Apple's iPhone 5c ate up Android while Google's Moto X flopped: why everyone was wrong



  • Reply 61 of 218
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,911member
    Originally Posted by AppeX View Post

    The main iOS failures:

    - Missing true USB ports. Just connect a USB pendrive to share files.

    - Missing a decent file system (like the Mac has). Just connect a USB pendrive to see and share files.

    - Jailed. Just connect a USB pendrive to share files.

    - Sanboxed files and applications. Open any file with any application.

    - Expensive. Price should be slashed in half.

    Those are deal breakers for hundreds of millions of people. Will Apple learn or will it go the path of the Mac and iOS will eventually become a niche market?


    iOS devices are not computers. They're not going to be computers so stop trying to make it a computer. Its a mobile device and it works extremely well for what it does. You don't complicate a simple mobile OS that even my 71 yr old Dad can figure out with minimal training, or a 2yr old. This is what makes the iPhone and iOS what it is and why it sells so well. Its simple, elegant, and easily upgraded year after year with support to older iOS devices. 


    If you want what you think millions of people want, then go buy an android phone. Just because this is what you and a couple friends want, doesn't mean millions of other people want this. I'd like to see where you got millions of other people want this.  I think Apple is well aware of what people want in the next iPhone. Its not like they sit on their ass all day and just release something. 


    Sharing files via AirDrop, iMessage, etc are extremely easy and more convenient than using external storage. I'm not sure why you're caught up on sharing files with USB. Why would you want to carry around a 2nd device just to share a file when in 2-3 taps of the phone (or iPad) you can push a file to someone more easily. Again, trying to make an iOS device a computer. 


    Price, well you lost there too. Even low income families can afford an iPhone of some model. Apple doesn't make cheap crap. If you want cheap crap, go buy an android phone and thats exactly what you'll get. 

  • Reply 62 of 218
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member
    I am glad to say I called this multiple times in these forums. 5C. C = champion
  • Reply 63 of 218
    The problem with the media isn't the reports (not directly anyway) but with the medium used to publish.

    When content was printed on paper "journalists" were subjected to strong editorial review because of limited publishing space. Publishing on the internet, where space is not a concern, all editorial review disappeared with even bad reporting encouraged as a means to drive eyeballs, and by extension, advertising dollars. To a great extent the same thing happened with cable TV. All those channels need content, and there just isn't enough quality content to fill them. The result is 100 variants of "Swamp People" like programming.

    Taking the easy path is what unskilled, uninformed and lazy charlatans do. Nowhere is that better illustrated than in "reporting" on Apple.
  • Reply 64 of 218
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,104member

    September will bring the hammer down... The 5c and 4s will step down in price to $449 and $349.  And, Apple will increase the high end offering. Broadening of the portfolio and price points will both allow Apple to take profit and market share.   It is a beautiful strategy  

  • Reply 65 of 218
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    dachar wrote: »
    I don't know how Tim Cook can say 85% of purchasers go the iPhone 4S are new to iOS . When I purchased one for my wife from an Apple store no one asked me any questions like this and when I took out a monthly contract for an iPhone 5 no questions were asked either.

    So now you speak for everyone? I'm sure Apple and its carrier partners share info.
    euphonious wrote: »
    Is anyone who disagrees with the prevailing opinion a troll?

    No but calling a lack of USB as a failure is trollish.
  • Reply 66 of 218
    Interesting article - I did perceive a lot of anti iPhone 5c media talk. To summize the article, when Apple lowers prices it's a sign of failure and weakness, when google lowers prices it's aggressive and innovative. I totally see that.

    I will say that I don't see anti apple talk in the press to the degree that some do. Don't forget the lot of articles that praise Apple online and in papers. Go to the Verge - what's their highest rated products, by far? There are certain sites and authors that are anti-Apple, and they are frustrating to listen to, I choose to stay away from them. Like cnet - they have a whole channel devoted to Apple, but it's negative. Why create a channel about something you don't like?

    To add to the article, does anybody remember when google bought Motorola, the marketing spin google sent to the press was: 'this will super-charge the android ecosystem.' I don't think Android is now super-charged. Did they ever super-charge it? I think that Apple is turbo-charged. Maybe nothing about android needs to change, and it is super-charged just because it has been super-charged?
  • Reply 67 of 218
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

     ..... What's also pathetic is how MG Siegler has become a complete Google shill .......

