially if the rumors are true and this is the phone, they are giving us all the drawbacks of a bigger phone without the 25% of the benefits. So essentially the Apple haters who produced this meme were dead on:
Like I said, On a 16:9 AR. If you do 21: 9, the next likely AR
4.7" is 10.97cm × 4.7cm
5.5" is 12.84cm × 5.5cm
Since there is an minimal and maximal width of a phone for comfortable use. Both are very unlikely.