Apple reportedly nearing $3.2B acquisition of Beats Electronics



  • Reply 41 of 257
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,865member
    I doubt the FT is immune from the spreading of false rumors by parties which may have an interest in starting a bidding war.

    I only ask as I don't read that paper these days. I assume this is the UK paper?
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  • Reply 42 of 257
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    This would be jumping the shark. Big time.
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  • Reply 43 of 257
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I wonder if it's their streaming music service that Apple wants?
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  • Reply 44 of 257
    macky the mackymacky the macky Posts: 4,801member
    I agree Yahoo would add value to Apple.

    ...and give Google something to worry about.

    I still hold that Google stealing Apple's IP will cost them mightily in the long run, and I won't shed a tear.
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  • Reply 45 of 257
    bwana_dikbwana_dik Posts: 85member
    Awful, over-priced headphones. A low-volume music subscription service. What's the attraction for a company such as Apple? I just don't see this happening.
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  • Reply 46 of 257
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,865member
    ...and give Google something to worry about.

    I still hold that Google stealing Apple's IP will cost them mightily in the long run, and I won't shed a tear.

    I truly hope so.
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  • Reply 47 of 257
    verucabongverucabong Posts: 28member
    Please let this not be true. Beats are complete garbage and I'd hate for Apple to associate their name with those hunks of garbage.
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  • Reply 48 of 257

    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post

    I, for one, am ready for the iBeat ____ jokes.?

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  • Reply 49 of 257
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,301member
    Apple + Beats = hipster paradise?
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  • Reply 50 of 257
    captkarmacaptkarma Posts: 1member
    Seems most agree that Beats are over valued, heavily based average consumer headphones and Apple should be interested in better products but I think Apple is looking at the Engineers and not the products. Someone in Engineering Apple thinks has what they want and is willing to pay.
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  • Reply 51 of 257

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  • Reply 52 of 257
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member


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  • Reply 53 of 257
    malomalo Posts: 19member
    Eager to hear confirmation from Apple. Beats has done a wonderful job of branding, and they have emulated Apples business model, integrating hardware with software.

    The acquisition may be a bit off the norm for Apple but there are advantages here for Apple to segment Beats - have their products cater to customers at the low end of the price tier, which would help Apple remain Apple.

    Even a phone perhaps ...
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  • Reply 54 of 257
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    I have a hard time believing Apple would be purchasing Beats for their hardware. If Apple was looking to get into the audio business there's plenty of better companies they could purchase. I'm guessing its the streaming music side of the house. Maybe Apple has big plans to shake up iTunes or something.
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  • Reply 55 of 257
    curtis hannahcurtis hannah Posts: 1,834member
    Well androids featuring beats are going to be different then.
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  • Reply 56 of 257
    georgeip5georgeip5 Posts: 225member
    Looks beats I don't like the quality of the sound becasue they insane the base but the design is great. Maybe is patents Apple is going after and also they could probably some how use them in iWatch or Apple Watch.
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  • Reply 57 of 257
    512ke512ke Posts: 782member

    Hmm.  Apple obviously already has iTunes radio and Apple branded earbud headphones.  Apple also has the #1 brand in every demographic including teens.  So if Apple buy Beats, then Beats must have something ELSE that Apple wants and/or needs.

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  • Reply 58 of 257
    lightstrikerlightstriker Posts: 458member

    LOL overpriced buyouts are not Apple's forte. Maybe its MS, Google or Facebook. 

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  • Reply 59 of 257
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    This sounds like such BS, and especially for that price. What could Apple possibly gain from this?


    Is their subscription service any threat to Apple?


    I listen to my music and all audio using as clean an audio path as possible. Why in the hell would anybody want to bastardize and mutilate their music by applying some sort of "Beats audio" filter or whatever the hell it is to it? Beats audio didn't exactly help HTC sell that many phones I think.


    I am 100% against all such concepts, and I never use "sound enhancer" on iTunes either.


    I sure as hell hope that Beats Audio won't be built into any future Apple products. If that happens, then there had better be a damn option to turn the crap off, if that's what the customer desires, and that's exactly what this customer desires.


    Whenever I see somebody walking down the street with Beats headphones, I instantly know that they are clueless about audio, somebody probably took a crap in their ears, and 9 out of 10 times, they look like complete dorks.

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  • Reply 60 of 257
    amtwwgamtwwg Posts: 12member

    I absolutely believe it's true-- though think the price might be a bit high. It makes perfect sense. Beats is a premium-priced brand of headphones. There's nothing that amuses me more than reading all these apple fan bois-- of which I am one-- denigrate Beats because they are "over-priced for what you get". Isn't that the same argument we've heard from the WIndows and Android crowd for years and in all product categories? I don't own a pair but I know people that do and they love them. The company know how to market-- I'm a frequent traveler and just as most tablets I see on a flight are Ipads, most over-ear headphones I see are Beats, and not just on kids. They clearly aren't pieces of crap as prevalent as they are in the current culture.


    I think a  big part of this acquisition that seems to be being over-looked is how this plays into the wearable market. Audio technology will play a big part in whatever that market ends up looking like. You add the licensing issues tied with a subscription type service and it seems pretty logical to me, if at a bit of a premium.

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