    News of a blogger who seemingly "switches sides" is not uncommon lately. Witness Florian Mueller's more recent blogs, for example. The thing that I find "interesting" is how it seems to be happening at a quicker pace since it was revealed that Samsung (and presumably others) were actually paying people to blog favourably toward them and unfavourably  towards Apple. Coincidence?  Maybe, but I think this issue will be one we learn a lot more about in the very near future. It should prove interesting, in either case. 

  • Reply 68 of 218
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post



    Is anyone who disagrees with the prevailing opinion a troll?


    If somebody keeps rehashing the same stupid talking points from a decade ago, that have all been proven wrong, then yes, they are a troll. They were wrong then and they're even more wrong now. Nobody wants to listen to somebody who is delusional.

  • Reply 69 of 218
    muadibemuadibe Posts: 135member

    Originally Posted by Dachar View Post

    I don't know how Tim Cook can say 85% of purchasers go the iPhone 4S are new to iOS . When I purchased one for my wife from an Apple store no one asked me any questions like this and when I took out a monthly contract for an iPhone 5 no questions were asked either.

    I  assume you have an Apple ID? Now think about it again just for a few.  See now how they might be able to tell?

  • Reply 70 of 218
    muadibemuadibe Posts: 135member

    Originally Posted by RadarTheKat View Post

    Whenever I see a new DED article, I immediately drop what I'm doing, go find a comfortable place to sit and settle in for a good read, of both the article and associated comments. Which is what I'm going to do right now with this article.

    Agreed.  He's the Rachel Maddow of tech journalism.  Pays attention to the details and explains them well.

  • Reply 71 of 218
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by muadibe View Post


    Agreed.  He's the Rachel Maddow of tech journalism.  Pays attention to the details and explains them well.

    Please leave politics out of it.


    Being compared to that woman is a huge insult. She's about as honest as Samsung's benchmarks are.

  • Reply 72 of 218
    rolyroly Posts: 76member

    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post


    Dilger, why are you obsessed with perpetuating this narrative that analysts and the media have it in for Apple? Every 'editorial' is crammed with 'evidence' that the media downplays Apple's successes and accentuates its failures, and that the opposite is true for Android manufacturers.


    Frankly you seem to have something approaching an obsession with Google and Android OEMs. 

    Perhaps because they are?

  • Reply 73 of 218
    muadibemuadibe Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    Please leave politics out of it.


    Being compared to that woman is a huge insult. She's about as honest as Samsung's benchmarks are.

    Um, Rachel Maddow is a person.  My comparison is clearly stated and it is not a political one.  Check your mirror on that point.   Same holds true for the comparison being an insult.  Only DED could actually make that point since it is HIS skills, not yours, that I compare.

  • Reply 74 of 218
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Originally Posted by muadibe View Post


    Um, Rachel Maddow is a person.  My comparison is clearly stated and it is not a political one.  Check your mirror on that point.   Same holds true for the comparison being an insult.  Only DED could actually make that point since it is HIS skills, not yours, that I compare.

    Yes she is a person, and what is she known for? Being an incredibly biased political host on an incredibly biased propaganda cable channel that hardly anybody watches. 

  • Reply 75 of 218
    hametahameta Posts: 79member
    [B][I][SIZE=5][COLOR=#39c]Even After " FIASCO " of Google's Latest Earning Conference Call Last Week 16/April/2014, The Motley Fool - Ishfaque Faruk Wrote SUCH BOGUS ARTICLE !!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B]

    [B][I][SIZE=5][COLOR=#f0f]Google Inc's Earnings Confirm Its Moat Is Stronger Than Ever
    By Ishfaque Faruk
    April 21, 2014 .[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B]

    [B]Google's (NASDAQ: GOOG ) been performing very well. The divestiture of Motorola Mobility benefits Google's robust margin profile. The company's market leadership positions in search, online video, and mobile operating systems are stronger than ever, and they will drive the company's stock price higher in the future.[/B]

    [B][I][SIZE=5][COLOR=red]But The TRUTH IS :[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B]

    [B][I][SIZE=5][COLOR=#f0c]Google Reported Revenue ex-traffic Acquisition costs of $11.33 billion, well below the Wall Street Estimates at $11.9 billion.
    Non-GAAP EPS of $9.03 a share was down from $9.72 a year ago, and DRAMATICALLY BELOW The Street Consensus at $10.65 a share.
    Non-GAAP operating margin plunged to 27%, from 37% in the year ago quarter.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B]
  • Reply 76 of 218
    Originally Posted by AppeX View Post

    The main iOS failures:

    - Missing true USB ports. Just connect a USB pendrive to share files.

    - Missing a decent file system (like the Mac has). Just connect a USB pendrive to see and share files.

    - Jailed. Just connect a USB pendrive to share files.

    - Sanboxed files and applications. Open any file with any application.

    - Expensive. Price should be slashed in half.

    Those are deal breakers for hundreds of millions of people. Will Apple learn or will it go the path of the Mac and iOS will eventually become a niche market?


    LOL. 1995 called. They want their PC-centric computing paradigm back.


    Those are only deal breakers for those stuck in the past.


    The Post-PC revolution will be centered on pervasive wireless access to content and services. Your devices will merely cache a copy of what's in the cloud. Ever heard of Wi-fi? I can create document or images and they're automatically sync'd with the cloud. I can send them to anyone via email. Why do I need a USB memory stick when everyone and every device is connected by this invisible thing called the Internet? And "real file systems"? What good are they except to force you to deal with them, like middlemen? In the Post-PC era, you'll use Google-style keyword searches (iOS Spotlight or Windows Search) to directly get to your files.


    Keep your old ways. We'll see who won in 10 years.

  • Reply 77 of 218
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    I do think iOS will introduce a limited file system or file sharing on the publish and subscribe models. That is, the user is asked if he wants to save his PDFs to be visible across all PDF readers and to subscribe to read other PDFs published by other apps.

    That's hardly destroying the sandbox model, as it is how writing to and reading from contacts, photos etc. work now.
  • Reply 78 of 218

    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post


    Is anyone who disagrees with the prevailing opinion a troll?


    No. This topic has been covered many times before.

    Trolling is about forum conduct and intent, not merely about opinion.

  • Reply 79 of 218
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    euphonious wrote: »
    Dilger, why are you obsessed with perpetuating this narrative that analysts and the media have it in for Apple? Every 'editorial' is crammed with 'evidence' that the media downplays Apple's successes and accentuates its failures, and that the opposite is true for Android manufacturers.

    Frankly you seem to have something approaching an obsession with Google and Android OEMs. 
    His article are one of the only that outs this blatant media bashing of Apple. I rarely see a positive Apple article. From what I am bombarded with daily you would think Apple was about to go out of business, instead of being the highest values company in the world. Everything he said was on point. The part that I found odd was Google actually missed on earnings this month and I have only seen one article on it. And that was via the yahoo stock app on my iPhone. As many article that praise Google on the Apple fan sites that get shoved down our throats, this somehow was unimportant to anyone. Apple has the best Quarter ever and the only thing written about for the next month is anything negative they can dig up from the release.

    I hate to say it, but it's so biased that there must be a motive. I would hate to think these people are all on the take, but they may have another reason. Keep in mind the Money is online and Google controls search. Screw up and like they did to iTunes searches before being caught, your site might end up at the end of results. Some sites use Google exclusively for their ads. This means they Google is directly linked to them making any money.
  • Reply 80 of 218
    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    September will bring the hammer down... The 5c and 4s will step down in price to $449 and $349.  And, Apple will increase the high end offering. Broadening of the portfolio and price points will both allow Apple to take profit and market share.   It is a beautiful strategy  


    I agree Apple's strategy is without peer. I wonder if it'd be cheaper (plastic vs metal) and simpler just to drop the 3.5" 4S this fall when they add the larger screen size phone. Or maybe they'll give the 4S another year. Either way growth in iPhone sales will continue through the next cycle. Just as they never dropped into the sub-$500 laptop market, I doubt they'll ever drop into the sub-$300 phone market.

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